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THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH Gives up His Work. SICK, SUFFERED and The Case of Mr. Wm. MCCARTHY. CFrom the Windsor and Richmond Gazette). BT our. SPECIAL REPORTER. Information having been conveyed to the Ornette till tMr. McCarthy hadi ccovendfiom A Very Serious illness, we at once detailed a reporter to make full enquiries into tho matter, and also to personally interview McCarthy himself on the ‘subject. When our reporter arrived at McGrath’s Hill, near Wiivls-r, he found whom he sought, powerfully wielding a s’edge hammer in his forge. The way '.hat Mr. Mcf'ar hy lifted up the heavy sledge as though it weighed bin a few ounces quite astonished our reporter, for he had expected to find the blacksmith i.i A Weak State of Health. “ Hew do you feel, asked our reporter?” “ Clever felt 1 otter in my ’iff,’’ rc> lied, the blacksmith, and lie pul d< w;i his hammer and entered straight away into a comersaline. “You ask me what was the matter with me,” said Mr. McCarthy, “well, that is what no one could tell mo. My ihuess came upon mo as unexpectedly Ac a Thunderbolt One day I was working in the forge when I was seized with a violent headache. 1 had ro at once put down my tools aud go into the house. From that day I date my sufferings. I could no longer enjoy my food. Jn fact, in very short time eating cause'l me intense , itiit auo I only took what food was abso-u-ely necessary to prevent in; dying of sheer Etcrvaiion. M hen my food (and Hat always of the lightest and most catily kgcstihlokhid) was eaten it causeda paiutul Distension irt £V?y Komach. Tour gas would : iso in my throat, t«>ge:hcr i'li an iiiUnsvly hitter Uu.d. j ids, I believe, is what is commonly called heart--•mrn. My shin began to got of a dirty yellow colour, aud 1 started to lose Weight rapidly.” “ How about your work !” “ 1 had to entirely Give Up My Work, %a I was to weak to-do any. ‘■deep hoc-me vlmost emir. ly out of ihe question. I wa.-- a victim to llie worst form of sleeple-snc s. Sight after night I passed walking tip and down my bedroom, getting into bed and again rising to pace the room in the vain hope of inducing sleep In tl o nioi nii I would be so weary that I could scare ly stand, and yet was quite unable to The Blessing of Sleep. Howl did long for it, if but for half-an-hour. Mo ore who has not suffered as 1 did can have the faintest idea of the advantage of proper sleep.” “ What effect had this want of sleep upon your nerves ?” “ The very worst. I began to get honiMy nervous. I couldn’t hear the sight of strangers. The moat trilling noises would send me into A Fit of Trembling. I hocam? extremely irritable, and in spile of myself, I used ro fall into a terrible.stale of excitement about notlii g.” “Any oilier symptoms, McCarthy?” “Yes: '{range pains now came on in my hack and loins. They were doubtless kidney and live troubles and extremely agonising, aud used to fairly wear mo out, and then there arose another stage cf my illness which was so dr. adful that even now I hardly to talk about it. As you underttard, although I couldn't work I could sti 1 walk, and was r.ccnstomc 1 to take a s roll in open, rir <-n line days in the hope that tin- f' -sli would •o me good. Cue d.y, w!nn snimi dht»n e f.o.n In me, without any warning, 1 *-\v cv< vy ;oing 1. ck bef re U’c, a> d 1 fell down in a t. It was epilepsy, or the falling sickness, ■d I was TrJtcn Heme