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SHE IS HERE ! “ANNABELLA!” Remember her Name—You’ll never forget her Lovely Face! “WINGS OF THE MORNING!”

I INTRODUCING ANNABELLA, VIVID AND ALLURING |g| 'THt I NEW PERSONALITY Q .jB 18j|| A xi\i>l :m>l cx-iiiii” alluii i ig I \ h<-r ;. J>r ■■ ; la|k wHsS jgr 'R| i;nii-i;:ii igc-u- Lnl * - A h 11:11 •< I l:i. the <li:i i I■ll ti g I'k-ih Ii :i< !’<•-- v. h<> -• ' I ltlb> r -WM lii:ik<- l.< I:i| >| ><•:; 1:i 11 «•< **\\ 1114 s <>i 1 lx> Mi>riiin;i” <>|-<nin“ ;ii tin- Xnv sbkximbf if ’ Z Mart;: if The.-i tie Tlie--lav RSERhmBt *■;-*>•*’-, •$ \» >A X t* aX \ who < .»-11... 1,.. i: 1.1 r I Without |n-ine tin- gggr * ' <l.l » 111 that is »•--.•»» Ila 11 v I’ieix-h. A)iaal >< I hi stand- a- the peile.l ex- * , -k Rl \ \ ' j|| L aiiiplt of the h.-i nd- :i< i ■!-- ! Ite-.-ea motif 111 film-- a I’lendi a.lie-- who g . 4 S| took iioin I'lo v.oiks <>f Amotmati poet, and % make- o-li-Ii —) ie.-: <i n : film l>a<J <>n the <\. i popular x. . .. -W*T lll'll stoii. - <d‘ Dona I’,vine. wilT RR-t* ■>' %RRRhMF 4 - Anmdxdla WgRRSraKg 'V <a 6*< jfcT T T who was poked Io be ill.- til-1 Ihtropean to play in pi. tine KRsgW -. / :d>S WEtSfir apß #<y /jA < > produced entiielx in Te.-bni I’oj -u< ii role : 1..- voun-; and |o\ely ' '' 'tai. a'le.-! i\ tufrioi;- in I'iaiK'. wlo-ie -he ha- been otl the -<ieen -im< f** 1 :<< A sßjft~-. I'-' ’•“. i' unn-iKill V Will suited. Her Hold-mild hail. I.rnwii eves, and J ? *■ *" ’ t L»X -JWi* line. -kin and coin plex ion nie except iuiin 11 y xalualde attributes i ..yjpk' '"‘ :I " l:!l " , '■"t"f lilm-. because of the tiiakeup required in the ; Sww< '*“* ' W^***”* 'herhai- idol pi.H e.-.-. -z " MM> ’ A riiiabclla *.- raieer beoun unexpe. ledly one evening when her - ’ / f.•i^ l ■:•r. ;; weaithv I’a.-i-ian. wa- < • 111 erlai 11 i ri ■_• a 410111. of thieml-. aanmo them a film proilucei. M. Charpentier was taking pains to explain One of the beautiful Technicolor scenes from -‘Wings of the Morning.” point'’of''ii'-.? but "tli'i's iu.'i.-Iv' piquxl 'the producer's' inte' ' Vie Annabella with Henry Fonda in a scene from “Wings of the Morning.” GYPSIES LEND LIVELY JOHN McCORMACK >- FONDA ALMOST BECAME DONOGHUE JOCKEY FOR ''TOUCH" TO COLOR FILM FAMED IRISH TENOR UHS Oll,l im.le ~n - Also, sin- wanted'a single name- —something PERPETUAL UNDERSTUDY THIRTY YEARS av vvuviiismri i rnuiuv iau.Mll AJUiiVFJt euphonious and simple. She finally selected Annabella from the title When Things Get Dull, the ONCE A CHOIR BOY of one of het favourite pot ms, Allan lot s Annabel Lee. Henry Fonda, who once seemed Steve Donoghue, the famous English „ T i •~m •> n iI. lt was R ® ne Clair, leading director of F rance, who made Anna- destined to be a perpetual understudy, Jockey, who appears as himself in IA/<> Tirinvmrf ■ i^i fi rvc 1 pVAn bella the leading Continental film star, when tie cast her in tht ■•••». ...»,. T" UllUvl 1115 11 lUvo AaVvll Despite a public adulation amount- starring role in his riotous farce, 1 ‘ Le Million.” Annabella became can -safely count those days behind him “Wings of the Morning,” is still ndP CL Al-L to almost worship, John McCor- the most sought-after actress in France, and her films, though they now. Born in Grand Island, Nebraska, ing after more than thirty years in byp Eacll Utner 111;H . k , the worl<l . fainous tenorj an(l were in French, became popular in England, and even in America. of non . profcssional parcntB) Fonda the saddle. In the new Twentieth Conformer choir bov, who sings in “Wings * ola ’? tin,e " ant< . to nid^e Gl ,ns * n English. moved to Omaha with his family when tury-Fox release, he adds one more Gypsies will be gypsies is the sad Although she had learned English nt school and could read and write JH '. ’ . "of the Morning,” is still the same j t we „ ( s ) ie f c | t tj la t s | ie was no j fluent enough in speech. She decided quite young, and there attended public thrilling Derby yiitory to his already conclusion of Harold Schuster, who had „ eni;l] and sincci . e Irishman as ecer. to live in London for several months, speaking nothing but English an j hi gh school with a writing career long list. Donoghue first made the a few expeiiimes with them while I’robablv the greatest moment in Me- dining that period. v ; ew jj e studied journalism and headlines in 1914, as the jockey with filming “Wings of the Morning.” Seek- , s !ifl , „„, , |t ~„. |. ;ut har- . , A ,' tlie s: "" e 11 , n< >< 11 good idea, she thought, to arrive literary courses at the University of the biggest number of racing wins to ing a band of gypsies for the picture, ist ic Congress in 1932, in Dublin, when ,n London as Annabella, I lie film star. That would mean intern lews Minnesota, working his way through , record ho held for ten i,-„i, -w„. i „ <.