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The usual monthly meeting of the Egmont County Council was held at Opunake yesterday, when there were present: Crs. M. O'Brien (chairman), Campbell, Watson, Young. Tosland, Luckin, Ferguson and Trotter. Leave of absence was granted Cr. Gibson.

! Aii advice note showed that subsidies on rates had been received as Mows: Oeo, £348 10s 9d; Opua, £224 3s; and Rahotu, £504 15s 8d; total, £1077 9s sd. The secretary of the Taranaki Circular Road Race wrote _ trusting that the council had no objection to the competitors travelling over the Egmont County roads on October 14. —It was stated that the council had no objection. Mr. O. Hawken, M.P.. wrote asking for information in regard to the proposed roading of the Parihaka block. It was decided to inform Mr. Hawken that it was hard to< differentiate between the roads, as they were all bad an.d in need of repairs. The Department of Internal Affairs wrote referring to previous correspondence regarding' the proposed alteration of boundaries of the Counties of Bgmont arid Taranaki, and informed the council that the commission appointed to enquire into the matter had furnished its report and recommended that the existing boundaries of the counties be maintained. The Minister stated that in view of the report it was not proposed' to make any alteration of the existing boundaries. The letter was received, councillors expressing satisfaction at the Minister's decision. Dairy Co. applied for permission to lay a line of water pipes across, the Ihaia Road. The work would be done to the satisfaction of the county engineer.—Permission was granted. The Rahotu Hall Committee drew at_ tention to the approach to their hall, and suggested the laying of pipes from the culvert at the gate entrance to the end of the property. The council decided to do the work suggested. The council confirmed the special order in regard to the authority for the erection of workers' dwellings. / Mr. Coffey's tender for the supply of 300 yards of boulder stone to the Kahui Road was accepted. PTJNIHO ROAD.

The Taranaki County Council forwarded the following resolutions: "That the Egmont County Council be requested to pay the outstanding contribution due for the past two years, non-receipt of which is hampering the work of maintaining the Puniho \Road. That the Taranaki County Council have only received £274 4s 9d during the past four years, and not £200 per annum, as stated by the chairman of the Egmont Council. That the cost of maintaining the Puniho Road is considerably in excess of the quota provided by the Egmont County, consequently the Taranaki Council contributed more than their equitable share out of the general rates of the Okato riding to maintain this road, and also, have to make up the deficiency caused Ijy the lower rates in the Egmont County. Tnat the Egmont County be asked to agree to a variation of the present warrant by agreeing to pay an equal amount is paid by the Taranaki County Council towards maintaining the Puniho Road. Failing an agreement, that application be made for a fresh warrant, providing that each authority contribute equal shares towards the maintenance of the PunjhO' Road." Cr. Tosland thought that if the Taranaki County were not satisfied the council should take the road over. The chairman said that his idea was to let the Taranaki County arrange a commission and then see how the matter was decided. ' It was decided to pay the amount owing and demand an amount due to the Egmont County in interest. It was also decided to ask the Taranaki County Council for particulars of their exDenditure on the Puniho Road.

REPAIRS TO STENT ROAD. Messrs. H. N, Chapman, J. A. Meier, G. T. Hopkins, Charles* Sole

and W. Lawn wrote asking that 500 yards of stone be crushed and* the Stent Road scarified and refaced. It was decided to comply with the request and to call tenders for the 500 yards of metal.

GRANTS FOR NEW WORKS. The Minister of Public Works wrote

acknowledging the receipt of the council's resolution with respect to the matter of increasing the Government grant, for the bridge over the Waiau river on the Wiremu Road, grants for metalling the upper portion of the Parihaka Road, metalling the Newall Road, and a grant for opening a road in the Mataikahawai block. The Minister would give the matters his care- ' ful consideration. Mr. O. Havvken, M.P., forwarded a. letter he had received from the Minister, in which the Minister sf~ ted that he had discussed their sever_* requests with the district engineer during the course of the preparation of the estimates. The communications were received. EMPLOYEES' HOLIDAYS.

Twenty-one employees of the county applied for a half-holiday once a week, and offered to start 'work at 7.30 a.m. instead of 8 a.m. in order that the number of working howrs per week be kept at 47. The meeting went into committee to discuss the matter, and on resuming it was reported that the men's application had been granted on the conditions suggested and the half-holiday after pay Tlay had been abolished. It was also decided that the men get holidays on full pay on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Labour Day, St. Patrick's Day, New Year's Day and Easter Monday, a.nd holidays without pay be allowed on Good Friday and Aiizac Day.

