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Mr Lamsdorff, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, wi'l shortly vi it Vienna. Gaudar is tdightly the favorite for his sculling match with Towns. Guy Hoothbj s " Long Live the King" is given away with the " Book Gift " Lea. American millioiiares are laying 5 to 3 on the Constitution for the America Cup races £50,000 sterling in a single bet with an English sportsman. The best medicine known is .SANDER & SONS' MJCALYFTI EXTRACT. Test, its eminent powerful effects in coughs, colds, influenzi, the »-elief is instantaneous. In seiions eases, ami accidents of all kinds, be they wounds, burns, scaldings, bruises, sprains, il is the safest remedy—no swelling —no inflammation. L'ke surprising effects produced in croup, diphtheria,, hronchitus, inflammation of lungs, swelling &c, diarrhoea, dyaentery, diseases of the kidne s and urinary organs. SA.sDKR & SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT is in use at hospitals and u.edical clinics all ova the globe ; patronised by Hi." Majesty the King of Italy ; crowned with medals and diplomas at International Exhibition, Amsterdam. rust in this approved article and rejec'all others T. e apt i nof the guard at Chuchan, w'..o dejapitated the high oilieials rasp ) isiKe for tne massacre, has gon : to Singauf';/ Much indignation o i the subject is oxpresso 1 at Shangh <i. Aurora Aus r.i'ias '! wonderful sight, That d Z/.L'S the ovca with its brilliance and light, Occurs in t'. o o regions where ice. and the <-nDW, Extend everlastin ,' aliovo and below. Such a climate uould kill us so used to the heat, New Zealand's bright sunshine is si hj ird o bc.t. It is here we e»eipe coughs and colds to be S' re, By taking that Woods' Gkk.vt I'kivkkmist Cukk. The Huddart, Parker C. has ordered from Courlay's, Dundee, asttamer to repl ce the Elingamite. Playing against Kent, Fry seme I 140, being his fi'th cons eunve century, and completed .'JOaO run-;. Abel liuished his 3000 almost simultaneously. A Good Co igh Mediem ■ fo: Children. " I have no hesitancy in recoiniiundiug Cham erlaiu's Cough remedy," -ays F. P. Moran, a well known and popular baker, of Petersburg, Va. We Inve given it to our children when troubled with bud coughs, also whooping cough, ami it has alw ij'B given perfect sati-faction. It was recommended to me by a druggist as the b-st coug i medicine for children as it outlined no opium or other harmful drug." Sold by Cotter Bros Arrowtown and B.illend de. Fry and Foster have d< uided njt to ac company M'Liren'a team. An Honest m dieine for La (ri- ppp. (jeorge W. Waitt, of South Gardiner, Me., says : •" 1 have had the wors:. couj hj, cold, chills and grip and have lakan 1 'is of tra b <f no account lint prnfn :o the vendor. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is th : only thing that h..s done any goal whatever. 1 have used one bottle of it and the s, colds nod grip have all left lu«. 1 congntuiate l he manufacturers of an honest men cine. Foistleby Cjtter Bros., Arrowtown an I l;u.:iend.i.le

