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' ___' ■■-, BUSINESS NOTICES. THE SUMMARY OF POPULAR OPINION EXPRESSES our SHIRTS, the best Shirts made, which are fart securing an established position in general public favor. MONEY BACK IF THEY DON'T GIVE SATISFACTION. These Shirts are all the Latest Style in Fancy Stripes. Best value at the price. FITZZELL & SHAW, HICH STRfcET, HAWERA. LUBRICATION IS THE LIFE OF A MOTOR CYCLE. €S>& opeed, power, petrol, consumption jfi<r ji^^N. wear and tear, repairs, all are infSra f^&j^P*>. '^tfrsv- fluenced by the lubricating oil you I Jl'ill IJLv*/' /* r"* a"-4 use' "^n n^er^ol' oil will ruin your f^JJJi |^j<<fb%=^ jfi^*^l motor cycle; but you will increase ft«alli w ' jSjljt-Jwl^'W S e> save wear dnd tear, get |19||| • w Jfe->ws^'^jiSaf W^E^lf more power, more speed, by using • , The fact that motorcyclists all over the Do- M©] HI riS/witlf"\l n? ™oes *? d contests when lub- &£^fe-H ricatmg with "Mobohne B" proves its superiority ' II li : Obtainable from BENNETT. & SUTTON, HAWERA. &9&*tt||. USHERWOOD & CO.^m^^mn^DUHEniM^^fP THE WATER TOWER / HAS NOW STOOD THE PRACTICAL TEST AND h/s NOT BEEN FOUND WANTING. O^SSS^^ shown beetood the test-the test of the discrimination, lv* 1C A* pings > has als*> itself into the front rank b,the^ excelW^oF m™, f^* 8 fair? y Pushed ableness of cost excellence or manufacture and reasonThe man who works with his brawny arnr* tho ™J. v brains, the man who has no need to work at all Tt Wh? T°f a with hi» leisure, all can-and do~find something our fL#?* |U"f leads a life of vaned needs, something to add to n> blSy£^£L*'** Sg SMITH & kASTON AUCTIONEERS, GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, AN^ VALUERS. ROYAL MART, HAWERA. / . ■ ———{!____._ ■ ■.. .-.. . z & MERCANTILE AGENCY CO, LTD. HAWERA AND OPUNAKE GRASS AND CLOVER SEEDS, ail varieties at lowest rates NElfiv E e AJ° N'S BUDA KALE ' 1S 9d *" lb' <***" looked now for S prin ß MACHINE DRESSED GRAIN, dU varieties for seed purposes NEW SEASON'S VEGETABLE and FLOWER SEEDS *ilt£^S2£ Sbg ' LWGS' "***^ SuperphospHate. Sp.cia! Manure Questions with an Answer! WHERE rtS? Kave Blr^S AE BSPAINTED» 111 §1 && S^^R^U bugp 5111 §i zpr?>^& w? wmrof nfS f or^ cra GOOD HAY SWEEP? At HURRELL BROS., Coachbullders. . HAWERA aad ELTHAM.

NOTICES. FARMS FOR SALET 91 r a , FOR LEASE. ■ >^ - 8 rooms i^-bai'^concreted cowshed: stable ' enS We implement shed; capacity 106 cowl 10 2e s pn^JlZ^^l^ «** - -,c fo | 143^ Acres, the best farm offering in and around H ~ at the money. Personally inspected and guarantied a good investment; big frontage to main road will cut into four nice farms easily; three houses m coo! oj . IrOR EXCHANGE. ? witsTo^cSr^'' m°dera H°USe" 20ACboUgh.HaWera;WilItake lloUse aud section in 3* Acres near Hawera; wants dwelling house in botou-h 9nn a « , . Fol{ SALE. ot 6 rooms, with conveniences; lar^e modi™ shed, stable, man's whare; will do 90 co vs well and" other stock. Price only £56 per acre- £1000 ca^h balance for 8 years at 5 per cent. Sitiiated S Hawera; within 1 mile of L gQod factory This il a Inn . sure money-maker. *' f m * 100 Acres close to Hawera and good factory; open cleared »W in R r, go°d Pasture nd^ell watered ;T ai^nK ca pacity 60 cows, etc; no buildings. A nice lalv %«lh SSS - ? iU? r, a post offic/e- p ™e £56 p^ acri £400 in cash; balance for 7 years at 5 per cent. ' 150 Acres, three miles from Eltham by metalled road^JXi improved farm; modern house of 6 rooms concreted cowshed; piggeries; carrying capacity 60 cows horses ture, well-watered, will subdivide into 2 Sfi and give a big frontage to each; close tollfej *B'*il&£ 17 aj Sta-iOn an? P°^. fracSn!i+ a ua? fe-rm; mcc modern house and conwera^ thltlt^t^ 11 Come Mai to Ha- " town'J TT of migration is towards the rising town of Hawera. A bargain, £68; £750 cash- bal ance. at 5 per cent. Get in early. ' glf TOR LEASE—NO GOODWILL. 150 AS S ' ft Ka Puni,district; lj miles from factory; all in grass-; 1 6-roomed house, pig-sties, cowshed, etc ; well watered; 18 miles from Hawera; proposed Opunake JAMES & GILLM.AN, LAND. FINANCE AND MOTOR AGENTS. HAWERA AND WANGANUI.

