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? CHKISTMAS & NEW YEARI h. a [ *»on' p nO T)a SEASONABLE j^entist, |: ITvV/1/CJi HAS oommenoed Practice in Hawera, and [ . may be consulted at his rooms, below fire brigade station, High-street.' ( . , HOODS I Telephone 121. *__ ; FJ. WRIGLEY is now showing a magnificent range of Solid \j wx'u KIOKAPoo. » Silver and Electro-plated Goods, specially imported for Christmas itVtit t • 1 7T~ Gifts and Wedding Presents. These goods are obtained from the best A1 A YyiHiTißU-Mlollows:-standard English makers, and include many novel asd beautiful designs. , Eltham open daily New styles of cake baskets, fruit stands, hot water jugs, teapots, breakfast SEASONABLE TIME Kaponga every Friday, and dinner cruets, solid silver butterdishes, pickle, frames, egg frames, AND Btr ttfotd Office open all the time, jellies, sugars and creams, table gongs, liquor stands 1 , etc., .etc., all at cut REASONA BLE PRICE. £w&S^3f^^^ prices tor cash. — Patea, second and fourth Tneßaayß, - — Waverley, second and fonrtb Mondays '—SEE WINDOW— WEST -END BUTCHISKY. NEW &OODS ! NEW GOODS ! ' t YX7E slaughter first-elacs slock in order . Johnson's and Lockwood's table and k^\ 6 f^ s l^ DIXON AND BATES, , 11 L%F&FfV%&}?I& ' scissors, razors ; also, full range of electro-plated and nickel-silver spoons , g . wn , o the 6 8mall goodß department . and forks at prices to suit all buyers. .. LEADING MUSIC HOUSE, R - HARDLEY AGO. Hawkba. Mason's fruit jars, ordinary and improved, quarts 5/6, half gallons , • 7/6 dozen. * . . HAWEBA. ALEX. G. BRETT, Sc the blades, scythe stones (new kind), hay rakes, hay forks, en / ENERAL COMMISSION AGENT ♦■■ silage forks. ' ; (Opposite Post Office), Lawn mowers, ordinary and balj-bearmg, from 20/ to *ll*> 410 0 AGENT^South BriS£surance Co: Patent flytraps, wire dish covers, lemon squeezers, setzogenes, §^g|Scto^ t \\ .! 55 0 Peter Hutson and Co. sparklet syphons and charges. - , , Bb C'ationet . . ..550 C3mpnt, Lime, and Pottery Works, Perfection kerosene stoves and ovens in one, two, and three burner. FL tjtes- ' Wellington Samples on ha B d). These are a great improvement^n all other kerosene stoves ; they are Flute 10 0 • splendid cookers, and save a great deal of labor and heat. * Jjoje 317 6 ! \k card.] \Voo^ packs, sacks, sbeep shears, Turkey stones, and bag hooks. pi «^ •• •• ;; 410 0 , A good assortment of bird cages. ' . PICCOLOS & FIFES— TA** SLOAN baa returned fro-ja FuU stocks of all farm and household requisites at bedrock prices pkoolo .100 ' ±J his trip to the Old County, r__ ~~ c u • • • ' Piccolo . . ..* . . 17 6 and may be consulted at lus res»i- • ior ta&a. t Piccolo . . . . • • 11 6 denoe, High street. Hawera. ■" * Piccolo 5 6 v^ — • — ,__ Piccolo .... .. 