snrcnell;’c - a cart. T’& state I was :>■ r this d can hvidly iW.c d was so weak 1 ctml-.l ha .v long I sal in a dull, i i for sme tune i’ e. I vomited d.y move. All .e 11 - .j— S a-t t Oi a world that was moving round me. I'k came very despondent aud low spirit- d ” “ Were doctors called in to see you ?” “Oh, yes, and they jirescribed for m but with no result.” “ How long were you ill altogether ?” “I wss ill for two yens. Mm :>• seemed to hold out any hoj e. ” “ Did you suffer from further sej/d “Yes, most ly, I did. long after the hist lit I had a and then another. Hueii fit wothe previous oue ) and my ilhicsv s be rapidly progressing To a Fata? Cic > ~<'-. I was now in a terrible pit. 1 symptoms were inteusifii d. i s-dl. than ever f cm v.unt of ■ !,-•■ ! extremely w. .il: and ;hin, ami in short time I dropped f on; lisc to . ■ loss of ggib. 'J his is a Tremoßtlous Lore of FI;for a I’ldi* man, and wil 1 <-ne of my condition than any m do. My irritability a d i become v on-e since my v.-i/ui less i-ml in despair. 1 was iai never expected to leave it link, book was brought nie ny ‘ Head it carefully li. !. 1 ■ book was descriptive of Ch-nmi:,.. how it had nth-, ten cm- t ui «,ne iu H or--3 toss C" “ What did you do ? ’ “ 1 sent tor some and non m- i of i.. After about adi yen n notice a ni- tdict improvem. •;! i tone of my nerves. Tic y .;m lictter iu tone and loss li d/l slu.kc suddenly. My m g altered vitality every d .y, Gloo sw y, Pore bo ii In t: which hj id hung over me ioto lift like a cloud.” “ (joiild you cat and dig- .. “ Yes ; v. it li hci ter sq . • renewed ap,elite, a..d (Hem found, ha t a woinic fiiily a'mn -i----on my dtg-slive oiaaius, and lasi means least, sleep oue.c mure cum. Deep artff Hefrtsstiir;vr ■ was now the rule with me cvn y W s soon out or bed ami in Id--TiiO ext rci.-c did mo good., ami as i ■ Clements Tonic my strnydii cn ii.ii-lov. d.” “ And what about the o: lit “ Th ist? in the hue'-: ami !;• ami was soon able do s n Very shot t’y Clements d oni pu iega a- aiu, as SSrcn£ and Pd'/.o a teas ever I was iu my life.” “Ami you hud no more s<; x\* cv.’ai iil \ \ “Xo ; I fiini’y 1-elieve (;■•• '< been cnmpbMc’y diivcnout id an ' I don't f' ar d in w.” “ Yt tl look in go oil'l . . " “Yes, and. can <!■» an hard as a-'\ Ida k-in'. I!i i Ar.a: v 1 Ami eat. i put I his in li “'iis y. u ci-ii, ami ns I the coniiMV ronml anym-. fill 1 her purlic.ul '.vs of me? As you nay guess i g- -il i ful for my cutr frov. l.le-loi.L not f.a: 8T vrrrcr.v I, Wr mam Md'-.i-Tnv WianKU, iu ilit! i.'. I o siil* mu y mitt t ■ : ' fu'ly i*!.- ii • in- ’.niicM-ii ■ a (nlii 8, unit eons eiiriwry ; mill that U. ronmins anti :■ of nn- ilhiess ai d cn.-c ir c.ri on . suv way ; ami >. nialte : Si icn-io.idi l a lie-, hie- '.h vin o of ii.- '■ i-i.r. -■■ the ah.i ll \ e . r of In .- rr in-Hided ” A-i A'l frr il i am- and Adi.matiom v. Ilei'Srtn I - I - i f 'hoi:-', aud Io Mil..--.ifni.-i l-t-.rait tiie si.pp.e'ijh.ii .d vo.urn and Aiildavin.'’ i seemed to possess m> iuUrcst in the 4at WindsT- 'l' bclvie me. J A jtt —.5 • 0 euuic on tho ma.ket, th" plausible ailvertt-a.ig u he timn.h'le .=* at; 1 unov.ry, ai.el .liry have ft sale lor a year For a medicine to icinain popular for the n’.miner of ye st hr vo exe-'pticn 1 merit, j’he Australian |ntr io»« t ••-'> M d to lie guile i for long «\en by clever, if tube :;d or!’semen: ipwck nostrums run to the length of their leliter f • u»> - o.v. *V- ,* i- -s i-’te l.idcr for Co".

