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LAND ADVERTISEMENTS. AN EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY V TO ACQUIRE A CHEAP PROPERTY IS HERE OFFERED YOU. A REAL SNIP. FOR QUICK SALE. 4 ACRES OF RICH LAND ACRES OF RICH LAND ALL FLAT and ploughable, all in grass, watered spy spring and tanks, .with new bungalow of 5 rooms, with every modern convenience. Hot and cold water, scullery, • pantry, bathroom, porcelain bath and basin, wash-house, ■copper and tubs. PRICE £2100. ONLY £200 CASH required. Balance on very easy terms. Only 1£ miles from Hawera Post Office. Apply in first instance to: EEO. K. BUCKERIDGE. Land Agent. Ifl UNION STREET, HAWERA.

LAND ADVERTISEMENTS. GRAVES & CO (Established 1900). LAND AGENTS. REGENT STREET, HAWERA. Telephones: Offices, No. 137; Residence. No. 1. IYIO ACRES ' at £35 10s; good JL'vJw house and sheds. Terms only £600 cash. Stock can be taken over under loan already advanced. This is a cheap farm; close to school and factory. .., Plenty of winter feed.

LAND ADVERTISEMENT!, JAMES & GILLMAN LAND, STOCK., FINANCE AND HOUSE AGENTS, Union Street. HAWEEA. FOR SALE—GOING CONCERN. 268 ACRES of first-class dairying ; country in the Hawera district. i Capable of carrying comfortably | 120 cows. In good pasture. Well sub-divided and watered. At E resent carrying 105 cows, 2 ulls, 2 heavy .horse*,-16 weaner calves, 30 piffs, 25 sheep. Butterfat returns last season from 103 cows was £2700. For sale as a going concern with 6-cow plant milking machine and water power and all necessary implements Price, £3000. This is an exeell lent opportunity for a, strong family. Six-roomed house and modern cowshed. Factory and school quite handy. 5011 148 ACRES Hawera district. Excellent dairying land, close to factory and school. Leasehold for five years at 60/- per acre. Good dwelling house and cowshed; scow milking plant installed. . As a going concern, 64 cows, 5 two-year-old heifers, 2 pedigree Jersey bulls, 6 yearlings, 2 horses, 211 factory shares, 4 sows, and all necessary implements and plant. Price £2625. Finance arranged for large proportion of the money. - 5013 123 ACRES, Hawera district. For sale as a going concern. Leasehold for 5 years at 60/- per acre. Stock includes 49 cows, 1 bul, 4 two-year-old heifers, 3 horses, 1 waggon, 5-cow milking plant with releaser, 12 store pigs, and all necessary implements for farming. Price £1460 with £560 cash. House of 4 rooms, scullery, and man's room. Good cowshed. 5012 £400 CASH secures a first-class dairy farm of 175 acres. Capable of carrying 70 cows besides horses and young cattle. Large 9roomed house with every convenience. Concreted cowshed; piggeries. Subdivided into 15 paddocks. Factory and school a few chains away. Permanently watered with running streams. Situated on a main metalled road. Price £75 per acre. First mortgage £6600 at 5 per cent for 6 years. The balance of the money can remain for 5 years at 6 per cent. This is one of the cheapest properties offering in the Taranaki district. Only £400 cash £400 CASH secures 100 acres handy to Eltham. Carrying capacity about 35 cows, young stock, and horses. Good house of 4 rooms, close to factory and school. Owner's equity £1642. - Will ex- , change for a _ town /property or good second mortgage. dQQ? FOR SALto, a going •concern of 100 acres, Hawera district. Leasehold for 4 years from July, 1921 at 70/- per acre. Stock includes 50 cows, 2 bulls, 2 horses, 200 \ fully Paid factory shares, milking machines and electric engine Price for the lot £2478. 2200 FOR SALE, as a going concern, 149 acres, Hawera district. Leasehold for 3 years at £350 per annum. Stock includes 65 cows, 1 bull, 3 hor?es. Good 6-roomed h^se, 4 double-bail cowshed. Milking plant installed with releaser. Price for the lot £3143 with £1000 cash. Owner will take a dwelling house with a few i ra^\ of nd in Part Payment; 15,0001b of butter-fat was taken trom the farm this season 4981

Report by "Cambist" concerning the issue of £300,000 7i per cent. Mortgage Debentures by The Gisborne Sheepfarmers Frozen Meat and Mercantile Co., Ltd.

