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Local & General.

A pull report of Arthur’s Point sports will appear in our next issue. Ws remind our readers of the excursion to Rere Lake, Kiuloc , and Glenorchy on January 3. The return fare is only ss. Messrs O’Meara and Co. will sell the whole of Sergeant Bowman’s household furniture and effects on Thursday next, Jauuaiy 6.

Church of England services for Sunday next —ll a.m. H.C. Arrowtown ; 7 p.m., Queenstown. Rev. A. D. Mitchell. Also 11 a.m. Queenstown. Presbyterian servicts for Sunday next: —Rev. R., H. Blair at Arrowtown 11, Miller’s Flat 2.30, Queenstown 7 Mr Shore Queenstown 11, Arrowtown 7, Constable Bowman, of Arrowtown, has received official intimation of his promotion to Sergeant of Police, and will be transferred to Dunedin at an early date.. We now offer our hearty congratulations to. Sergeant Bowman on the well-earned promotion, and we know we are echoing the sentiments of all in doing so. At the same time we try much regret to see Arrowtown lose so efficient an. officer.. During his residence hereof seven years, Sergeant Bowman has been a good and popular citizen.and, a most li erai supporter of any cause worthy of assistance.—We notice by the Daily. Times that Sergeant M/Kenzie, of La- sden, wifi have charge of the Queenstown, district. Our. readers will regret to hear of the deaths of two residents of this.district. Last evening Mrs W. Bennetts, of Lake Hayes, died, after a long and painful il ness from cancer. Death must have been a happy relief to the poor woman, as her suffering was described as something terrible. Deceased lady ha I reached the age of 60 years. Tn ■ fuperal: will take place at 2 p.m. for the Arrow Cemetery on Friday.—Mr Saugster, teacher of the Skipper’s Point school, died at Invercargill the otner day. Wa have not yet heard) the erase of death. Deceased was quite a young man and au excellent teacher. He was iu the best of health when ho left Skippers to spend his Xmas holidays in. Invercargill.

Dit Emily Ryder, who toured. New Zealand some time ago, and taught us how, to make brown bread and,other things, is now in Melbourne, and is delivering addresses in the same vein as she did here. Ranji was a Brahmin, and is a prince of the Royal Blood of some Hugh power or other in India. But he preferred cricket to cash, and has been expelled from his religion for breaking its most sacred rules by living and eat ng wth unbelievers. It is said he intends to go into Parliament, and, being a grc it favorite with all classes he will probably have a comfortable billet found for him.

Upwards of 1000 years before Christ the Chinese were a people nil d by a dynasty of kings, but there is no authentic history of them prior to the Chow dynasty. The “ Celestial Empire ” has in its time borne many odd names, for it was formerly the custom to change the name of the country every time a new dynasty gained control of governmental affairs. Thus in the ancient writings we find it referred to as Hai-que, Cham-que, etc., according to the name of the ruling monarch. The true name, according to Oriental scholars, is Chum-quc, which means “ the centre kingdom of the world.” The early Kurnpean explorers, especially the Portuguese, cor.upt-d Chum-quc into Chinque, and from this wor i later navigators “ evolutod ” the word China. A race boat madeof hardened and polished cement lias been invented by an Italian. Steel bars one-third of an inch in diameter form the frame, and on this is thin wire netting. The netting is lightly covered with cement.

The report as to the ill-health of Li Hung Chang is confirmed, for news has reached London that he has been more or leas seri usly unwell for two or thr e months. It is understood at Shanghai that the Grand Secretary will continue asking for leave to attend to his m dailies ” until the Cuinese Emperor, wearying of his entreaties, permits the old servant of his dynasty to retire to his home in Anhui.

Mr Hawkins, S M. for Sou-hern Otago, recently met with an accident in Dunedin, whereby he broke two of his ribs, aud bis doctor has now ordered him compiete rest for a time.

In Paris there are more than 50,000 persons who earn a living by picking up what others throw away The whistle of a locomotive can be heard 3.300yd5, the noise of a train 3,Booyds, the report of a musket and the bark of a dog I,Booyds. It is ou record that a gluttonous man devoured a leg of mutton and two loaves of bread at a meal; hat it appears there is an individual up Hastings way who is not far behind in the alimeutive propensity The other night he succeeded iu patting a.ray two dozen trotters and two quarts of. beer for supper. And still his whiskers grew.

A MMDfcN athlete is one who at the time of competing, has never won a first prize in a similar class of competition— i.e., winning a prize for walking would not disqualify for miming, or miming for hurdling or vice versa, but winning a prize for running any dhtaucc would disqualify for running. This is tim defi dtiou of a maiden as recognised I)/ Odedoniuu Society of Otago Dunedin Am tuir Athletic Club, and all kindred institutions.

