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Tlie ordinary meeting of the Council was held at 2 p.m. Present.—Messrs T. W. Bruce, (Chairman), L. Morel, B. Ward, T. It. Chesterman, S. G. Ferguson, E. A. Wells, T. W. Duff and J. A. Murdoch. The minutes were confirmed and outward correspondence approved. INWARD CORRESPONDENCE. From. Hon J. Grimmond, regretting absence from meeting.—Received. From Treasury, remitting Goldfields revenue, Prospecting Subsidies and Grants for works.—Received.

From -Minister of Marine, stating request for £2OO grant to erect a cattle loading wharf at Okuru would have consideration.—Received. From Alines Department, granting application of AleCormick, Irwin and Thorpe to prospect in Wailio district at ■rate of 30s per week per man for three months.—Received.

From Tourist and Health Department refusing grant for widening anti improving Lake Kanieri Road as neither the immediate nor prospective potentialities of Lake Kanieri as a national tourist resort warrant the expenditure. Mr Chesterman moved that further representations be made to the Alinister urging a grant for tins important work. Seconded by Mr Ward and carried. From T. E. Y. Seddon, M.P., enclosing a budget of correspondence received from Government Departments dealing with requirements of Westland.— Received.

From Minister of Lands, acknowledging receipt of letter dealing with river encroachment at Hari Hari and stating the Resident Engineer of. Public Works is taking steps to prevent further erosion. As the Department has little interest in the locality the Settlers must bo prepared to protect themselves by forming a River Board when a subsidy of £1 to £4 will be considered —Received.

From Minister of Public Works, reporting Mr Gillies is now carrying out a scheme approved by the Engineer-in-, Chief to cope with danger at the Little Wanganui River; a report is being obtained on the damage caused by the recent flood to the Waimea Creek; stating that settlers on river flats must be prepared to protect themselves and only in exceptional cases the Government may assist, however a report wbuld bo obtained regarding flood damage along Arahura river to guide as to the best course to adopt; granting £IOO for the opening up of the Wataroa South BanK Road for the settlers in the vicinity. Received. The Council decided to enter a protest against the manner in whch the flood danger was bein''- coped with at Little Wanganui. From Minister of Labor, forwarding copy of Gazette containing statutory notice of closing days under the “Shops and Offices Act, 1908,” for the respective dstricts usual half-holiday.—Re-ceived.

From James Donovan, Okarito, extending the thanks of the Settlers for the loading of the district south of the Wataroa river.—Received.

From Public Works Department, in answer to application for nn emergency grant of £3OO to restore Waimea Creek Bridge intimating a report on the matter is being obtained : with respect to vote of £IOOO at '£- for Cl for river protection at Arahura the officers would supply a report-

ing Overseer Alillner’s report on Little Wanganui protective works nqd stating diversion of river along Ferguson’s land is part of proposed scheme with labor available; regretting the delay in letting a contract for building the Little Wnitnha bridge,owing to a large part of the hardwood timber being condemned ; approving of £2O to repair and make passable Cascade Track; orders bad been issued to the Overseer in South Westland to attend to the wants along the Haast Pass Track.—Received. From Tourist and Health Departpartment, stating when the estimates are being framed for next year the question of granting £3OO for roadway above the Creek Falls at Mahinapua would have consideration.—Received.

From Postal Department, Hokitika, acting under instructions from the District Telegraph Engineer, stating the revenue from a tolepiiono at Waitangi River does not justify its existence and the request cannot be acceded to.—Received. Air Ferguson made an urgent appeal for telephone connection. On his suggestion it was resolved to offer £5 towards cost of a branch line.

From Waipo County Council, submitting resolution carried urging on the Government a vigorous policy of immigration for more workers in the interests of Industries and Production, and soliciting support of the proposal.—Received.

From Westland Gold Prospecting Syndicate stating intention to start sawmilling at Kanieri Forks and near Kanieri Lake; asking for road access to mill site at Forks, and stating 'timber would be transported by motor lorry, total load about 6]r tons.—Received. Mr Ziman waited on the Council in support. The Council resolved to carry out the work subject to tho applicants finding 25 per cent, of the cost. •From Knneri Sawmill Coy. Ltd. supporting former application for improvement of Lake Kanieri road to carry heavy traffic, and stating the firm purposed erecting a mill near Boucher’s Creek, Lake Kanieri road.—Received ; request approved subject to finding of 25 per cent, of cost.