8 6 t. J. WltlU-l^ilil. TSf: »W,W* NEW SEASON'S IEONMO-WBK . HAV*,EBA. . g*. •• .«|fts i e . n"n "y Wre ° V,' *• 15//f '«2( T INOLEUMS, OILCLOTHS, FLOOR , — _— — — Little Lord "Pauntkroy .. 20/ Ij And many others — Call and See. 4 • > MUSIC CARRIERS- nrnTwa * riA^rjT?*; . Just the Thing for a Christmas ' CLOTHS, & DAxJUES ' SKASON'S 1 NOVEIiTIES '-«it •• pr r nt -i/9,2/6,4/,5/OJLA.O^I^ V JiilJi-XIJU A few rralgooa carriers, NOW OPENED U^. sliahtly soiled, at 2/, 3/, 3/6 " -- , . . METRONOMES— • . ,. v . „ . Very needful for exam. work. ARE NOW BEING SHOWN . . Metronome, with bell ..110 Th 1 ■ ' • M^trnnome, withoat bell 16 0 he ..,. ri«Minii. . , ,- , .. GUITARS- saahties5 aahties 2f2 fl 81 J lfa Guitar and case.. .. 215 0 £ re The beet -'• Guitar .. .. >. .. 11 0 GoOfJ - I me oest. " li"V EVBRy JDEF^JI^I^TJWtIS^VT. ' banjos- . .*!.„. . . l Zither banjo and case .. 7 C 0 AnH the Prices are - ' ' v Zither banjo and case, Not to be baaten. • Blightly soiled ..500 -•• , '. Banjo 2 10 0 - MANUOLINB— .. ..100 / ' • . ' ' vfOT'INS PJALORE— NEW PICTURES IN MILLINERY NOVELTIES WE ARE AS- USUAL vjoiinand how .. .. 1 0 7 ) " Violin, oas«. and bow . . 117 6 " . 2/0/0, 2/10/0, 8/0/0, 3/5/0, 4/0/0 ' PRE-EMINENT. '- . - 4/5/0.4/10/0,5/0/0,5/5/0,5/10/0. A Splend!d Seleotion of * , "" 6/0/0, and many others ■ " VrOLIN QASRS— 8/6, 10/6, 12/6, 25/ NEW MOULDING S. ' , ' MUSIC STANDS— , Brass Stands 5/.* 6/, 7/6, 10/, 12/6 ' ' . ' SUver plated Stands . . 12/ . TAMBOURINES— . . 3/9. 5/6 Pioxtjbbs Fbamed. LACES AND INSERTIONS, IN ALL SHADES AND WIDTHS, TOY BAGPIPER 6/ ; _ , ' music to those who like it. I ' 7 ■ ' , VIOLIN BOWS- 2/6, 3/6, 57, 7/6, 10/6, AND AT ALL PRICtS /- 6/6, 15/. 21/, 25/ . ' CORNET* CABE— .. 412 6 •••; V ."• * INSULATORS (all colours)— ; tnmfWATQ Trnnwißßifn • . • • . ' Every Piano should stand on ; FUNERALS FURNISHED . , &■ " i > insulators, 4/ and 5/ per • - _ _ . * ' set of four. * : In Town or Oonntey. : MOUTH ORGANS-6d, 1/, 1/3, 1/6, 2/, : • „/.. Vk A fTV O' J~\ C3f\ XT *C^ * " ' 2/9, 3/, 3/6, 5/, 7/6 ? PA IVjliO U, IN O ZOBOES- , i. .. at 9deach f A. J^. *- *H, •*•• - FLAGEOLETS— 1/, 1/3, 1/6, 2/6, 3/ 100 SCOTCH SONGS— / v "*-s >JMtf _ ', ' . Tartan cover, beautiful bind- ■ . _ J^_— mmm^^ m^^ m mmi i^^— — ing. A nice present 10 0 L_ -v- -— l - PHONOGRAPHP— , 4 TJf HTTT TTT>»CI mARANAKI JOCKEY /*~l^B. Phonoßraph & six reoordß HO'O AxtLxiUJAjS r,^^mvc ± el [KJ . Gem Phonograph ..450 xixiiixxvi.* KJ CASH* /QUOTATIONS - Columbia Phonograph .. 8 8 0 \ql , SUMMER MEETING. GR& |Sphs2o?e S ": . ..6 10 0 " FURNISHING WAREHOUSE^ FOR ' .WEDNESDAY 1^ T H tTB S *DAT, ' a»plm*jhoiie .. .. 910 0 HAWERA. 10th & 11th Febiuary, 1904. NEW GOODS JUST IN. ■■ , v Tbibi-honb 94. P.O. Box s*?. ' NOMINATIONS for the following events, 1 boy - • . each, CLOSE ON WEDNBBDAY, 6th JAN., 10M AJY /^l\T *X> \ Cl r~. 