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[ WESTFIELD PREPARED GUANO 5 Packed 2 cwt. Sacks ( FOR TURNIPS J Packed 2 cwt. Sacks = m. *-. l ± *• «w w PER TON - R complete PRICE: aCO-10-O NETT ■•^/3k^*l"l I % d.^^l* gK^H^^K, DELIVERED in 30 cwt. lots and over, Freight Paid, alongside following Ports:- £ %^E. m.Jl*9^^l. WAITARA, NEW PLYMOUTH (Breakwater), WANGANUI, OPUNAKE & WELLINGTON. 5 \ ! Ml? W T WELLS Manaia. Road, writes us, 12th September, 1908 : " This year I grew one of the LARGEST CROP OF SWEDES I ever saw, either here jhk. w . 1 . «££££• . h PREPARED GUANO, 2 cwt. io the acre. On the first break of 5 '/ 2 acres I had nearly 300 head, mostly empty-cows, fOP nearly 5 weeks, and all the rest of paddock quite as good, if not better. I also used your "A" SUPER for grass on my Normanby Farm, with t " • very best results." 1 &r SPEemL quotations for large lots. i MANUFACTURERS: 1 . — : 1 KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER St ©0/S NZ - Praa 6o *' Ltd - HEAD OFFI6E - • • HLBERT STREET, AUCKLAND. ON SALE by W. ROWE, Hawera and New Plymouth; ABRAHAM & WILLIAMS, Marton; YOUNG, HOBBS & Co., Eltham; J. D. MORISON, Stratford; on SALfc D y w. «uwt, "J»"» r - MOORE, Opunake; HARKNESS & GRIMMER, Mldhlrst. All Stores and Produce Merchants. ■ j

L rpo TRA.VfeL BETWEEN PATEA !- A AND HAWERA— s The Thoroughbred" PATRONUS (3), f\ frVL Patron — Placida. $££m~3&L Bred m Viotoria. Patronus has proved himself a sure foal-getter, and his stock show great '• promise. " For terms and further particulars see cards, , or apply to A. H. GREAVES, owner. F. TATTERSALL, in charge. TO STAND THIS SEASON— At MANAIA, and to travel to Hawera, Eltham and Kaponga, if suffil cient inducement offers, £^^^U^. The Bay Stallion VPVI CORONET. Coronet, 8, 1894 (bred at Wellington Park), by Castor, 2 (imp.)— Necklace (dam of Swordbelt, Miss Letty, Cravat, Armilla (dam of Armlet)", and Collarette (dam of Collarit), al winners), by Musket, 8 (imp.) — Locket (imp., dam of Thunderbolt, Bangle, Chainshot, Necklet and Medallion, sire of the j champion Achilles), by Thunderbolt— 1 Keepsake, by Daniel O'Rorke. Coronet was successful over all dis1 tances, amongst numerous races winning A.R.C. Welcome Stakes, £180, and Musket Stakes, £180; Takapnaa Cup, U miles, £250; A.R.C. Summer Cup, lj miles, £500; Egmont Cup, If miles, £250 (twice); A R.C. Autumn ; Handicap, 1£ miles, £500; A.R.C. Grandstand Handicap, lj miles, £300; 1 Taranaki Cupj U miles, £350; A.R.C. Summer Handicap, 14 miles, £600; Takapuna Cup, 1} miles, £500; Taka- ' puna J.C. Handicap, lj miles, £200. For further performances see Turf Re1 gister. Cravat, own brother to Coro* Q net, is a successful sire in New South Wales. 7 Terms: £4 4s. Coronet will travel to Hawera on Mondays, returning to Manaia via Normanby and Okaiawa on Tuesdays; Kaponga, Fridays; rest of week at Manaia. Also, — To Stand this season at Manaia, the 3 Thoroughbred Stallion,' BT. CLEMENTS. St. Clements, by St. Leger (imp.), dam Satanella. St. Clements, who was well up in the winning sires' list last season, being above any horse standing in Taranaki, | was a most brilliant performer, having ' been eight years on the turf, and won i more than half his races (vide Turf t Register). Among St. Clements' pro- • geny are St. Claimer, St. Mariaj St. > Bill, Climax, St. Killian, Tarina, Gola den Eagle, Pixie, The Dane,. Clem, ■ Kaereroa, Clementine, Burton, Golden Dream, and many other winners. 