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TTESDAY, APRIL lOli. The Council met at 2 p in. Present : .Messrs \Y. Jelfrics (Chairman), T. AY. Duff, IS. A. Wells, J. Jiitcliie, 1,. IT. Morel. T. li. Chesterman, AY. TT. Chinn ami .J. A. Murdoch. The minutes were eoiilinncd, and outward correspondence approved. IN AY Ali l> CO MU KS PON DEN (IS. From F. Ward, apologising for absence owing lo illtH*ss. Received with regret, and accepted. Emm Treasury, forwarding revenue accrued. Received. From Mines Department. AA’ellington, agreeing to treat as irrecoverable portion of rent due fin Special Claim 1 LfS.T. Waimea district, and instructing tin' receiver of gold revenue accordingly. - Deceived. I'rotn Conservator ol forests, .stating I" was tinaware of the staff Using Ihe Comity lorry heat at Three Mile. Okeriln, and the roadman would he notified where the hoc l e- moored.— lleeeived. * From Department ol Health, Wellington, forwarding copy oi an Order-in-Couneil apportioning the representation of contributory local authorities on Hospital Hoards with regulations governing the same.—Deceived. From .lames O’llrien, M.P., advising telegraph message despatched to the Prime .Minister asking what steps have been taken to set up Commi-.-ion to enquire into question of limber loyalties. Received. From Prime Minister, Morriii.-ville, intimating the matter ol Royalties wili he dealt with by Cabinet alter his return to Wellington. Received. The Chairman -aid the position was not satisfactory. The Prime Minister had promised the deputation to Wellington to give immediate attention, hut so far nothing had been done. From -la-. O’lirieii, M l’., enclosing eopv of letter iceeivod from Minister of .Mine.- regarding vote ef Coil lor Rack Creek and Arthursluwn roads and which the Commissioner ol Forests states there is no statutory authority to enable him to comply with request. - Received. It wa- resolved to reler the Commis-ioner to the previous letter, which v,as not referred to in the reply and to ask for attention. From 11. E. Holland, M.R.. stating he had acted on suggestion with inspect to timber royalties and tclogranhed to the Prime Minister. Received. j From Same, supplying copy of leleI gram in which the Premier promises j to bring royalties question under colii sideratiou of Cabinet. Reieived. I From C. M.alli iv and Coy.. nlTer- ! ing to convey manuka required for ! Araliura liver proleelive works as a j eontriliution towards eo-t involved, i Received and accepted. | From Humphrey".- Sawmill, Limited. | requesting sanction id the Council lo | Hie i ion oi a priiate lelcphom lino | about one mile ill length in the Araj to attend to. j f rom M. Keenan. Woodstock, in reference to the traliic cio.-sing Kanieri river bridge and staling lie will haul timber along Artliurstuu n road.-- Reieived. From Diggers' Sawmill Company, •riving a guarantee that the carriers employed by i lie mill will not tl-e the Kanieri bridge when carrying heavy load -Received. ! From On Rrolhers, staling i hoy will i in require to use tile Kanieri bridge ! I'll .0,1 beat,' irnlfie.--Received. i Fr. .in Wm ' C mm, t Via nixing I lie * ( -,011.11 1,,!' tin widening of tile i, •:>, Ii i oi'., on nee ~i i r.'iliie. Received. ' From Win '-carle, pi’oiiii-ing nm in i make use ol Kanieri laid:,, lor lorry j indlie after i; i- icpaircd.-—Urn ived. | From Si inir< an.! ( hapnmn. Ro .. deeply appreeiating tU action ot i i,e •!onin i! in |i;i--ing i,• -.,1 1 : t n.-.i ;i I pro lion., mecDu:.' reluling lal-e albga- . Ill'll hern new -paper. Received. From Rimu Cold Dredging. ( mit pauy. notifying application lor prospecting license at Callaghans over an aiva of 1 1 id acres and asking consent to same on usual stipulations.— Receivj ed ; no objection. From Okurii Advisory (mu mil lee, I e-timal ing the cost of repairs to ihe j I lan-l traffic bridge will absorb L2O and reporting the Arawala Cascade | irie.'k in need of repair and asking a ; grant of Flo to patch Ibe worst ! places.— Received : request granted. ; From Overseer Millner, reporting the collapse ol a culvert, on Teremakau d unction road owing to heavy lorry loading: necessity to renew decking on 'vera! culvert's on Rub'er's mad: various corks required in Waimea di 1 1 del. -Received. It was resolved lo claim L'i-T from llabn liros for damage incurred by their heavy lorry breaking the culvert.

