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FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. *• The Council met at 7.30 p.m. PreG. A. Perry (Mayor), 1. D; J. Evans, J. King, A. O’. and Dr Teichelmann. Apf|)gics for absence were made for Messifp Heinz, Elcock and Heenan.

The’minutes were confirmed and outward correspondence approved.


From N.Z. Refrigerating Coy., intimating, that .the following quantities of meatvWerp delivered into Hokitika during ■thernuinth of July viz:—l36 sheep, 1 forwarding cheque for <-/ IOsN-ißeceived.

From the N.Z. Institute of Architects, Wellington, re drawings and specificatihny.—Received. Frimf Municipal' Association, WellingfoHf intimating That Scaffolding and Excavation Bill is before the House, and advising the Council to telegraph Member-for district urgently objecting to provision that an Inspector may give directions to persons in charge, of exbfiihHions ''made by Local Bodies. :—-tfncler • existing legislation, Local* Rddies’ excavations are exempt from inspection, and His Worship the Mayor directed the'Town Clerk to notify the_.Me.niMi;. for ...f he district of the Council’s objection to the foregoing {provision.)—Received ; action approved.

From Municipal Association, Wellington, intimating that Conference of Delegates will be held on the 4th March)'l93l, and asking that remits for Conference should reach the Association not later than the 24th November next.—Received.

• From Municipal Association, Wellthat Cabinet has inclusion in the Finance necessary clauses validatmade by Local Authorities to |bkCa,ncer Campaign and to the ObFunds.—Received. Association, intimating that Executive Cqmmittee has midei'M/copsideation the question of .•».-..Local, Bodies tiUclei the -there, are I t tVpssirigs at jljnes, aiuj risking j jthaj>j day Local Bodies called upon to erect, su< h any.ractioUiWit|ji, miit'A-efeiTirig,tbqjrriajtter :tq j fhe live.—Received. ; ',; ) '•; ■ rj’fi fFrom Chairman, No. 12" :Dis{viet: Highways Council, Greyinouth, - mating Board is unable to pay any subsidies on rates of wages paid 'by Local Authorities, exceeding the Award" Rates, Adtb j, critics, are bound by an Award,) or Ruling Rate, viz: 14s a ■day, are riot bound by an Award)) This "decision applies to all claims for subsidy rendered after the Ist August, 1930.—Received. > . v

Fro-m the--Medical Officer of .Health, Christchurch, forwarding a draft tjylaw, relating to the proper installation and construction, of chemical., anti recinesting'that Council will adopt and affirm these' by-laws, which' affordreasbhirtdr:." pro visishs::: r^at^ttseding:: -likely dangers to health such jponven£ iences in properly installed may create. •-‘-Received. - rv ,v ■?.• v

From R. J. Appleton, application Jdr permissioirto'install a “Saivitfts’* Auto-' Flush .Closet on Section 873, Rolleston Street. —Received and permission granted subject to conditions laid down in the circular of . the Medical Officer of Health.

From Messrs Lumby and Miller, Christchurch, intimating that they desire: to bring -ytheir. Merry-go-RqumL and other.' .shows to Hokitika during' ,thd >nsxt* pinic; l . • sensou, , and asking whethey the Square would be available/ and what rental would lie charged. —Received; rent fixed at £7 per week.. From L. Barltrop, Hokitika, appllca tibrf-‘f or-‘water service‘■connection’*amt drain cbhhhetidn to Section‘39s/Rob leston Street.—Received. •' •

From Mrs Catherine Kerf;- Hie Terrace, pointing oiit that the gorse growing on Section 1389, adjoining her pro-perty^-Sale'Street, constitutes a danger in case of fire, and asking Council to have the menace removed, and further jtjigt ; the footpath at/her fr.ontagj&p'n- Sale Street requiries attention, a.s it is not properly formed.—Received ;• to be informed section is a private oiie; Foreman to attend to foothputh. From John" Peake, Brittan Street, asking the depressions in pipe drain on .the West' side of Brittan Street, between . Weld Street and Gibson Quay, be filled in, and also that footpath at liis frontage be gravelled.—Received; referred to Works Committee.

From Messrs 10. Reynolds and/ Qo., Ltd., Wellington, re rebate on rates.— Received.

