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■ ,0. i L.-AD (T* f ,’iJ \w? ’i 'a*.S 6aai 9

( From (he u Avalraliau Christian World,” July i 4, is:».) (tst OUP. OWN eepobtbk.) “Out of pure gratitude for my deliverance from a most f-orious and rmb-ful o,’inpUeation of consolaipta, i mm willing to give yon tin* whobs am er noon if you wish it!” ared Id r c . Cole, of 2 i’urves-street, Forest J.odg.o, Sydney, to our reporter oiv hi.; •rcvjuoJ'Liug an interview as to that If.dy’s case. “The whole trouble,” '-aid 5.1 ja. Colo, hi answer to further questions cut the subject, “arose, 1 iirmiy 1 i iievo, fiont the poison ;hat got into my system ihrcug’.i d.rar.gctl liver, Scon . iter that ore-.a rot ert A cmwrand f J anted to work irregularly my a- litc began to get vary ttekie if. d C!..v.t,* reason- } oirroi were f. r*v ! v : i •,.onu;ti .* > i. s;.t .;nd !.*c-- :• "; u t;a. ch :• w.-.i c*v; ;o. V»’itu *;tt cause or ; : . t di d nic'i t. Inch ■i ; dlciio:- o. mine, and to no .duller meal it boii ,r pbiu to so a : in.;! . ii.-i ; din!. Jn too ’nomine I invariably had a most unpleasant ,erid taste in the mouth, together with a d rty coaled tongue, and, as time wore on for 1 must toll you I war, seriously ill for over a yc-irh my liver tronl got worse end worse. When I woke in uso morning I felt giddy, stupid, and dared, and often made ; non* to get one of bed, being forced to lie back a gulp. on ‘ho pillow to collect enough strength ’before tine 1 y succeeding. .As ri.-his I was unable t-o sleep, raid I tr.ould lie wide awoke restlessly tunr g about and cc-iinting the weary hours ac they wore away, till Cm dewn began to ■real:, wiwa I uf-iud ly foil f to a sort of' stupor, —it was not a yro.-u -deep,—and I ivii.w from that half dared as I have ion dcTor.'iv-l. J. b:n»v.'.*. very, very thin, ■. d like 1 pm now Cilrv. 1 ole has now p yellow jaundice. ” “All this must have had a very depressing effect n/on you* 1 apirlta!” “It d-d indeed. ; j any cur might expect,” answered - CV:c, “ sbough y u l ave not heard Iho half of my b-:d symptoms yet. I wus most Ic-'.v si/tilo-d and dull and crotchety r.r; well. I coaMr.'t bear the slightest rv-Cb, rod vl l a muidi.-n; trides «uuid have ii ■ t >.i: u.••os.ipi.g tlibel r.yon la) ucrvt.;. J\od..i;iC wadd nitcf me. I didn’t ■ vvi u io Ir. vc rows of the >T-v.aad tlo t; .Hr:.' cm vs <f d' tierlic life ■ii ov, r b-'Vc Ui■ c rt nervous in ilation. ! vv. 2 ; vo ■C'lbi ll'O. : i •,. - iitlbivr.uov 1 -i - C : terrible ’.cad < 1 •;a ■’ iiiv. V.v-C '• < lo v :d;C p. :;?>.< I'V- ■ 1.0113 ,I be ;■ v: ■ -.v o;i, j- ;. dvc v.hrn r.r* «, in 1 done nothing: but I ivi I non; in th*. morning wi.v.vj- , . ’ui ];• vivas iiinu i ii idled from s. : i ven !:t r ininat 1 )■ d rv.’ p.g- d • i to my moihu's o.i n.j i-nii v.puii ,he gravy cisr of these sick Jb.s altad.-ing me and c.i‘. .:;i"g m.j to verci!. to” iily, fn; being feO n ; .;i:y u .-.I I p.iiiiivcly cocdi;)': stand. Then • Ijdtalk-n of the heart eiien came on ■i-v' '.c dy, and • ;•> .-,••• ( .f j.ojliing more distunehig and Len 'b iry v. f-:o violence or t!u* fit v/f.3 on than ihnt.” “ ) '>a stiiTerod from other ormplicalions f “ i I r-.g e: i<> nay, nrier a lime p.durl Tivurii’gi.!. inched ; 'J lie rutucks cc\ at rdmi'. i;!p,r f•.i<• vvals. I i.oiild iirsl foci p. ri.-’-'o viol! ill 1. Ml 1 iil’.l'i ana in. oar ■vic’iliry spursi i iid Uieii a snddeii ■au.'U over i.ll my t’o \ ip.d rushing of my 1..- ml. Ido not in lie dictionary ; iw.d lie agony I pm;.:d s.uacks • a, d me, hut ■y o v no' ■ J:le to o.' • :'*-cl a cure, • ■ riic lreat:nd h-.k the ■ls. you Miiprnic me, did you SttiTur from rht.uin.o ; ;n ;ueo