8 Terms: £6 6s. All fees payable on or before Ist January, 1908. Grazing Is 6d per week. All care t bnt no responsibility. For particulars apply to H. L. VINE, Owner, Manaia. TO STAND THIS SEASON— AT LAKE ROAD, HAWERA, Thoroughbred BYLVIA PARK (2). He is the sire of Volume, winner of Feilding Cup (£600), Easter Handicap . (£300), New Zealand St. Leger (£400), Bawke's Bay Cup (£800), Waitara Cup, Hawera Cup, second to Zimmerman in Great Northern Derby; Kaharoa, winner of many races, and holds the record for Hawera course, six ' furlongs, in \ 1.14, and the Wanganui course, 1} miles, in 2.8}. There are many other winners too numerous to, mention. He stood sixth on the winning list for New Zealand last year, being above good horses like Merriwee and Goldreef. Fee: £4 10s and £4 10s when mare ' proves in foal; or seven guineas, no guarantee. Graaing, 2s 6d per week; ( groomage, 2s 6d. All care but no re- , I aponsibility. j He will travel to Normanby onWed- . i nesdays ; also, by arrangement will call . j at any person's place up to 7 milef I from Hawera. j J. GOODWIN, j Owner, Lake road. j T. GLYNN. groom in charge. 1 _ — 1 rpo STAND THJ* SEASON— JL AT ELTHAM,-.. 1 I The Standard-bred J 4^T^ Trotting Stallion, ' TOLEDO (imp.), ! By Claredo— Maid •^tosjMfcjt* 'of Athens. Terms: Single mare £3 Bs. W. T. BAILEY, Eltham.

A BUSINESS BUILT ON MERIT. J BRUNETTE. GOLDSMITH AND JCWLLLEK, Corner High and Regent Streets t UAWILRA. WIIH some feeling of pleasure wa announce entering into NEW and HANDSOME PREMISES specially built and arranged for coir Progressive Jewellery and Watchmaking Business, established in the ycar^SS2. Having secured this co^'jit odious establishment, it is uur to cater more fully far the present and future requiretnemta cf the public riding in this extensive and flourishing distinct of South Taa'anaki, of which jlu.v;caa town is the acknowledged centre. By importing direct frcm tihe English manufact^rera we hop© to ba in a position) to retail at prices much, cheaper than visual, thus keeking to create the greatest ] Oisiblo dcanand for our goods. We shall stock all the latest and best, makes of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gold, Selves-, and Moial Watches, Diamond and other G^m Jewellery, and our line© of sterling Silver and Plated Ware will be cf guaranteed quality and unique in design. In manufacturing of jewellery, aistomeira can have any special pattern made to their order, or old fashioned artiefces re-modelled, into fcomething uGeful. Every description of Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery repaired ori the premises by a competeaiti and experienced staff of workmen. Possessing the latest soientilic appliances for sight testing we make this branch a special feature, and arei able to provide glassies of all k-nds in gold, gold-filled, nickel, and &teel frames; likewise all component parts of frames are kept in stock for repairs 1 . Every branch cf our business will b© fully equipped for supplying the requiremuxts of customers, and by handling goods of new and taste- 1 ful deeigas, keeping abreast of the fashion, and selling articles (A only , approved quality, we trust to mart*. a> continuant of the facers oE our } friends, who have fo constantly bestowed their patronage and confidence : upon usi during thei past 26 yeara. fr; Whilst feeling grateful and expressing thanks to our numerous j|j J patrons for past considerations, "md hoping for the spread of the»i gocd-(^ | will amongst the new-coniers in the district, I We subscribe &urselv«s» J. BRUNETTE.

