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In the laiiiiungo spoken between th 3 Caspian and Black Seas, " dada v means mother, ami " mawA'' father. As a result of a ' klt: , t in the city of Mexico, the mJHH n a pens condemn th■> game as far mora brutal than bull fighting. Bad Blood. —The Editor of tne b&mil'v Doctor says : "We have s-een hosts oV letters in which the 'vriters acknowledge the benefit they have received from Clarke's wonderful Blood Mixture, whicnas a curative , agent cannot be too highly estimated, »inee it cleanses and clears the blood from all impurities. If the blood is diseased the body is diseased. Clarke : s Blood Mixture is * medicine of the greatest possible value and it is certainly the finest blood purifier that science and skill havs brought to litflit. Wo can with the utmost confidence recommend it to our subscribers and the public genorally."—The Fanily Doctor, 16th July, 18<)<2 For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sore? of all kinds, it is a neverfailing and permanent Cure. It is the only real specific far Gout and Rheumatic Fains, for it removes the cause from the blood and hones. o'Chemists, etc.eveiv where at 2s 9d and lls per bottly. Thousand of testimonials from all parts. Caution.—PURCHASERS cf CLARK If BLOOD MIXTURE should see that the, get the genuine artijle. Worthless imitations and substitutes are sometimes palmed ffby unprincipled vendor Tbe words " Lincoln and Midland Conn tiesfrrug Company, Lincoln, fcngland," engraved on the Government Stamp, anj "CLARKE'S WORLD - FAMED. BLOOD: MIXTURE" blown in the Bostle, without; which none are genui ic. For the ]>ast quarter o a century there m* bew t one continuous flow of letters bearing testimony to thp truly wonderful cures effected by Clarke s VT« Idfamed Blood Mixture, •■ The finest Blood Purifier th** < science and medical tkil have brought to ' '■ Sufferers from Scrofula, Scurry, Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases, Bad Pimples, and Sore* of an> kind,.are solicited,to (five it a triai to test its va!u/ ; Sold everywhere at 2s £d per bottle. Bevare «• ; worthless imitations and uihatitutes. ! KEATISG.'s POWDER 'destroys f;'JGS KLE*- ; MOTHS, BEETLES, and all other insect'-,, Wl quite harmless to domesti ; animal. In tiiiK Beetles tnr succt ss, of this power l- ex„, '. dinarv. It is perte tiy clcati in apphcati >n, See {t article you purchase >s " HE VTING.'S," i.e., th s gnature-THOMAS KEATING on ,anh tin, as liu tiitions are noxious and ineffectual. Sold in tim> Mi and Is eacn, by a, chemists. tLOIULINK.— ban TIIK T«KTII and Brb.ith. - \ re*. drops-of the liquid Klo.iline sprinkled on „ we» tooth-brush produce a pleasant lather, which thoroughly cleanses the toeth from all parasitti-Jrim purities,, hardens the iru m, pvvm.i tartar stop* i decay the teeth a peculiar pearly Jwhitaness, and a delightful fragrance to the ureath. Ife removes all unpleasant odour arising: from decayed, t*-eth or tobacco stiulcc. Tne fra.-rant HoHlir,,,'" being composed in par, of honey and sweet herb, i is delicious to the taste, and the greatest toilo- di*. ' covery of the age. Price !s (id. of all Chemists and perfumers. Wholesale diput, 33 Fa.-rinsrton Ro*d London, England

