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FRIDAY. .MAY 9th. The Connell met at 7.30 p.m. present Messrs ft. A. Perry ( Mayor). 11. M. Cotil.sou. .las King, A. R. ]*;|_ cock. D. J. Evans. F. Orr. 0. Heinz, H. F. Parry ami (L Jf. Blank. Ibe Returning Oliicer forwarded the result ol the election of Mayor and Councillors nod the Mayor and Councillors took the customary declarations and tlieir seats.

Ihe Mayor (Air Perry) welcomed hack the old councillors, and extended a welcome to the new members and then briefly referred to the general position ol the Borough, stating the present position of the finances was not as satisfactory as lie would have liked them owing to a number of special calls mi the Council during recent months. He mentioned that there was a liability in eorineeiion with vesting of South Hokitika, in the County, which involved some £'-’SO, while the water supply upkeep had involved considerable expenditure. The new Council would have to use every endeavour to conserve the funds. Air Cottlson as the senior councillor congratulated the Mayor on Ids reelection, referred to his 18 years on the Council with the present Mayor in the chair, and then referred at some length to the work uf ilte previous Council.

SPECIAL MEETING. The balance sheet for the year einh'd March 31st. 191. M. was returned bv the Auditor-fleneral, certified to with one tag in reference to rebale allowed on rates paid after the due dale.—Received. Mr (.'unison moved that the balance sheet lie signed as sel lied.- .Seconded by Mr Blank and carried. It was further resolved that (be Town Clerk arrange to have the balance sheet printed. ORDINARY A!FFT IXO. The minutes were confirmed and nut ward eorrespoitileinv approved. YOTF, OF AI'T'RFOr.VnoX.

The Mayor moved the.l the Council place on record their appreciation of the past services of the retired Councillors. Messrs .!. I.loyil. 0. A. Wood. W. !>. Mackay ami R. F. Pelham, special reference being made to 111*' lengthy service of (lie former. Seconded by Mr Evans and carried. Arising out of the outward correspoiitleuee the Mayor siaicil a •iib-com-mittee had waited on the Commis-ion-or of Crown Lam's in connect ton with the new township at Lake Kanieri and the latter had agreed to make it a condition of the salt* ol sections that every endeavour should be made to prevent drainage from the sections going into the Lake. IXWA I! D COR R KSI’OXDENCK. Erom Secretary to Prime Minister, acknowledging telegram ol sympathy in the illness ol Air Massey. * Received. From Kanieri Electric 1-td. thanking Council for the manner in which thev had met their reqi:e.-( lor an ox-

t raordinary water supply.-- korei ved. From T. .lohnston. .asking fur the footpath in front of the Opera House t„ ha asphalted.- Received : referred to Public Weeks Committee t‘> attend

From T. AY. Dull' exeetilor of late Mr-, Niels*'.i a-.king for transfer of lease of seel jnu in l.i- "time. Received and agreed to.

From Westland Hospital Hoard notifying levy for year ol £lO3 12- Oil. payable in 9 instalments of till Hs <'d each. Received.

|.',,,m ,|. Oic-o and others agreeing (o lease portions of reserve -579 at £! per year, each free of rates.- Received and agreed to.

From Medical Oll'icer ol 11-alili notifying intention to test the water sup ply .ai an early dale. Received.

From Internal A U nit - Department. 'Wellington, stating it is proposed to alter the boundaries of Smith Hokitika ai an early (laic and asking foi Rnroiigli and County lo colder as to a suitable date.—Received : referred to Finance Committee to deal with. From Boiler Progress League. Rewarding motion urging the I‘ublic Works Depart mold to complain the West Coast sea-beach road ai as early a date as possible. Received. Mi- Jelfries moved I lull the Council support I lie agitat ion, as one ol 'Hal importance to every town on me Vvesi Cm,St. Set led by Mr I’arry and carried.

From Board of 1 not living impending visit of ills AlcKibhon and Telford, who would like lo meet the Council in connection wit It health mailers.--Received. The Mayor said it had liven arranged lo meet Ibe visitors on .Monday at I p.m.

From Rulin' County Council in reference to heavy motor trallie, and suggesting a conference it' mutually agree as to the division ol fees. and also suggestiug that t lie Billin' ( utility end Westport Borough Council he allowed to dispose of the lees collected in their district—Received. Air Evans suggested that as Iho matin' was an important- one as allectiug ibo Borough. that a sub-Committee should be set up u> deal with the mailer. There was a considerable amount ol revenue affected ami steps should be taken lo at once move in the matin' and if thought advisable should confer with the County Council. Ihe Mayor approved of the suggestion and moved that a siils-committce consisting ol the .Mayor. Messrs Coulson and Orr enquire and report.- Seconded by Air Heinz and carried.

From YYestiaiiil Rugby .Sub-Union applying for use ot ( ass Square lot all tiny on June 3rd. and also for permission to erect barriers between the two pinying fields. —Received. Air Coulson moved ilial the requests be granted.- Seconded by Air Heinz :vn*l

From District Trallie Manager oi Railways advising location ot under-

ground telephone line.—Received and to bo noted.