TO TRAVEL THE HAWERA AND SURROUNDING DISTRICTS, the following high-class Clydesdale Stallions: BARON MARTIN jr^H Winner of 9 First By Baron Graceful (imp.), 11259 C.S.B. Dam Jean, by Prince of Windsor, 195 N.Z.S.B. Terms: Single mare Four Guineas. ROYAL STANDARD (645 N.Z.5.8.), By Agitator, dam Pride. Terms: Four Guineas. BEN McGORMICK (434 N.Z.5.8.), By Benmore, dam Christina Fleming McCormick. Terms: £4. YOUNC BENMORE, By Benmore, dam by Lowland Lad. Terms: £3. Good accommodation for mares from a distance. All ca^e taken but no responsibility. For further particulars apply to JAMES GRANT, Taiporohenui, Hawera; Or, GROOM IN CHARGE. TO STAND THIS SEASON— At the Owner's Farm and travel where sufficient inducement offers : ■*&&. The Standard-bred J JMB* Imported Trotting BELL BOY. Records: 1 mile, Christchurch, 2.24; I half-mile, Auckland, 1.9. BELL BOY is by Hambeltonian Bell Bay, dam Lady Bird. \ Bell Boy is the sire of Bell Boy L., Dumbell, Ringman, Bell Bird. Bell Boy is limited to 40 mares, which will be strictly adhered to, and early application is necessary, as more than half of his list is full. Fee: £4 4s, payable Ist January 1909. T. R. EXLEY, InaEa. Or D. TEBBUTT, groom in charge. 0 STAND~ THIS~SEAJ3ON— At Phoenix Stables, Eltham, and travel the surrounding district, The Standardbred Trotting Stallion, ROTHSCHILD LAD. Will travel Te Roti, Normanby, and Hawera every Thursday, Egmont . Stables ; Fridays, Rawhitiroa road. This horse will be at Phoenix Stables, Eltham, every day with the exception of Thursdays, but will be there Thursday night. Good paddock for mares; grazing Is per week. All care taken but no responsibility. Terms: Season £3 10s, payable Ist January, 1909. Further particulars or Cards, apply R. . COATES, Owner, Eltham. TO STAND THIS SEASON— At the Owner's Farm, Skeet road, Auroa, T h © Draught Stallion, *w!IBHff tt> ROBIN MAJOR. Terms, £2. Grazing Is 6d per week. All care but no responsibility. For pedigree see cards. E. McPHILLIPS, { Auroa. I ' " TO TRAVEL ELTHAM AND TIE SURROUNDING DISTRICTS, df^ The Purebred Clydesdale Stallion, jK^Stfl* CLENCARIFF, 'TWnWBHwMP 1 (Glengyle — Nonsuch). on application to the groom, ■ R. FARRELL. j Terms: £3 3s. Two <tr more mares at ' per agreement. Particulars of dates TO TRAVEL THIS SEASON— IN THE OEO AND SURROUNDING DISTRICTS, | -^fc The Clydesdale I tsssjw[§ LOOK AGAIN, j .iJffili&l^Mflffi&t- S^e Federation; dam ! "^^^^m^^m^ Salisbury Belle (1427 j N.Z.5.8.). f Terms: £4 4s — 2 guineas on Ist .' January, 1909, ' and 2 guineas whew ' mares proved in foal. All mares solJ . held as being in foal. j Apply to •- -, I JOHN ROBERTSON, 1 Or A.ROBERTSON, Oeo road.