Advice to Mothers.—Are you broken in yout i by a sick child suffering, with the pain of cuttins teeth? Uo at once to a chemise and jret a bottle oh Mrs Winslow's Syrup It will relieve the poor sufferer immediately. It is pnfectly h»rmle* and pleasant to taste, it produces natural, quiet ; sleep, bv relieving the chi d from pain, and thelittn cherub awakes as " as a button." It sooothe*. the child, it sotiens the tfums, allays all pain, r»-- : liev?s wind, regulates the bowels, a-.d is the bes* known remedy for dysentry and diarrheal, w.ieth t arising from teething or o;hcr causes. Mrs Wmslow J Snothiny Si i up is sold by Medicine dealers even ■ whereat Is Hd per bottle. Impurities in the Blooo.—" \Ye hare seen ho-u. (if letters from people who have received i«it heneßi- : from the use of Clarke's Bluod Mixture It ca:nios be too hisjhlr estimated, it cleanses and clears the ■ blood from all impurities.'- Thh is a good testimonial from the Family D.ictor, A-hich sr >e* on fin thertosay: "It is. the finest Blood Purifier thin science and medical skill have brought ti audi we con with the utmost recommend it to our subscribers and the public generally. F<" .Scrofula, Eczema, Had Less, Skin and Blood l)i» eases, Pimples, and -Sores of all kinds, its effects an marvellous.- Thousands of, wonderful cuies havu been effected by it. Clarke's Blood Mixture is soldi everywhere at 2. IM per bottle. Beware of woithles*. mutations and substiti'f s. " For the Blood is tin Life."—Claike's Wor ,v famed lilood Mixture i warranted to cieacso" blood from all impurities fioni whatever cause anai< For Scrofula, Scurvy, Koze na, B»d Leg*, Skm « % ' Blood Diseases, I'iniples, and Sons ot all kinds I effects are marvellous. I'housands of wo .drrl lav e bee ■ effected by it. Sold everywhere 2s 9d. Beware of worthies* imitations. Clarke's Woiild-faid-d Blood Mixture —"1 most searching blood cle*nserth t .eienje anamed!*. skill have brought 10 light." oufts.Te.-s from Scr* fuia, Scurvy, Eczema, Bad Legs, Skin and Bio. eases, I'iniples, and Sores cf anv kind n--p s_-Jic yireita triiil to test its vi ierful cures have been e..^ where at 2s Qd p»r bottle. Beware" of worth! tations and substitutes. For the Blopd is thk Like."—l! the blood laden with impurities it. spreads disease lates through the organs of the human h-> rieart. Stomach, Kidney:, Brain. Cls famed Blood Mixture is warranted, tc blood from all impurities from whatcve ing. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Bar, and B oori Diseases, Pimples, and Sores its effects are marvellous Thousands of 1 cures have been effectel by it. Sold every 2j Qd. Beware of worthless imitations and subs tutes. "Clarke's World-famed Rl od Mixtur*" guarauteed cure for all Bh.od and Skin Diseases. 1 is the nvst searching blood cleanser ever discovered. and it will free tJ from whatever c: Eczema, Bad Legs, Bimpiw, and Sores of all kinds, its effects are marvellous. Thousands of wondorfu^ cures have been effected by it. Sold everywhere, at . 2s 9d per bot le. Beware of worthless imitations. Valuable Discovery for, tub Hair.—lf your hiu»is turning irrey or white, or falling 0.-T, use "Tha. -''•an Hair Renewer," for it will.positively restont -y case Grey or White hair to its original color enell of most " Relinirlv he-.nrifnl »- well as promoting me jrrowtn o' the nair on balCi spots, wh«ro the plands&re not decayed. Ask your Chemist tor "The Mexican Hair Rkxehkr," sold by Chemists and Perfumers everywhere at 3s Od p»r holesale depot : 33 FarriDgJon Roid, Lou d in. England

" The Health and Vigor »t anindiviit upon the quantity and quality of the bloc. the tissues have been at work, there a thrown ito the blood, waste products, and If theta oe not aim nated but (through any came) detained in the bio they influence nutrition and function and final'y duce organic disease "—The Humanitarian. In c ot Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Bad Legs, Skin and, Blood Diseases, Pimples, ard Sores of all kinds, the effects of Clarke's Blood mixture are marve.lou=: I housand>of wonderful cures hav, eei: ertected b tt. Clarke's Blood Mixture is sold everywhere a', 5,., i)d per bottle. It ware of worthies* iiu tahon» tiid substitutes. IIIKOAIVYKKK'-TtONS A,VD.!Io \RSRSBSS. — All suloririi; ,tion of the throat and hoarseness will br surprised at the almost immediate reliet afforded by of Brown's Broncnial Troches These famous 10/.eii.'cs are row sold by nnst inspect able chemistsin this countiy at le per box-. Paoplo troubled with a" hacking c-„-h," a slight cold rbroni hial affections cannot try them too soon, &» '■'-lit allowed to progress,'result in seno j, Asthmatic ttfections. See thai th« wcrds "liro*-i. s Bronchial Troehes"arc on the Govern ment Stamp around each box.—Prepared by .lons I ; Soss, Boston, Uuit-.dStates. European 1) Karrimrdan K., Ljil m B igUnd "How lfl t that ' Clakkk's Blood M xturr ' hj obtained great, popularity " is a question whit,., has perplexed many. The answer is that it is unquestionably the finest Bio xl Purifier that* and medical skill have brougiit to light. Tho_' of wonderful cures have been effected by it Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema S<in arid Bl >'> dli Bad Legs, Pimples, and Sores of all ki.-iUo, lfc effects ' are marvellous. Sold everywhere at 2s ftd per bottle. Beware of worthless imitations and 8 ibstitatea. " If the blood is diseased toe body is Keinenibwr that the blood, whether pure oi impure, circulates through the organs of the human body— Lungs, Heart, Stomach, Kidnejs, Brain. If it is'la den with poisonous matter if spreads disease on its course. In cases of Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Bad. ' ' - J 'ilood Diseases, Pimple , and Sjtesof" .... «,.,uo, ...... meets of Clarke's Blood Mixture are marvellous. Thousands of wonderful cures hav» been effected by it. Clarke's Blood Mixture is sold everywhere at 2s 9d per bottle. Beware of worth: nutations and substitutes. . Safk, Pkkhank t, and Warran for Pimples, Scrofula, Scurvy, j Blood Diseases, Pimples, and sores of »'] kinds, we can with confidence recommend Clarks's vt'orld-farneii Blood Mixture. "It is certainly the tin«st 8100 i Purifier that science and mecical skill have t. ro „„„Z to l.;;ht." Thousands of wonderful cures ha"c effected by it. Sold everywhere, at 2s 9d per bi Beware of worthless iinitatiors. The Blood is the source fiora which on; are built up, and from which we derive oi well as our physica capabilities. If th "-.sed the body ia diseased, f-ufferers fc "»••' Bad Legs. Skin and nd Sores of any kind are . Clarke's world-famed Blood urcs have been effected by it. .Od per buttle. Beware of wc institutes. ' )

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Lake County Press, 6 January 1898, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Lake County Press, 6 January 1898, Page 8