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Nominations for the mayoralty, lloiough Council. Harbour Hoard. and Hospital Hoard, close with the Town Clerk at noon to-morrow.

Arrangements ate being made for the West land County party to visit the head of Lake Kauieri on Wednesday. .May fith. to enquire, into the disputed matter of access in that locality.

Addison’s have just opened tin « full range of men's (’inert and Dri-Kind Overcoats. Inspection invited. Advt.

The shortening ol hands at several of the sawmills is affecting employment rather seriously, and of late theic have been many enquiries for work, but at present there is very little scope, for general labor.

Mr A. 11. Laxvn lias been appointed sole agent for Hokitika for the Gigantic Criiket and Tennis Art l nion to he drawn shortly. The prizes total JylGOt), of Alluvial Gold. Tickets 2s lid or \) for Ul. Advt.

The Westland County Council is arranging for the rebuilding of Blue Spill* bridge at tlu* far end of the township. The work is now being put in hand. As soon as disposed of. repairs to M.dfroy’s Bridge, Valley, are to he carried out. Bridge foreman H. Reynolds will be in charge of both works.

.Mr C. A. Mnthiesou, who for sonic time oast lias been the v l'.iel' I’ostmaster at Gre;.mouth, has received notice of his promotion to the position of Chief Postmaster at Napier, and will jo all probability leave (■rcyinouth early next month. -Mr D. M. Mclntosh, the present postmaster at Dannevirke, will succeed Mr Mathicson.

The death occurred at the Grey River Hospital on Saturday afternoon of Mr John Schofield, ol Foundry Lane, lie worked tor many years at the State Mines, and lor the past It! years had been a member of the Greymouth Watersiders' l nion. Deceased, who was in his (50th year, was born in llorwieh, Laueasliiie, (]'hu r .), ami leaves a widow and one daughter and one son, Mrs J. Roper, of Laver Ilntt, and Mr .1. Schofield, of Coal Creek.

At the .Magistrate’s Court, Ore

mouth yesterday the ( ollector ol C ostoms proceeded against three men loi purchasing or obtaining within seven days opium in a. larger quantity than one fluid ounce oil six occasions. Detec-tive-Sergeant Young said that tor some time an extensive trade has been done in G rev month in the sale o! tincture of opium.. Defendants had been in the habit of buying one ounce of tincture of opium from, one chemist, and a lew da',s later a similar quantity from another. The law only allowed one ounce to he bought per week. The Prosecution was laid hv the Customs Collector with a view to stopping the practice. There was a strong suspicion that one defendant was re-selling the opium to Chinese. The defendants were ordered to pay costs on each charge, the -Magistrate stating that the police did not press for a heavy penalty, lmt wanted the convictions to he a warning to others.

Ford Truck with chassis complete, >n •rood going order, £lls in Greymouth. Ford Touring car, good second hand, —Mark Sprot and Co., Ltd., Groymouth- —-ldvt.

Schroder and Co. have opened out a splendid range of new knitted costumes and sports coats; silk, velvet and maroeain frocks. Inspection cordially invited. —Advt.

New Autumn goods direct from the fashion centres of London and Palis and New Y'ork now on view. Call and see the new Paris model millinery, woolen costumes and cardigans. McCruer’s. the Leading Drapers, Hokitika and Greymouth.— Advt. (Radiator Leaks. Try •• Radorena. Permanent- repair in few minutes. No dunging of circulation, no damage to machine. Two sizes: 3s 9d and 10s bd post paid. E. P. M. Manning and Co. 5 Ledford Row, Christchurch.— Advt.

The ferry steamer connected with the West Coast express this morning.

A notice of thanks appears in this issue.

Addison’s are now shewing a splendid selection of Children's knitted frocks in all fashionable shades.-—Advt. Newmans Motors Ltd ears will leave for Beefton races to-niorroiv morning if sufficient inducement offers. Cars will leave for the Kauieri dance tomorrow evening.

\ local syndicate is negotiating for the purchase of a small steamer lor the local port, to be used principally in connection with fishing. A representative of the syndicate is now in Auckland on a purchasing mission.

.The (iovernor-Moncra! of New Zealand, acting with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, has declared chrome ulceration to he a disease within the operation of the Workers’ Compensation Act. Come One! Come All! To a monster opening dance in the Soldiers’ Hall next Wednesday, every one assured of a good time, (food music. Supper provided. Admission: ladies Is (id: gentlemen 2s.—Advt.

Nominations for the municipal elections close at noon to-morrow. It is understood that of tlie sitting t ouncil, Messrs Lloyd, Wood and Mnckay will not be seeking re-election. Among possible candidates mentioned lor tin* Council are: Messrs*Blank. Pilkingtoii. Parry. Wilson and J’arkliill. The funeral of the late Rev. Father j Hici'dan took place at Boss this morning. A large number fo mourners including many priests from nil parts ot the ilistdiet .left town this morning by motor car to take part in the ceremony. A meeting of the Committee of the Westland Racing Club was held last night, Mr W. K. Williams (President) presiding. The Treasurer's statement in connect ion with the race meeting last week, showed receipts Cl.-lb!) ami expenses £l-111. leaving a credit balance of Clb. Mr Evans was appointed to represent the Club at the conference of club representatives at Beefton to-night to discuss a circuit o! racing dates I'm* the summer and autumn Tin clings of the Baring and Trottings Clubs on the Coast and ill Nelson and Marlborough.