NEVER FELT BETTER. "I used to go nearly mad with pains in my head." says Miss R.E. Forster •W Tffla St.', Sth. Melbourne, Vie. "T tried almost everything, but the h^adnches Avore there just the same. Then I saw Chamherlain's Tablets arK'ertisorl in the paper, amd thought I would Cive them a trial. The first few doses mnclffa different woman of me, for they completely relieved me of hpfirla^oo " nM by all chemists and storekeppprs.— Advt. Troubled with Nasal Catarrh? Why I'Wt you eet "NAZOL"—tKaf. s+erlinw ?Decific which is praised by p" who tested it? NothinG so ePV.tive for olearins away a cold. Costs on!v l< fid for 60 doses.—^dvt-

Colds quit, Coughs cease ' . , ' ■■■,'■■.:/. : and all Throat and Lung , I roubles give way to T i „7T T T~7l If CVer a ™f dicine d«e^d It's popularity, it is Lane's Emulsion, which has ihGUSands have benefltted a remarkable record as a remedy for colds, coughs, asthma, bronchitis by the use of Lane's Emul- whooping cough, catarrah, incipient consumption, wasting diseases and sion. Here are a few proofs ST I™***1 ™*** ■■" . M „, '" of the good it has u^i yOUu mY g° lhr L °. u Sho L ut New Zeal^ and Australia you will gOoa it has find people who have nothing but praise for this wonderful preparation. » accomplished. Doctors recommend it to their patients; better testimony of its goodness « than this is not possible. "A few months ago I suffered sevrreiy from bronchitis. I-_ » C 1 • • i ti" «. , v -wjuch settled on my lungs. The doctor ".jWsed me to n , Emulsion is composed or the very purest Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and ,n better health than (cryenrs p^." emulsihed by tresh eggs. Each of these ingredients is of known value. E. c, New Plymouth, N.Z. and each aids the other in securing the desired results. "My little boy had a very bed attack of pneumonia and No Secret IS made of tfif» fnrrriu\a rS !•««*- U 1* \T7 suffered great pain in his ch«t, spittm,, blood and bleed- At\ L L ?j tilC • . ts >rmu i la 01 Lane S Lmulsion. Wcare at the nose, i had several doctors to him, and was told proud ot it, so why should we wish to keep it to ourselves? It is prepared Unde; lhe *?**!" »* suPervjsion of a graduate chemist, and the only speak too highly of it. We are never without a bottle secret regarding its composition is in the quantities of each of the component °fLanesLmulsloniatheh^ MANGAWEKA< P^ and the process of emulsification by the freshest of eggs. "The doctor a^ ra , my lunßS were just about .^"f '* Emulsion has great food as well as medicine value. It feeds the gone and told t ..« th«t ;f i neglected his Instruction. I depleted nerve centres, tissues and muicles, and instils the body with M%^lfittu*£rJi& increased vigor and vitality. It is readily and easily assimilated,causing no ■ >.» dom 8 h«ci t»rm ~ork. I ha,« i 0 ih.nk Unc 1, harmful stimulation, and by reason of its rebuilding arid energising powers, v; E^-ta*.™**!.^- acts favourably upon digestion. It is as good fo- children as it is advisable for adults. "I have been subject to sore throats and recently had a \Y7L l L T f T • n ' severe attack. At times 1 could not swallow anything, WnV, nOt get a Dottle ot Lane S Emulsion to-day ? Your chemist or d ™SZ &iSa ltU ryit iV StS peeper will supply you with a bottle at 2/6 or 4/6. The large size i, perfectly well in a very short time. I always recommend ™c moie economical, as it contains more than double the quantity. Don't LanesLmuUion. be put off with a substitute. J. L., oawyers Bay, near Dunedin. , _ Prepared, by E. G. LANE, CHEMIST, OAMARU, N.Z

