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DYSENTERY , CHOLERA, V« V Efr AGUE, CO¥GHS> COLDS,. 4c, Dtt T . COTLI& BROWNK'S \\U Arnw ts£} cIrLOR o d y N U la the Urigiaai and on.y Genuine. CArnurf.— v iie-Cl,ancellor SirW.P. Wood tatea that Dr Oohus Browns wbb unJoubtedly the inventor of •« CHLORODYNE;" that tne story of the defendant Freeman being tho inventor was deliberately untrue, A'hieh he regretted had been sworn to. Eminent Hospital Phyßicianß of London. , stated that Dr J. Collis BttOWNE was th« discoverer of Chlorodyne; that they prescribH it largely, und mean no other than: Dr Bkownk's.— See Times, of July 12, 1884 The Public, therefore, are oautioned agaiuat suing any other thau ba J Colus Beowwb'b Ckj/)b*)dt.vb. EEMEDIAL USES AND ACTION This INVALUABLE REMEDY produces quiet refreshing sleep, reheicvespnin culms the system, restores the deranged functions aud stimulates and- reguktes< the secretions of the body without creating any of those unpleasant results attending the use of opium Old and young may take it at all hours and ti ties when requisite Thousands of persons testify to its marvellouegOjOd, effects and wonuertul cures while mediual men extol itj virtuea most extensively using it in great quantities in the following DiseasesDiseases in. which it is found eminently use I ul— Cholera Dyaenf«ry DiarrkotJU. Colics Cough* Asthma Rheumatics [Exfa«.tß from Medical Opinions] The Right Hon Earl Russfill cou-uiuui* cuted to the- College of Physicians and J 'ii Davenport thut be hud received infoi'uiatianto the eil'eot that tho only remedy of any service in Cholera was Chlorodyne— tee Laucet DscemberSl 1864 Beware of spurious and dangerouß compounds so.d us Chlorodyne from whioli fre qutnl fatal results have fol'owod See leading article Pharmaceutical Jour nal August 1 1869 which scutes that Dr J Coll is iirown wa.- (he yen tor of ohl art> dyne oiui that it is aVays right to use hia pro partition whea Chlorodyne ia ordered CAUTION— None genuine without theworjs — Or J (Jolus Ultow^B «v ihe Gov ornuicut Stamp — Overwheltnins; tu<dicak lesui'ioii- ac:oinpanit>» ettch bottle T7- RUSE'S INSJJO X I 0 X D Jft* Persian Insect Destroying Powdorv This powder is unrivalbd iv destroying (lens, bug.-), ants, fit- : «, eoekroa-hes. beetle*, gnu s, monquito* mobs (in furs, Aw), and every other species of inject in all tttugea of metainorplio^iii to human beings', and i» quie liannless in its application to dogs, cats, poultry, &c. We ask but on trial for this powder to secure coiifidonco ; no other bra mi well be warned hereafter. The public should Encourage by their Liberal Support the Maanfocture »f Ool» oniul Proiluutions, ami thus render unooessary proliibitivo protetive duties. Oor.fji-WArS PILLS AJNLir OTNTM »SN T. I most respectfully la He leave to call the attention of the inhabitants of Australasia to the fact that Messrs. HKNJiI', CUItIUN & CO., Wholesale Druggists, of NEW FORK, have Agencies iv various part*, aud that their Travellers are goinjj all over the country vending SPURIOCJS, lAIITA> TFONS of my Pills, and Omtnieut whick they make in Nxw I'ohjc, and which baai iv some install cci tneir traJb m;iric thus— Mm fjpfy — whilst oa other luhclfl of ffsK^^s M*his trash; is omitted, tlie^^^af^ better to deceive yon, but " tue words " New York " are rctaiued Much of this fictitious Rtuffissold in tho Auction rooma of Sydney and elsewhere, and mi;hiy finds its way into tho ba«J» scttlftuciits. These are vile frauds, asj. do not allow my Medicines even to be BOKV in any part of the United £ tntes ; they are only made by me at 533, Ovfowf Street, London. The same people are circulating & report that my business s about to b& formed into a Company, which is CTTBitl"* FALSE. i 1 mo^t earnestly appeal to that sens** of British justice, which I feol.sure I may venture upon asking from my kiui countrymen and countrywomen n tbuir distant homes, to assist me as far a* may "lay in their power, iv deuouncnii liiis shameful American Fraud, !*y cau # lioning th iir friends lost they be duped info buying villainous compounds styled " Hollpways Pills and Ointment " with any .New York label thereon. Jiiich Pot and liox of the Genuine Medicines bears the Jirilish Gooernmeni Stamp, with the words " Hollo ivay^s i'XLhs and Ointment, London," engrayi-'d On the laoud is tLe address, 53$ . Os.yoi(i> Stbebt, London, when* alone ibey are Maiiuiactured 6igned. THOAIAS HOCLOWAIf. LONDON, I'tb 15,187(). ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S U 41PILLS is 'warranted to cure ail discharge* from ihe U'tuarv, in fit her hex, acquired or constitutional, Gr:ivel and Pain* iv the iiaci;. Sold in b.-ixos, by tvli Chunjists aud Faleul Aiediciue Vendors Proprietor 5 P. J. OLAEKE, Apothecarierf* HalU Lincolin, England, Export Agents. Burgoyne. Bur bridges aud (Jo.. ColemuO street, London. Newnory nnd Sons, 37 Newgate streeb Londou Burclay and Sons 05 Farringdun court, London San{> r and Son>!, Oxford street Leßdoi* ami All the London Wholesale Houses RUSH'S FLUID MAGNESIA is higlih' approved and prescribed by the leading member of the Medical Prol'essicfor indegegtion, bpuriburn, flalulency, itiirtion, and acidity of the stomach, bilous beiiduehti' K out i gravel unaj feriblecoinplaiiita. For invalids childr«'n. delitule feinsles, and the sickness of pregnancy it is a Bute and reliable uiedieiuc, in full dosos notion as t /{l'Dtle apeuieni. It composes the atoiuuch. after excess of either enting or drinking. For medical opinions and testimonials soebill around each botlle. IMORMS of Allidavitlbr l'roxitfsat ineotingH P of Creditors, on sale at tho office of this

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Inangahua Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1275, 23 May 1883, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Inangahua Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1275, 23 May 1883, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Inangahua Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1275, 23 May 1883, Page 4