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FRIDAY. J CNF 12th. The Council met at “.ol) p.m. Pro sent: —Messrs (f. A. Perry (Mayor), II M. Coulson. J. King, A. R. Elcock, D .). Evan-. W. Jeffries, F. Orr, C Heinz, !!. T. Parry, and C. 11. Plank. The minutes were confirmed and outward correspondence l approved. I N WA R I) ( OR R FSPON DFNCF. From Rinianga P.orougli Council asking support to resolution urging Goveriimeiii to provide pensions for sufferers through the epidemic.-—Received. From Receiver of Gold Revciie giving ret in n of outstanding revenue not recoverable. —Received ; to be recommended. From the Prime Minister asking support to a movement to erect a national memorial to the late Rt. lion. \\ . F. .Massey.—Roteived. The Mayor moved the adoption of the suggestions in the letter and that the Council form ilselt into a committee to receive subscriptions. Seconded by -Mr Jeffries and carried.

From Westland County Council stating following ,the deputation from the Council the County had agreed to the suggestions to arrange the collection of the motor tax ; that a suitable date for handing over of South Hokitika to the County was agreed on July Ist, and staling tern’s agreed for payment of the amount of compensation to the County; stating the request for an additional cemetery grant had been referred to the Finance Committee.—Received. Mr Coulson said the County Council had met the deputation very

faiidv indeed. He moved to the effect that power he given the County Council to collect the heavy lorry tax on behalf of the Borough, and that the' Borough also accept the arrangement lor the vesting of South Hokitika as on July Ist. The Mayor seconded the motion, which was agreed to. From A. Naneekivell, asking attention to the drainage of sections in the vicinity of his residence. St afford St.— Received; referred to the Public Works Committee to report.

From It. Whilcy. asking permission to use Stafford Street to the Pioneer’s .Monument, instead ol Livingstone St., owing to the condition of the latter street, for heavy iraflic.—Received. Mr Plank moved that the request he granted. He thought it would he cheaper to allow the lorries to use tin's route instead of the present mute, lie suggested that a trial he given lor two months. Seconded by Mr Coulson, who saiti one month should lie sufficient for a trial. Mr Orr said where the mad was narrow it was impossible lo keep out of the one ml. II the road was wide the heavy traffic improved the mad. He thought the diverting of the traffic through Livingstone Street had been a very ill-advised one, whereas if it were kept on the wider road it would not do the damage. The motion was agreed to on the understanding that the speed limit he not; more than 12 miles an hour. Fi-om Puller Progress League thanking Council for support to Most (oast beach road and asking for a representative of Council to form one ol a deputation to Wellington on the matter.Received. 11 was resolved to ask the. Hon. 11. 1.. Michel to represent the Council.

From Westland Cminly Council nniirviug the Ci in mil had agreed lo find C:V> for current year for the cemetery account. Received. Mr Coulson pointed out that the cemetery was going Pack LAO to C‘>o every voar. lie tlieughl the Borough would have lo revise the burial fees In endeavour to make the account sell-iippiirting. Mr Jclfries asked if it was suggested t<> make a dilfereiii charge for dying in I !;,* Comilv a- against the Borough. Mr Evans pointed out that lor the last couple of years the expenditure had he,'ii heavier than usual. .Mr Coulson moved that the County he thanked, ami the question of cemetery finance he referred lo the Reserves Coiumitlae to report. Seconded bv the .Mayor and carried. i'll nil Westland Coiiniy Council asking for a gravid reserve on portion nt tlie Mnnieipal Reserve, Koiternugi. and whether an exchange could he arranged or portion sold. -Received. Ihe Mayor said tlie matter was more for the tenant:, lie moved that llie Council had no objection to the County arranging niih tlie tenant. Seoonded by Mr Coulson and carried. From S.'/j. Refrigerating Coy, Christchurch notifying three sheen had been sent to Hokitika during May. - Reeeiv-

From Department ol Health f<>rw:in 1ing analysis i»i' water taken from race nt Kanien Porks nn<l slating the* water was uf vorv good finality for doinesl if and manufacturing purposes.- Received. From I l ’. ,i. hade asking lor improvements to L 1 :<■ roadway in Ids residence, Cemetery Hill, Received; referred to Public Works Cunnnitloo to iin|irtive* (l;r access. rl''oni 11. 11. Williams complaining of tin* prowl li of gor-e adjoining his residence. — Received : I'clet'ivd to Public Wm ks Committee. From Westland Sub-Cnion ackiiuw lodging letter from Council in ennnee-ti->ll with tln> payment, of percentage nf pale receipts. and asking that the course followed in previous years lie i-ontinued. lioeeived. .Mr Coulson said

that the feeling of the Sub-Union was that if 10 letter was ail attack on their bona lidos, which thev objected to. REPORT’S. From Treasurer reporting receipts Cl 12:J 17s lid. payments £.'!!!) 11s fJd, debit balance L'(i2S ,11s (id. Ijoan account credit COL) 14s (id.—Received. Accounts amounting to CIOs 8s were passed for payment-. PCBLIO WORKS COALMITTEE. f have Clio honour the report that at a meeting of the Public Works Committee held on the 9th was decided to make the following reenmendntions. viz:— (I) That the Council purchase a one Inn Ford Truck'. 12) That the water main he extended with T, inch Galvanised Pipes from (ho corner of Hall and Park Streets lo connect with an extension from present terminus in Prittan Street. (ji 1 sout seven chains.) Gi) That tlie Borough Overseer prepare speeilieations and fenders lie invited for the following: (a) Cleaning out Sewell Street drain from i lit* corner of Hampden Street to the North Town Belt. Hi) For the cutting of gorse and rushes in Stafford Street between Rolleston and Livingstone Sired, both sides.