"/CAMBIST' has already taken notice of this I . debenture issue in another place. To those \*S persons who may have missed his article, he now addresses himself, and in doing so, finds that what he has already put on record can be further emphasised by taking a wider range of the subject, and by delving deeply into numerous small but important details, which were missed in his first essay. It is only within the last few months that the name of the present company was extended to include the words "and Mercantile" in its title. Developments on the East Coast had rushed ahead so fast, that it is safe to say, that during the last ten years the fixed wealth of th'e^district, and its surplus earnings-, have increased many fold in volume. It is a -misnomer to call this wealth-producing district, Poverty Bay, for every record made of it, proves that it is a natural storehouse of every form of pastoral, agricultural, and dairying produce. The evolutionary movements connected with these matters, have made it necessary to bring about a huge merger of interests relating to the fundamental productions of the district. The freezing works at Gisborne, Hick's Bay, and Tokomaru Bay, are now placed under one control, and are sure to make good by this economical arrangement, which ensures the total vested interests in these concerns being better looked after, and more efficiently managed. The benefits to be derived from this branch of the business will prore to be of first-class importance to the whole district served by the company, and also to the intimate benefaction of the shareholders in this concern. Then, there is the other side of the company's operations to consider, namely, the mercantile branch of the business. To reach this end, some l>rivate and corporate competing firms had to be brushed aside from the path of true progress. This company bought them out, and the whole of those valuable businesses are merged. A True Co-operative Undertaking. To the mind of this writer, the manner of achieving the present company is as wonderful as it is classical^ in the records of New Zealand company promoting. There has been no inflation of assets for they purpose of making agreeable sales on behalf of"''disgruntled shareholders, who were to pass on their:.assets to the new concern. Still more noticeabj.e_ is the fact that not one penny has been paid for: gbodwiirto any of the merged concerns. On the other hand, however, the large sum of £123,352 has been distributed as share capital, and that transaction means that the above sum of accumulated profits remains conserved in the shareholding of the new company. This kind of finance is peculiarly of a co-operative nature, and it stamps at once the whole venture as a true cooperative undertaking. Any outsider, and particularly a prudent investor, must see how important this-is for the future success qf the company. Under the co-operative impulses" of such . a proprietary, every branch of its co-operajtive undertakings is assured; of permanency, growth of business, and the elimination of competitive evils. In-the days of competition between the merged companies £123,352 of profits were accumulated; how much better the position will be without that competition, "Cambist" is unable to say. One remark he will with safety venture upon, and that is, that the elimination of competition gives capital a positive assurance of the fullest returns possible under the present system that we live in; it predicates success from the very moment that competition is stifled. -

Nature of Company. To make a short summation of the business side of the company offering the 7| per cent, debentures, it may be said that that business is divided into two branches, one of which is concerned with — refrigeration, and the other with mercantile affairs connected with distribution, selling, and shipping. These branches cover the full range of production and consumption necessary for the benefit of the individual, also the general- stability and progress of the Dominion as a whole. The authorised capital of the Company is £1,000,000 in £1 shares. The present position Is that the subscribed capital is now £637 K 136, and J the paid-up capital is £395,754 10s. The uncalled capital is £241,382. Viewed as a local joint stock undertaking solely, this capitalisation entitles- +he concern to a high position on its own merits. The uncalled capital, spread over its 1,600 shareholders, works out at £150 per head, whiie the subscribed '- capital on the same method of computation gives '£398 per head. This line of argument in a manner points to the fact, that the shareholders have so much at stake in the venture that they must sooner or later put the quarter million pounds into the capital account that they are liable for. This is proof that the corporation is a virile association with plenty of financial blood running through it. The company question may be disposed of with v these remarks. It has been shown that on every ground, co-operative and financial, its constitution is excellent, and that it bids fair to grow and to < exist for all time. REAL Debentures. Now comes the consideration of the class of debenture this company is offering: to investors. The debentures are real debentures, for they are 1 secured by first mortgages to Trustees, for the debenture-holders, of the freehold and leasehold properties and plant of the company. The value of the security comes to £615,263 4s. 4d., and the debts chargeable against the pledge only amounts to £300,000. The Trustees for the debentureholders are the New Zealand Insurance Company Limited. To make the security as complete and absolute as human and legal cunning could devise,. the Gisborne Sheepfarmers' Frozen Meat and Mercantile Company, Limited, have bound themselves "not to create any- mortgage or charge ranking in priority to or pari passu with the debenture-holders' security over the said freehold and leasehold properties and plant." In a. word, the investors in these debentures are given an iron grip over £615,263 worth of conservatively-valued assets, the bulk of which will appreciate with the rising values that must grow during the next ten years—• the time of the debentures' currency. No Better Investment. , "Cambist" is satisfied that no better investment was ever offered in this country. Nothing could be safer, for the security is .amimpeachable. He advises everyone with saved money to take up as much of this offering as they can afford to. The prospectus is worth reading, and what is more, it. is believeable, every line of it. Seven and a half per cent, for ten years, free of worry, is better op. the-whole, than speculating in shares carrying a high, premium. No doubt, when these facts get widely known, the whole debenture issue will be absorbed in record time.

