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To the* Residents of the (Johlliohls. When in Dunedin, don’t fail to call on TAILOR, OCTAGON BUILDINGS, DUNEDIN. A. PERFECT FIT IS GUARANTEED, AND THE WORKMANSHIP IS FIRST CLASS. LAPSES TAILORING A SPECIALITY, Costumes from £4. DSIjSTK BELL TEA. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Ask your Storekeeper for it, and see that you Coupons arc placed in e very tin, and prizes run from 2s Gd to £5 5s for the largest number of coupons posted to the sole Proprietors of tMs celebrated Tea, E. WILSON & CO, DUNEDIN.

MANSAVITA REMEDIES P.LES AND ECZEMA GUARANTEED CURE, ALSO FEMALE COMPLAINTS. PILE OINTMENT, 2s 6d per boz. ECZEMA. OINTMENT, 1s 6d per box. CAUTION. —That my Soap for Eczema and Skin Disease is li t genuine without the word MANSAVITA and the TRADE MARK on every Wrapper. LIVER MIXTURE cannot be equalled. LOCAL TESTIMONIAL for LIVER PILLS, Wonderful Cures effected daily. To Mrs Tow ler—* Waiwt-ra South, May 15th, 1000. Dkar JdAoAM, For five years I have suffered widi severe irritation and intense heat in my legs nun other parts of my ho iy, 1 tried several things, but got .no r lie! until 1 trial vour Mansavita Soap and Ointment . Before 1 used the one box of eacli 1 telt as well as ever I did. I wculd not do without them. They have done me more go d than all the doctors put log-ther. 1 shall have great pleasure in recommending your remedies to anyone suffering as 1 have dons. Please accept my sincere thanks. 1 think you thoroughly »*«*«* V.u,, <aitWuUv, MEs EUZAm!rH AUIOm To Mrs TowLkk. City road, Koslyn, June 12, 1000. Tit s is to certify that, after suffering for about with indigestion, liver, and kidney troubles, and being under several doctors, who' failed to do mo any good, f have been completely cured by taking one box of your Mansavita pills About throe months ago I was advised to try your nim dy, with the result that my life, which was formerly a misery, has now become a pleasure. I can highly recommend your remedy to all as a perm ine" t cum • also vour Cough Mixture, which is a wonderfully rapid cure for colds,, —Yours truly. ' JOHN VaUGHAN WARDED?. To Mrs ToWLER, Budge Hotel, Knitangata, Sole Proprietress of the great Mansavitu Remedies (registered). October 13, 1898. D. ar Madam,—l wish publicly to thaua you for what your remedie have done for me. The Liniment is a splendid preparation for Rheumatism, Pains in f e Limbs, and Neuralgia, and your Liver Mixture is a wonderful cure for Indigestion, Constipation, pains in the Chest, and.General Debility. 1 would sincerely advise any s fferer to apply to you for advice in any female complaint. I consider you have a great knowledge and experience of all kinds of diseases. 1 have Die greatest faith and confidence i.n you, myself tested yom abilities. Both my i nsband a..d my*-If thank you for what you have done for mo when I was in a very serious condition. • ( ill health. Tnere are plenty know me who can vouch for this true statement, that • nly for you I should in all probability be in my grave. Trusting you may be long spared to give other suffereis the ben fit o: your experience.— Yours sincerely, * 1 MARGARET MoCOBLi. Mrs TOWLER is not a surgeon, but takes her place in the ranks of lubes who make a Special yof certain Branches of Medicine—the branch in which the many well-known testimonials, both in Dunedin and other parts of the colony, fu ly bear out. She has ben mos. successful in the TREATMENT of PILES, ECZEMA, WOUNDS, BAD LEGS, and ALL SKIN DISEAS!