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Arrowtown : April 21, 1892. TELEGRAPHIC.

The trust that's given theo guard, »nd to thydelf be just.

4. (FROM OUR OWN' GORRISPOXDKNT). DUNEDIN, This Day, 9 Messrs William E. Reynolds and Co., Stafford street, Dunedin, report for the week ended yesterday as follows : Wheat : Very little change to note. If anything, the market is weaker, and speculators cannot bo found at present prices Millars are indifferent about buying, unless at a reduction in late rates. Prime velvet and Tuscan (somewhat scarce), 3i lid to 4s Id ; medium, 3s Gd to 3) 9.1 ; fowls’ feed, (plentiful), 2s to 2» 9d. Oats : Arrivals are certainly assuming larger dimensions, but not a great quantity is coming forward. The demand keeps fairly good, but prices have a downward tendency. Prims milling, Is sdd to Is Gd ; heavy bright feed, Isiid to I« ."JAd ; m diuni, Is 4d to Is 4Jd. Rirhy : Practically the same as last week. Rabbitskins : Good demand for the few that come forward, buyers operating readily at quotations. Suckers and halt-grown, 2id to od ; summer skins, 5d to 6,1 ; late summers, 7d to ( Jjd. At the Land Board meeting yesterday H. Birley asked the Board to reconsider his application to occupy part of the reserve adjoining Glenorohy.— Consideration was postponed until Ranger M'Kenzie’s report was received. —Maurice Curron applied a for grazing right over village reserve, block XII, Lower Hawea, on condition of keeping down the rabbits. It was minuted that the Board had no power to comply with the request laud the being within a hundred.

Mr Fraer was elected chairman of the Otago Education Board yesterday. About 300 applications have been

1 rec. ived from females desirous of being employed in the various telephone• exchanges. Two appointments are said to have been made to the Christchurch exchange. There are complaints regarding the scarcity of trucks all over the Southland railways, and stacks of grain are. lying at wayside stations and much exposed to rain, as the department are unable to supply sufficient tarpaulins. The Wellington Post states that it is reported Ministers are determined to insist on the retirmeub from the civil service of every officer who has served for 30 jmars, irrespective of age, ability, and health. The cranes and trucks in use on the Westport harbor works, designed by Mr C. Napier Bell, 0.E., appear to be most suitable for the class of work required, and the Governments of Tasmania and Western Australia, recognising this, have lately been inquiring for drav. ings and plans, and have also made extensive purchases of plant not required in consequence of the approaching completion of the works. These colonies have extensive harbor works in progress or comtemplation. CABLEGRAMS. London, April 19. The Hon. Patrick Grevillc Nugent has appeared before the Police Court charged with a serious outrage on Miss Marion Price in a first-class carriage on the London-Brighton line.

Russia has offered the Shah of Persia half-a-million to pay off the holders of the British tobacco monopoly, receiving the customs revenue by way of security, ft is supposed that Russia hopes by this plan to destroy British influence in Persia. The residents of Cadiz are alarmed at a fresh discovery of dynamite, and. fear violence on May Ist. A great sensation has been caused all over Spain by a statement that the Anarchists recently drew lots as to who should kill the youthful King of Spain.

Ari’oixTMKN’T.—Mr J. Golding, headmaster of the Arrow Public School, has been recommended by the Wyndham School Committee hj r the headmasterahip of that school.

J. P. Court. —Before Mr G. Heller on Saturday Thomas Lynch, an old offender, was awarded three days for using obscene language on the way to the lockup,, whither he was being taken on a charge ot drunkenness. For the latter offence bewas convicted and discharged.

Excited. —Mr Lee Smith, candidate for Bruce, was being subjected to the usual “ heckling” at the close of his first meeting. He most emphatically denied a certain statement marie, when a Mr Wilson excitedly ca’led out“ Why, I heard you with my own mouth ! ”

“Tub Half-milloan Loan,” —All the assertions about the alleged'borrowing by the Government of lialf-a-millioa prove to be wrong. Tho Premier states that all that has been done is to secure the renewal of the loan of £4O'J,OOO borrowed' by Sir Harry Atkinoon’s Government, but with this difference : that it has been obtained i per cent, lower interest.

lO.G.T.—The we kly meeting of Golden Arrow Lodge was held rn Saturday night in the Ma-onic Hall, for tie use of which arrangements have been made. There was a very good attendance of members, and five new members were proposed and initiated, making a roll number of SH. The secretary read a paper on •* How to make the meetings attractive,” and was accorded a hearty vo'e of thanks. A committee was appointed to arrange a programme of debates, essays, readings, and musical selections (vocal and inst;omental) for the winter evenings, it was announced that at the next meeting there wou d he a debate, the subject being “Is football a desirable amusement.” Proposed Penny Postage. The- NewZealand Times is informed that the reason; which induced the Government to postpone ?o the-Ist of June the consideration of the ivduciion of the postage from 2d to Id «s that as the time is near at hand when the finances of the past year will have to be reviewed', as well as the changes necessitated by the introduction of the land and income tax, it is better that all these matters should be discussed ami determined at the same time, more especially as the postal reduction involves a remission of taxation to the extent of £40,000 or £50,000. At any rate, the matter is only suspended. The Government will be act when ad the information is before them, and when they have scru'inisod the various sources of income.

