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The usual monthly meeting was held in tlie Chambeis, Q jeeiistown, on Monday last and attended by the Chairman (Or Reid), and Crs M Bride, Butson, Cockburn, Lambie, Fraser, M'Kibbin, and Graham. Leave of absence was granted to Cr M'Dougall. Extension of time of two weeks for completion of contracts 170 and 171, Shotover, was granted T. Scott. The Secretary Arrrow Falls Coy., ■wrote stating that his directors were favorably disposed to an amicable settlement regarding the Macetown Toad. He was instructed to make the following proposal, but without prejudice, viz. :—That this Company make an offer, without prejudice, to the Lake County Council of a sum of £SO in full settlement of the Council’s claim against the Coy., on the following conditions : That such payment shall not create a precedent or be taken as an admission of liability on behalf of the Coy ; further that the Council agree to hold the Coy. free from responsibility in connection with the present road up to a point opposite ■which the tailrace next the road has reached at the time this offer is in »de to the Council ; Also that the Coy. agrees to be liable for any injury done to the road by their operations between the point referred to in clause 2 and the junction of the Arrow River and Billy Creek, and to make such damage good if caused by the Coy.’s operations ; also that the Council gives a written consent to this Company carrying on mining operations within the claim limit referred to in clause 19 of the Mining Act Amendment Act, 1899, and will not withdraw such consent while the Company shall carry on mining operations on their claim ; also that the Coy. promises to use its influence in getting a Governmet grant sufficient to form the road on a higher level. A letter from Mr Turton, County solicitor, regarding the dispute between the Council and the Arrow Falls Coy. was read. He would not advise the acceptance of the Coy.’s offer, seeing that the latter’s counterclaim of £SOO was left an open question. The only settlement made should be full on both sides. The writer also advised careful action in regards to the Ooy.’s letter. Mr Turton waited on the Council, and explained that it was necessary that some ulcerations be made by the Coy. in their proposal before he advised the Council's acceptance, of anything definite. The Coy had said in Court they had a counu rclaim of £SOO against the Council, ana until they agreed to forego any claim on the Council a satisfactory settlement to both parties could nob be arranged. Cr M'Kibbin said he trusted a sacis factory arrangement could be made. The Coy. has spent a vast amount of money in the district and it would be a serious matter to hamper the mining industry. Other councillors were of the same opinion, but thought the County must be relieved of any responsibility of a counterclaim. It was resolved to leave the matter in the County solicitor’s hands. On the motion of Cr M'Kibbin, seconded by Or Fraser, it was resolved —-TLat the matter of the Arrow Falls Coy. be left in the hands of the Chairman and one councillor to urge upon our solicitor to have the matter arranged as soon as possible. During the discussion on the above, Cr M'Bride occupied the chair. A letter was received from the Secretary of the Charitable Aid Board regarding Sue Hock’s application for aid, and it was decided to point out that Sue Hock was nob in receipt of Charitable Aid at present. The Chief Health Officer wrote saying he was pleased to notice the Council was alive to the dangers that might arise from insanitary places. Messrs Monson and Donne waited on the Council with regard to the complaints made about their yards. Mr Monson said Mr Turton was wrong when he said there was no water in the former’s paddock. There was an everlasting supply. It was pointed out by the deputation that they were prepared to make any improvement as soon as the inspector’s report was to hand. Councillors regretted that Messrs Monson and Donne did not attend the last meeting, and pending the inspector’s report, the matter was held over till next meeting. W. Turton wrote saying he had received some £lO for rates, and he understood a similar amount had been paid the Council. He asked to be acquainted as soon as possible of any monies received by the Council for rates, as the parties paying rates might possibly not forward the full amount. Cr M'Kibbin said he understood that rates for the last two years, were r.ot to be collected by the solicitor. The Clerk said it was decided that all rates in arrears were to be collected by the solicitor. It was decided to give the receipt book to the solicitor, filled with details ready for signature by the collector, so that all rate money demanded would pass through the latter’s hands. It was decided to thank Mr Fraser, M.H.R., for attending the Counties’ Conference. The L T ndcr-Secretary for Mines wrote saying that the offer of subsidy £ for £ towards the cost of deviating the Arro'.v-Macetown road was withdrawn pending a settlement with the Arrow Falls Coy. [Cr MTvibbin’s motion urging an early settlement was tabled in consequence of this letter.] The Chief Engineer of Roads wrote saying the requisition for £250 for the purpose of completing the Oardrona coalpit road would be considered when the Estimates were brought down. A letter from the Marine Department regarding a grant of £IOO for jetty at Clenorchy was replied to similarly. On the suggestion of Cr Fraser it was decided that the Engineer make urgent repairs to the jetty at once.