BOUNDARY ALTERATIONS. The chairman mentioned that at a

recent meeting of ratepayers at Rahotu the Council had been requested to take steps to adopt proportional representation on the basis of wards valuation. Wards valuation did not exist as far as counties were concerned. However, it was plain that the ratepayers at Rahotu wanted a change, and therefore it was time that the Council took steps to satisfy them. He moved that a new riding be created in the northern end of the • county, to be bounded on the north-west by the County of Taranaki, on the north by the Egmont National Park, on the south, by the Kopuaieaie stream, on the west by the ocean. The new riding would be j named Newall's Riding, and would be represented by one councillor. Cr. Trotter seconded. Cr. Eerguson said that it was almost I -imperative, in the face of the resohi- •' tion passed, at Rahotu, to make the j change. He thought that the Council I should go into the matter thoroughly, 7 • and deal with it from end to end. 31 The motion was carried. " \ Referring to the Opua Riding, which * he described as a very poor riding, the chairman mentioned the utter impossi-

bility of this riding supporting two main, roads. The chairman referred to the saddling of the Opua Riding with these roads as a swindle, and said it was quite legitimate to remedy the matter now. He moved that the northwestern boundary of the Opua Riding be the Oaoiti stream, the northern "boundary be the Egmont National Park, the south-eastern boundary be the Taungatara stream, and the western boundary be the ocean. Cr Ferguson seconded.

Cr. Tosland said that when the chairman sprang an important _P3solution such as this he should not 5b anything while Cr. Gibson was absent. The chairman said that the resolution from the meeting at Rahotu was notice of motion enough, and the business could not be held up because one man was absent.

Cr. Tosland moved as an amendment that the matter stand adjourned for one month to enable Cr. Gibson to be present. The amendment lapsed for want of a seconder. The motion was carried.

The chairman then moved that the boundaries of the Rahotu Riding be on the north-west_ the Kopaia stream, on the north by the Egmont National Park, on the south-east by the OaoitT stream, and on the west by the ocean, and that the said riding be represented by two councillors. Cr. Ferguson seconded, and the motion was carried.

The chairman said that at the last meeting of the Council the matter of ea^h ncfing's indebtedness as regards antecedent liability was decided on. There was a burning feeling; at Rahotu that the Oeo Riding was going to get the benefit at the., expense of the rest of the county. The chairman said he would therefore move that each riding of the county shall pay off its just proportion of the county's anteceSent liabiltiy each year and interest on the balance until paid off, and in particular that the Oeo Riding shall pay its interest on its full proportion of the antecedent liability until paid off. That in future complete separate accounts be kept of the expenditure in each riding, and that all county permanent charges, etc., be correctly apportioned. Cr. Tosland seconded. He said that Oeo only wanted a fair thing. The motion was carried. TAR-SEALING.

Cr. Tosland moved that the Oeo Riding members and the engineer be a committee to attend to the tar-sealing of 27 chains of 16ft road at Pihama.- — The motion was carried. RIDING FOREMAN.

Several applications for. the position of foreman to the Opua Southern Riding, which, position had been recently vacated by Mr. G. King, were received. Mr. A. F. Crocker was appointed. OVERSEER'S REPORT.

The county overseer reported as follows:—

As per instructions, I called tenders for repair work on the Okahu Road (Ngariki to Newall). The contract has since been let.

The metal pit on Ruakere Road complained of by Mr. E. Johns as being left by contractor in an unsafe condition has been fenced off in a satisfactory manner by the contractor.

I inspected the gravel reserve* written about by Mr. Fowler at Heimama; bridge, Main South Road. The reserve comprises two roods at the junction of the; Main Road and Heimama Creek. This would require approximately two chains fencing.

Tenders have been called and accepted for boulder stone on Carrington, Newall, and Warea Roads as instructed, also, for expenditure of £200 Government grant on Kahui Road.. I have engaged an engine driver with first grade certificate. The scarifying plant is now at work in Rahotu Riding. I have given Mr. R. Hill notice under contract 417 to deliver the balance of his boulder stone on Warea Road.