200 ACRES, price £38 10s, with. £800 cash. Good home of 7 rooms; liew shed and milking plant; adjoins factory. This farm is well improved, and is remarkably cheap. 95 ACRES, well improved. Price £68, with £1500 cash. Carrying 35 cows; good house 5 large rooms; shed,accommodation is first-class. Will accept security as in part payment. 60 ACRES, Hawera farm; milking 30; house 4 rooms. Only £600 cash, includes milking plant. 45 ACRES good land a close to town; suitable for town milk supply; 6-roomed house, hot and cold , water; drainage, and excellent milking shed, with big loft; numerous paddocks, well sheltered by live hedges; good patch of lucerne; milk 30 cows. Particualrs on application. Terms £700, or approved security. 30 ACRES, Hawera; new";, house 8 rooms; fine shed and every convenience. Terms £1000 cash. ONLY £300 CASH. 200 ACRES, carrying 50 cows, etc. Comfortable 6-roomed house; good mllkiiio* sLed (coitcxetetl) and 3-cow plant; plenty of firewood. A nice farm. Only £300 down. Price £45 per acre. No f mortgages due for 4 years. £400 REQUIRED. 188 ACRES; carrying 65 to 70 cows; good house 5 rooms; shed, machines, and water power. A very good farm; about half ploughed. Price £48. Exceptionally good terms. No close dated mortgages. £400 will secure this. £700 CASE

. fithaxa: P.O. Box 91. Phon* 831 LOW VALUE. HIGH PRODUCTION. PLENTY OP SCOPE FOR WORK. CiAK ACRES, at £6 6s per acre. \Jr£*J4:oo acres grass, 15 bush, 230 fern and scrub. Mostly ploughable, and grows excellent crops. Well watered by streams; 7 paddockß; good fences.* Can be improved without great expense to carry 2$ sheep per acre. Good house of 6 rooms (pew), new cowshed and engine room, iron whare, car shed, sheep yards, etc Road to the property not metaller, but never muddy. Railway 12 miles, nearest Bchool 4 milesNo mortgage. Owner wants £1500 cash, or will exchange 'for small farm in good locality or town property. i With the advent of dairying in the district''this land can probably be made worth £30 per acre by agriculture. HERBERT HEW»TT, HAMILTON & DANNEVIftKE

150 ACRES, fine Hawera farm; plenty of winter feed • milk 70 cows. For sale at £90, which is far below last season's price. Terms £700 cash. EXCHANGES. "We have several clients owning town property—Businesses, Securities, etc. — who would like to get on the land, and we shall be glad to receive particularsfrom persons desirous of quitting their farms. An exchange is often a ready means of disposal. TOWN PROPERTY.—Equity £800 £1400, £1300,^1075, £4000, and others. BUSINESSES.—Equity £2650, £6500 GOOD MORTGAGES.—£2OOO, £900 £3500, and others. GOING CONCERNS. - We have several going concerns, and can suit buyers with from £600 cash upwards. Some are for sale with £600 £800. £900, £1000, and £1200 down. ' 150 ACRES, lease 3 years; rental 455; I . includes 64 cows, 1 bull, 2 horses, I many farm implements, and 4cow milking plant. £1200 cash will put a buyer into this. Balanced financed. 65 ACRES, lease.4.years; rental £3 ssincludes 34 cows, 1 bull, all farm implements, crops, milking plant etc. Terms £900 cash. Balance arranged. STRAIGHT LEASES. 150 ACRES, 6 miles from Hawera; j rent £4 10s per acre. Term 3 I years. No goodwill. Stock, including 64 cows, also plant, etc., to be taken over. £1000 can be financed. WE have 3 farms of 200 acres, on e farm 75 acres, one of 130 acres, all for straight lease. Please make enquiries.