KEATING’S POWDER ” destroys BUGS, FLEAS MOTHS, BEETLES, and all other insects, wuilst quite harmless to domestic animals. In extermina ting Beetles the success of this powder is extraordinary. It is perfectly clean in application. Sec- the article you purchase is “ KEATING’S,” i.e., with the signature THOMAS KEATING on each tin, as imi | tations are noxious and ineffectual. Sold in tins, Cd | and Is eacli, by a chemists. Advice to Mothers.—Are you broken in your ■ by a sick child suffering witli the pain of cutting j teeth ? Go at once to a chemist and get a bottle of , Mas Winslow’s Soothing Syrup It will relieve the | poor sufferer immediately. It is perfectly harmless and pleasant to taste, it produces natural, quiet sleep, bv relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as “ bright as a button.” It smoothes the child, it softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for dyaentry and diarrhoea, wnethor arising from teething or other causes. Mrs Winslow 'a Soothing Syrup is sold by Medicine dealers every where at Is lid per bottle. QOyERpSyNT IflSUiftHDB Establisiikd 1670. DEPHRTjTIEHT. GROWTH OF BUSINESS:— Sum Assured, 1G75 - £.l ,<337,000 „ „ 1335 - £6,466,000 „ „ 1835 - £9,250.000 J. 11. RICHARDSON. 51 (ViminiK.sioncr ThroatAkfkctions and Hoarseness.—All suffering from irritation of the throat and hoarseness will be agieeably surprised at the almost immediate relief afforded by the*use of Brown’s Bronchial Troches. These famous lozenges are iuw sold by.most iexpectable chemists in this countiy at Is lid per box. Psop «? troubled with a“ hacking cough,” a slight cold or bronchial affections cannot try them too soon, as similiA' troubles if allowed to progress,'result in serious Fulmonary and Asthmatic affections. See that the words “Brown’s Bronchial Troches’’are on the Govern, merit Stamp around each box.—Prepared by Jons I Brown & Sons, Boston, United States. Euiopcau Depot : 33, Farriugdon Hoad, London England. Valuable Discovert for the Hair.—lf your hair is turning grey or white, or falling off, use “The Mexican Hair Renewer,” for it will positively restoie in every case Grey or White hair to its original colo-, without leaving the disagreeable smell of most “ Re -torers " It makes the hair charmingly beautifu 1 , as well as promoting the growth o' the hair on bald spots where the glands are not decayed. Ask youi Chemist tor “ The Mexican Hair Renewer,” sold by Chemists and Perfumers everywhere at 3s Cd pel Bottle. Wholesale depot, 33 Farriugdon Road, London, England. “KEATING’S POWDER ” destroys BUGS, FLEAS MOTHS, BEETLE j, and all other insects, whilst quite harmless to domestic animals. In exterminating Beetles the succe-s of this powder is extradinary. It is perfectly clean in application.' See the art cle you purchase is “ KEATING’S,” as imitations are noxious and ineffectual. Sold in tins, Cd Is, and ii 6d each, by all chemists. \OUR ATTENTION FOR A MINUTE. Influenza is a constantly recurring epidemic in the colony, and is so insidious in its action that many people are inclined to take but little notice of it when its attacks them. They attempt, by extra exertion, to throw off the lassitude that is one of the prominent symptoms of the disease, and t in the meantime the malady is increasing. The tonic qualities of TUSSICURA have been of the highest value in these cases, strengthening the system and soothing the nerves, and have effected a cure in many instances where other rein dies have tailed. Long-standing cases of Asthma have also been immediately relieved by a few doses o f the mixture. Write tor testimonials Obtainable all storekeepers. mO TRAVEL THE WAKATIPU 1 DISTRICT, The standard-bred Trotting Stallion DESIGN. DESIGN is by Specification—Rosa, and is a dark brown, standing 16 hands, and is rising five years old. _ . Specification, sire of Design, is the best actioned horse in the colony. Specification is hy Contractor, sire of Dr. \\ est 2.IGR and other standard performers. Specification as a three-year-old won the Open Handicap (in harness), three miles, at Moonee Valley, in 8.80. He also won, besides many o her events, the tw > and a-half mile I rot- at Richmond, Victoria, in 6 and later a two miles in harness in 5. IS, and the same day covered three miles in Smin. In the show r ng he took second prize at the R .yal Agricultural Show, Melbourne, 1892, beating Red Wing and others. Hosa, dam of Design, won the U mile trot at Maniotuto, 1894, in 4.22, and the 2-mile trot at Beaumont, 1894, in 5.53, defeating the well-known horse Blacksmith. TERMS: El 10s at end of season (Ist February), and £ 110s when mare proves ifoal. Groomagen es, ss. Good grass paddock for mares from a distance at Is 6 1 per week. All care taken, but no responsibility. Arrangements can be made with Mr C D. WHY is EVAN’S’S Great COUGH Dagp. Queenstown. KK iEDV ousting quacks from the j | inai ket ? ITJSSI(TJRA (is acmu ). JOHN DAGG, Owner.

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Lake County Press, Issue 904, 29 March 1900, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Lake County Press, Issue 904, 29 March 1900, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Lake County Press, Issue 904, 29 March 1900, Page 3