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■enormous stock. immense variety.

Shop at the Economic. -Economic Gen b's Cashmere and Natural Wool Shirts and Pants, prices ECO N O M l O Boys' Norfolk Suitg, perfeot fitting, every size 8/9, 8/11 . • . ECONOMIC Ttouths* (8 garments) Suits, sizes 12 to 17, perfeot fitting Economic Gent's Merino Drab and Natural Colour Shirts and Pants, 2/8, 2/6 ECONOMIC Men's Tweed Suits, ready to wear, large number to select from , ECONOMIC tor Hats, Ssarfs, Umbrella*, Portmanteaux, Travelling Rnge, Economic Cashmere Rocks, black and navy, all sizes, 1/, 1/8, 1/6, 1/9 Bain Coats, etc. ' ' -— ECONOMIC for Men's Covert Coats, drab and f»wn Economic Regatta, White, Press Shirts, cut, fife, and finish perfeot, 4/11, ECONOMIC for Boys' and Youtiis- Knicker Trovers, every size 6/6, 7/6 . - Economic Tennis Shirts, cut and finish perfeot \\T Q "DTTITVT/^Xi l Economic Pyjama Suits 6/6, Sweater* 7/9 ' V? . DJL JtLIN I OHI, HAWERA.

r TEMPOEAKY -PREMISES. [: lIAI_JU__JIVS^__JITV ll3_?O®." Sd CO., N.Z.. CLOTHING FACTORY, HAVING decided to Re-build an Up-to date and Commodious Efctablish- /, ment on their present site, High-street, Hawera, have removed to TEMPORARY PREMISES, - liately occupied by the Economic. C XI. JD. i t Corner High and Union Streets. T. M. HILL, Manager. (, By Special Appointment to v By Special Appointment to t_e Co_nteßs of Glasgow.. , " the Countess of tanfurly. . \ T AILOB MABE GOWNS. _4:T<_VOTJ-VC3_B_IMCEIN r J? - • WE are now making Dresses at our old priced i Goats and Skcets, and Dbesses ... from £6 s*'. _!_irt ... • ... from £1 10s. i- FOR CASH ONLY. Patterns and self- measurement forms sent. on application. *'■ . • ■ • " ' N ODINE ANT) C 0. , .; „. • : 30, "Wellington Terrace, TVellingiton. p .. -z •■ '—y-r — : : c — . f WEIiLINGTiON TONTINE " ' "' r F ___!?' >v ; W-HEN W0MEN...... MEMBERS of the abeye fund TfWTiTRT-TW (which is jast dosing) who ENTERTATNare persuaded by Agents of rival • .: n „ — 1,,. institutions to allow their policies lo At at Homes, Tennis, lapse are requested to communioate Parties, etc., there's ; . direct- with.^the Secretary of the ; some sort of a beverage re1 National Mutual UH Association, • q1""^-andq 1 ""^- and it ought to be a , Ou3tom House Qoay^ Wellington. good, beverage for one's per- ■ Who will supply , every . information . a oaoo*la 00 * 1 satisfaction. Every guest y ; reauired. , , • ; —men and women alike— will ~ __ : enjoy HAVE -«>«|. the U t _ HITBAxtrIIA i. EA i>V " What? ... 6 f sa tea that is distinfctly The best Hot Lunoh ia town for la. gOOg OO< j. j fc j 8 perfect in flavor, t SILVEB GRID. . , - perfect in aroma, perfecc in all . ' " -- — !- - ' that distinguishes high grade Fish Suppers and Grills a speciality. Ceylon Tea fioin the inferior. • v ' Suratura is pure honest tea' \i Meals at all hours from 7 a.m ia t and is guaranteed not blended fe 12 p%. 1 •■ with Indian, China, or any cheap A firet-olftss O&ef kept. ; or inferior teas. V H. K. HARTY, f , = - ; Telephone 115. Proprietor. RETAIL PRICES : f •= : ■ r— r- — '-j — < Suratura A quality 1/8 per lb - -. ■ CI|AH BREiDS. ; ;; §"„ - Cannot m»cto „ X „ 2/6 per lb JOqL ***- fo »^ hands, -, ~~ JB_3^k • «»14 °l«« a P a J° Sold by all Storekeepers. fjS' |W blood cannot , 08 •* • 'H^ TsW* ' made hy afoul sto- T5 T~ " \ \ " - - theße-"a-e difieteed /[ r "''' "- n --^?3tfT ' fw\4WWV^r thoy cO-c O -" 1 "" 11 ** 8 ' . \ LANE'S i l\_^l_i '_•_// every, drop of Wood J ; 'IHP' 'pmml■l ol** ri ? ' 1 WrrW A made from the food ; . V EMULSION I \ \/ "S 2B in the etofnttoh, and C Of Cod Idrer Oil, Fre«h Egra and \ \ V m -JS® this- contamination' £ Creasote. The great Lung Healer and V t • VllHJMl'few M U J tKrotiffh \ BOdy Bnflder. »8 and 4/6 at Chemists >. ;. . fIX V.'.lW?flß«g /jB — « wnel thr«ogtt \ " It's rttnonsßeoaose It's V" the whole poayi-K C Good." • " ' ' '■* 44/ 1 UffmT^ * T^~~ JfoA liver, feul-eys, " - « •y^Ctt" jrgr -_~-»-^ \ -heurt, or lungs^bat — : , , * T " '~ ■■' l "i ■!- the root of the r dis*\ > ease is in tho t>tomaoij£ -' Core the fttom-ch- — nd 1 -^-==^=^______^__________ a .