51 r \V. Fraser, 51 H.R., wrote giving he hid rec< ived the petition of Cahill and M*Nulty asking subsidy for a road to Doolan’s Creek coalpit, an 1 would use his be.-t endeavors in the matter. slr Fraser to be thanked. The Sectetary of the sleg and Annie Company said the property had been valued at £SOOO by the Lake County and £SOOO by the Vincent County. He thought there must be a mistake somewhere. The Clerk said tlie claim was half in Like and half in Vincent County. The Council decided that the valuation fixed was very fair. The Clerk of the Warden's Court, Cromwell, wrote forwarding a return of goldfields revenue payable to the Lake County Council for the half year ending 30th June, 1901; Received. A letter from C. R. Von Tunzelmann regarding a road in dispute with Mr MTvenzie at Beach Bay, was simply received. SV. J. Farrell, Dunedin, w rote forwarding amount of £ll, due for rates. He thought the amount charged too exhorbitant, and considered £5 reasonable. He had been instrumental in introducing Home capital to the district, and had also spent many thousands personally. The Council could not see its way to make any remission. B. Rogeis, Skippers, wrote asking that the balance of vote for Gallant Tip track be used in improving the truck down to the chair crossing. On Cr Lambie’s suggestion it was decided to do this. A letter was received from O. Perriam, Gibbston, regarding rates. It was pointed out that Perriam had paid £3 odd, for which credit had not been given. The Clerk produced a statement showing that the amount had been credited. He said the writer must be mistaken in regard to the matter ; there were two Perriams int ;rested in property at Gibbston. J. Leslie wrote also regarding rates, and Mr Sainsbury, of Skippers, waited on the Council on the same errand. The Clerk said that the proper place for redress was at the Assessment Court. Cr M'Kibbin said many people had complained about being charged for ratts when they had transferred their property to another person. The Clerk said he had nothing to do with either the cancelling or transferring of claims. The mining valuation was made by himself, and in January cf each year he took the list of mining properties from the Court and madehis valuation therefrom. Regarding other valuations he had nothing whatever tc do with them. The Chairman said it appeared hard for a man to appear personally at the Assessment Court when the amount in volved was only a few shillings He thought that when the Clerk was informed by a ratepayer that lie had cancelled his proper'y, the least the Clerk might do would be to find out from the Clerk of the Warden’s Comt if such were the case, uiid if so, take note of it. The Clerk said that if the name of a ratepayer did not appear in the Court books, it would not appear on t,he Council’s rate books. [lt appears to us that in the future the best means, or rather the only means, fur a ratepayer to adopt is to attend the Assessment Court and object, and in the case of cancellation or transfers see personally that the desired application is given effect to, and the Council informed accordingly. Ed. L.O.P.] Mr Sainsbury also waited on the Council for permission deviate the load near his claim at 51aori Point On the motion of Crs Lambie and Cockburn it was resolved—That Mr Sainsbury be allowed to shift the road, subject to the approval of the Engineer and Chairman and one coucillor ; to transfer the same free of cost to the Council The Engineer’s report was read as follows : Gentlemen. — l have to report for the period since 17th July. Roads and Tracks.—Owing to the continued frost the various maintenance contractors have not been able to do much work but now that the thaw has set in good work will no doubt be done. The fact of the Council determining the contracts is I fear likely to cause trouble as there first was notice given and then an extension of two months. This puts me in an ambiguous position as to when the contractors have done their work Tenby St, Pembroke.—This matter has been attended to and the improvement made. Contracts. —No. IC9 : Finished in a very satisfactory manner. No. 163 : A’most completed.—No. 167 : Gravelling Lake Hayes Road completed—No 170-1 : Skipp ra progressing favorably as far as No. 170 is concerned, nothing being done to No 171. —No 165 : Still delayed on account of the frost. Surveys.—Since last meeting I have laid off the deviation at 25 Mile for a distance of one mile 50 chains. I find that this will absorb the amount of the grant but the continuation will not bo expensive. The plans have been sent for approval. Staircase Track.—l have laid off this track and find that to make a gcod road it will cost about £6OO but the grant of £IOO could be utilized in improving the present track from the saddle down. If you think this course the better, the plans are ready and can be sent away for approval at once. Orders. 1 would ask the Council to instruct me with reference to orders given by people io whom money is due. Unless mad* out on the pre cribed form they are illegal. Insurance.—l would ask the Council to consider I he question of liability under the employers Act, and to have instructions thereon. On the suggestion of Cr Cockburn it was decided to call tenders for repairs to Staircase track from Saddle down. On the suggestion of Or Fraser it was decided to make the road round 511 Oiighton Gft wide. Tlie Engineer thought that by making the track Gft instead of Bft that the £3OO obtained would complete the work.. In reply to Cr Lambie, the Engineer said he would visit tlie Skippers Riding in a day or two. Proposed by Cr Lambie, seconded by Cr M'Kibbin and carried That the Engineer call fur tenders for ripairing the gap on Skippers road between the two cuttings on the ether side of the Saddle. Tenders to be in by the sth September, and dealt with

by the C an in in, Cr C ckburn, and the Engineer. On the motion o’ Crs Reid an 1 C okburn, it was resolved—That no orders will be accepted on tlie Cotuicii except presented on a legal f inn [The forms can b • procured from the Council. Ed. L.O.P.] It was decided to insure the men in the employment of the Council against accident, the policies to be taken out between the two local agents, Messrs Cotter and Gudgeon. Councillors generally complained of the poor quality of the bird poison purchased. The m-xt meeting was fixed for the ISt i September. T he Chairman said he thought a few carriers had not licenses, and the Cleik said he would make, enquiries. In reply to Cr Cockburn, the Engineer said he intended tarring the Arthur’s Point bridge. In reply to Cr M'Kibbin, the Engineer said up to the present the weather did not permit of repairs to the Olyde-Qaeenstown road. It was decided to invite applications for surfacemen. The ordinary business being concluded, a special meeting was held, and the motion for a five-farthing rate passed.

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Lake County Press, Issue 976, 22 August 1901, Page 5

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LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL. Lake County Press, Issue 976, 22 August 1901, Page 5

LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL. Lake County Press, Issue 976, 22 August 1901, Page 5