I have prepared the necessary new specifications in connection with H. Lockley's second contract. He has signed same and started work. I had fresh tenders called for.Kaweora. Road work. *

Oeo Riding (northern) —The work in connection with Bridge 33 has been completed. The line of road has been altered to suit the new bridge, ''and fillings at each end put in and metalled. This completes the work in connection with No. 3 bridge loan. Metal patching and general repairs were done on the following loads :Eltham, five days; Watino, one day; Stratford-Opunake, t\ro days; Wiremu and Patiki, one day each; and Oeo, three days. The riding foreman was off work for nine days as the result of an accident to his eye while at work. In company with the contractor I went over the work in connection with H. Lockley's contract on "Wiremu Road No. 403. We started at the Waiaua River and worked back to Mangahume stream. I located each survey peg, put a reference number on it and the plan, a copy of which I gave the contractor. I would also report that the county horse, which has been in poor condition during the winter, has died.

Oeo Riding (southern) —Taungatara timber bridge: The temporary repairs to this bridge have been completed. The old breast joist which had decayed has been removed, and a new one put in and chocked up. New. tows have 1 also been put in at the northern end. I would like to point out that these repairs are only of a temporary nature. The approach to the bridge has been Eicked up and levelled oft' to suit the ridge. A new joist has been put in the Ouri bridge and repairs done to Ijae decking. Main South Road: Watertabling and metal patching lias been done on Oeo hill, and blinding done from Lambie's corner to Puketapu hill. On Watino 1J miles of watertables have been cleared and new ones, cut where required. . Time occupied, 11 days. Patiki Road: Two days were spent picking down metal ridge and filling in. ruts. Larc^- .stones napped and blinded. Opua Kiuinp; (southern) —While waiting for part- or engines, etc., from the foundry I had the portion of the Main South Road scarified and refaced between the Farmers' sale yards and the Waiaua bridge, also five days' scarifying and relaying Mtham Road. This was done with the idea of giving the roller a try-out prior to its going to Rahotu, as it had had a day's overhauli ing. Also five days' metal patching, I etc. 1 had four days' maintenance work done on Lower Waiteika Road. The riding staff and county team were

also engaged for two days crushing i metal for the floor of the plant shed. j Opua Riding (northern)—l had ten j days' work done scarifying, blinding, i and refaeing the. Main South Road be- | tween the Town Board boundary and j Opunake dairy factory, a distance of SO j chains approximately. I also had the grader on for one day scraping off high shoulders, on each side of road to allow water to drain off. I had two days in shed making and stripping concrete' pipes, four days on Opua Road repair- : ing bridge and patching metal, cleaning out drain, and putting in culvert; one. I day on Namu Road repairing decking of bridge. • General—The overhaul of machinery and plant is practically complete. The Austin crusher and Aveling and Porter engine are still to do. These only require a slight overhaul and replacements. Collett crusher—Following repairs, etc.: Two new toggle plates, four new toggle seats, two Hew cheek plates, bearings run in, several minor renairs, and general overhaul. ""* Fowler engine—Driving wheel main bearing recast and put in, glands renewed and repacked. Fire bars removed and reset, minor repairs, and general overhaul. I Two motor pumps—Two new suction hoses - fitted, and foot valves, glands, and valves repacked. Engines taken down, overhauled, and refitted. Concrete mixer—Four new drum pulley wheels fitted, hopper repaired, hoist" retted and miner adjustments done. Engine taken down, overhauled and adjusted, glands packed in and valves ground in, faulty magnets removed and cells and battery fitted. Garrett roller—Steering gear removed and repaired and refitted, glands repacked, furnace adjusted, minor repairs and general overhaul. Plant shed—A certain amount of delay was caused by non-arrival of reinforcing steel. To obviate this I had the benzine shed proceeded with. The engine of the concrete mixer was also in a very unsatisfactory state till the magnets were removed and a batDuring the month the floor has been tery put in. completed ajid rolled in, foundations excavated and concreted, studs set in and wired, eight days for two men; erecting profiles and frames, four days, four men; making stirrups and ties and placing reinforcement and. boxing, three days, five men; placing concrete for walls, two days, five men. Two and a half tons cement were used in foundations and three and a half tons in walls. Doors and window tops have been reinforced with light steel rails from Opunake wharf. Walls have 96 15in. x fin. vertical rods with fin. horizontals every 13 inches. Benzine shed, two and a half tons cement, two ventilators and vents as required by law. Practically all the material required is on the ground, and /the work should now proceed without any^ serious delay.

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Bibliographic details

Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 11 October 1922, Page 3

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EGMONT COUNTY COUNCIL. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 11 October 1922, Page 3

EGMONT COUNTY COUNCIL. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 11 October 1922, Page 3