Mrs I'.'ct.Mi's V, >n'; f-n C.'.krv is pr : vn nw.y with ti In of frag-mt ' I'. •"'.< (lift. ' Tea Cotter Bros., A,'<- .1-;, Arrnwtewn The C/.v. I'ztri .a. aid their child ■-n hj ,ve s dl-d for Copcnh ■i-.:c • ami >vi 1 sit n ily -.) to Kip', ft'.- (V.irsMl>s q lently proee.-diipj done to l)ui'z \i, nft'TWiuls ivj ining tin: ('/. ■rin.i lit Kiel ami both voyaging to Din- ' kirk. " Q teen Vietorii, Her I/fe an 1 Time", ' a c >iii|ili!tt! history of a g! uinns reign, with ill list r tin-is, i-, given away wi'h (Jibs lam >ns " i:. Ik (Jift " I'm. A comp.i-iy his l>->en formed, with n capital of five, in llimis sterling to ncqiire all Iv-id's propirties ki Njw P mndUn I. R-mtrkable Cure? of Rheum it ism. I'V.'in the Vimliirator, R'liherfonHon, N.C The eilitor of the Vindicator his hail oc i-...s on to taste th<' elli ;aey of C.ia-nb rl ii is I'tiin Balm twice witn the most remarkahle results in each e>se. First, witli rlieum i i thr shoulder from wiiieh he stiff ;red excrutiating piin fur ten days, which was r:Ueved with two applications < f Pain Balm, rubbing the patt< utll eted ami re lining in stant benefit and entire relief in a very shirt time. Sec )nd in rheumatism m th gh j lint,, a'niost prostrating him with severe piin, which wis relieved by two app'icitions, rubbing \vi hj the lin'in ".it on retiring at night, and getting up free fr in pain. For saC by Cottei Bros., Arrowt»wn and Bullendile. The Times' Mosciv correspond "it rcpo ts tli t a parly of Russians, including tnimd intelilvence oflicers, i&corted the Thibetan Mission which recently visited R-'s ia, home through Mongolia, and th.V the difficulties which have hitherto existed in regtrd t> the exploration of Thibjt arc likely soou to be solve!. Whatever may be thee there a poir.s t i he no doubt th it e nsnmption is exrremely prevalent in this colony, and, ae.-ording to medical testimony, the diseise is rapidly spreadim*. Any remedy, therefore, wire i can be depended on to arrest the progress of this terrible se mrge should be welco ned as a national benefit. There is no "-o e path :tic object on the face of the earth than a cmsumptive p iticnt when the fell dis-ase his once taken a firm hold on the system. The bowed shoulders, the wearied, and the constantly recurring cough that seems to shake the body to p.eces—all tlt"Be things rolls.; our sympathy and our pi y Yet, as a m itter of f-ie:, in th ; 1 irge maj irity of cases the sufferer is to blam-J for his condition, as the dinger might have bjen averted had the malady been dealt with in its earliest stages. A dose of Tcssicuka, administered v hen the hacking congi iirs*. made its presence known, would have the organs affected, and have made the spread of the cl.seaSe impossible. With this run dy at hand, not necessarily as a cure (alth nigh many serious cases have '< ecu successfully dealt with through its igency). but ap a p evei.'r.tive, much may 1-e done to prevent the development of serious trouble in ch : throat and lungs. Tussict'KA has prove 1 its elli :iacy in innumerable instances. . lid has never faile 1 to give relief to the sulTerer This prep nation can ha obtaine 1 f:om all chemists and storekeepers throughout the coloiy. Price '2< G.I per hj ,-ttle.— Advt. DoN.T Col'OH. —Relief can be obtained it.mediately. Use " KKATINU'S COUGH LOZENGES"— well known as the utterly unrivalled Cough Remedy. Strongly recommended by many eminent physicians. They at once check the cough and cause tvithout any after effect; the most d lieite can therefoie take then. One Loz nge alone gives east —one or two at bedtime ensures re>t. Sold everywhere in tins 13J.1. each. The Daily Chronicle s ate-" tint it is ex tremely probable th it Sir West Ridgway, Coventor of Ceylon, will be appiiuted Governor of New So .th Wales. "U.wW.Kmt the Flag Flyinz," of Ladysmith, by d McDonald, w»r C irresp mdeat, is given away wi.h ' Bmk Cifi," Tea. MOUNTAIN KI \'t; ASTHMA I'D .V DBR a wonderful cure foi- Asthma, Bronchitis, II iy Ke.ver, Laryngitis, and Irritation of the Air 1 assag ;s. Ke.npthonie, LVosser, ag'jts Thk Dkak Heak. —No 313 of the Illustrated World of u'2>, Chswie; Hit'll Road, London, XV., Knglnid, contains ;;, aescriptioll of a Remarkable Cure fjr Deafness and llean Noises which may be carried out at the patient's horn :, aid which is said to be a certain cure. Tnis number will be sent free to any deaf pursuit sending their address to the K litor v TIIUOATAFFKCTIOXS AND HOARSKNKSS.— All s'.lfTerillL; 'ntiii iirltatioi) ot the throat aid hoarseness will he i_;ic.-e.ililv siirpriiieti ;\t the aim >st imuicdiute r<_ 1 iel iilordid l)j tho'use of " lirown's Hroncniai Troche.-." I'hese famous " 10/.eii-res" are now sold by most is|ienahlu cheniistn in thi; countiy. i'eop e ro ililed with a" hi eking e0..„-h," a slight co'.d or ironc lual a!lei*ioiia cannot try them t,'" soon, us .in 1 ir troubles if illowtd to pioViess.'result'in sl-iio ; •aim uiary iiid Asthmatic niFei-tions. See that tin vcrds "lirovM. s I'.roneliial Troehes"are on the Gov. ri - ne it Stamp around each box.—Prepared by Jons I. Shown & Sons, lloston, Unitod States. Ea-o;iean He iut : 3;i, Karrinid in Itoad, Lo.i.lon Kn^'anl. bLOnILINK. ill-ops of the liij lid " h'loriiine' sprint led on u. .v t ; ioth-hiu-h produce a pleasant lather, win i, hoiouelily eleanses the teeth from ;ill parasites or im- ) nines, hardens the prevents tartar, stops it-eay, jjives to the teeth a p.--i.liar pearly whiteless,' and a Jrajrrance to tin h'eath. It •cinoves all unpleasant odour from decayed ;.-eih or tohauco snuk.;. '- i'he Fragrant r loriliiie," ijing composed J in part of honey and sweet herof a deliciouj to the taste, and the great -st toilet di . ! .very of the O. all Cuem.sts and l'c--'uiners. Wholesale depot,; ;>3, Kairuit,d m Uwl, London, EniT'a id.

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Lake County Press, Issue 978, 5 September 1901, Page 5

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NEWS AND NOTES. Lake County Press, Issue 978, 5 September 1901, Page 5

NEWS AND NOTES. Lake County Press, Issue 978, 5 September 1901, Page 5