.‘From Public Works Department, Greymouth, advising, by telegraph, that Government had granted subsidy o)f £246 fo rrelief works.—Received. From Sanitary 3 nspector. approving of' -installation of chemical closet on 873, •'Rolleston Street, and detailing conditions of installation.—Received. . Front' Medical fficer of Health, Christchurch, re chemical closets, and suggesting that Council waive By Laws No. 103 and 104, but insist on payment ..of sanitary fee.—Received.

From Sanitary Inspector. Greymouth, notification of case of infectious disease, and directing the necessary repairs to spouting and drain at the premises.—Received. From* William Connor, slaughterman., application for twelve working day's annual leave from the 28th Oe-

tober next.—Received; request granted. Mr Evan> staled there was an additional £4O available from the Returned Soldiers Association which would be entitled to a subsidy of £2 for £l.—Received and accepted. LANDING GROUNDS. From Director of Air Services, Wellington, forwarding a report on the proposed landing grounds and scapiane base at Hokitika.—-Received. To Officer Commanding Wigram Aerodrome, Sockburn: I beg to report on the proposed landing grounds and seaplane base at Hokitika. Sea View Ground :—This is situated 2 miles north of. Hokitika on, l-he main road. It is on a plateau 100 feet high -and bounded on the northwest side ‘bjC the!(Westland Hospital and the south-west side by the Mental Hospital;),.(the ’ buildings, water tower, etc.,.making obstructions, ; but not of a serious nature through being scattered. The- area available is 460 yards by 350 'yards approximately. The ground is being cleared oi' stumps at the moment aud is fairly level. Its biggest draw-hack is the limited area and the Wetness of the ground. I do not consider this place would prove' satisfactory. Blue Spur Ground:—This site is cast of Hokitka and Is about) 3i;-miles; by gravel road. The area' is)'very) wet and is similar tri-Sea View, being' on a plateau aboutftOO feet high. 'Phe prea is ptfacticriJly unlimited. An aerodrome over a" mile in all directions could be obtained. There would he a tremendous lot of level-, ’ing and be ll cTdiio.i}jj)fo:-ej it would be/;, satisfactory. Tlifcrc are no hills Again, tfcet; expo uses would, I thirs|j he prohibitive! tp; put ihiSiin order;l,';, (j : A 1^1; ~ .Lake Mahiniipiia iti-Tliifc; • Jake- is. 7 miles south of Hokitika by rail and 16 miles by narrow road. It is about half a mile from the open sea.

The lake is approximately 4 miles long and 21 miles wide, and surround '(principally, by a. bush covered cliff about 150 feet high. From a beach on the south-west side, the lake bottom runs very gradually info deep water, which lam told is 30 feet. ] indeavoured to procure a launch, hut one was not available. On: the edges of the lake there. ,is a prolific grqwlh..of, .water lily.) I. do not think thWre Ayoifid';be: ain< daji'ger of suhmerge l (Ji logs 'or repfs.jj’La’ujijlies can get out to Hokitika hj- a slew running; river. I am infor { medj that the 4k© the eelge. *f|}ifi-,' 1 rill!j 1 t-.-ii ijfi. j (vSgd.) H. B. BURRELL, % ’■ ' Flight-Lieutenant.

V- Mr) Evans stated tiie County Coun r ' nil was .ob|ai:u-jng a report by Mr J. C. Macfaplaiiej,/of the cost, etc., of the. Blue spiir) area:... Co its id e rat io ri, ..deferred pending flic receipt of Mr Macfarlane’s report. REPORTS. From Treasurer reporting receipts ,£2857'4s "5d, : payments £735 3s lid, credit,; balance £lO4l 6s Id.—Received. ' *"' ■

» mr ***■ -y-H-rf , Aebbunts amounting to £194 6s 8d /'were /passed for payment. z .hi FOREMAN'S REPORT. ~I bdg to report on the : work done during the 'month. - - The: footpath 'in- Stafford Street •jieaji-vGooch’s corner was chipped and the watertables cleaned and six earthenware pipes put in, and watertables cleaned at the corner of Sale and Stafford Street; growth was cut in Park Street, Sale Street, Hall Streei, North Fitzlieibert Street, Upper Gibwon’s Quay, Davie Street-, Jollio vStreet and Stafford Street. Brittan Street footpath between Weld Street and Gibson’s Quay was chipped and gravelled, Hampden Street, footpath ,bejtween Sewell .and Tapered Streets was gravelled -a.iuL.ilie.. remainder of Fitzherbert Street,-, footpath which >vas. recently .kerbpd .was. gravelled, the number of. loads put on being eighty./six'of (screened gravel, while twentyof rough }yas put on Stafford Street widening between Livingstone Street and, the eastern boundary. Park Street drain was cleaned out, also Davie, and JaMie’ Street drains cleaned between , Hampden and Park Streets. . (