A certain Otago paper recently made much of the fact that pieces of laud in the township had changed hands at the rate of t4t)o par acre. In Gore the other day a parcel of land changed hands at the rate of £2OOO per acre ! And that in a aide street. Influenza is still rampant in Wellington, and die visitation is more widespread than on any previous occasion. The epidemic is remarkable for, the variety of its effects on iia victims. The chemists in Wellington are rushed for quinine. A terrible case-of drowning was lately investigated at Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, the deceased bei g a farm labourer named Robert Reader.- He was found embedded in the mud by the side of thr river .Neue. It is supposed that when going home at nig T by a footpath by the side of tile river lie fell over and became embedded iu the mun and could not extricate him.-elf. The tide was loA’ at the time, and i.. is supposed that lie remained in the mud until gradually covered bj’ ilia rising tide. A v edict of “ .incidentally drowned ” was returned.. In a Lttle goldfields town up country the village churen li .rmomuni lias become so aged that it is said to snore wile ■ it is p.ayed upon for any' ength of time. Regarding this a cynic suggests that it is nut uge that is troubling the harmonium, but the soporific influence of the village sermons, “In d »tn cney were not,” can appropriately be written of Mr and Mr James Sun, of Johnsonville, two of Wellington's pioneer s .tin’s, alio arriv’d in Inc ship Olympus in 1841 (says Uic dust). Mrs Sim pa- ea away m t c ~e iay hst at the advanced ag :or !)o, an ; ns »a> fol owed by lief iiusbm l an ia v: of three days—in iim.i tor them to be burin together ou Sunday., A GOOD- deal has been said and, written lately of the efficacy or otherwise of tne chicken cholera microbes as a rabbit exterminator., Experiments have been conducted just lately at Wantwood by Mr Gilrutb, under instructions from the Minister for Agriculture, The experiments so far have proved entirely satisfactory, and Mr Gilrutb ana dr <. M. iipU r- ’! pl-)«ed with idi-* r -nil's. Jr G .-> i . .v, tins Wcjii, au.i. v. 1 s p.— proceed to Clyde .-ale.

Thk Agricultural Department forecasts a medium harvest owing to damage to crops, in Southland and Otago by wet, and in Canterbury by drought. The North Island was not greatly affected by the weather.

Certainly the best medicine known is Sander and Son’s Eucalypti Extract. Test its eminently powerful effect in coughs, colds, influenza ; the relief is instantaneous. In serious cases, and in accidents of all kinds, be they wounds, burns, scaldings, bruises, sprains, it is the safest remedy,—no swelling—no inflammation. Like surprising effects produced in croup, diptheria, and.,bronchi is, inflammation of the lungs,, swe' i"gs,. etc. ; diarrhoea, dysentery, dis-ease-of the- kidneys and urinary organs. In use at hospitals and medical clinics all over ihe globe ; patronised by His Majesty, the King of Italy, crowned with medal and diploma at International Exhibition, Amsterdam. Trust in this approved article and re*. ject all others. Hundreds of thousands have been induced' to try Chamberlain’s Cough Kemedy, by reading what it has done for others, and having tested its merits for themselves are to-day its warmest friends. For sale by R,. Pritchard.

For three years we have never, been without Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy iu the house,”' says A, H. Pa- ter, with E. C. Atkins A Co., Indianapolis; Ind., and my wife wo dd as soon think of being without flour as a bottle of this Remedy in the summer season, We have used it with all three of our children and it has a ver failed to cure— not simply stop pain,, hut cure absolutely. It is all right, and anyone who tries it will find it so.” For sale by R. Pritchard.

Mr Isaac Horner, proprietor of the-Burton, House, Burton, W. Va., and one of the most widely known,men. in the state was cured of rheumatism after three years of suffering.. Ho says; ‘‘l have not sufficient command of language to convey any idea of, what I suffered, my physicians told me that nothing could be done for me, and my friends were fully convinced that nothing but death t wo Id relieve me of ray suffering. In Jana--1894, Mr Evans, then, salesman for tha Wheeling Drug Co., recommended Chamber--lain’s Pain Balm. At this .time my foot and limb,were swollen to more than double theirnormal size and, it seemed to me my leg would burst,, but soon, after I began using the Pain Balm, r he swelling- began, to,decrease, the pain to leave, and now I consider that lam entirely cured. For sale by R.. Pritchard, CLARKE’S B 41 PILLS SVES, to cure Gravel, Pains iu tha back, and all kindred t complaints. Free from Mercury. Esiabliihad up-, wards of 30 years. In boxes 4s 6d '’each, of all . Chemists aud Patent Medicine Vendor* throughout the World. Proprietors,. The Lincoln and Midland , Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, England . Caution.— Purchasers, of Clarke’s Blood, Mixture, should see that they got the genuine article, Worthless imitations and substitutes are sometimes palmed off by unprincipled. vendors, . The words “ Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, England,” are engraved on the Government Stamp, and “Clarke’s World-famed. Blood Mixture,” blown on the bottle,, without which none are genuine..

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Lake County Press, Issue 788, 30 December 1897, Page 2

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Local & General. Lake County Press, Issue 788, 30 December 1897, Page 2

Local & General. Lake County Press, Issue 788, 30 December 1897, Page 2