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Di-tIvNTi£UV, CHOLERA, uX'/Ki' AGUE, COUGHS, COLDS, Ac. T\tt T . COI.LIS BROWNE U \\x Army tsu) CHLoR 0 D T N K Is rtip urnji'iai and on.y Genuine. CiCHUJf.— Vi-tc-Chancollor Sir W.P- Wood latcii tlisfct Ih- Bbownb was unJoubtedly tho "nventor of "OHLOROOYNK;" tluvt Gtory of the defendant Free ni an being the inventor was deliberately untrue, .vi;ich he regretted bad beeu sworn to. Eminent Hospital Physicians of London stated that Dr J. Corns Bko^ne was tup dJaeoreror of Chlorodynej that they proscribcl it largely, «>id mean no other th»r. Dr Huownk's.— See Times, of July 12,. IW* Tho Public, therefore, are cautioned against suing any other than 1)r 3 Coins Browse's Cptoiodyne EESIEDIAL USES AND ACTION This INVALUABLE REMEDY produces quiet rcfreshiiitf Bleep, re?ieicvesps»in calms tho syitem, n-storea the deranged functiona a:id stimulates and regulate? tho secretions of tho body without creating any of those unuicasant results attending the uce oi opium Old and young may take it at. all hours and ti nes when requisite Thousands of persona testily to its marvelious good ell'ecis and woKucriid cares while ined'cul men extol it.' virtues uiostextunstrelj Ufcia,: it in great quantities in the following Disease-. — Diseases in which it is found eminently use-til— Cholera Dysentery Diarrhoea Colics Coughv Asthma Rheumatics [fixfa^ts from iledicui Opinions] The liiiht IJo;i Earl llusscll co>r'Piumcatfd to the College oi Physiciau* and J T Davenport tint be hud received informatiau to the ctlect thai; the ouly remedy ofawy tcrvieo in Cholera was Chlorodyne— sec Lancet D;ccmbor3l 1864 ' •"' lieware of spurious aud daageroue cbmpouinis so.d us Ghlorodyno fioui vvhiakiUia quen i ldtsil results have 10l owed Sec leading article Pharmaceutical Jour nal August J IWJ which simes thut Dr J Collia iirown was the .nveutor of ChlorodyHfe oiui tliut it is a'ways right to use his-prw paiiitiou when Chlorodyne is ordered CAUTI"W— None genuine without the wo"us-j)r J CoLDiS liKOW^E on tlio Got ermucut Stamp — Overwhelming medical tosiii'ionj acompanics each boule KKUSE'd INSECTICIDE. Persian Insect Destroying Powdor. This powder is unrivulUd in destroying fleas, bug.s ants, fli..-ri, t-oc/iroa/rhes, beetles, ■;iia s, mosquitos molds (m fui-s,' <ts); iiid .. ovci-y other Kpocies of inseetjn, all stages «r iiift-tinorpho^ia to human beings, ami is i]iii'o Juiutiless ia its apulic.i:ion to do'irs, eats, point rj-, &c. V7o ask but on trial for this powder to securj confidence';' no other brand welt bo wanif'.i hereafter. 'the public should Ercourasjo by thsir Litiera' Support tiie Manufoeture •( (Jola oiiiaJ Productions, :imi tlius reader unoccssary piohioitivo pr'netivc f / „ •: If, liv •VV A I"ts PILLS AJN D \Jt OTKTAittNT. luiostrespectlully tnne lonvo to call iKe attontion of the inhabitants of Australasia to the fact that i\r essrs. h kjn ur, c u Jtu vtf & 00., Wholesale Druirgisis, of NEW TCXR-H, have Auencies iv various parts, and that ihoir Travellers arc going all over thu country n-ndiiiK tSL'UitIOQS, lAUTA* TIOJS'JS ol my Pi I is, and Ointuient which Ihcy make in JNkw I'okjC, and whiuh bea: in soiuo insran, if ss2s^^. ces their trademark thus— (f/^r? @m — whilst on other labels of this trash, is omitted, the ft better to ■<£»>- --ceivß jon, Ixit ...%S^the worth " Neiv York " are j. e t a | nci j Much of tin's fictitious stuff* is said in th«> Auction room.-, of Sydney and elsewhere, antl ijiids its way into the bw^ s.-lticiiHTits. These are vile frauds, as j do not allow my Medicines cvea to bo sou in any pn.rt of the United States; they aro only ir.odo by me ut 533. Oxiovi Street, London. Tlio same people are circulating a report that my buwinoss s about to btt forituul into a Company, which is utterly FALSE. 1 most earnestly appeal to that sense uf .British justice, which I feel sure i ma}' venture upou asking from my kit-d countrymen and countrywomen n their., distant homes, to assist me as far bb rjQa^' lay in their power, in denouncing iiiis s.haiu'iiul American Fiaud, bj cau«' lioniny ih )ir friends lest they be duped, into buying villainous eouipounds styled " Jlolloways Pills and Oiulnieiit " with any New i'ork label thereoa. Kach Pot and liox of tho Genuine Medicines bears the British Government 6iam[>, with lite uords " HoLLO Way's >i' I'illa AJfi> <..>liJT.\j£NT, London," engraved? Oh the Iti'jcd is the address, spsL | uxi'oxD Stukkt, London, where niogr (.iiej- ato Maiiaiactured / fiR CSi^ned. >:ffi ; TIiJMAS HOLLOWAy; loadon, Fcb 15,1876. ' ONE BOX OF CLAUSE'S ii 41 PILLS is warranted to cure, ail discharges from the Uiinacy Or^aiis, iv (Mther sex, ac ■ quired or o<m>tiluti'mal, Gravol and Paius in the Uac;c. bold in b>xcs, by nil Ohfiiiisls aud Falun L Mcdiciue Venders Proprietor J IF. J. CLAEKii:, Apothecaries' Hall. Liacolin, England, itxponr .Agents. Bui-goyno. I>urur..i4c3 and Co.. Colcioan street, London. Newliury and S'»ii;, 37 Newgate street L)lld'J!i Uiircliiy :m.l Sous <J5 Farrin«..ii>n court, London San-; r ;i ii.i S,,n«, Osl'«ird htrcel Lendon ami All tin- Loii.ldh Wh^lusalo Houses KUUSK'S FLUID MAGNESIA! is highly :t|.ii>ri>viid un-l piY'saribcd br I hi- Ji-adii." iiniuU'.i' of the Medical Proi'c36ie for indfgHS'icui, heart hum, ikluleucy, ilartion, mut avidity of ihe sroujivch, bilmiß lieudmslip- lioiu, gravel jinaj ffiiblecomplainls For invalids children, dc.litato females, and the sickness of pregnancy n is a. salo anrf I' m^di.-ine, in full doses action as ? /;ent,ic apcnient. It composoa the stomach after uxecsa ol cither etvtina or diinking. For nndical opinions aud testimonials see bill around euch bottle. I^OUMS of Affidavit for Proxies at meeting { v <;t Ou'ditoi-H, on sale ut tlio ofßce of this

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Inangahua Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1276, 25 May 1883, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Inangahua Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1276, 25 May 1883, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Inangahua Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1276, 25 May 1883, Page 4