The water service' at Robinson’s was renewed, and a new connection put in at T. Staukey’s in Rolleston Street. Various leaks were attended to in different parts of the town. The Reservoir kept full all the month, the depth being lift 6ih. ROLLESTON STREET DRAIN. Starting from the south side of Stafford Street with this work, we reached the eight chain peg, and the .'necessary: connections put in, the depth of cutting on the last four being ten feet, the first four averaging five feet, the pipes being laid being eighteen inch concrete pipes. ~ SEWELL STREET DRAIN.

During the last week of the month heavy rain fell, flooding Upper Sewell Street, the drain ' not being able to carry the water away quick enough, and I consider to remedy this would be to have the levels taken of Tailored Street drain, and carry it up lo Hampden Street, crossing over to the east side at Stafford Street crossing and continuing up, as the excavating would be far less than on the west side. This work I consider is urgent and should he attended to at once. —Received. Mr Evans moved that the Foreman inspect the Sewell Street pipe and connecting pipe with Cam-

eron’s paddock, and generally report on ■ suggestions foiW’pt’j.iven'tiiig". a ■ renewal of the recent •flooding; ' Seconded by the Mayor and carried. ABATTOIR REPORT. From Manager Abattoirs reporting for August there were slaughtered 15 cows. 30 heifers, 6 bullocks, 128 sheep, 7 lambs. 10 pigs, 10 calves. Condemned 1 cow. Few for month £57 Is 6d (for same period last year £4B 10s 6d). —Received. The Finance Committee recoin in ended that £2O extra’ remuneration be paid, to the Foreman .in connection with extra work in connection with the pipe-laying; and also £2O to the Town Cterlc for additional work in connedtion with alterations to tl-.e rate roll,—Received and adopted, TOWN CLERK’S REPORT.' ' i:T heg to furnish herewith a .statement respecting the General Account sis, at the Ist. September, 1930: The position is briefly that the outstanding rates and revenue from all sources for the current year amounts to £2771 and the estimated charges from the Ist. September to the 31st. March next for salaries, wages, material, carting, and miscellaneous total £2124, leaving an estimated surplus of £647.

It is a difficult matter to closely estimate the cost of material, tools, cai't)jjigtmiscellaneous items for the imsjiiiig 'Seven months, so I have taken last (year’s figures as a basis and have allowed wdiat I consider to be^an'ample margin for these; items. ijh Iti-iwill not .be .ppfisi'bJe to4uricl|ei'ta{|e capital work of any magnitude', ant Tit ‘will also h^inecessqry ”'tq- kee))ii#6Wii,|.! labour) at q^juinimjim.— ;.i| ' /ifIPELTNE C(||j| || ‘vTlic following is /tlie, jHfftual cost of? renewing the first section of the pipe:ino at Lake Kanieri,-from itlie Intake l:o a point 104 chains this side of the lake.

Hume Pipes, Din £llsO 18 0 Sluicing and other pipes for intake 22 -16 1 Labour 356 4 0 Material ...., 107 12 0 Cartage 120 6 5 Expert pipe jointer’s expenses & miscellaneous 28 9 11 Survey fees" 1 .T...V..‘ 1 25 10 0 Excavation A* pipe drainGapip iiiujijva! |e, Bqrough ;w rtf ’’ Foreiha’iV‘;...'.:. , . , .'.; i .. T 67 ; " 6"8 Temporary cmjiloyee as I' substitute!' for R'Edrenirih'<fjlf' 1 ‘K ‘ abjsjriioe’li•. i ,:, ( , , . Cos^pyyfjchain £22 0 ;Qv —Received. ••>.

Tlle.Cqinicß ime -nt 8.30 .p.riij./jC; v -

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Hokitika Guardian, 13 September 1930, Page 3

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HOKITIKA BOROUGH COUNCIL. Hokitika Guardian, 13 September 1930, Page 3

HOKITIKA BOROUGH COUNCIL. Hokitika Guardian, 13 September 1930, Page 3