From W. Groufsky and others complaining of state of drain in Upper Sewell St. and asking for early attention.—Received and referred to Bublie Works Committee for attention.

From -I. Mclntyre, sexton, applying for annual holiday.—Received and granted, subject to satisfactory arrangements being made for a substitute. REPORTS. From Treasurer reporting receipts £■-’•SO -5s Gd. payments £SBO (is (id, debit balance £-137 10s Id, loan account credit balance £109,8 2s 3d. Received. Accounts amounting to £2*so were passed for payment. From .Manager of Abattoirs (.J. Jarman) reporting there wero examined during April: ill cows, .50 heifers, 40 bullocks. 207 sheep, 37 lambs, 23 pigs, IS calves. Condemned: 2 cows, 1 pig. Fees for the month. £BB Us (id (£9,5 Ids fid. last year).-—Received. OVERSEER'S REPORT.

A beg to report that the following works have been completed, or are at present under construction tor the period. April 17llt. to April 30th.

Screens have been fixed in the intake water race at Kanieri Forks to catch the leaves which are very troublesome at this time of the year. 1 have obtained the co-operation of the attendant- at the Kanieri Forks power liou<e in keeping the screens cleared, ami suggest that the Council make a small monetary allowance for such services.

Water services have been put in to the following places:—Kanieri Electric Sub-stilt ion. Weld St.. Mrs Fane. Weld St.; Havill. Revcll St.; Scott. Beach St. and Mrs ALEadyon Hall St. There is need of an extension of the water main along Hark St. to meet the demand for water .services in i hat localit v.

Thursday. April liiHlil again tested the quail lily of water delivered at the reservoir. The mean of four tests was 108 gallons per minute. This result should dispel any doubt as to the efficiency of the auxiliary branch line.

At the present time two men are employed on the pipe line conducting a series of experimental tests to locate the (rouble on the line beyond Kanieri Forks. Tlie relaying of Tailored Si. drain with ISin. concrete pipes is in progress. Tito work is rendered difficult j by the sandy nature of iho ground and the aciion of tidal waters. The use of the old drain for sewerage purposes should be discontinued, at least, for such time as it is lieing reeuiist meted.

Cass Square lias been mown once sine.* my last report'. Iho pilots li.v the I’ioneer Memorial have heon cleaned up and Alaeamlrew Square lias had the routine allention.

The sexton lias been engaged during tho month in cleaning up the paths. Burials for the month of April- 3. t have been approached by the permanent and casual employees ol Ibe Council with a request Unit the payment of wages lie twice monthly instead of once moioLlv as at present. The; I think is a reasonable request with which I wish to associate mysell, and I ru>t that the Council " ill give i! favourable cousiderai ion.

Willi the approach of winter I would bring before you for cousiderai ion Ibo provision ol ualer-proni * oats lor the permanent outdoor slab. Received ; matters of finance were referred to (he Finance Committee.


Reput v Mover Mr 11. AI. Coulson. Finance Committee: The Mayor moved that the whole Council be the Committee. Seconded by Mr ConKoii. .Mr Evans suggested tlu- beads of the various commit Ici'S be Hie nnnniil lee. After discussion il"‘ motion was agreed to. Messrs Evans. Heinz end Perry voting, against.

Mr Evans then moved that the l‘inuucc (’omniß lee nieei I lie evening previon- to the ordinary meeting »l '-he CounciL Seconded by Mr licit'/., supported by Mr Parry. Uhiecled to by Messrs Blank and Jcliriis. A suggestion by Mr .Icllries tin- Finance Committee meet at 7 p.m. and the (domicil as -Min as the Finance Committee business was concluded, was accepted by tile mover ami ogre. <1 to. Public Works- Messrs Blank (Chairrilun). I loin/.. King and Orr. vim 11 oi i Messrs King (Chairman). I’.iii.v and Jclfiic-.

Reserves Ai< .sis Evans ( Chairnian) 11, in/. Orr and Elcock. Fire Boa id lion 11. L. Mieliel. M,.,,rs ('old-oil and Eleork. Free Public Library- Messrs Evans. Coulson nnd King.

Cheques and Conlracts Mayor, and Messrs King. Jelfries and Elcock.


Mr Evans referred to the transfer ol Dr Buchanan Iron) iho district and he moved that the Council forward a letter (o him conveying their cordial appreciation of his energy in connection with the very great improvements carried out by him. while Superintendent of Sea View .Mental Hospital. Mr Coulson seconded the motion. It was the least they could do to show tlicir very great appreciation of Hm good work Dr Buchanan had done while in charge. The institution was now one of which the town could he proud. The motion was agreed !<> on the voices. Tin* Council rose at 9 p.m.

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Hokitika Guardian, 9 May 1925, Page 1

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HOKITIKA BOROUGH COUNCIL. Hokitika Guardian, 9 May 1925, Page 1

HOKITIKA BOROUGH COUNCIL. Hokitika Guardian, 9 May 1925, Page 1