I l 'rum urging 1 1 1 public works grader nt Iv ll inar.-t be ti-i-il in cleaning iiinl putting tlio .Jiiin-iii,ii road in nrJ dir; mill three large culverts on !\n I hnkn-Wriinihinihi truck required ivi ;>:i:ri l1 — Reeeiv< d : 1 n 1 1<• r work to Ik? curried our at <-i.-l of fc;» £ lor C. l-'roni Kamo, estimating the cost of renew:ng Striplmnl creek bridge oil Knnieii road ni. {.'Ill; and ox|)liuiid ion in regard lo repairs along Happy Valley truck; dot-kin" required on Stoiiey crook bridge.— Received. It- was resolved that temporary work at the former he curried out to carry traffic: Stoney Creek decking to he rciiewciT. From Roadman Wright, referring to absence from duty caused through illness.—Received. From Roadman Whiiiskie, reporting l'.ootl damage in the Inter-Wanganui (list riel and gravelling necessary to ilie read near Ford's land. Received: gravelling to he carried out as recommended. From Roadman Nolan, reouminendiug a grant of do to give access to T. Walsh's residence at t'ook's river and n government grant he applied for to form and meted a roadway.—Received: do was granted. Fiom .Mines Department, granting tot) l’or reopening Taipo track.—lleeeived. From Public Works Department, j promising consideration to representations regarding motor lorry tax on south road, as affecting the dairying j industry.—Received. From Same, handing over the Ku- | mara-Ross road and granting £I2OO ! for road and bridge repairs-—Received. 1 The Chairman said the deputation j that waited on the Minister last J month did not get much satisfaction, j They were now offering £I2OO for j repairs which were quite inadequate j which the Overseer estimated at over j •C'3600. It was a serious position for j the Council, and it needed serious 1 consideration by members. Mr Duff said he did not think they ; could do more than was proposed by j the Chairman. He thought they j would have to take over the roads mi- i tier protest. Unless they had a sub- ‘ stantiul subsidy the Council would not J he able to carrv on.

-Mr Wells said they should protest strongly against the offer of the Minister as the sum was totally inadequate for the repairs necessary.

The Chairman then moved:—That the Council protests against the handing over of the Kuniara-Ross road for maintenance, and regrets it cannot accept, unless adequate provision is made to place the bridges in particular in safe condition to carry the traffic of the district, and to this end in addition to the £IOOO now appropriated for bridge renewals, a request be made for a vote of £2500 for bridge renewals for 1923-24, with such

