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To-morrow- (Thursday) evening a grand Oddfellows' social will be held in the Town Hall, Kaponga. The secreetary and committee have arranged for capital ;floor, miisie and supper, and assure a pleasant evening to all who attend. A i;eminder is. given* of- the Catholic social. •to be" held iSi the- Foresters' Hall this 'evening. £.. Moosinan's Orchestra-' has been engaged for the occasion, and the cpmnuttee hav*e spajred no pains to ensure 'everyocdy having unpleasant time. * ■- 'r> : "■■■■ "■•• ' ; Mr-Godfrey Eaggeh, a ; Hawlje^s Bayi boy; "has been awarded the Rhodes Scholarship for-the province of Ontario Canada. ;Mr ,Haggen is-the son of Mr E. A. Haggen; at one,' time proprietor of the Woodville Examiner. Nearly half a million people have in-; spected H.M.S. New- Zealand'Mnce she left England, In South Africa the number of visitors was 114,230, in Aus.£S hiV 98 >/j nnd in -N?w Zealand dt?7,i,sb. Jhe total for each: "place visit- ?!■-. U£~X<^ .Zealand was: Lytfcelton ■]32.36», .-Wellington ■• 99,322; Auckland 84,61.8,;. Napier.-16.75a, . Picton' T578,NeLsoh; 7494; Ot<ngo;.Heads -3306, ''Gis^ horney22mj\kariM^}>*~. fimaru;.^3o-:i •Blufr' a-ml JVtiJford Ssi,Hul -40:' •At"sLyt--i ■fcelten,-23,934; -visited' the warship^ in one ;<tay.::■ » Aubk)and 15.500 \yent on b^aixljiav a httle ov-Q.'r'.tVro hours,' ; ; ;' ':' ! ' Ah : l'psjden-t ;>r>- i •v'ersina:;*ith;Ur'Sl4V^r>p"-6rte^6K:'Tti^'-day afternoon, said th^ passing alongl the coast of JH.M.S.' > New Zealand \ showing , the searchlight on- Monday i night,-:recalled-'• -to his. ,mind the time i when i the Takapuna was first fitted I with electj-icity about ,30 'years ago. She j steamed off the coast, .'brilliantly il- \ lumuuvted,.in honor of th^ event, as' she was the first j.ii New, Zealand Waters to use the electric light. In the opinion of an experienred; farmer and stock • breeder ,-. the upper dLstricts of the King - Country are, to use his own words,'"going to be a ooid shop the timber, is all cut out! Up .to^the.-present the dense forests have given Jive stock and vegetation1 shelter from cold winds aiid snowstorms that visit these high regions during several months of the year. . Unce the bush; is down, and it is coming down as fast as the mills can cut it, 'no obstruction will be given to the fierce gales that rage round the sunny conn--■'tains- of the interior, and the outlook j is."nob"'cheerful-: • Before it is too lato, steps should be taken to preserve considerable areas of the native bush for shelter purposes." With this-issue the Melbourne Clothing Company circulate an inset concerning their great sale of men's and boys' suits and "job" sundries, which commences to-morrow morning. . A perusal of the sale bill reveals many startling bargains, and intending - shoppers trie advised to mako an early call.—.Sdvt. Mr J. K. Bidwell reminds his. customers that he has nltered his lnisiness fr'tlress to Central Buildings,'- V". on Street. Ho has nvev ih-? \,vs.\i!('.'s connect-on of Mr V>. A. Kuln\>ii. aiid is e'.nnoweved to r^r-eivr- nnvn^ "•*"■■•( f .fi;-^o;'.nts'(lve/t.[) the old-fins-.' " • . ; Tor Irifluenza tn\*' VS-o<;n*": Orr.--,-Peppc-rmiiit' Cure. Never rails, I? £i i

A; jßjble- 5n schools : meeting' ; will h& \ held at Otakefro' on* June 19. ' ° * .' The annual meeting of the Hawera Yelunteer Fire BrigadeSvill be lield this evening, when the honorary members and the public are invited to be present. ; ....... ■;■■■■ .-.■:..•.• :.::■' A- party of local sportsmen secured ' a large number of quail the other day. While returning from their day's outing they■.