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To Iho Residents of tin \vi icn in i)uin‘(lm. <!mii t lull tn call on #1! I o' - fic < BK«B TAIL OE ocTAca>x buildings, DUNEDIN. V VKU !•'!•:( 'T FIT IS CLAHANTEFH, AND TH E WORK M ANSIII F IS KM IST C I.AsS. LAD ES TAILORING A SPECIALITY. Costumes from .I' 4. DEINJ 1 H p M U ft S Ml- w .-m* - rV ifisaosac ■vaera --wr.-g r7Tv*^fl ABSOLUTELY THE HILT IN THE MARKET. Ask your Storekeeper (;ov it, ami sec that you Coupons arc placed in every tin, ami prizes run from :2s Gel to .■£!) us for the largest numliei 1 of coupons posted to the sole Proprietors of Pds eelehrated Tea. LSON 1) {] N E I) I X. PALES AND F.CZSMA QUABANTEED CUKE. ALSO FEMALE COMPLAINTS. PILE OINTMENT, 2s Gel per boz. ECZEMA OINTMENT, 1s Gel per box. CAUTION. —Thatmy Soup for Eczema and Skin Disease is net genuine without tin word M ANS.V\ 11A and the 1 FAD!'. M Als 1v on e\s ry A rapper. LI VKU MIXTURE cannot lie omalleil. LEGAL TESTIMONIAL for LIYEU TILLS. VVunderfill Cures effected daily. To Mas Towlkii— Waiwera South, May loth, 1900. Dear Madam, —For five years f have suffered with severe irritation and intense heat in my legs nnd other parts of my body, i tried several things, hut got ,no n lief until 1 trad your M ansa vita Soap and Ointment. Before 1 used the one box of„eaeh 1. felt as well as ever I did. I would not do without them. They have done me more goad than all the doctors put together. I shall have great pleasure in recommending your remedies to anyone suffering as I have done. Tlcase accept my sincere thanks. 1 thiuk'you thoroughly undei stand all female complaints. Yours faithfully, MRS ELIZABETH ALMOND. To Mrs Towler. City road, Roslyn, June 12, 1900. 'This is to certify that, after suffering for about nine years with indigest ion, liver, and Kidney troubles, and being under several doctors, who failed to do me any good, 1 have J . a . i • .. .... . i *~c At \u, «.Uv been completely cured by taking one boxjof your Mausavita pills About three months ago 1 was advised to try your remedy, with the result that my life, which was formerly misery has now become a pleasure. 1 can highly recommend your remedy to all as a permanent cure • also your Cough Mixture, which is a wonderfully rapid cure for colds, Yours truly. " JOHN YAUGHAN WAR DROP. To Mr.s, Bridge Hotel, Kdtangata, Sole Proprietress of the great Mansavitn Remedies (registered). October H>, 189b. Dear Madam, —I wish publicly to thank you for what your remedie have done for mo. The Liniment is a splendid preparation for Rheumatism, Fains in the Limbs, and Neuralgia, and your Liver Mixtcrr is a wonderful cure for Indigestion, Constipation, I’,ibis iii the Chest, and General Debility. 1 would sincerely advise any s fferer to apply to you for advice in any female complaint, I consider you have a great knowledge and experience of all kinds of diseases. I have the greatest faith and confidence iu'you, having myself tested youi abilities. Both my husband and myself thank you for what you have done for me when 1 was in a very serious condition i f ill health. There are plenty know me who can vouch for this true statement, that inly for you I should in all probability be in my grave. Trusting you may bo long spared to give other sullen;, a the ben-fit of your experience.