s-.FOR EXCHANGE, 100 acres of firstr £l as j vMtyms land, all level 7 Good house, goo<f cowshed. Factory l mile, school 1* miles." Capacity 50 cows, horses, and I young stock. Price £100 per acre. The owner will exchange tor a smaller farm. , GOING CONCERN. 200 acres of tiptop dairying country; good buiidings; Kaponga district. Terms of j^ase 4 years at 40s per acre, rrice as a going concern £2500. i Herd of 58 young cows, horses, i machines. Good water powerPedigree Jersey bulls. Client financed Plenty of winter fee-i. I GOING CONCERN. 4956 . 50 ACRES, Hawera district: 5-roomed i house; concreted cowshed; lease- . ■ hold for 3 years from July 1 1921; rent 30s for term, and 40s for last two years. Going con- . cern includes 24 cows, 2 heifers, . 1 horse, 2 sows, dray, cans ims plenients, 2£ acres swedrs, i'aore carrots,- 2 acres green oat Price only £1365. Clients * financed. GOING CONCKitN.-70 acres, Otlle 3 no. Leasehold. Terms 9 years rent 62s 6d per acre. 34 cows 1 bull, 2 horses. 12 pigs, 3-cow milking plant, 2 stacks oate nhay Sf lds. swedes, etc. Price good proposition. 4948 MODERN BUNGALOW. 4 rooms, hot and cold water, concrete paths, bathroom, wash-house, copper an< tubs 32 perches of land. A very cash £120()l with £20° FINEce%J Li DEs; G s^te' 4s p-S £2-0 T f- smP, at the Price MODEgf sltSooSb HOU 2S°f scullery pantry, bathroom, porcelain bath and basin, hot and cold water c ectnc light, wash-house and coal shed, concrete paths g- °d g^en- Immediate posses Mawera with every convenience' About i-acre section with front! snff«T% W° Su reet J s: Admirably suited for a boarding house or WE HA VFng h°mf * Price £2650 1898 ft^fVer^ ,Y cry fine businesses MODERN FOUIUROOMED HOUSE Jw . alV c??veni« nces including electric light and other conveni- , E2v Price £»- aZ _of 5 rooms with every convenience; centrally situlS q iPRFoy -At Good terms. 2041 For fuller particulars see JAMES & GILLMAN LAND, STOCK FINANCE AND HOUSE AGENTS, Uinon Street JEAWERA

GET PROSPECTUS JO-DA V directors : from the Bank of New Zealand, any F-B-Barker c.A.deLautour i £. i c, i t^ i , f A.J.Cameron H.D.deLautour member of the Stock Exchange, or the John Clark j w Nolan Company's Broker, Mr. W. Lissant f.Hail G.m.Reynods Clayton, Gisborne. Enquire To-day! H. Kenw&y H. Williams The Gisborne SheepfarmersV Frozen Meat & Mercantile Co., Ltd. ; GISBbRNE. llaines _ s

TO DAIRYMEN. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? WAIMATE, NORTH AUCKLAND. ■| pro ACRES, freehold; all in graaß -I-tlO ; ...and rough feed; well subdivided by post and wire fencing and stone wails; watered by springs, which are the best we a have ever seen; never-failing and the very best of water. All ploughable; heavy volcanic soil. BUILDINGS.—There is a lovely home of 6 large rooms, bathroom,etc., and a big range of buildings. Post Office, store and school all within one mile of the farm THIS IS A GOING CONCERN, including 4-cow milking plant and eh-' gine; circular saw. separator, etc., plough, disc., Tyn e and spring tooth harrows, and all cows (no better herd in N.Z.); 150 sheep, 2 farm horses, pigs, etc. Also all household furniture and jloor coverings; furniture is all practically new and of the best quality; quantity of fencing wire. THE PRICE.—£4O per acre, including all the. above stock and furniture, is ridiculously low, considering this farm will dairy 50 cows round. NOTE.—We have inspected this farm and carry 200 sheep all the year and can safely say that there is no better value offering in NjJZ. to-day. Our guarantee is tEat if the farm is not what we is we will pay your expenses.