■adjourned to a wayside hotel for- refreshments., leaving the birds in the motor-car. As they were about' to resume their journey they discover-' ed that'- the sixty quail and half-a-, dozen pheasants had been removed from- the car. Enquiries' are noiv being made about' the1 matter. ; . The New York Board of Health has' • absolutely "prohibited any further,' innoculaiion of consumptive patients w,ith the :Friedmanri serum until after- full and; complete data .regarding. the .'use of specimen culture and other .agents employed,'therewith, together with full details of preparation and administration, have been submitted to,'th.e board (states a cable'to the Sydney Sun), One of the speakers at an'-anti-mili-tarist meeting in Christchurch,-said that the Passive.Registers' TJniori was going to send to England an expeditionary force of six of the lads who'had been to gaol to tell. the people there tjh.o truth of the matter, as at present the , anti-militarists could '.not., lie .declared, get a fair statement of their case, put' to the people in. England: : —"' At a meeting of the Taranaki 1 Harbor Board, held oif Monday, Mr Bellringer; moved', for the" appointment' ofa -committee to enquire; lnto'vth'e' feasir } bility of expediting -progress with- -the harbor improvement, and to report on the probable, effect of the present efforts to deal with the sand drift along j the shore approaching the harbor:- "he committee is to report to the Board at or before the August meeting, avl to consist of the- Chairman; Messrs'ft tug',:WilkinsoH, Maxuellj and Bellinger.,-'. ' At, Blake's :^Garage- there is a Daimler, motor bus, which has been imported: from Auckland by the Carrying; Company of Kaluga for use on- the Ek tham-Kapongaj road. The bus ' is .built to accommodate over thirty'passengers; arid the seats are so fixed; that by unf screwing a few bolts the . top- ,hampeiv .can, b,e--lifted off, so- that .-the; vehiclemay be used as a lorry. It is- built; very strongly to ; carry about four tons,--arid for such a heavyv car rides? very easily. The seats; are neatly? upholstered.. . A speed of twenty-five miles; can be reached. . Coming jdovvn from'.N.ew Plymouth the. time occupied. was over 1\ hours,, just, a little over train time.- ■.-■:■■ .-'■■ i '■■'. j- :" '• --. ■■•■>■ .:'-.-. ;' ■ The Star states •that-' Mrs A. "Parker, a resident .of gamilfcon, Tyill; , share in the,. Hartley millions tV the ' of,;.'an. eighth', share - of. £4,500V000.. "The ''correct version of the facts'.is "as follows: Some time ago. .i> gentleman, .came tp |he D(CK minion frb'mHhe' iOIS- Country Wprt^ cute enquiries as to; the; o|' Mr Stephen Ch'a'rtes I'Hartley, who arrived in New Zealand in "the year 1840. He was not altogether "dis-, ..interested tin his. enquiries,Va& he'knew that:, if ho .r.conld prove: the demise vof' Hartley <_ without > issue*, - he- wbiild: him-; self- :be tfre^heir.: at law toHrf:estate: valued .in cound figures at- 54\500, 000 P He ascertainecl,. howet'er; ■that .Mr Hartley;: who ioi- years resided m the MauavV-atii district,-'-aiulJ who'- was' wWll kno^n - throughout ithe'Ntortli Island, died jn PalraerstoiuNtfrth^Avliere1 'he' ; -pJA<3.tisecl-as• a native interpi'eter, f3jut. v^nß^toif' ; fourvdjuighters^who^ are VtHe^igiitfiil -'feeiis-.;to; the.;estate,fw^ife^ coides"to4he family through their Vfa-ther's materjiaF ancestry.- The.-directly interested per-, sons are;, John,? Charles': and 6e6rg'6: Hartley; of Kangitikei;:'H.i Hartley,'• of :H.imataßgia-riljss.. ;Jii (,x of -Orarr; MrsH. ~Kibble?KfiSfe v. r«»£-JR^mA4 Mrs A; P, ad-kor;, ofiHiiwiKfiri;! Hartley) of ,Otakehp, who' AviH^reGeive tlieir : mother's shard, <>>, .■■■-:■■:-. ■?.'. ;•'- . . "There is German riienAce/* said Herr1 H. • Hemmer, a German, auihor' and- traveller, at prfesent oir a visit; to: Sydney. Agriculture was still the basis oi ithe German Empire, and, next %q agriculture, followed industrialism-.• The peasant, was-the. bedrock of .iheG'er-matr-nation; four-fifths of /tW lalids of the! ipeasants -were,held in hbldlhgS of ..under fifty acres. -To lirotect the-peas-ant: and the' industrial workers'; :the farmer hadvbeeri' compensated by '.high duties agairst-outside: donlpetitip'n.' The Germans recognise^ the 'distinctly mork I and physicali-riature.'of the ; from childhood reverence waJJr'-Hftugfit the peasant for hisi oe'eupatron;" The tendency,,would be. more-,and: more-to? wards ..smaJL ;holdings2 ■. 'Gerniany- "was* , to-day one of the most intensively cultivated coua|rie^.in-the worJd, f and«iJie . results of the'teachmg'of' "her' agricultural schools spread knowledge to the remotest 1 farms.?. Gennafny-SOap^th- her .'