“ I did, very acutely, too. The pain in my legs was terrible. My feet swelled up to a prodigious size, and of course it waa impossible to put on a shoe, and worse than all my knees swelled. I was quite unable to walk. The pain in my ankles, my knees, and other joints was unremitting, and gave mo no rest neither by night nor by day. ’ “In what way was Clements Tonio brought to your notice ?” “ Through a little book that waa placed in my hand when things seemed at their worst. I supposed I had reached the worst. No medicines that I took did me any good, nor were the many doctors who attended me able to alleviate my sufferings. Well, as I said, someone gave me a book that contained an account of a case that in many important particulars -was precisely similar to mine. I naturally read it with engrossing interest, and, seeing that Clements Tonic had effected a complete euro for that patient, and being satisfied as to the absolute truth of every word of the account of the patient’s illness and cure by Clements Tonic, I commenced to use that remedy myself. Very glad I am, too, that I did.” “ In what way did it act in your case?” “The first thing I noticed, the very first action of the remedy, was to make me sleep, and about that there could be no mistake. Natural sleep came upon me after taking the remedy as regularly as the. night follows the day, and from the time I started Clements Tonic my sleep became refreshing and dreamless. After long weary months of nearly sleepless nights, only snatches of sleep being obtained at odd times when (ho j-aiu troubled me least Iran hardly express to you the priceless boon this sleep was to trie. The neuralgic pains in my jaws and. head gradually gave way to C>m< nn Tonic, and at die same time the sweiiiug in my knees and ankles became more :ouxuvd every day illl it went- awry altogether, ami X was once mere enabled to ; et my rl : and to put my feet to the ground without, pain. I vas to ext again without fee liny at all -id; afterwards, a; 1 used to, and 1 . avo had no sick fits since. Clements Tonic also rid me of that low, depressed feeling, and when 1 now awcho in the morning I felt bright and cheerful and once nioie fit to und.'.rtake my domestic duties, no longer with a feeding of weariness, but v. ilh positive pic*run e. One by ore n.l! tho complications w inch beret me wore drivn • ut of my system by Clements Tonic. i- v headaches were a thing of the past and 1 was troubled no more with pr.ipilaJioii < f -he heart. M y Irion ds all noticed the change for the better in my health and s. hj ds. Clement* Tonio, in addition to removing the poison that collects in the blood in consequence of a diseased state of the liver. L/a a marvel lour effect in toning up the system, and my natural healthy colour speedily ictr.rned und I commenced to get stout, it w as not v» ry long before X was completely cun d and as v.-< 11, if not better, than 1 was before my illness.” “You will consent for the proprietor ox Clements Tm ic to publish ail rids:” “Yes. You can make what use yon like of what I’ve told you, and I shall on’- be too happy to answer any ennuiri* s, if any should be mads, in regard to my recovery.” STATUTORY DrCT.ARATION, l, Coi.k, of 2 Punvz-Rrcst, Pew'; f ?. Sydney, in (ho (VP ; ;; of ■'i solemnly and sincerely declare ibn’ i !,. • r •••••- IL'oU. the uaneacd . et, , ; . fo.ios and cot. ;a titi*.• ! y■' ami that it, coni.bus u I.'!;' anti I. •. -an,:.;' .in/ illness an.] euro i«y ti; i- . V ••• > contains n;y fuil peui , pc.n.a in any way ; " nnh : ... . ;i . no. . : ritc'ar.-.licii conseii i.-ikuTy ttlffw;. • - • . : true, and by lime of ..f Ati- rumie and ■ iv! ;n of bee /raw ;/ v, hi: , ■■ i ; C.t 1.11,: - l-a’tctl ill ■ hni 1 X: . ... ill: (risen r.rrl nn nr i lie ; ■ >;• Cuvenu.iM.i ci >T-v c until . U i'TCi.'.Vali* !!A in lull tln-i.i.’ ai :i ;nr •v;.. . . ; Cf I_M.O jeii.i.A I a.j ...... A., rir.c’r.icd r.l Syuosj’, this ltd; <hy of .Pino, TO?, haleru me. ’ JufiK a'i'KACffAM,’J.i*.