1 777^T, nr .• _ j rocco A /.nrranrc aIo <ln7'Bi Stewards' H»ndio»p. oflOO soy« ; seven furlongs DABBISTER AND SOLIOITOB, Machme-dressea currants 4/3 aoziu Firgt H , H aioa P . fitok Baoe, of to bovb; five n *«^ _t> Hawib* J' i - " /*L 5/9 ' r FliStHSaioap Hurdles, of 100 soys; two miles ' Seeded raisms 7010 Kirst Hanaicap Hmok Hntaies, of 60 bovb; one mile - Several sums of money to lend on Muspatels, 1/ ft . T^nsd*Cup Handioap, of -850 boys; one mUe ' approved /reeholl seourny at ourrent rate 8. - Prunes 7d Tb **hj4 » hai' ■ ■ t-«» / ,«^tK " BeoonaHemaio»pH»o > k*a»oe,of6oßOVß; one mile / „__.-- Hour 12/ lOOID \ . plying Handicap, of 120 bovb; six furlongs T. HIGH AM, T?l7j"nV "MYVNTI? V QTf\"RT? «l«aar Nn T 11/ baff Trial Pl«te (heok»), of 60 soys ; auc furlongs r\ lAVt n a itf n r.nflitt TnfJPTI SAEjAVX M,\JSX li I OlUJtUli. Sugar, iNO. I, 11/ Udg GiutA g^ H ' andiotp( of 100 „„. Beven nJANO AND ORGAN-TUN.BK N(-W n£S QQ ID furlongs X . — — „._„,„ PanrlipH tippl 6d Bj • > Thfrd Hwk Handicap, of 60 sovs : six forlonga Local Representative of the D.LO., H. E. HARRIS *L.anaiea peBJOU J.u Seoqna Handioap Hurdles, of 100 boys; one mile r Wellington Sultanas 7d ft ' , B^a^L^ Hack Hnraies, of 60 sovb; one ' ' (LATE OF CUMMINS AND CO., Best nee OID toT 1/ mile ana* half ( "I am very pleased with the way you WANGANUI) — Autumn Hanaioap, ot 200 boys; one mile ana a taned the p/^ for my Concert. The . A -»rand assortment of Toilet Sbaps pp O nrth Hanaicap Hack Race, of co bovb ; one mile Philharmonic pitch was peifeot, and the TTTISHES to inform the Inhabitants of 0 n t «|-nnloeal*» nrlrw , ana s. quarter tune exceedingly good."— Mdk-b. Antonu VY Hawera and Surrounding District at wnoiesaie prices. , ParewelfHanaioap, of 100 bovb ;Mx furlongs Dolores." that he has taken over the Business lately , Final Hack Flutter, of 60 bovb: five furlongs. | . oarr j e d O n by Just landed from California , ACCEPTANOBS . MO ~T Yt^^ ftt9p . m . : HEKBERT HAI.LIWELL, MB a. h. Parkinson, 4 Vyfti?l ■ c * > v \.Jr' nr , a • • Stewards" Handicap, 2 bovb; Firet Handicap . alJ d hopes, by strict attention to the There is a vast difference in a'^.^SJ^^iag TDARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, wants of Purchasers, to merit a fair share • . the quality of can goods, but ffiSH^S^JSitSSSS^ & ' H^^- o£ their support. these are the finest brands at Baoo, 1 boy e&ob. Entrance-Trial Plate, 1 soy; . iod each, or 9/8 doz. MONDAYfFEfth,'"t 9 p.m. . Final payment Offices in Fake's Chambers, Repent street There will always be found on the .