„.-,. „r rm n..,.,„ -H the hi iehr of the pageantry and re- :ln '’ invitations, and no time tor study. Living quietly with a London the University by serving as athletic lus trL,llt , a ,eco “l 110 hll 'l to ' t en Schuster made "i< wains known ' ire'r ligious fervour it was Ids task to sing family, as plain -Mlle Murat, a student, Annabella stayed ton weeks in instructor ami general coach at a near .'ears straight. As an Epsom jockey the leader of a band and agreed’ on ato an assembly of a million people. England, perfecting her grasp ot the language. by settlement house. Unable to find a Donoghue has no equal, holding the allprice.' Early‘next morning a gypsy Many years before, the beloved tenor The golden-haired, brown-eyed actress, now in her twenty-fifth year, newspaper job after graduation, he be- Hme f r(] ‘ caravan annealed on the scene and be had sung in Dublin as a choir boy, is live feet tour tnches m height, and weighs Uh pounds. As rue star came interested in the Omaha Com- . . •’ ’ gan making an encampment It was and, although half a lifetime and a of “ Wings of the Morning,” which was directed by Harold Schuster munity Playhouse, and received his of them m successive years—l92l, 1922 very authentic and gave just the note world of success had passed in be- and produced by Robert T. Kane, Annabella now moves on to new world first stage role in Philip Barrie’s “You U nd 1923. His success is attributed director Schuster wanted.' He ordered tween, the same spirit and the same laurels as Europe’s first color-film star. - Bceon,in S.more interested in „,. linlv to a cast . iron nerve-system. He shooting to start. He had barely deep religious belief actmited the technical end of the stage, he ii- n(!vel . ts rattlcil ridea cv .it i .. i,„ i... i ,;«. n tn hi> *i world celebritv. ■ ■— inainod at the Playhouse for three ~ , ■ . , . , • .. . given the orders when a second earn- "ho h«i<l ns<n io rn a woiiu « ■iii»i™b»ii.«i l i—, 7 i • «. "ith his head and knows the pcculiani i . i .i .• ■ , Vn m-ifk’< longest concert was rears as scene designer and painter, x . van. also . omplefly nutbentii- m ip- M k . < |)|( , occasionally placing a small par! <‘t ei cry Imrse Im rides. Asarepearance, drove up. When it halted th o„ ( he g OdUICIUIEIE'S? their plays. Heading for more lucrative ™. lt , "t hls al ''»« n S success, the cry alongside the first caravans encam p- Ab. t J 1 ’ 11 J llll „ nty . livc v ,, arß RtMtMotK Eastern ' fields. Fonda played a few “ | C u'"« on .Steve! ” has become a P- -T %•••" '' szS Zting tiZ edge; IT STARTS ON TUESDAY, ~,a,,ks hi " ine out hi it he has ever sung in Guild as an extra player and general jj z"— the second band as the one he had hired gjea -st umbm lm. Th(> understudy in “ Game of Death, ” After but by now tat group was in at received on that ocasion £-% S'" ft I’ll WI Fl similar engagements as understudy with programme. A stock production of of something involving stabbing, mar - McCormack >,,,‘Zsfee.ued WIUI <4. productions starring Tallulah Bankhead “ The Swan ” led to his big opportunity hem and possibly a bit of gano 1 g. wa. . great tenors and Fred Keating, it began to look as for Geoffrey Kerr, husband of June Bloodshed not being included m his ” ot a ; s p ™'° also as %, no o f the C* DIF A 8 BUS AT 8 F F £> + O if w °u ld “ever get his name on a Walker, was starred in the play, and plans, Schuster was about to buy them of us time but Mso a IVI MI I E. EL 3.T Z.UU h Miss Walker, who had already been enoff when a constable appeared, to whom - b.-A-In” ' _______________ eaged for the ]eadj rol( ,‘ ju ~T Jjc he explained his predicament I hat Farmer Takes a Wife,” was in the worthy solved the whole problem y IB • zz t 99 HH 1 • B opening-night audience. Visualising |t s all in Perfect Techni-colour. The motion picture people were amazed XI U Ull 111 I VIIVVI I Will II VUIUUI » Walker introduced him to the author to note how well the gypsies lived. The who illllliediatcl recommended him for choicest of fat fowl roasted over the tbc ro)( . Su ,.,. ass in the sta and »wxr.£s™ Be Sure to Book Early. Phone No. 1 though they were well paid for their -z pleasure, being that of ah understudy, picture work, they seemed to be living high. You loved Bobby Breen. You’ll rave about Annabella.

