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Public Xtotioe __^_§^§£v i llsililllii7^f_CVfi i ||llS___M___EA_i__U____|| I |g^^^™Bß_-_--S--'" w"J CURE FOR ALL | HOLLOWAY^S OINTMENT j The Beady and BehaWe Betaedy linnsd with this powerful antioote to | disease, every man is his own fmnily physician. The first Hospital Surgeons admit its unparalleled and healing virtues'. Foreign pverntnente sanction its use in their naval arid military services, imdmunkind throughout tl«e world repose the utmost cortfiience in ite curative properties. I Gout, Bhoumatism snd Dropsy These are among the livst terrible and Agonising diseases to whioh th« human frame Isbubjeot | yet in their worst forms, and' 'wfien seemingly : incurable,- tlioy disappear Under a persevering Application of this sooth ing -«d powerful'Ointmcnt, if strict attention be paid to the.printed instruction wrapped round each pott - Sore Throat, Diphtheria, Quinsey, Mumps and all Derangements ofthe Chest and Throat If, on the': appearance of any of these diseases, the Ointment be well rubbed, and least three times a day, up.m the neck ton upper part of th<- chest, so as to penetrate all ilia glauds— >-ihe worst oases will yield « m n .•ompurutiveiy short timo, particularly if Holloway's Pills br taken iv appropriate dose* to purify the. blood. Bad Logs, Bad Breasts, Ulcerous Sore aad Old Wounds Vany thousands of martyrs from the above eootplants have found life almost iusupH table but if Holloway's Ointment be kly and plentifully rubbed upon aud •round Uio parts buVUhI, it wiil quickly p tic t rale to the source of the evil j rase may be safely guaranted, and disease driven from the* syrtem. sothing can be inure simple in life! than the manner h. which it is applied nothing more sanitary than its action on the body, both locally and constitutionally. The -other's Friend— Skin Disea howev Desperate may be Baa-oally Cured Bnald heads, itch, blotches <n the skin se'rofulous eorve, king's evil, aud such like »/>er tions, yield to the mighty power of this dnei Oinliheut, provided it be well rubbe* around -the affected parts two or threo time* a dty'and the Pills be takeu according to the printed directions, A Certain fera Thousaude of persons suffer excruciating agony for years from thi-ee fearful complaints through false delicatry. Anyone no suffering should at once purhuso a Pot of iielloway * Oimt'iei .read the directions tvhiuh accompany it, act upon them to the letter, and he wiil, without fiflicuUy, succeed iv obliterating every vestige of these hurussing complaints. the Ointment and 2'ills should le used in the following complaints : ad Lege Corns (soli} Scuhls find Breoste fistulas Soro Throats Bums GoHt Skin Ureases Bunions Qlaudulnr Sum-v Chilblains -' Swrllingß Sora heads , <- happed hands Lumbago Tumours V outracted and Piles Ulcers Stiff Joints Rheumatism Wounds Nervuusness, Debility, Loss of Power. Spermatorrhea, Indiscretion o' early Youth, Syphilitic Disease*. In all the abovo cases, ar rising from errors and the yielding to the passions, no time: should be lost to at once arrest tinprogress of disease. DR. L. £7 SMITH TTT AS devoted mself for twenty year fy'.,. ia tho colony to tbo practice of tin bvanbh of his profession while previously, tn England, he was the pupil of and pracI tised with the celebrated Dr. It. T. Culverwell,' the ©nly medical practitioner who ever exclusively adopted this a* the sole branch of his profession. Dr. L. L. Smith hereby informs th» publio that • »• theonly legally»qualijiee medical man »' this *pei-iul'ity of his protessioh that others advertising are unqualified, aud that, thorofore, iv pretending to beiquniifiod are obtaining money undei false {pretences. Drl L. L. Smith also warns the pnblir against the qaaekeries aJvertisad. It* the takor of any of these advertised nostrum? escape with his life, or" his system bo ii«» thoroughly and irreparably undermined by them, lie may lct>k upon himself as the most fortunate mortal. Dr. L. L. Smith has been applied to bt so many unfortunate broken-down youngoldMitec, utterly crushed in sprit, ruined io body, and filohed in pockoe that hr deems it a duty to publish this to thr wertd. Those' men and women who have hcor. the victims of unprincipled chnrlatnn> frequently seek that recovery which i> often beyond Dr. Smith's control. Wher will the public understaud that it is tt their interest to consult a duly qualities medio-'man, who has made this his sdl« study; rather than apply to a number 01 ignorant impostors, who merely harp ane 1 pwy upon their pockets and health. Dr. L' L. Smith has alway stated thai to warn the public of theso quicksands his .chief reason for advertising. In all cases of nervous, debility lownes» loss of power, pimples on thr orsheud. lassitude, inaptitude for busiues > mijsotencv' drainage from the system, anc the various effects of errors of youth and bhjod poisoning t r m diseases previously oontracted, Dr. L. L. Smith iuvite* suflnrers to consult him, as he has n« hesitation in stating that no m«dical man either here or in England, has had th« opportunties of practice and extraordinary experience whioh he has had. Therfore thosu-wbo really desire to be treated by one who re at the head of his profession in this-branch of medical practice should lose ",° VJ 116 1D Beeki,, « his advice. Nor should anyone marry without first consulting him. The new consulting ro<» ns are at 182 Collins STaui- East, Mkliksokne Opposite the Melbourne Club, (Late the residence of the Governor Private entrance is in Stephen street south CONSULTATION fUJi (by letter) £1 Medicines forwarded to all the colonies so packed as. to avoid observation. -Book published by the Doctor eat« hod ou applic-itiou to him

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Inangahua Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1280, 4 June 1883, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Inangahua Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1280, 4 June 1883, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Inangahua Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1280, 4 June 1883, Page 4