further sum as may bo required for 1021-2.3 upon the expenditure of the foregoing vote; and that in addition a subsidy be provided for mailt road maintenance similar to that granted to the Ilrtinner Borough and Grey and Innngahua Counties.—Seconded by Mr Dull' and carried. The Chairman moved:—That in order to facilitate the carrying out ol the urgent works, that Overseer Millner be instructed to confer with Government. Road Overseer Fitzgerald j in re.-peet to the allocation ol the j CIRRI) now voted for the renewal oi l bridges and culverts on the Rimu lo; Russ road; and also in respect to the I rearrangement of road staff to meet i the increased responsibilities thrown j on the Council.—Seconded by Mr Mur-j doeh and carried. It was further resolved to point out ; to the Government of the dangerous condition of the road and the fact that all the workmen had been withdrawn n[f the road. From N.Z. Counties’ Association, suggesting uniform universal by-law in rcspi't to motor traffic.—Received and approved. From Buller and Inangabua County Councils, asking further time to consider proposed joint by-law.—Received. From Lewis and Wells, on behalf of G. Ferguson and P. Douglas, offering CIRII towards cost of moving Miknuui wire bridge to Wailaba river crossing at Dougin- i.,m1.--Received. It wafell that r -et tiers ill the \ icinily | should li ml portion of Ibe nil. the | Council considering the oiler made a! vi'i'v siibstaiilial one. Mr C liiiin mined that the < oimeil | be preiiared lo find LI3O, if the set-! tiers find the balance.—-Seconded by Mr Riiehie and carried. Hie cost being estimated at I'T-H, to 'make ii suitable for light traliic. From Over-eer Millner. monthly report oil road work-. - Received. From .fas. Nolan. Matainui. applying for .-laughter house license.—Received and request granted. From C. and 1.. Gihb, applying for sub.sidi- for groyne protection at Doeherty s road. -Received. From Roadman Nolan, reeoiiiniending t'7 10s on account of the work : also -taring ('. Anderson had taken up the Wataron ferry on the terms stipulated by the Council -Received and approved. From Same, monthly report oil works in district.—Received. From I). McDermott. Kumara. applving for work under the t oitnty, *a former employee ol the Public AAorkDcpartmoiil).— Received and tiled. From A. G. I’ilkingtoii. in reference to application- for lease ol Mikonm reserve, stating an agreement bad been Millie lo by Mrs Thiele and Mr Hoyle and amended application- were put in, in aeenerilam e with the arrangement made. Received. Mr Murdoch moved that as far as the Council had the power they were prepared in favourably consider the application. Seconded' by Mr Weils. '•!: (Till.i moved the application U j deferred till Ibe Overseer lake mea- | st'ii'immts required t-, ascertain area ! Seconded by Mr Dull and carried on | divi-ion, Messrs Murdoeli and AN ells ! votiiigg agaio-t. Becoming the -unj staiitive motion it was agreed to. .Air AY. Ritchie waited in the Cnuuj ml in connection with I’igeoii ( re--k. 'i crossing or bridge, asking that Over- ' -eer Millner visit and di-cil-s the matj ter. Overseer Millner reported Die ' timber was ready to be sent up. but j that the senior- had not yet began jin provide their portion ol the timi tier. It was re-olvcd to request Air ■ .Jamieson in get their pari of Dm work From AAT'-tland lln-pital Board. ml ! Warding lintiee el i 11 1 e 111 ill II lo levy I for the year, the Council'- -ham b. - | ing L'l’TIR. a reduction oi LI fit I "" lasi year. -R.vceiw'd. bln ( hmrmau : la ted lino the iniquity ol ill" po -■t *■ ■>> : wa- tiia; w bib llm ( limn v Imd h,. n ftU - ■'!>" ■!. tin II .1 .Hi-a ' Ik•!*,tlg'lt Ire! si: ■ " M all.l the < ■ i> j revaluation ol the lloi'ottgli. i Mr Riiehie moved that application bo made to the A’abmtion Dopai! meld for a revaluation ol the Hokitika Borough. by an iiid qieiideei valuer, as ii wa- remitiii-ed liiere was a ronsiderahle iIII rea ■ e 111 values in I lie town. S'ecoiidiil In Mi .Morel and ianii-1. From Over-eer Millner. reporting ou oeic-.-ity ol olitaining a stone ei'ii -be r : aml on ibe ela im o! M.. Keen:: u ill "oimeelmu for damage to lull'sMating there was no fault oi the Council in the matier. Received. From Seme, reporting on erosion at Kokatehi on Hokitika river - Reeeiveil. i'T-im .Motorman Rohiiisoii. reporting :: k done for month including' Ci' yisi-Is gravel, li-j yards broken metal and nt ;.•!' ni■ 111 s. Reeeiveil. I NIMI’ROA'ED A'ALFF.s". Ti:e lists of ratepayers signing petitions in ie.vor of iiiiimproved values Slaifoi'd di-tiiet I Aiabma s Inter Wanganui 31 Ti 1.'.1i0 d AYataroa ft I AA'ehoka S ’i ota I s.'| The Chairman slated that there were lied nearly eaongli sign:. lures ta warrant action being taken. FINANCE ft)M M ITTEE'S RFRORT. Your Committee has the lionor t, report that the accounts presented for the month of .Alareli, IH2f.t, have been carefully examined, and beg to reeom- j ! mend that the ainouni as approved, i totalling L'iln!) -'I- (id, be pn--ed for I payment. Received. ORDER BABER. The Chairman moved:— "That ; | the accounts for the month of March, j ! 192;!. as revised and recommended fori payment by the Finance Committee. ; amounting to Cl 100 f!s Oil, bo passed for payment.”—Seconded by Mr Dull; and carried. The Chairman moved:— "That j the necessary resolution be adopted j empowering the Council to borrow by j way of overdraft from the Bank of ! New Zealand a sum not exceeding I L2.oliti, such overdraft to be secured, by the revenue outstanding and tin-i collected as at the 31st March, 1921.” j —Seconded In- Mr AA'ells and carried. 1

The Chairman moved:—- "That lists of proposed new works for Government- grants for the year 1923-24 Estimates he prepared by Overseer Milliter and laid on the table at next meeting of the Council."—Seconded InMr Duff and carried. The Chairman moved:— ''That application be made to the Public Works Department for authority to expend the following unauthorised Parliamentary votes for Westland County:—Lake- Kanieri road, £300: La Fontaine road. £350; Kuinara Junction to Kapitea road, £400: Wall road. £4so."—Seconded In- Mr Chestennan and carried. Mr Chinn moved :—"That Roadman Nolan lie instructed to improve the river bed road leading to Loan Block road, Waitangi."—Seconded lnMr Ritchie and carried.

On the motion of the Chairman permission was given to Mr Y\ . McCluggage to use a boat- from Three -Mile row at Okarito.

p was resolved that a report he obtained of the necessary work required to have portion of road near Ferguson’s road metalled and put in order. The Council discussed with Overseer Millner matters in connection with

the main roads, and authority was given to the Overseer to take certain action if considered necessary. It was resolved that the Council meet on Monday. fiOth April. SPECIAL MEETING. Mr Park (County Solicitor) met the Council and discussed the draft byelaw- drawn up with ail addition gov erning heavy traffic. The Chairman then moved that the bye-laws as drawn up be approved and again be -übmitted to the other County Council-.—Seconded by Mi Dull' and carried. The Council rose at 3.13 p.m.

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Hokitika Guardian, 11 April 1923, Page 4

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WESTLAND COUNTY COUNCIL Hokitika Guardian, 11 April 1923, Page 4

WESTLAND COUNTY COUNCIL Hokitika Guardian, 11 April 1923, Page 4