0 KJ

MINISTERIAL VISIT. Public Works Film at Mayfair Theatre. Hon. R. Semple to Speak. I ill ? X On Saturday next, Marell 19th, a special Public Works film will ill the leading roles with Mickey Rooney and Elizabeth Allan supporting, be screened at the Mayfair Theatre under the auspices of the Minister S ■ W Mutiny on the High Seas, treachery surrounding those in charge, tnurfor Public Works, the Hon. K. Semple. ' -w. w Wo. derous and ruthless seamen loose in crazed frenzy of fear ami savagery. The picture covers a very interesting and varied schedule of « A toot * public progress and future ben .‘fits throughout this island. Ihe Ministei || ; i :,sc * n ation and illimitable mystery of the sea has been the will be present at the theatre, and after the screening u ill <lcli\< x an source of literature’s greatest stories and the screen’s most entertaining address which should prove vitally important to Kaikouia (itizens. >- pictures —“Sea Beast,” “Captain Blood,” Mutiny of the Bounty.” Owing t<» special arrangements having hud to be made to piouit tin Now Twentieth Century-Fox lavish all their vast resources to create • ~:1 ’ x rilr "* " Ul patron-. 11. e usual S.iti.iPax f rk ’ s I’lodm-t ion. unsurpassed in scope—the peer of them all. Two years giau too will rommem-e at apptox ima t r|\ < o cluck, lini.-hing al - " ’ 1 In P>ep:nation—a fortune in film—a true and tremendous story—a : ‘ ;,n ' ‘ •■' l, ‘ w minute- interval the Public \\ oi k- pi-lt.'- w.,1 matchless list of stars—moulded bv master showmanship into unforThe H<m. Mt. Semple will take charge dunng the scremi gobble ngent. The la.-t \nrv-w.ncked voyage of the last i!, ‘‘ ” in: ;Ui! ‘ " ,H ‘ - i,l:i,n ll “‘ ,h, ‘ ~<|UII” >!:•'<•••. Thrilling bemuse if- NEW. exciting because if- HEAL. ment used on Public Works. Wh . . . . * A full complement of short subjects are attached to the pro>aturday s usual programme <on.-ist- <d ‘"‘y hll ‘ ‘ gramme, ami patrons who enjov a thrill, will not be disappointed in ■" "• Ih - b s ' :i - lh " lu " —hv.-Shi.,--slave trip ever made, featuring Warner Baxter and Wallace Beery in P Warner Baxter, Wallace Beery and Elizabeth Allan in “Slave Ship.”

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Kaikoura Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 22, 17 March 1938, Page 1 (Supplement)

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Kaikoura Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 22, 17 March 1938, Page 1 (Supplement)

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Kaikoura Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 22, 17 March 1938, Page 1 (Supplement)