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In the language spoken between ih» Caspian and Black Seas, “dada" means mother, and “ mama ” father. As a result of a recent football game in the city of Mexico, the Mexican pa pers condemn the game as far mor» brutal than bull fighting. Bad Blood. —The Editor ot tne i-anniy Doctor says; —“We have seen hosts of let ters in which the writers acknowledge the benefit they have received from Clarkes wonderful Blood .Mixture, whichas a curative agent cannot lie too highly estimated, ainceit cleanses and clears the blood from all impurities. If the blood is diseased the body is diseased. Clarke’s Blood Mixture is a medicine of the greatest possible value, and it is certainly the finest blood purifier that seunce and skill have brought t-o light. We can with the utmost confidence recommend' it to our subscribers and the public generally.”—The Family Doctor, 16th July, 1392 For Scrofula, Sen ivy. Eczema, Skin and. Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kinds, it is a. iieverfailing and permanent Cure. It is the only real specific for Bout and Rheumatic Pains, for it removes the cause from the blood and bones. Of Chemists, etc., every where at 2s 9A and 1 Is per bottle. Thousands, of testimonials from all parts. Caution.— PURCHASERS of CLARK ES BLOOD MIXTURE should see that they get the genuine article. Worthless imitations and suhst’tutes are sometimes palmed tf by unprincipled vendor The words “ Lincoln and Midland Couu ties Drug Company, Lincoln, England,’' are engraved on the Government Stamp, and “CLARKE’S WORLD - FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE” blown in the Bottle, without which none are genuine.

For the past quarter of a century there oas been one continuous flow of letters hearing testimony to the trulv wonderful cures -ifecteJ by Clarke's Worldfanieii Blood Mixture. “The finest lilood Purifier that science Ultil skill have brought to light.’ ■Sulferers from Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skiri and 111 10(1 Diseases, Hid Legs, pimples, and Sores of any kind, .are solicited to give it a trial to te,c its value Sold everywhere at 2s 9d per bottle. Be.varo o worthless imitations ami substitutes.

KK.VCIXG’s POWDER ” destroys BUGS, FLEAS MOTHS, BEETLES, and al! other insects, wnilst rjuite harmless to domestic animals. In extermina tinjf Beetles tne success of this powder is cxtr.iordinare. It is perfectly clean in application. Seethe article you purchase is “ KE ATING’S,” i.e., with the signature i’i!OM AS KEATING on cadi tin, as lull tations arc noxious and ineffectuaL Sold in tins 6d and Is each, by a chemists.

tLORH, INK.— hOI TIIK IHKTH AXD BRUATII.--A Jet. drops of the liquid Floriline sprinkled on a wet tooth-brush produce a; pleasant lather, which thoroughly cleanses the teeth from ail parasites orim purities, hardens the go us prevms tartar stops decay gives] to the teeth a. peculiar pearly 3white* ness, and a delightful fragrance to the oroath. It removes all unpleasant odour arising from decayed" teeth or tobacco smoke. The fragrant Floriline’ being composed in part of honey and sweet herbs is delicious to the taste, and the greatest toilei discovery of the age. Price 2s 6d, of all Chemists and perfumers. Wholesale, depot, 33 Farrington Ho»d London, England

Advii’K 'lO Motukrs.—Are you broiler* in youi res« by a sick child suffering with the pain of cutting teeth V Go at once to a chemise and get a bottle o? Mils Winslow's Soothing Srucp It will relieve the poor sufferer immediately. It is perfectly hanulej and pleasant to taste, it produces natural, quiet sleep, by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as 44 bright as a button.” it HOjotft&j the child, it softens the gums, allays all pain, r*?lieves wind, regulates the bnvolb, and is the best known remedy for dy-entry and diarrhoea, wnetb r arising from teething or other causes. Mrs Winsloa . Soothing .Syrup is sold by Medicine dealers everywhere at Is Ud per bottle.

IMPURITIES IN THE BLOOD.—'“We hftV« BC6t« hl>T> of letters from people who have received i ?at hemefiu from the use of Clarke's Blood Mixture It cannot, be too highly estimated, for it cleanses and clears the blood from all impurities.** This is a good testimonial from the Family Doctor, /Thick goc< oi» im ther to say : 44 It is the finest Blood Purillcr thas science and medical skill have brought to light and we cun with the utmost confidence recommend u te our subscribers avid the public generally. For tfcrofula, hczciua, Bad Begs, Skiu and Blood Div eases, Pimples, and Sore* of all kinds, its effects an.* marvellous. Thousands of wonderful cutes have boen effected by it. Clarke’s Blood Mixture is sold, everywhere at 2s 9d per bottle. Beware of wotthless imitations and substitutes.

“ For tuk Blood is the Life.”—Claiku’s World famed Blood Mixture i warranted to tneanso th blood from all impurities from whatever cai;:>e arising For .Scrofula, .Scurvy, Eczema, Fad Legs, Skin v Flood Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kinds ii« effects are marvellous. Thousands of wo iderfui. cure:* iavu keen effected by it. Sold everywhere ac 2& Pd. Beware of worthless imitations. ChAKKE’S Wo'iLD-FAMED FLOOD MIXTURE.— M TIW most searching blood cleanserth t»cionee and medico, skill have brought to light.” oiiOxrrers from Scrofula, Scurvy, Fczcma, Fad Legs, Skin and Blood DLseases, Pimples, and Sores of any kind are solicited to give it a fci to test its value. Thousands of wonderful cures have been effected by it. Sold every where at 2s 9d psr bottle. Beware" of worthier* imitations and substitutes.

