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The death occurred at the Sounds on Faster Sunday of Mi.-s Isabella King daughter or Mr and Mrs C\ Jl. KiiC-t formerly of Reefton.

■ lust landed a large consignment of choice desert and cooking apples, peat*, tomatoes etc.. Paterson. Michel and Co. Ltd. (Plume No. 2).■ —Advt.

Mr Robert Young of Cambridge, son of the late Mr ami Mrs David Voting, formerly of Reel tori, has been appointed Borough Engineer of Westport.

A practice match will he held on the Ko kata hi Football ground on Sunday, April loth, when member.- and all intending mcnilicrs are requested to attend.—Advt.

The death i- announced at Oriental Bay. of Mr Charles Whelan, formerly Postmaster at Reefton. The deceased, who was transferred from Reefton to Blenheim, retired from the service and settled in Wellington. Ho leave- a widow and grown-up family. Fire protection—Protect your warehouse, factory, garage, school, hospital or home hv‘installing ‘ Underwriter’' chemical extinguishers 40 times more effective than ' water. Throw flame smothering fluid 50ft. —Manning and Co., 5 Bedford Row, Christchurch. Men! The early buyer gets the choice. So act quickly and choose your winter overcoat. The latest shades and styles in Petcue and Roslyn tweeds, from 65s at W. H. Stopforth’s, opposite W. E. Williams, chemist. —Advt.

Tlie ferry connected with the West Const train at Christchurch this morning.

A meeting of the Ladies’ Hockey Club will be hold on Friday liiglii at 7 o’clock.—Advt.

A meeting of the Referees Association will be held at the Secretary's shop, Rovoll Street-, at 7.30 on Friday evening, to appoint referees for coming m atehes.—Advt.

-Ml accounts in connection with the Hokitika Athletic and Cycling Club sports are requested to be rendered forthwith to K. C. Tooliey. Secretary.— Advt.

Colonel John Mclnnes, who for six and a-hnli years has been chief -e -rctary to the Commissioner of the Salvation Army in New Zealand, left Wellington for Sydney last Friday by the Uiinaroa in order to take up similar duties under the Commsisioner for New South Wales and Queensland.

A new range of coloured velveteens, ■xtensive range of coluur.s; reliable qualities at much reduced price is now offering at Schroder and (,'o's.. where also a huge stock of new silks, leading makes, in satins. Oriental and floral. Japan silks and gauntlet fringed suede gloves al-o on view. Inspection invited.—Advt.

Tie Princess Theatre ln-ld an overflowing audience last evening when i'.e comedy “Scandal" "as capitally presented by Miss Drois Duane, and her talented <• nil inat inn, the audieme fully enjoying the many situations of the play. During the bedroom scene the light failed, ami as a result a number of candles had to bo utilised, lor a few minutes.

The Reeflon nice meeting yesterday, tvitieh wound 11 ]> the West Coast autumn circuit, was a pronounced success, probably a record for the Club for an Faster meeting. The weather was perfect, a dear, calm, balmy day. and tin- attendance equal to a Christmas meeting. The influx of visitors was very large. The totalisater indicated well sustained supped i 1! tbiougb the day. the grand total leing easily a record fur a one day meeting by the Club. Hokitika visitors were, "ell catered fur b\ tin- train limc-lable reaching homo at !*. In p.m. The number of traveller- however seriously taxed the available lir-t class accommodation.

Mr K. Cameron. Disliict Traffic Manager at (ireymniith, has received

notice cl transfer on promotion to Dunedin, where lie " ill act in a similar capacitv. Mr C ameron joined the Railway service at Invercargill in Janitaiy, 1883. In 18811 lie was stationmaster at Rivet ton, and in lOIH) held a similar position at Riversdale. He "'a- then transferred to Dunedin as general clerk and later became Assistant District Traflie Manager there. In November. lit I he was promoted to the |>osition of District Traflie Manager at Hivymciith. Mr ('anieron "ill be succeedcd at (ireymouth by Mr J. L. Morgan, who is at present Assistant District Trallic Manager at Auckland. Prior to Mr Morgan’s appointment to Auckland be held the position of slationmaster at (Ireymouth, and later at Palmerston North; afterwards becoming Assistant Ditilt ict Traffic Manager at Christchurch. Mr Morgan will arrive at (Irevrnoiilh at an early date.

Tl„. Salvation Army had engaged successfully ill placing i ninnies upon the land in India. During Hie past 2ft sears il bad .-mii HlO.lld!) people to Canada, and lie was proud to sax that there bad not been I per cent u! lailures. II e fell that much good would result to Australia and New Zealand if more immigrants could be absorbed without increasing unemployment. Cod had given brains to the people ol these young land-., but oi what use svere brains if they were not to lie employed m improving the conditions oi the less fortunate members of the race.-' The speaker was confident that the lair lands of Now Zealand could with advantage to the people here carry many more immigrants. The Salvation Army, with its long experience of settlement, was prepared to assist in this diiection as il had done in Canada. When they thought of the 1,7)110,000 persons in Kngland who could not find employment, and ol the doles which the Imperial Covernmont had to make, all would agree that something should he done to relieve the position. It was useless for the Governments of the overseas Dominions in sav, "It is no concern of ours.’’ Such a vital question not only concuired all Governments, but concerned all British communities as well.