TO TRAVEL THIS SEASON— In the Okaiawa and surrounding district, The Clydesdale ._-l^jMKPi Stallions, WINDERMERE. ■tffffi&&MMssfc Sire Sandy Erskine (imp.)* dam Maggie Macaulay. Terms, £3 10s. ROYAL CROWN. Sire Royal Fame (imp.), dam Middle Rigg Princess. Terms, £4. Also, TO STAND ON THE FARM: IVANHOE. Sire Cedric the Saxon, dam Kate. Terms, £3. Good paddock for mares from a dis I - tance, but no responsibility. J. S. OUGHTON, Okaiawa. TO STAND THIS SEASON— At the Owner's Farm, on the Managawhero road, Riverlea, The Imported Hackney Stallion VICTORY Jfl^^^b By Vanity Fa*> yn^^y (6224, E.H.5.8.;, VICTORY is a brown horse, with a small white star and black points, foaled in 1903, standing 15.3}, and showing great quality and substance. His cannon-bone measures BJin. He is a very stylish mover- and possessed of a beautiful temper. Mares met at Eltham and grazed free for one month. All care taken, but no responsibility. A limited number of mares booked at a fee of £4 4s. Full pedigree, etc tf on application to DR HARRISON, Eltham. "For the ten to twelve mile an hour drive with showy, stylish action, there is no animal living that is comparable with th© English hackney."— [Ed. F. and S., June 22, 1908.1 rjlO RUN WJTH MARES— On Mountain road, Eltham, ■BEB| Shetland Pony, IPWI ROBIN GREY. By Lord Verne (imp.), Velaska 11. For terms, etc., apply to F. J. COWERN, Eltham. TO RUN WITH MARES— AT RIVER BANK FARM, The Standard- _ bred *^iM^^^B^ Trotting Stallion, JH^^H. YOUNG JERSEY, By Jersey, dam itmn^tm^- Maude s > by • ■"■TOHW^mißßatei Volunteer. Also, Pony Stallion, FIGHTING MACK. Good grazing for six weeks free, but no * responsibility . For further particulars apply J. FORBES, Normanby. -

TO STAND THIS SEASON— At the service of breeders in the Hawera district, I jfoiK 0 Thoroughbred ' ifjHßj CHASSEUR. .frswpffiJSffirenb' re Cuirassier, dam For full pedigree and all particulars see card, or groom in charge, at the Shamrock Hotel, Hawera. Fee, £3 10s. Also, On the owner's farm at Taiporohenui, I The black Clydesdale horse, ' VICEROY, by The Governor, dam Queensland mare. Fee, £2 2s. For all particulars address Jas. Davidson, Taiporohenui ; or Box 86, Hawera. JAS. DAVIDSON. TO STAND AT NOLANTOWN— And travel the same route as I last year. The Clydesdale Stallion jjPjjJJf CLYDESDALE iuiUU||k LADDIE. This horse has been shown five times, taken five first and five champion prizes, beating, among others, such horses as Ranfurly Yet, the Dunedin champion, and Pride of Newton, the champion horse of the South Island. 1 His stock have also been very successful in the show ring, taking a large number of first and other prizes in Southland last season. For pedigree see cards. For further particulars apply H. EDGAR, Nolantown, Hawera. Also, TO STAND AT WAVERLEY, and travel the surrounding district, I The Clydesdale Stallion, ( SOUTER JOHNNIE, . Tam-o'-Shanter — Maggie, by Craigevarj Foaled November 9th, 1905. 1 For pedigree and terms see cards. For further particulars apply H. EDGAR, Owner; Or, MACKAY, i Groom in charge. mo STAND THIS SEASON—) The Draught ■ Stallion, . ! S^^^mT dominion, TBWI^p * By Young Prince of {MxtfuMM^ Wales— Jewell, by Duke of Argyle. Apply to J. BAILEY, .' Riverlea. \ TO~TRAVEL~THIS~SEASON-- > In the Awatuna and surrounding \ Districts, j jg/mm^B^^& Clydesdale Stallion, j V&BSSm GENERAL KUROKI, ' mfflM£offiWk { By k° rt * Roberts— I For terms and all particulars .apply ' to E. G. Perrott or groom in charge.

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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume LVI, Issue LVI, 24 October 1908, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume LVI, Issue LVI, 24 October 1908, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume LVI, Issue LVI, 24 October 1908, Page 3