■ 42: years of .-.peace, .hadsaowfeithSt' she ;was:a peacf?-lading-aiaticm^^ei'Kais'er . was; not a 'iWaa-jliOjid,'.'* as 4i& Critics had (termed him, b»t>a '^P^ce^Loirtd;'' iHe vyas ~n.n- emiufently , Wm^SfoThisin'g ; monarch;, half-dufeocratfaiia half-demo- ' .Crat...,....■ ■■• i:.. ; . -.:''■' r.-'.'',-.1 1.^'.,-\!i'i l A ! great sale of stud Holstein '* cattle is tq.l/take place at I>dn^})uru, .Palmer,stoni to-morrow, Dalgety and'^Co'. : will offer a catalogue of 'well-bred' animals' from thfe herds of mbst of ■ the breeders who .a re famous in this class. / "Mr" Fj, H-.l^ase, ■advertises a. great fancy, goodsJ\sa le 1 1-» bep;iri lt<i-TOorrow (Thursda^);v;#nd to.-..last #0^ fourteen/ dayS' j .-Having .ordered ilargely^in'pottery.; and -earthenware,.: h& w-ishes- to clea^ all .-his,present § tock; and is making specia.l concessions. " ; An"otb«r / fea^ iHire-.\ bosi leather, goflds. ,'Anyone iuterjested, ;is •speciall.Y:..;_nyitecfc' : to make; a' personal' inspection". '-'■'-■ ■:■ ' : ' :", ' . -.-,. L ' ,'..,'.r •■'•'. BUYING (A PIANO. - During our annual .balance this month we are prepared;to offer terms of payment .evea more; advantageous than the very, liberal and* exceptional terms we extend in the ordinary course of business. Perhaps -you-do .not want-terms; but if you do this is your special opportunity. - : , ;: All our instruments are absolutely good, bearing—in addition to the names of famous f inakes, such as the Broadwood, the llonisch, the Lipp, and the Steiiiway—the guarantee of our.wide: repute: aiid. long experience. If we sell you a ; piano during this Annual- Balance Period, you are assured of a fine instrument, and the payments will be'too easy to bother youat all. The Dresden Piano: Company, Ltd., Wellington. North Is-" land ,Manager: M. J. Brookes:' Local ; representatives: Purser and Son/ 1 , ; REO'EXT. CrG'A'HE'r^S wir V>leaeethe inhaier. Smoke tiiem a^jd "<;hare in ■the Great Free .Gift Scheme. Write for Gift ; Catalogue to Regent, Box 331, Forty. Free Gifts. ~ 2. ■ A : Big Bargain for To-morrow. —8 dozen Boys7 All-wool Jerseys in navy, cream brown, green and -jri'ey,. a job purchase, usually 5s 6d, 5s lid, 6s 6d, 6s ; -lid: out .they' go at 3s lid.: Another bargain— s dozen Silk Embroidersd Crash. Naoery in Traveloths, Runners P'oyleys, Cushion Covers, etc., • :a.ll goods., at 15 to 20 per.cent off. Spo the* windows'at Gillett's the ■Busy Draper.—Advt ■ •■' ' vOH SCQI'R IN CALVES!' Sheep, Pigs, or Horses, use "Venno- ' Unequalled frT »\\ inl(?rn:iU *ton:nf?h worrrin. intpptir;al v/nrms, • ar.d j lung K-rrcniH. IJrisiirpaßsed in all eas» xs J of diirrhr-':n. aft acting' -yo;:!),^ atii-Tsr-.1.5, i ■parasitic diseases of stock. Obtainable i icoui Tlicmas Barmby^ Savrera. —Advt. '

\ When Captain Halsey ascended Marsland Hill he met on the summit; one of Taranaki's oldest settlers, Mr W. D. Webster. Naturally conversation drifted to days of fifty years ago, and the times when H.M.S. Niger, Eclipse, and others were anchored in the bay in which the New Zealand was then lying. "Were you ever tossed out of a hammock?" asked Captain Halsey. "I should think so,' replidd Mr Webster. "I used to go down and sleepj on board the Niger many a time, and used to get tossed out pretty often. 'Macjfcap' Wells was the worst of them all." "He was my uncle*, was the •sexclamation thafc cam! fromjfCaptain Haise'y, iand theHwb>sho6k■•Vfm'ds again;— Tarainaki News. Look up W. H. and A. McGarry'e land; advertisement ou pave 1. List oi farms is we|] woit.h MiNitwrion —\dvt For Influenza take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. Never fails is Gd, 2s; 6d a week—and the most popular sewing machine in Australasia—the Wertheim—is yours from Dixon and Co.—4.dvt. '"'■ • t y.v7-'!f; >v. ,- ~..

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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume LXV, Issue LXV, 18 June 1913, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume LXV, Issue LXV, 18 June 1913, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume LXV, Issue LXV, 18 June 1913, Page 4