The Ladies’ Hockey Club are bolding one of their most popular dances in the Soldiers’ Halil next Wednesday for the entertainment of a visiting ( lub. and also in aid nl funds. Special arrangements are being made for a good night’s enjoyment. Music bv Goodlellow’s orchestra. Admission : Ladies Is (id, Gents 2s. —Advt.

On Wednesday of next week a grand benefit ball will be given at the Soldiers’ Hall in aid of the Hokitika Beautifying Society. Special arrangements are being made lor the occasion. Tickets may In* obtained from M-ssrs M. Mandl. L. Michel, A. Beck and K. Irvine. First class music has been secured. and a committee of ladies has charge of tin* supper arrangements. The function promises to be a great success.

.Mr .J. Bain, who Inis been Manager of Addison's for some time past, leftthis in*, ruing fur the * North Island where lie "ill in future- reside. Mr

Bain bus been a prominent figure in local sporting circles, lie was a good billiard nlayer, a member of tin* Coll, Tennis, and Bo"ling Clubs, and lias taken a keen interest in the various

games where he always showed to advantage. Many friends will wish hill’ well in his new sphere.

If your neighbour’s an .Mia Laval user, you’ll find lie’s an Alla Laval booster—ask him to-day. H you milk only two or three cows and skim by hand you probably waste enough cream to pay for an Alfa Laval Separator. Ask Harley and to to slow you tile Alfa Laval Separator to-day—we’ve, a model for your exact requirements. 11 von !i\e out of town write for lurtlicr facts. Harley and Co, Greymotitli.— Advt.

The annual meeting ol tin* Westland Shipping Coy. Ltd. xxas held at the Harbour Otiice at I.Td o’clock yesterday afternoon, ('apt. Ingram occupied the chair. Messrs G. A. Perry. R. 11. Renton and 1). .1. Evans were elected directors. .Mr .M. Houston was ap-

pointed auditor and \[. \Y ild, Secretary. Particulars were communicated regardin'; now engines for the Elsie, sind tlu* directors were empowered to olean further information on the matter and act. Authority was -iven to arrange tlu? finance for the purchase of the engines, which will effect a substantial saving in the fuel hill, and increase the speed or the vessel materially. It was stated there was an open in jx for a white pine timber trade between Okarito and (Jreyniouth, the boat heino; aide to load upwards oi •JO.OOO feet per trip. With the improved engines it would he profitable aUo to make carjjfo trip.-* as tar north as Nelsi >n.

That the o.'liee of Warden and Magistrate for the combined districts ol the Wsct Coast is no sinecure was t-lealv demoustrated at Ross at the last sitting of the Courts there. I pon application being made to the Stipendiary Magistrate and Warden, (Mr Lawry, for a special fixture for the purpose ol hearing an important mining suit, now neuding in the southern court, the “Warden courteously produced to the Counsel making the application, a list of his court fixtures for his next monthly period. The fixtures ranged from .Murchison and Karamea in the North to Ross in the south, and every available day. including Saturdays had been allotted. The application for the special fixture could not. therefore, he granted, and the suit will now he l taken at the next ordinary sitting of the court at Ross.

Airs Jacobs, who is leaving Hokitika next month, will hold a closing down sale, starting on the 2lsl. of April, when everylliing will he marked down to b -drock 'price. Everything must go regardless of cost. ,Stock includes all millinery lines, evening Irot-ks. woollen cardigans and jumpers, girls’ astrakan coats, feather mounts, ladies’ short coats, flowers etc., etc.—Advt.

Schroder and Co's Great Stock-taking Sale is now finished. In thanking you very much for the liberal patronage, wo no-’ advise you, that we have opcnc-u our first shipment of new autumn millinery, velveteens in plain colors, embossed and printed effects.—Advt. Infantile Paralysis precaution! Smear Olive Oil and NAZOL inside thechildren’s nostrils. Prevents germs infecting mucous membranes. —Advt. Duc k Shooting. Fit to punt ••Wisconsin ” Motor and it will take you anywhere al 7 miles an hour and 30 miles to a gallon of benzine. Cheap) to buy. Booklet from R. P- M. Manning and Co, 5 Bedford Row, Christchurch.— Advt.

Tno ambassadors of trade, commercial travellers “strike a true note’ ** Jv ' fee- Bells’ Mild Yellow Fallen Wntxky. Thev know the goods. “Bell’s” is mild and clear. Mark Sprot and Co. Ltd., Grevmonth. sole distributors.—Advt

Just larded a large consignment of Johnathan and other choice apples; Paterson. Michel and Co. Ltd. Ad\t.

Drink Kurtegast Bros. Syphon Soda water for consistent good health. Obtainable at all loading hotels. Ling ’phone 92.—Advt.

First aid for coughs, cold, influenza, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cine.

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Hokitika Guardian, 21 April 1925, Page 2

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Untitled Hokitika Guardian, 21 April 1925, Page 2

Untitled Hokitika Guardian, 21 April 1925, Page 2