- , T«»n«ki Cup, 1 soys Vanous sums of money to lend on town. Premise* a full stock of Groceries, Crockery, t • i. j «t,-^« ~,« -,-el, "WEDNESDAY, February 10th, at 9.30 p.m.: auburban, and rural properties at low rates. Glassware,' Brushware, and Produce. I intend pushing my cash Aooepunoes for the secona day's racea. . No procuration fee charced. fra^A en «;nprial orices will A hack is * horse which b«s not, at time of ."" tjrot-"l**'-"Jut jrot -" l **'-"J u IB » «"»rnett. traae, SO bpecwi uutra_ wm nomination, won a race of the value of 80 bovb or MRL'E BAKTON Customers will be waited on fo Orders, be charged for SFOI r«»BoftheooUecttvevaiueof2ooßovs. s , ■ -""t " ±Jt ■ u » AVJ -^» whioh will be delivered in Town the seme CASH, but the cash must • *rfcA*R*RTaTWR imtj' soTTrTTn*n arrnmranv the order or For Inll proerunme see Referee. lJAtttSiaiCiiS A.JSXf tSULiUjIIUU, accompany tne oraer, or liosseli. raBBTWooD, • A3 booking prices will be secretary. PwNcua stbbkt Hawbba Cu » ntr y Orde « dehj« ad aa Mran ß fld - charged. No exception ' v ♦ -- — , For Oaßh a Reduction of 2i per cent, will Will be made. ■ r a card! Meney lent on borong-tf property 4J • be allowed. I A p 6r oent f or } OD g terms, and tbe who cor •CTTPATTTT ■ TpnOTiS ' ' an 7 l ar ' repayable at JflOrt UOtioe from Tnnrvrrmm Nn 87 Sw'TtJw Sv-mS' TYRP. NOONAN has taken up his time to time as borrower may desire. . lEtBPHONB Ko - 37 - HEALiM UVVVV. yj p erman ent residence in Kaponga, „« H . nßTfl In response to many enquiries for and may be eO nflulted daily at his resi- , DAVID SYMF uaiuuh, . these lines, lam now stocking them dence, Manwaroad; and at Mr Profit's 1 ntn t i n n > LATE A. H PARKINSON. ocfnllnwci' Btore, Aaroa, every Tuesday, from vll Si 101 1 O B, asioijuwb. rranr»«* "RiopiiiK to 12 Inoon ; and at Mr Hornby's, - O ftS*£S ■ -WtauSkS* «-*«-» «-**-'--^ *^ ■ VIEWS OF THE DISTRICT . Granold Money to lend in sums from £100 ' l „ CHARLES CLAESON £10<00Q Ah% oa {ree^ old seourities - 7 Chinaware just landed \i , . - itMWfai>ir«.cioi« < v. , ...... , _ from England. • aßcihitpct • t *' IsflOp . W. G., Bricklayer, High street JN wiahmg the inhabitants of Hawera | t> * ftl«, rt /fteof AKOUiIJSUJ., > f\ Estiroates given. A. and surrounding district Tea sets from 10/6 set • /^OLB <fc DONNELLY Gunsmiths a MERRY CHRISTMAS Tea-pots from 6d each • Pbihoeb Btwuct, Hawhu, {j Bepairs done on the premises by «inxv«.i LnttioiMa 100 sets jugs at 3/ set , <* > competent men. _.__. Al ?^_ A r „-,._, 2 k dinner sets from 24/ (Barlyman's Building, opposite P. 0.) . \VDBY, C, Bootmaker, PrinoeßSt HAPPf NEW YEAR 3 ____ . - • V. j Est. 1883. Boots made to measure*. FOR THE 22ND TIME, Mom 7 PAnmnnf •' £jttt B S^,^S^ *— — . , STORB. , ; ~ • 17-EEN, J. P. and Co., Bakera and Con l ha ? e , ha ? s P ec j all y manufactured a choice ' ' AND JOl feotioners, Caterers. Wedding lot « . .. and , . Cakes to Order. Aiternoon tea rooms. of the district. They are THB SECOND ABTOU, * . STOOSOWNJIKS ! K^WiSS&Sttg: ( Jfremier Picnic / ■ ,■■ . and Refrigerators erected and repaired at re- New Year' TTTNDEB the auspices of the Taranaki duced rates. Estimates given. (-Hits. U District of the Independent Order of , BUZ RUDDUOK'S 1\;1 URTAGH <!fe SONS. Veterinary Sur- TMaDo.n-PiTr^'TxrtrTrT?