From Malfroy and Coy asking for ten chains of roadway at Upper Humphrey's where some 2,000 acres of timber were to he milled.—Received. Mr Peril am waited on the Council in support of the request, Mr Davidson also supported the request. Agreed to carry out work subject to finding of 25 per cent, of cost. From Canterbury Progress League, acknowledging receipt of copy of telegram advocating expedition of works to connect the Midland Railway, and notifying early visit of their organiser. Received. From Conference of local bodies, resume of business dealt with by delegates, and resolutions hearing on restoration of aquatic facilities at Maliinnpua Creek; roadway from South Hokitika above the creek falls; early installation of - hydro electric power possibilities from Westland’s mountain streams, and a fitting loyal Royal reception to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales.—Received. The Chairman expressed his regret at the action of the Borough Council in

connection wtili clearing out Mahinapua Creek. The iiret clause was deferred for future consideration, and the remaining clauses were approved. From Hokitika Borough Council, approving of a conference to consider the special requirements set down for consideration, and announcing personnel of the delegation.—Received.

From J. and D. Feeney, giving particulars of the plant to bo installed, and area to be used for sawmilling operations in the Belfast locality where they desire road access.—Received. Alessrs Feeney Bros waited on the Council in support. Mr Ward commended the applicants to the most favourable consideration of the Council. It was resolved to carry out the work, the applicants to lind one quarter of the cost. From John Hewer, Herepo, telegraphing for the necessary authority to effectively deal with straying stock on the South Roads.—Received. From John W. Hende, consenting to act as a ranger in conjunction with Air Hewer.—Received. From W. W. Glass, Hari Han, reporting restoration to health after active military service and now asking for favorable recommendation to receive a subsidy to drive 500 feet at Lang’s Terrace.—Received; to be recommended. From Edward Connolly and ' Alark Koeti, applying for weekly rate of 30s to prospect the back country up Cook’s River above the Gorge, and a vote of £5 to clear the overgrowth off track to pack in tools and provisions.—Received to be recommended. From E. Jones, Greymouth, enquiring whether an experienced man is required in connection with erection of telephones in country districts in Westland, and asking consideration of his services.—Received •

From N. D. McNicol, asking for consent to erect a gate near Ledger’s" Hill, To tarn, to enable him to make use of pastoral leases.—Received. From Baxter Bros., Ltd., with refeience to providing means to enable children to attend the school by crossing the Hungerford Bridge at the Aiahuia River.—Received.

From Kapitea Goldfields, Limited, remittance for rates due and requesting assistance to gain admittance to the dredge up the Kapitea Creek. —Received.

From J. C. Alalfrov and Co., regretting the position in which the tram was laid on the Two Aule Road, and promising to make improvements without delay.—Received. From Westland Gold Prospecting Syndicate, Ltd., referring to amounts due for Royalty on timber and rates, and praying the debt he treated as not recoverable, owing to the poor returns from the mining operations. —Received. From John Martyn, asking to be relieved of the maintenance of the Teremnkau River Ferry, and his successors, Alessrs Lloyd Bros., be appointed in .his stead.—Received and approved. From Roadman Nolan, reporting on works effected in Wataroa and Okarito localities, and tne successful clearing of the La Fontaine Creek. —Received. From Advisory Committee, Okuru, enclosing time sheets for expenditure incurred clearing overgrowth and repairing Cascade Track.—Received. From W. D. Nolan, Okuru, supplying estimated cost of £2OO to erect suitable cattle loading wharf ami trusting the works be completed in time to ship stock next spring; the Settlers intend building substantial cattle yards adjoining the wharf.—Received .

From Chamber of Commerce, asking :'.-u Council would undertake the circulation of a petition in the County asking for the creation oi' a Power Board for Westland and interior boroughs.—Received. The Chairman moved tlie Council agree to take the initial steps. Seconded by Air Duff and agreed to.

From A. Aitken, applying for clearing of Cedar Creek Road and construction of a prospecting track.—Received. From Overseer Millner, reporting on tlu> difficulties encountered and danger to vehicles using the Two Mile Road consequent on the laying of a tramline and advising caution in these cases; recommending the closing and fencing off of an old roadway at Dillmans; particulars of clearing obstructions by growth and sawdust in Maliinapua C'rcck at a cost of £l5O, and form a channel ten feet wide to allow motor boats to navigate the stream in safety ; comprehensive report detailing the works necessary for the construction of concrete walls and foundation for a lock to control tho waters in Maliinapua Creek estimated to cost £1,200; advising £l5O will lie needed to convert the Hau Hau Lead Track into a roadway capable of enduring heavy timber haulage in accordance with Feeney Bros, request; drawing attention to damage occurring through stock tramping in sides of drains adjacent to Cumniing and Robinson’s Road, Koiterangi; pointing out trouble likely to occur if sawdust- is deposited in Raft Creek, White Road, Ivokatalii; again reporting the neglect of Malfroy and Co. to ballast and put tramway in order for public traffic, and urging removal of the tram if improvements are not immediately effected; furnishing estimate for widening,.gravelling and making concrete culverts along White Road at £912 suitable for carting the sawmilling output.—• Received.

From Minister Internal Affairs notifying visit of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales to ’Westland and arrival at ng 15 minutes later.—Received.