Tim Hon. TV. Downie Stewart, hi his xvay hack from Rotorua, had a run through the Taranaki district in company with the lion. .1. (!. Coates. Minister cf Works, hist week. and there is a good story told about the two Ministers on their journey to the opening of the Awakino Valley road, at which function .Mr Downie Stewart, called upon for a speech, delighted the settlers xvith an amusing reference to their journey. He said he had several grievances against, his felloxx Minister. To l ogin with he had told him that lie would find the road a- good as a racing track, but ns a matter of fact lie had found that in parts it was rather bumpy. He had just come from Tauranga, whore he and Mr (nates had been endeavoill ing to avoid a political bump, and (turning to Mr S. G. Smith. M.P.. who sat alongside him), as his friend on his left would admit, with sonic measure of success—a sally that the settlers thoroughly enjoyed. Mr Stewart went on .to explain that when they hit Tc K'liti his ear was ahead of his friend's ear, and whenever he xva> asked il he was the Minister of Internal Affairs, he always said

•\o; he's in the mi' i-fliitul." Ai :i place v.lieiv they stopped for morning tea. however. .Mr Cnaux had discovered the plot, and kept well ahead tor the rest of the journey, with the result that when Mr Coates was a-ked if IK- was Minister of Works, he was able t „ retaliate with. “No. he's in the ear behind.” “That.” added Mr Downie Stewart, apologetically, '‘is whv I’m late for lunch.” His fund

grievance was that he had been endeavouring to see the country quietly, hut he had found that it wn> impossible t „ do SO if one travelled will, the Minister of Works, for wherever that Minister stopped there was a banquet, and where there was a banquet there were speeches, and ns they all knew, no politician liked making speeches.

Coats of charm and durability. The new stvies a.v exceptionally attractive. have fur collars, /aid aie - " while all are suggestive of warni i . B n nfe and comfort. In tlu m« finish and workmanship perfect n. every detail. Hokitika and Greymouth.

Dependable worm remedy-W A OF. * WORM FIGS. Children like them.

Messrs Mark Sprot and Co. Ltd., have* 1 been appointed West Coast: distn Whilfth 11^?t: h £it|o k^Si s land. Bell’s Scotch Minsky « iSwU G™d “Li and is a tally ,» whisky. Shipments are ejected to arrive early next month when « «* '“bVTS o, s ,“™.uihL.u

Suls-Commtiteos of the Exhibition Movement meet at tho County Chamber.? at 7.3(1 o’clock to-night to discuss matters in relation to building, space and lighting. Mr Butler is expected to return from the north to-night.

Blankets, cloths and wool nap cloths for ladies or children in various effects, ol inches wide, aro now in great demand at Schroder and Co’s, at much below Christchurch price. Also splendid display of velour coats for ladies and maids'. A vi-it to Schroder’s will always repay you.—Advt.

The Returning Officer for the Borough of Ross (Mr A. W. Peebles) gives notice in this issue of tho election of a Mayor and nine Councillors and one member of the Hokitika Harbor Bourn, to represent tlie Borough of Ross for the ensuing term. Nominations for all offices close at noon on Wednesday. April I,Bth.

Saturday is to lx Soldiers’ Day for the benefit of the scheme for which £10!)') is now being raised for a soldiers’ club and social ball. The movemen', is being launched under very favourable auspices, and promises to ho well .supported. On Saturday. Mrs Morgan will be in charge cf the depot in Revell Si., and goods and giits of all kinds will be c.n sale. 1 here "ill bo some supplies of home looking and dainties and good business is antieipat-

Witli the cold weather cullies the need for warm clothing. Snappy nights demand good blankets and eiiillx dux s require something extra in the "ay of bodily warnuh. Your needs in these directions are forestalled at Mrs J. Lloyd's, where you will find nice cosy underwear, tlauuels, dress goods and velveteens to suit all tastes and pockets. Our (itlinch coloured dress llaimel at 12s lid yard is exceptional value.

Factory managers: Don t waste valuable time patching up old interior bolts. Equip your machines with “Gandy’s genuine Balatn belting or best quality leather belling. We supply both. Manning and t 0.. 5 Bedford Row, ( liristchureh.—Advt.

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Hokitika Guardian, 12 April 1923, Page 2

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Untitled Hokitika Guardian, 12 April 1923, Page 2

Untitled Hokitika Guardian, 12 April 1923, Page 2