^ . Oddfellows, M.U., ' IVI geons, Main South road (immediately INSPECTION IN VI rED.' will BB HRM> iN-^HEi EJAIRT MEDICINE CHEST, behind District High 8chool) ,rr"V^- « w-r TAUMITA PARK, ELTHAM. ' WAlftl „ ' li. C, Princes Street, manu J, E. WILSON, . containing Ci faeturer of tents, tarpaulitu, horse THUBSDAY, 21si JANUARY, 1904. MEDICINE & APPLIANCES, "»<* a(i » covers. Flagß of all nations GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHED. __ _ made to order. ' Spouts Pboobammb. . With full directions for treatment of the \\.' HJTTIwOTON, H X., Brioklnyer, Hi K h-Btrflet .: .. . HAWEPA. *' l^s, 6s. ' ■ following diseases :- V^ 2. 220 Ya.ds ' Hanaicap-40s, 15s, ss. A BORTION, Milk Fever, Inflamma- Estitaates „*««. T H lflph.»ne7ft. Private House, Caledonian slrset, TeleNorn 23 Gd. . -^»- tion ot the Udder, detention pf r* — • phone C 2, 3. 440 Yards HanSicap-403, 15s, 5s. v After-birth, Impaction, Fever, Cow Poi, XHi^.^^ U - w nm Qa 6d • ■ Sore and Cracked Teats, etc. ■-v^t o- *-* ir **« •*>«>• . , m '?«-. « a- An ik b x l_>h k T Pi»m..« and Organs to >•« had in ** <■ s.| le M .^; cip -^ f' «-■* »— to "--^ °°»*-»- ti^r zr ga: ux th a 5. One Mile Handicap-50a, 20s, lOe. . . naua«M - JJiiVXriix^ Worn..-to. . 4 _.. t _.. , . PRICE -..,'... £ 2 :2 : 0 tl.'tfl.sV, i. W.. TattersalV. Stables 6'6 ' W Y^^t±^S2s^&: * ' W Egmont.street. All luOm of vehicles Ist pnze Loyal Stratford Lodges Albo, SPECIAL LINES- « bi, e . Telephone G2. Special of 40s, 16s, 58. Nom.,2s6d. SAL VITIB FOR CATTLE ■ . "\T7ONDEUFOL Display of Goods for 7. One Mile Bicycle bandicap-40 3 , 15s, ft ..B % , „ n . UliliHm Uirectory. W the Xmas trade at BOA SE'S. ss. Norn., 2a 6d. ' - Salvihs Calving ani Cleansing Drench. , iABBU> a . ti Chemist and Dru Kg ist Resents for mother. 8. Two Mile Handicap-40s, 15s, ,6«. Salvitis Astringent-an infallible pure foi Jj EUhaw Medical HaU, Hfehßtw-rf 6 * Presents for father. Norn., 2s 6d. '„.", Sooonng in Calves ;«b tins Bs. OLACKHALL, T. N., Cabmetmaker, ' Presents for brothers and sisters. Entries for events Ito 8 inclusive olose Milk Fever Medicine and Synnge. J3 Undertaker, and Embalmer. Fur-! Presents for friends, with the. Secretary on SAT., 9th Jag., 1904 Colic Drencnea. Qitare of eVfiry dogenption made oa pre- Presents for grandmother. Handicaps -Will appear about' THURS., maeß , , Presents for grandfather, 14th Jan. No acceptance fe»a. , Siooks Alwais on Hand. ' , Presents for unpleß, awnts, * cousins. Event No. 6 (Manchester Unity