— Voars sincerely, MARGARET McCORLV. Mrs TOWLER is not a surgeon, but takes her place in the ranks of ladies who make a Special y of certain Branches of .Medicine—the branch in which the many well-known testimonials both in Dunedin and other parts of the colony, fu’lv hear out. She has b-en mosi successful in the THE ATM ENT of PILES, ECZEMA, WOUNDS, BAD LEGS, and ALL SKIN DISEASI-S, MRS TOWLER is also a SPECIALIST for FEMALE COMPLAINTS. The Meduints used nave a most important Hall Mark, in that they are all prepare d under her pason.d supervision, and Registered and Protected throughout Australasia. Sufferers ot both sexes should write ot call and see MRS TOWLER, ami get the benefit of an expeldeuce ranging over many years, both at Home, the Continent, Africa, and all the colonies. MRS TOWLER GUARANTEES A CURE. ALL interviews and communications strictly confidential. Stamped envelope for reply. Address: MRS TOWLER, !5, HOY AI. AItOA DE, DUNE D 1 X. 11l I i in « I las Loon appointed Agent for the Wakatipu District for the Sale of the above Company s Celebrated Machinery. Every information respecting Price, Terms, The., on application. li. 15. S. lias also made arrangements for the supply of i )ONAGI IVS BIN I) IN (J TWIN K for the ensuing harvest, at Prices and Terms that will defy competition. CULTIVATOR AND BINDER DUPI.ICATKS KEPT IN STOCK HENRY 15. SMITH, Arrow-town, August 18, 185)6. Wiltshire Street, Arrow-town. jSk. 'XKr •OSAtiOX'JTCii g M (Aka, War Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Paia in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling after meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costivcness, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c. Tine first Dosk wii.r, oivk iklihk in twknty minutes. This fs no fiction. Every sufferer is earnestly in led to try one Box of these Pills, and they will ho acknowledged to b* “ WORTH A GUINEA A DON." BEECH AM’S PUT -S, taken as directed, will quickly restore females to complete health. They promptly remove any obstruction or irregularity of the system. Fur a "Weak Stomach.; Impaired Digestion; Disordered Livor; th«y aot liko A fow «Dhom will wo.Jc wont I Mumoulhe ; r^«toiling tlm luml (’umplnxi nj-ou/rliiß will) th* Konunur* or Hicaktii II.«• »*n v:ii« m i.. t *' foci* ■’ ft<J mi tiled hv MioufiuikU in all o la* non »»/ *... I. ty, mjhl ••n«Ulroctloii* with each ho*. Prftparod only by THOMAS i 5 MMON AP I, ! ■,' 4 , Ho) *I«.M *VN yvj\u . - hj i'. IP Ud ... thn Min! I Ill,: lurk I IM’ I' . I I <*MijIIS"III Uy tll« of lit*, and «•! tin* hmnrui (uuiin Tlk'ho u»« I I li« I. ,wd I tat Mill •'ah I«• tilt' Nil Volltt I'otrnl V i,M ».j fhf whi. Eull I it I I Ril it*. )L'uj; I‘vnd A.. & T. Iron, (’ojijht, i »r;iss, ;ic. < I I atm I Works, Wr.lM. DAM LE S’ l l: T. 1* I DUNEDIN. xxl> ;n;l I -,inr In • I'l.i -l <' 11 I. Mi I ,<'M •; I: ii•llt' I. i' 11. and \\ m.i inuton <; i ■;". p; l: AI. !■, NO N E!'. I; ! 15< >1 I. I. I; MAKERS, A I' L‘F. I 'C I' I•CII. I•hj RS HytlEinhe SI ii i <•! i ip; T* mil IVCi t. u In.-l.m-tu-ft n.ul In.iijuml Slcol Kiumi i. B" DmilncloO L.r lYlmnip; I’lnuf of every ilcsEi'i pt ion S| .1 i- 1 1 1 ■:> I ime , I>■ .iwnpei, nml "" A ( ipl i. mti. u. j I. ;g|, 1,,-k ;,f |'a I ferns 11 > New /."iilar.i! sih.l limn (fit m hum anil Brass Ibnlv. ACF.TNS FOR Huston, Pro.i.M, and Co , hid., Line..ln: Fug Holhrs.A Centrifugal Fiiinps, F \\ . Seott, Sloekpol I. : Sled Wire Hopes 111 i- hi m-i t. and Co., Fill.nesting Oils. Ctsndys, I >nrlmm, Cotton Belling. The Snow S: earn I’ntnpCo., 11 I lisle, St mini lump. IMI’OBI ECS AND MANUE M Id T; KR'B <>E Imn uinl !St ,1-1 Sheets for Flnniing, ilollsaild Nuts, N etlelonl s Ll\ets, ami > .al Iron Pipes and Fillings, Sleam and \ sen :ni Csim.e , Tools and Latent MetaL, Manganese, Spring, Mild and i 00l Steel Shafting, Plummer !I !,• R, ! I angers Bull. -vs, Conplin; “ •..' el " ami Spvii ( ai mg.

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Lake County Press, Issue 981, 26 September 1901, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Lake County Press, Issue 981, 26 September 1901, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Lake County Press, Issue 981, 26 September 1901, Page 6