"EXCHANGES " TOWN PROPERTIES FOR FARM LANDS. WE ARE INSTRUCTED TO OFFER:— - ' ' HOUSE of 8 rooms; practically new, and beautifully finished throughout, with all conveniences- good outbuildings and motor shed; concrete paths: together with 7 acres of land- all under cultivation, including a very pretty lake, in exchange for a good farm propert v. ALSO TWO GOOD PROPOSITIONS OF HOUSE of 6 rooms; motor sh«d. and outbuildings, with 7 acroe of land, and house of 6 rooms - . ■ ' And HOUSE of 6 rooms, yith 10^ acres of land.. "jLuese are two really good propositions, the owners of which are prepared to exchange for farm lands. TREWEEK AND JOLL AGENTS. RiEGENT-STKEET. HA'WERA.

FOR STALE OR EXCHANGE. iOl ACRES, good land, with, 5roomed bungalow, batlroom■scullery, h. and c. water, etc.; live hedges and garden, and subdivided into 3 sections; good cowshed, fowl run, etc.; within H miles of town. ' I £400 cash deposit 'will secure this desirable suburban property, or owner will exchange for a 4 or 5-roomed moderate priced house in Hawera Borough. This is a splendid proposition. CAPLEN & COX Opposite Post Office, " ' HAWERA. CHEER UP. NEW SCfITS are expensive. Hay* your old suit cleaned and pressed. W« can save you money. Hundred* &?• doing it. why not yon? It only eo«t* » few shillings. HAWKINS, High Street. Hawera.

SPECIAL £300 DEPOSIT.^ A ACRES AND NEW BUNGALOW of 5 rooms with hot and cold water, porcelain bath, wash-house, copper, and tubs. ' The price for quick sale is £2150, with £300 cash. Balance on easy terms.' Immediate possession. GRAVES & CO LAND AGENTS, Representatives: E. W. Harris (town); F. Tuke (Eltham). !

TAPP & SON MOTOR CARRIERS, HAWERA. WE are prepared to cart Manures, Iron, Bricks, Cement, -Timber or Metal to any part of Taranaki. Out prices can be obtained from the Loan ,and Mercantile or Hodder and Tolley. Merchants, Hawera, for Manures and Produce. Ring Mrs E. Watson, 'phone 245, ( and orders left with her will be prompt-* J ly attended to. No Journey too Short, and none too I J-ong. TAPP & SON. 32 N SCLSON ST.. HAWERA.

HOME SEPARATED CREAM. j i \^ E cater for ehis district and I v/ill take all you can send, all j '.ha year round. Just put it on rail. I We pay freight. Write for further I " particulars. Mention this paper. J I Engineers, p!pe fitters, plumbers!) Don't "damn that joint." Use Hewson's ; Invincible" jomtmp; cement for all joints—flanges or screwed, steam gas, water, ammonia, oil or petrol Manning Machinery Co., 5 Bedford Row, Christchnrrli. —Advt.

WAITEMATA LANJ) AGENCY, { 11 Hellaby's Buildings, ; Opposite G.P.0., . Queen Street. I AUCKLAND. Phielei^ 688^-0-^1204-! HARpWAREMEK, chemists, and rubber dealers everywhere sell North British Rubber Hot Water Bags. Thousands and thousands are giving satisfactory service in New Zealand, in regular use. See the brand on the neck. We want everybody happy, everybrvKglad, hence our enthusiasm for "No Rubbing" Laundry Help. Comerford and Co., agents for "No Rubbing."—

12 BIG BARGAINS 36-inch Li-lit Weight Calico, 78-inch Fnbleached Twill ■ Sheet lST™,*™ 171 " 7!?^' i -» ■ \ a • ,xr — - value-Sale Pnce 1/9 yard Price 2/6 Sale Price 1/6 Down Quilt,, double bed, 49/6 | cash DRAPER. HfIWERA .

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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLI, Issue XLI, 12 July 1921, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLI, Issue XLI, 12 July 1921, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLI, Issue XLI, 12 July 1921, Page 2