“Muzzling the Press” —The Clutha Free Pr s? is company-owned. The editor had wrut*n an article on the Bruce election, favoring Mr Lee Smith’s candidature. This displeased the directors, who met and passed a resolution that all article* should be submitted to them before publication. The editor, disapproving of this censorship, resigned. We once heard of a set of ignoramuses doing a somewhat similar thing. .Some of them “ did not know bfrom-a bull’s foot,” but having, no doubt, an easy conscience, that enabled them to cheat their fellow men, they found themselves possessed of that great passport, money, which gave them a seat on tha directorate of a newspaper company. The articles had to be submitted for approval, and it happened that one article excited the indignation and wrath of the most ignorant of the directors, and this gentleman asked to br shown the offending article in type. This done, ho brought his fat fist down on the column, reducing it to “pi” (thus entailing a great amount of unnecessary labor on the poor printers), and of course effectually disposed of the writer’s arguments in the way that best satisfied his course miud. Plyino for Hire. From the Tapanui Courier of the 12th inst., we take the following report of a case heard before Mr J. N. Wood, 11, M., it being of general interest:— “ Parker v. W. M‘Farlane —lnformation for plying for hire with a vehicle in Tuap.ka County without a license. Mr Reid appeared for the informant; Mr Sinclair for the defendant. The case had been heard last Court and judgment reserved. His Worship now gave judgment. He said:—‘The defendant has been charged with plying for hire with a vehicle in Tuapeka County without having obtained a license. I do not consider that the County has proved that ho was plying for hire. The evidence shows that what he carried was only his own goods, and such a case does not come within the provisions of the by-law. The information will be dismissed.’—Mr Sinclair asked for costs. The County had brought the defendant there on a trumpery charge, and they ought to indemnify him.—His Worship thought the County was jnsitfiad in bringing the ease. It was a test case by a public body, and in these circumstances he did not consider costs ought to be allowed.”

Miller’s Flat. —The etPertaium.nt in aid of Miller’s Flat School is being arranged for. It takes place on May 6. School Committee Election’s.—We again remind householders of the annual meeting to •-! et committees Is Arroir going to allow the disgrace of last year to continue?

Kingston’. —A correspondent writes under date the ISth : —There hare been changes in the proprietorship of the hotels at Kingston and Hurston. Mr Imre, of Dunedin, has bought the Lake Wakalipu Hotel, Kingston-and Mr Thomas Spear has bought the G irston Hotel.—The harvest is all saved hut it has not been very good. Two mills (Mr Cunningham's and Mr S.-per’s started to thrash to-day.

Fire Inquiry. —An inquiry touching the origin of the fire at Arrow Junction by which a thrashing mill the property of Mr John M‘Ma«te- was burned «va» held'at the house of Mr Edmond Fitzgihbon on Tucsd iy before C 0. P.rys,, Fjsq. (coroner), and a jury of which Mr B. Walker wasf iraman. After hearing the evidence of the owner of tiie mid and Edmund Fitzgihbon, the jury returned a verdict that the mill was wilfully set fire to by some person < r persons unknown, CHURCH SERVICES. * St.. John’s Presbyterian Church.—Oa Sunday nuxo service* will be condue e.l as under:—Arro-vtouu, 11 a.m. ; Fra.iktou, 3 p.m. ; Queenstown, 7 p.m. Wesleyan Church. — Services will be conducted on Sabbath next by Mr W. A. Williner as follow : Queenstown, 11 ; Arthur’s Point, 3.30; and Arrowtjwn. 7. Service will bo conducted by the Rsv. S. H. I). Feryman, at Skipper’s Point a* 3 p.m., and Bullendalc at 7.

MEMORANDA. Abstract of New Advartisamints. Watch found. W. K. Raker skating Tuesday next. Lake County Council tenders for gravelling Macetown Koad. Mr Audley Merewcthor, dentist, will arrive in Arrowtown to-morrow morning, and will remain a few days. Dates of Sales. Meetings, &e. Lake County Council. —Tenders for Gravelling close April 30. bale of Hawea Valley runs, April 27. Miller's Flat school annual social meeting May 6. Arrow Borough Council.—Ordinary meetings, tire fourth Tuesday in.cadi month. Arrow District Hospital.—Meetings of Burl of Trustees, first Saturday in each month. It.U. ami Warden's Comxs.—Conri sittings are fixed thus—Queenstown, the second Moadiy in each month and following I'uciday; Arro.vtuwn, Cue following Wednesday and i'nursday.

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Lake County Press, Issue 498, 21 April 1892, Page 2

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Lake County Press. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Arrowtown : April 21, 1892. TELEGRAPHIC. Lake County Press, Issue 498, 21 April 1892, Page 2

Lake County Press. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Arrowtown : April 21, 1892. TELEGRAPHIC. Lake County Press, Issue 498, 21 April 1892, Page 2