Foi! THIS IiLOOII IS TUB Likk.”—TJ tho blocd IS larle'i with impurities it spreads disease as it circu latcs through the organa of tie.* human bod}' —Lungs,. Heart. Stomach, Kidneys, Brain. Clarke’s World famed Blood Mixture is warranted to cleanse ihc l>lood from all impurities from whatever cause arts injj. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, bad Lees, Skin and 1! ood Diseases Pimples, and Sores of all kinds its effects arc marvellous Thousands of wonderful cures have been effecte Iby it. Sold everywhere at 2s ad. Beware of worthless imitations and substi tutes.

“ Clarke's W.julu-kamkd Blood Mixtukk '• is guaranteed cure for all Blood and Skin Diseases. 1 is tlio must searching blood cleanser ever discovered, ar.d it will free the system from all impurities from, from whatever cause arising. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Bad Legs, Pimples, ami Sores of all kinds, its effects are marvellous. Thousands of wonderful, cures have been effected by it. Sold everywhere, at •is t)d per hot le. Beware of worthless imitations. Valuable Discovery for the Haul —if your hair is turning grey or white, or failing off, use “Th» Mexican Hair U newer," for it will positively restoro, in every case Grey or White hair to its original color withou" leaving the disagreeable smell of most “ Restorers 11 It makes the hair charmingly beautiful, a» well as promoting the growth o f tne liair on bald, spots, where the glands are not decayed. Ask your Chemist lor “ The Mexican Hair Renf.wer," sold by Chemists and Perfumers everywhere at 3s Od per Bottle. Wholesale depot: 33 Farringdon Road, Lon djn, England

“ The Health and Vigor of an individual depend upon the quantity and quality oi the blood. When the tissues have been at work, there a thrown* ito the blood, waste products, and if these be not eliminated but (through any cause) detained in the blood they influence nutrition and function and Unary produce organic disease.”—The Humanitarian. Incases ol Scrofula, Scurvv, Kczema, Had Legs, Skin and lilcod Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kinds, the effects of Clarke’s Blood mixture arc marve lous, 'thousandsof wonderful cures hav< ec-u enccted bv it. Clarke’s Blood Mixture is sold everywhere at 2s. B.i per bottle. B.ware of worthless imitations and. substitutes.

UItIoATAKEKCrIoXS AND IiOARSRN'BSM.— AII suffering from irritation of the throat and hoarseness u’ill bo agreeably .surprised at the aliU' it immediate relief iflordcd by the*use of Brown's Broncninl Troches These famous lozenges are now sold by most ..-spool aide chemists in this country alls H'Jperhox. People troubled with a“ hacking a alight cold r broiiehial affections cannot try them too soon, as similar troubles if allowed to progress,‘result in verion • pulmonary and Asthmatic infections. See that the wcids “Broo i.’s BronchialTroches”are on the Govern merit Stamp around each box.—Prepared by John I Brows & Soxs, Boston, United States. European Depot ; SM. Farrimrdan Road, London E inland “ How is t that 1 Clarke's Blood M xthrb’ has, obtained such great popularity ” is a question which, has perplexed many. The answer is that it is unquestionable the finest Blood Purifier that science •and medical skill have brought to light. Thousands of wonderful cures have been effected by it. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema Skin and Blood Diseases, Bad Begs, Pimples, and Sores of all kinds, its effects are marvellous. Sold everywhere at 2s 9d per bottle. Beware of worthless imitations and 9 “ If the blood is diseased the body is diseased.”— Remember that the blood, whether pure or impure, circulates through the organs of the human body— Bung-, Heart, Stomach, Kidneys, Brain. If it is la den with poisonous matter it spreads disease on ita course. In cases of Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Bad Legs, Skin and Blood Diseases, Pimple , and Sores of alfkinds, the effects of Clarke’s Blood Mixture are marvellous. Thousands of wonderful cures have been effected by it. Ciarke’s Blood Mixture is sold everywhere at 2s hd per bottle. Beware of worthless, nutations and substitutes. “As a Sai-k, Permase-t, axd Warranted Curs for Pimples, Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad Legs, Skin and Blood Diseases, Pimples, and sores of all kinds. we can with confidence recommend Clarks s U 01 Id-famed Blood Mixture. “It is certainly the finest Blood Purifier that science and medical skill have brought to light.” Thousands of wonderiul cures have been effected by it. Sold everywhere, at 2s 9d per bottle Beware of worthless imitations.

Thu Blood U the source from which our system, are built up, and Irom which we derive our mental as well as our physica. capabilities. 1/ the blood is diseased the body is diseased. Sufferers from Scrofula scurvy jKozcina, Bad Skin and Blood Diseases, Sores of any kind are solicited to tri /e Clarke‘3 world-famed Biood Mixture a trial to test its value. Thousands of wonderful cures have beou effected by it. Sold everywhere at 2s 9d per bottle. Beware of worthless imitations and substitutes.

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Lake County Press, Issue 788, 30 December 1897, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Lake County Press, Issue 788, 30 December 1897, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Lake County Press, Issue 788, 30 December 1897, Page 8