From Minster of Lands regarding sidies for drainage works.—Received. From Postmaster-General stating application for telephone facilities at Hari Hari should bo received in o fortnight’s time.—Received. From Minister of Public Works promising Mr Seel don M.P. that river encroachment at Inter-Wanganui would Ix 3 looked into.—Received.

From Ivokatalii Dairy Coy. asking that a ranger lie appointed for Kokatalii to deal with the wandering stock nuisance.—Received. Mr Morel moved that Mr W. A. Smith he appointed ranger. Seconded by tho Chairman and carried.

From Kokntnlii Sawmilling Coy, giving particulars of enterprise and offering to contribute £230 towards cost of placing White road in order for timber transit.—Received; enquiry to bo made as to the deposit of the sawdust. -From W. H. Chinn, Tctalio asking an expenditure of £8 for road approaches.—Received; granted on usual terms. . From J .Hewer, lion Ranger, Hari

Hari, reporting on wandering stock, and suggesting action against an offender.—Received. It was resolved to take action as suggested at once. From J. AY.- Thompson asking for increased allowance in respect to collecting wharfage at Okarito.—Received. It was resolved to give an increase of £5. From C. J. Sellers claiming £l9 10s for damages caused in accident to Mr W. F. Diedrichs when crossing Kokntahi bride, through decking breaking.— Received; referred to Finance Committee.

TENDERS. Tenders for supply of gravel at Kumara were opened, only one tender, E. Alartyn at 3s per yard.—Accepted. ORDER PAPER, The Chairman moved:— “That the accounts for the month of February, 1920, as revised by the Finance Committee, amounting to £1247 17s 9d, be approved and confirmed.”—Seconded by Air Duff and carried.

The Chairman moved:— “That the accounts for the month of Alarch, 1920, as revised by the Finance Committee, amounting to £IO9O/6/1, be pass ed for payment.”—Seconded by Air Duff and carried. The Chairman moved:— “That Overseer Alillner be authorised to compile a list of works in each Riding for application to Parliament for Government grants.”—Seconded by Air Ward and carried.

The Chairman moved:— “That the Council now adopt the necessary motion to borrow by way of overdraft from the Bank of New Zealand, such overdraft to be secured by the revenue outstanding and payable as at 31st March, 1921.”—Seconded by Mr Ward and carried.

The Chairman moved:— “That a. statement be prepared by the Treasurer for next ordinary meeting showing- the position of the Separate Riding Accounts for the year ended Alarch 31st current; the estimated amount of revenue and expenditure for the financial year commencing the Ist April next, and the proposed allocation of any surplus amount over the Separate. Ridings in tho manner provided by the Counties Act and its amendments.” Seconded by Mr Duff and carried. The Chairman moved:— “That the Public Works Department be urged to expedite the erection of necessary bridges on the main South Road, votes for which are provided on the appropriations.”—Seconded by Air Wells and carried. The Chairman moved: — “That the Council determine the action to be taken to. safeguard its financial interests under the Forestry reservations, and also deiede as to the steps to be taken to recover revenue the payment of which was held in obeyance owing to war conditions.”—Seconded by Air "Ward and carried. A deputation was appointed to bring the mattei undei the notice of Air Massey and Sir F. Bell. AT r Alorel moved-.—“ That Overseer Alillner report as to the practicability of an effective drainage scheme for tho Kokatahi and Koiterangi districts by clearing creeks and natural water courses with an estimate as to the cost, with a. view to placing before the rate-payers a proposal to carry out the work shown to be practicable and within a reasonable cost.” —Seconded by the Chairman and carried. Air Murdoch moved:—“That a vote of £l9 be granted for restoring Dillmans branch road.”— Seconded by Air Duff and carried. The Chairman moved: —- “That £ls be voted for opening prospecting tracks at Cedar Creelc.”—Seconded by Air Ferguson and carried. Air Ward moved:—“That further representations be made to the Government with regard to the restoration of vehicle traffic by way of Hungerford’s bridge.”—Seconded by Air Fer guson and carried. Mr Ferguson moved: —“That an extension of La Fontaine road for a distance of about 12 chains be authorised, and Overseer Alillner be instructed to have the work carried out.”—Seconded by the Chairman and carried. Air Chesterman drew attention to the request of Mr Crougli for drainage accommodation on Kanieri road. Referred to Public Works Department.

STATUTORY MEETING. The Chairman moved: — “That the Council resolve into Committee of the whole to consider the Clerk’s report in reference to the Riding representation.” Seconded by Air Ward and carried. The Chairman explained the financial position. Air Duff moved:—“That the Comiyl revert to the three riding system,— Northern, Central and Southern, three members each. Seconded by Mr Morel and generally supported by members and agreed to. The Council rose at 5.20 p.m.

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Hokitika Guardian, 31 March 1920, Page 4

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WESTLAND COUNTY COUNCIL. Hokitika Guardian, 31 March 1920, Page 4

WESTLAND COUNTY COUNCIL. Hokitika Guardian, 31 March 1920, Page 4