• 8. MRS TOWLER is also a SPECIALIST for FEMALn. COM - PLAINTS. The Medicines used have a most important Hall Mark, in that they are all prepared under her puhonal supervision, and Registered and Protected throughout Australasia. Suff.'vrs ot both sexes should write or call an I sve MRS TOWLER. ai d get the benefit ot an expi-t iencc ranging over many years, both at Home, the Continent, Afi ica, and all the colonies. MRS TOWLER GUARAN I EES A CURE. ALL interviews and communications strictly confidential. Stamped env lope for reply. Address ;• MRS TOWLER, Iff, ROYAL ARCADE, DUNEDIN. RfASSEY-HARRiS fOMP/INY, LTD. Henry B. Smith Has been appointed Agent for the Wakatipu District for the Sale of the above Company s Celebrated Machinery. Every i formation respecting Price, Terms, Fife., on application.. 11. IJ. S. lias also made arrangements for the supply of DON A GUY’S BIN DING TWINE for the ensuing harvest at Prices and Terms that will defy competition. CULTIVATOR and HI.NIL.R BUPUOATB-S KEPT IN STOCK. HENRY 11. SMITH, Arrowtown, August. IS, 189 G. Wiltshire Street,, Arrmytowa, Jk, Wondorml ociicii^e. pills; For Bilious and Nervous Disorders, tuch *a Wind and Pain fa the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling after meals, Dirrinrsa and Drowsinecs, Cold Chills, Flushing! of Heat, of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Blotches •n the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trcsablinj; Sensations, St c. The first Dose wii.l give keuep in twenty winutes. Thin Is no fiction. Every sufferer is earnestly in ted to try one Bos of these Pills, and th«y will he acknowledged to b* 11 WORTH A GUINEA A BOX." BEECHAM S PILLS, taicea as directed, will quickly restore fernnlea to complete health. 'lliey promptly remove any obstruction ot irregularity of the system. For a "Weak Stomach.; Impaired Digestion; Disordered Liver; they wit like A frw derma will work wondcin hjkhi the VI In) Organa; t.h# Id i trsL-oUf Hy /- Don ; rf/*tori»ij.; tho lontf lout (.uiuplfiioii ; with the Koupogd or likcai m Dm wiuu u PiivrticAi tm'.ikd of thn Immuii fruino. Thmm " facta * admitted Ly HioitAutkln all ckumoa of not doty, ami one of tho hr wit tfunrnnteoa to the Nttrvoua arid dnMlilatod i>* that H' Ackmui't Pitta have the Largest NcLe. of any I'aleni Mmh.fin* ivi the world. Full tßreef,lone with rtwh l*»x Fr«f[>n.r«<l only by THOMAS nHEJCH AM. ffi Hoi nmi, I ,iuicanhlr«. Rnßland, evnrywlimn In !■ Md . umi '/* Ud rutokk. A. & T. BURT, LIMITED, Iron, Copper, Brass, arid Read Works, W(. itH •< • W AKKIInI’SK : CASTLE STREET DUNEDIN. C« I M'tKRLAND ST KIWI HranoboH : I’m T CIIAI.MKRH, < 111 HIHTCU W ItCII, ANH W 1'.1.l ,1 V( itoN . GENERAL ENCINEKKS, IK )l LEK MA K ERS, A DREDGE HI 11 LDKIiS. Hydraulic Slu ant, Manui’loturerß and Ironjand Steel PTumiiifg' ContriicLoi'H f<»r Mining' Plant of overy doHoriptlou. Spec: fioa t ion*, I iruwiugH, mill Prireii nn Application. L'.i'g'Stock of i * ■ I l.f-i III: in N<-w /.aland in m-lccl. from. ('o. in Imm mill Hum:. Daily, ACE. INS TOR RuhLod, pi or for, and Co , Lid , Lincoln: Engi.i.n-i, Kolhi ~'v CVnlrlfugal Humps. F W. SmM, So,:ii|,i,il. ; Si oil Who H.pon. Eio-blx.-i t mid C. , Lull mg <> ■ Im. Ctinnlyu, I>UI Hn in, CnMoli Rolling. 'l.lio Snow Slo Hump Co., Hill.ilo, Sl.ouui Hn.lops. I.M I ORTKIIS AND MA N U F\< Tl IR F.RS OF 1 1 nil ami Si,. • I Slim I/, lor Elunnng. Holf.u nml Niil.k, Net hioi.T, Kivcls. Him k and 11 alva ii iS'ii Iron IMpraand Sloum and V.icn in C.ugos, Tools and HatcnK Molah<, Mangain so, Spring, Mild and Tool Stool Saafling, Plummer Hinok , llangoiK, PulhyK, Cmpliius, “ Hovel ” and Spur ( hj aring.

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Lake County Press, Issue 979, 12 September 1901, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Lake County Press, Issue 979, 12 September 1901, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Lake County Press, Issue 979, 12 September 1901, Page 6