KEATING’S POWDER ’’ destroys BUGS. FLEAS MOTHS, BEETLES, and all other insects, w-jihst quite harmless to domestic animals. In extormina i tinif Beetles tne success of this powder is extr. orclinarv. It is perfe -tly clean in application. Sec the article you purchase is “ KEATING’S,” i.e., with the s (filature THOMAS KEViNG on • nt-h tin, as iini tuitions arc noxious and ineffectual. Sold in tins, 6q . and Is ouch, hy a chemists. A a vice. Tu I>luin;—Arc you broken ;n join rest by a sick child suffering with the pain of cnltine teeth? Go at once to a chemise and tret a bottle of Mrs Winslow’s Soothing Syrup It will relieve the poor sufferer immediately. It is p rloctly harmless and pleasant to taste, it produces natural, quiet sloop, hv relievina the child from pain, and the little 1 cherub awakes as “ bright as a button.” It soootnes i the child, it softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for dy.-eutry and diarrhoea, wnelher arising from teething or other causes. Mrs Winslow’s ! Soothing Syrup is sold by Medicine dealers every i where at Is ltd per bottle. TiiroatAfkhctions and Hoarsknkss.—All suffering j from irritation of the throat and hoarseness will lie i agieeably surprised at the almost, immediate relict ! afforded by the’use of Brown s Bronchial Troche-. ; These famous lozenges are naw sold by.most respect- i able chemists in this countiy at la lid per box. Petipa | troubled with a“ hacking covgh,” a slight cold or , bronchial affections cannot try them i * soon, as ■ similar troubles if allowed to progress,'rosult'in Bern, .s ] Fulmonary and Asthmatic affections. See that tin i weeds “Brown'sßronchialTroches”are on the Coven- j merit Stamp around each box.—Prepared by John 1 Browk & Sons, Boston, United States. European Be- j pot ; 3a, Farringdon Road, London England. Valuable Discoykry tor the Ha'R. — If your hair j is turning grey or white, or falling off, use “Tin | Mexican Hair Renewer,” for it will positively testo-e M c t 1 (J i-: i.l iNI liS IN (a Sc F Kis Cils (I TIM BEIT FJRE W(J 0 I), E T 0., at Lowest j’ales, tie-liv.-orcil Mead of Lakv Queenstown, and l-Yankton. For terms, apply jA.\iE-S M’IIENMV, .K n lot-1 ■■. C-PC'OP BUiilM -.;D'S : Sum Aaate:!, fT7S - ,1337,000 i-O - £6,406,000 - - ,60,260,000 in every case Grey or White hair to its original colo , without leaving the disagreeable smell of most “ Re stovers •’ It makes the hair charmingly beautiful, a;, well us promoting the growth o f tile hair on halu spots, where the glands are notdeciyeU. Ask y-nn Chemist tor “ The Mexican Hair Renkwek,” sold by Chemists and Perfumers everywhere at 3s td per bottle. Wholesale depot, 33 Farringdon Road, Lm - don, EiiglamJ. T Z. ACCIDENT INSURANCE “ KEATING’S POWDER ” destroys BUGS, FLEAS MOTHS, BEETLE j, and all other insects, whilst quite harmless to domestic animals. In exterminating Beetles the success of this powder is extradinary. It is perfectly clean in application. See the art cle you purchase is “ KEATING’S,” as imitations'are noxious and inoffvxtual. Sold in tins. Od Is, and 2s Cd each, by all chemists. A RICH RETURN. When a mixture attains so won ‘erftil a success in so short a time as TUScSICURA has managed to do, it is difficult to speak oi the matter in a way that does not appear like exaggeration. Let us io- k back at the career of this extraordinary medicine from the start. It is only u tew months since the proprietor launched it upon the market, and, as it was produced in a comparatively obscure town in Central Otago, it will lie seen that the inventor was considerably handicapped. There was no idea of putting forth a cheap mixture —for there aie only too many’ of these before the public at the present time—but the object in view was to use tlie very best drugs procurable, alter a careful consideration as to the effect they would have on the systems of persons suffciing Iron particular complaints. J’eople arc, not unnai-ui ally, chary ol trying a new remedy,, unless it conies to them heralded by ail oils of “ bold advertisement,” and the proprietor «£ TUSisICURA, although lie might, have expected to have an - xnvmely hard tight in convincing the puM cot the < xcellcnco oi his preparation, . . ,i Aurally graliiied at its immediate i.occ-,.5. A: the s.iine time lie recognises that, in otilor to recoup him for the large exp.’os that In has been put to in preparing t;,c tiiixi nre, he must seek a wider field and toe number of tesllmoiuols ho lias received . tt.ply justified him in anticipating a sueivfs. Local Agent - 3?, do la Perrelle. Over £1 <IO,OOO Raid in Olaims. A LOCAL AND PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATION. [Copy.] Queenstown, 25th April, IS9S. Mr T>. Hews, Man gor New Zealand Insurance Co , Uunedin. Dear Sir,—l desire to thank you for ymr Company’s cltcijue lor £R!J, being ami,tint ot Insurance money payable by your Company in respect of a pel cy issued to the Golden Terrace Dredging Company, whereby all their employes were insured. My brother, Peter bt-cniiouse, whilst working in ihe vtcinby of tin; machinery, slipped, and being caught got so injured that, lie died from the ejects thereof, and the above sum was guaranteed by your office and paid over immediately on the prndttc tiou of Letters of Administration. The absence of any trouble in getting the murk't ? live «uo- 11 Uti-A (is .. win r).

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Lake County Press, Issue 905, 5 April 1900, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Lake County Press, Issue 905, 5 April 1900, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Lake County Press, Issue 905, 5 April 1900, Page 3