Hanaicap) , KiarJOn^a DtPeOtorV* is open only to financial m,mbers of the No Up -to-Date Dairyman should be f>\VY, A. H^ Wheelwrioht and General ALL TO\BE , , *?nqFFNTRY EVENTS Past Grands' Wlth ° Ot • (jT Smith. Dairy Factory Machinery OBTAINED AT .. h£^?s^S2&^bS» " RUDDUCK'S CHEST." l^f^ty. F ' »• BOASE>S ' yards. Obstacle Race, Err and Spoon, . -~~ , v J Leading House for Fishicg Tackle and Three-legged, Bun and Lemonade, Anth- To thb M^wes West Coast Tbadiko ok«lawa Dif«PMf. v Sporting Material, metic, Bandsmen, Cigar .and Umbrella AssoniAMOH. Ltd. -nnVr llPfl T (feSJ 7^ -1. 3^^. lin%^dS tW W^^^S^^h *' "" -"^ " *' '" V. Eltham DraJ. . , your «J«« .bests as I in tb nd never to be jdj^AS?S^^S& ' uwim „ t „„ .. ... w^iiousjt. v«n*a#«,w <>t Farm Work contracted for. M<« UAPLEN, . Funfcrall. Come and have a good time. Yours truly, f -DARBISTER AND SOLIOITOB Grand Procession from JfiUbam Railway M*sMttHAM. Op.m«ke Directory. J3 Opposite the Courthouse. Station, at 11 a.nv . r ; , ' WftaKamara. rrm AiiE B and LINGMAN, General HAWERA. All events under Ac rules 0 f tho Assooia- ~ T tferchanla. Large stock of boots, 3SS?^Ssaif: S3to"?vr« (KHS&. Jttzwj&jar * JSlibnm. by Mr also another bottle of ! , nBIEN A 9A 9 Lw. M t Plan* (Pupil of Me Maughan Barnett, Wellington) ~j 'Raddick-s Milk Fever Finid , - ( > JB^pLtotfoMflSiSatos. ys prepared to -receive R limits number THOS B CRUMP Youra truly, > 1 [ X of pupils for Piahoforte and Organ. -DABEISTBR AND'BOUCIIOB, , %?£££„.. , , J&S*ST»i£r tSFL «,. * KBMONX VILLA, JL> ELIHAM. 18/13/1903. \ I best meat snpplied. Cayta run U Victoria Street, Hawera. -~ " „. . „ Write for Descriptive Pamphtet. Oaonui, PuDgarehu, and Kahui Bo»d. ' • : -— • Branch office at Kaponga, adjoining Mr . *_ X Q.^ p WAKE, H. G. CMtMAN, i ABSOOIAHON, Ltd. SOLIOITOB, jy qNEY to Lend in ANY SUMS at 4i *JFg£T?'™ STATI BL N T E |a ; , """ "'• "-" AtOpunake^CourtDay.. ~«+ - *— i —If • | L __ "SLtt lMd * mUmA MOaritiM ** •dvances also made on Chattels and Stotk. A LARGE otock of Books," Stationery, ' hTw7clS££/J fS. L. Faibhau. onrran * ira:i^ i i Fancy Goods, and Toys always on „-U,-.,-. „' ■** mn * -r r ~ h*aa. Agent for P. J, Writ's weU-known CEIMIE & FAIRHALL, jnmfvtt wrrQnxr •• TB^IK WAILS, tackle. _ E UR R VEYOR S ,ND J °lf AGENT. J*#^«*^ **"»***> m>tfS£L **-»«*»»> . (^TJ^ZX d Jo\T tetAOt ' liii^BdatawHWwl^H*^^ IMJ'^'iiaait'iT mi ri^^«*A^> .^..u T>*.i*i->- n , ~ »a. a ., ' . Hioh atrßßt. Hawers. 's , | ) ' — — r , <">, ... mMffiM&mMs&ihtei&l&L A.m.. '9.30 a.m..

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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 7874, 8 January 1904, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 7874, 8 January 1904, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 7874, 8 January 1904, Page 2