(4) That the earthenware pipes faking the surface water in Bealcv Street lie cleaned oul and gratings

put in, also the gratings in front n! Hie large drains in Park Street he cleaned of all rubbi-lt and that in the future the Borough curler inspect them once a week for the purpose ol keeping them Clear of rubbish. (',) Thai Ike new drain in Tudor Sired, be properly dammed at Sale and Hall Streets.

(0) That Hie drain at the bottom of Rolleslon Sued be piped with 2ft liin concrete pipes and that the Overseer arrange with Ihe Mosland ( ounIv for Ihe use of their moulds for making the pipes required. (7) Thai the new 18 inch concrete drain being laid in Tanned Street, terminate as far the laying of the large pipes is concerned at the north side of Weld Strcel. - Received. Clause I was referred to the Finance CommiUee to report at next meeting on the question u} costami finance, and the remaining clauses were adopted.


f have the honour to report that at the suggestion of the Overseer the Reserves Committee visited the Cemetery on Thursday, with a view to looking into the question of providing additional ground in die portion ol the Cemetery. It is necessary to lake the matter in hand. A large fir tree

requires to ho uprooted and removed, and the ground levelled and cleared, ft is recommended l hat whim an <>ppnrtmiify offers in the near future l lie Overseer detail one of the permanent stall’ to assist the sexton in the work to l.e carried out.

At anoilier point in the Cemetery a turning place lor vehicles is requited. This can be done at small eo-t if the horse and ilrav is placed at the disposal of the Sexton to remove the spoil from a small cutting to he made. The Overseer to arrange for the work as circumstances perinii.

The further lairing of the tnolpaths should he carried out in suitable weal her as a, means lo keep clown the J£!*n will ol woods. <‘lo. Some attention is necessary to the Cemetery Hill Road,, and the Overseer might have the work nttended to as soon as ppos-ible lo prevent lurthor scouring in wet weather. A new lawn mower is necessary ior the gardener. Quotations have* wen obtained, and a machine of the si/e in the quotation herewith and price is recommended. Ihe machine in picsciil use could la- disposed ol salisI'aelorily.

The time for i raii.-plnni ing the marram grass along TIn■ Reach is al hand, and arrangements might he made now to have the work ailemhd to. Received: considered clause by clause and adopted. OVERSEER'S REPORT.

| I to reporl on tlie progress ol murk for the iiionlli ol Mac. as follows : -

Tin- Tailored Strcel drain has been the principal work and the pipes have been laid ami covered to a point within about one ami a bull chains ol tlie Soul h side ol Yield St. Connections have h.e ‘ii leade from Hie various properties on both sides ol the street. 4 here is also a patent W.C. discharging into the drain. Tlie work is very iiiueli handicapped hy the presence ol the heavy curbing oil that side of the street and the action ol tidal water on the loose ground underlying tlie footpath ami tlie curb. There is a certain amount of cleaning up still m ho done up to the point where the [lines arc laid. This has been left in abeyance meantime, and tlm main work concent ra led upon during the prevailing good weather.

The work of overhauling ilit* pipe line from Kanieri Folks to the Fake is still iu prepress. Several plaees along the pipe line have been broken and tests of the of wilier taken, and a trial of the lake supply into tlie leservoir was Used lor 'I hursday, June I 11 h Init upon a final examination of the upper end of the line Ihe wire binding of a pipe was found to he broken and a fair fpiantily of water esrapilip. A test of tin* <|nant iiy of water from, the lake will be taken on .Saturday. June Idtli. ! would respectfully -inmost that the public works committee inspect the line, as much could he seen which can hardly be embodied

Two water services have been put in during the month. The public squares have received routine attention. Ibe question oi repairs to the Eastern side of Cass square fence lias been looked into. It is estimated that the caretaker could repair the same at a cost of C2 M's for material. The Sexton was absent during the month on animal holiday leave. -T. C'utbusli of the permanent stall' acted as sexton during J. Mclntyre’s absence. Burials for the month—lour. — Received. ABATTOIR REPORT. From Abattoir Committee {J. Jarman'S reporting for period there were examined during May:—ll cows. 4< heifers. (U bullocks. 2?2 sheep. U lambs. 12 pips. If) calves. Condemned _ 1 COW. 2 sheen. I pig. E«“* for the month tsl Js (CS7 Us last year).— Received. Mr Jeffries urged that the He veil Street footpaths receive attention where necessary, lie moved that the Public Work- Committee attend to the work at ours*. Seeonded by Mr Orr and carried. The Council rose at 0.30

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Hokitika Guardian, 13 June 1925, Page 1

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HOKITIKA BOROUGH COUNCIL. Hokitika Guardian, 13 June 1925, Page 1

HOKITIKA BOROUGH COUNCIL. Hokitika Guardian, 13 June 1925, Page 1