MERCER—IGO Acres, treenold-; a nice! little dairy farm; 50 acres in grass; j balance fern and scrub carrying rough feed; house of 4 rooms; j miles from the railway station by good road. Price, £12 per acre. Terms: £100 cash, to good man. This is the makings of a very good place KATI KATI—ISS Acres, freehold; 40, acres in grass; nearly all ploughable; all level, 20.acres bush; well! watered by river; "carrying 50 cows; house of six rooms, built throughout of heart of kauri, fitted with all the ne«#ssary con- . veniences; outbuildings; man's whare; cream.cart passes the door; will be close to the new railway. Price, £8 10s per acre. Terms: £100 cash. Folio 543. WHITFORD —196 Acres, freehold; easy distance from the school, station and creamery; all in grass except six acres shelter bush; al] been bush land; 6 paddocks, mostly sheep-proof fencing; carrying. 10*0 cattle, 30 being dairy cows; new house of 5 rooms; 8-bail cowshed; double trapshed; harness-and feed room; separator room; well watered. Price, £15 per acre. Folio 469. KAUKAPAKA—2OO acres, freehold; 60 acres in grass;, balance fern and rough feed; all ploughable; subdivided into 6 paddocks; no noxious weeds; 80 jierus fenced; cream cai-t passes iLe property; house of 6 rooms; 2 sheds; dairy and separator house; well watered; P.O. and school handy, also railway station. Price, £7 10s per acre. Terms: £250 cash. Folio 457. W. J. S 50*1 * C°Head Office: No. 2. HIS MAJESTY'S ARCADE. AUCKLAND, 19H' PLANTING SEASON. 1914 J. REVELL, ELTHAM NURSERIES, HAS for sale fruit.trees of all the leading varieties, shelter trees, ornamental and flowering shrubs, ornamental hedging in great variety. Boxthorn and Barbary, of which we are the largest growers in the Dominion. All orders promptly attended to. Inspection invited. 2/- in the £ discount for Cash with order. All packing free of charge. Price List on Application. NOTE.—If you are planting, go to the grower. 'Phone 37, Eltham, will find him. Freight paid to any station between New Plymouth and .Wanganui on oruers of £5 and over. Sole agents from New Plymouth to Wanganui, Smith and Easton. Hawera. PEOPLE suffering from Coughs and Colds would do well to try Tait's PECTORA; a safe and reliable i remedy for all chest complaints. Is 6d and 2s 6d.—Tait. Chemist. High street. SWANNDRI Coaxs, all wool and i guaranteed waterproof. Come ! and see them at H. E. Murch's, Draper.

ENGAGED!! ,*o&*^!gfo. nnHEN come to Wt®&Z£^oMll A Brunette's for the RING, where there 8* are many Beautiful Kings 6et with pre^ cious stones—DiaAlwj, let v.., furnish the TIE that binds true' lovers. stock of 18ct \Vedtrouble in obtainipg Kize. Bridesmaids' Brooches, Necklets and Pendants. Jg STATE J "ORUNETTE, JEWELLER & DIRECT IMPOli'r^ HAWERA.

I SHE STOOPS \ TO CONQUER When armed with a Cloth and a a Tin of j DURBAR WAX POLISH JLi DURBAR stay polished, iliey do not show every footmark. DURBAR contains much at 1S the reason. DUR-i-iAH is made for particular woniexi. It will please you. Sold m handsome enamel tins by all Grocers at 6d, 9d, Is. LIQUID Paraffin, Nature's remedy for appendicitis, constipation etc. C^et the kind recommended by leading physicians from W. X Waltacs. CTliemist.

TYnat a beautifully-fitting frock"! How often have you used that phrase: yet have you considered how much that boautiiul at i s due to smart oorsetry? rhft beat dressmaking will fail in its effect it thy corsets worn are not shapely and stylish. You are safe in accepting the judgment of the great Parisian dressmakers, who recommend "Roval Rustless-P.p. Corsets" as the ideal" in stylish and hygienic oorsetry. Neither is rfc. m style alone that P.D.'S are better lne tabncs used are stronger, smoother tougher, than other makes. The busks are unbreakable, and the "making" and stitchery are above reproach A comparison of Royal Rustless P.D 'Corsets with any other brand at the same price, will convince You that P D 'S are "better all through." Ask your draner.—Advt. 5 A SERIOUS BREAKDOWN is often the result of neglecting a cold. Cure your cold with Dr. Sheldon's New ' Discovery. Price, Is 6d and 3s Obtamahlr ,<t W K. WaUnoe's.— Advt

,■■"■.-'■-. f* '■ ~ : ra"™™T'' 1B"l' WlWi'lM'|t"M|^^ i v™« i ,

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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLVI, Issue XLVI, 30 May 1914, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLVI, Issue XLVI, 30 May 1914, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLVI, Issue XLVI, 30 May 1914, Page 2