-. you cure the dbetwe. Dr< Morse's Indian Root I JB^Hl|^^^^^^^H I Fills otire diseases of ihe oigans of i digestion • t||^B9B^9B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| and nbtrition porfectly and' positively. They i^KnB_|K9H_EIHH_MBi| parify the blood, _ndj>y to doing euro the cause |^K-________ws_P_l_-_'!ZP_l-f__ll of the diae»He, curing many cases .of disease in jB^H^^^BHHa^EAaEAAKaMjKBJ organs repio'te from the stomach. Mrs. Lillie |^^|HVQ|HBH|IH_HMIID^h| —-Johnston, who resides at 142 Crowu-ttreet, |^^^^a | y | u Lr^l~Ul_jMj^C^^^H| Sydney, writes :—"My nerves were entirely ran j>}pjnMßW^«^_H3lfl»s^-WII-IBi , down, and everything I wished to 'do seemed a ' I ■■■■■■^pßg^p|^pgH|piiA^B|SßpMgHJ^bMsß3AMflf "'•• trouble. I could take-no interest in my home |-^^^B7l#_^3?Vv*v7iV______! or surroundings. I $rßs began to feel unwell by |^^^^U^^Uu^y|^^^^^^^^^^| being troubled with indigestion, loas of Appetite, ■ I •and^requent. sick Washes. t J»#jJ fN starting the year 1903,1 have exertion kft me entirely prostrated. Iwaslov -I , .. , ° , . J ~ . ' j V •pirited, and life becafe* a burden. I was X decided^to cultivate a Cash Trade by frightened at the moßt harmless things. I at- 'CUfjting all Groceries, Draper^, Clothtended the hospital as an outdoor patient/buff ing; Boots and Shoes, Orockemr, GlasdMorse's Indian Boot Hlls t_at l I should try pnees for spotxash at the %)re. The them., I began at once to improve, and con* stocks are too numerous to detail, but tinned taking the pills, and was greatly benefited the following brief list will'seiVe to S _C.|il^T!rU_2_3rt_l ** *• S W - >>« obtaineH for siad to furnish this testimonial as to the great Prompt JNet Lash, benefit I have derived in takingJDr. Morae'a Sugar, 401b, 7/9 ; Flour, 501b, 7/9. Indian Root Pills. 1 ' ;/'£.y.- 1001b 15/ • Derby and .Tiino Tnlimw #Sold br dHml^saArtkemrir _.I|a. p«rbot«e, Z,^-U > *" < *. tJ »no lOftaOBO, six bottles 6«. 6dJ&rtri!tbkiert ty m-lTipon r«oeipt of D/ 6lb J KerOßOne, 4/3 tin t EIC6, SagO, r-'pifJcSr-SdrfTproprietora. The W. H.ComctO— :Oo., Llmltod Fine Pflftrl anrl Fln.V»ToT»in/io Rll> 1/ .' (AvwtralMian Depot). 68 Pitt Stre^l, Sydney. Paoktd In J?1D » , ana r '«* iapiOCa, blO 1/ J amber botti«i» and the full name blows thereon. good tea 1/4 lb ; Sauces : Worcester, Delhi, Chutney, Tomato and Pickles FREEZING SHEEP. \ (assorted), lOd per bottle, 9/ dozen ; T' : -'-' *-, * „,„■ I"" ™ 4sk'a^-\ .^ ireN » fl 8. Utoßineh.24dlbj 4-to illS Wellington Mea^^_porfc inch, 2d lb, etc., etc % etc. Company, Ltd., is prepared to Agent for the RoyakFireansurance " Purchase Fat Slretp by Weight at Coy. (tho leading fire insurance comgraduated prices for the following p an y i n the world) • , Brand W.M.E.00. 45 to 651b ; 65 to entered on my register free of charge. fi^DQUALITTFRE^BH: IZtionX^ *" "* Brand N.G.A., 45 tp 701b £ . I__ ' FBEKZING EWES. ' Brand E.W.E., 40 to 701b - T ADIES' (Grlace Walking Shoes 3s REJECTS I _ 9d at Clearing Sale. Onehunga i Will be paia for at time value 3. Boot Factory 7 . ' OpNDITIONS-, — r ~ Fat an. Bkins to be the property bf the Vendor,. tbe dompaqy paying for - j* ~_t_L_r?trJfr b. the former the current value per lb of L *' T j^s^^3*- * the day, and the latter may be either Pu £ L| > T^ o^T d FFICE soj^tojiie Company or fellmongered ""Q"^. } Hue* \, wn-iw.. O^pi^r's account at Ws QptiOn. - All v^ vlt Qr estates im t»k Orn«! ehe^p r « be prime of their class, anj to OVER - THR£E M|LU o NS STERLING/ be delivered at the Freezing Wcr-ks at v owner's cost and expense. Pace and Ca pi fcal and interest guaranteed payment to be on the Eeozsn WBiamc . ■ - —^-r- — =- — ;- — ' — ~r— - Or the Company is willim? to 'jjffi- „ ,-". j_y the State., . , Chase at a SCraight-OUt .PnC9 per head : . Further l«xg« rsdaotlons no- mad* ii ; bb heretofore. Prices bah be obtained oo»t« of administration.* *on application a(j the Company's **• TvM^ xnmt omc * ie6kt to be mml ' Offices, or from ray of the- Buyers in " ViSgT___f "wiu, or mt..t>d.. w. M ibe OOUntry. The Company IS aISO donTerted Wto cash and hold tor benafioi_Tei willing to Freeze on owner's account I _• credited with interest at hifiupt at the best terms aurrent in the colony. *»*•• o»pi«i«id yearly, »ntt are frs» ot DILNOT BLADDEN, .- .** «*»****•* Secretary*' f WM p-i M 0 tbhstub can be appolntwd'&loutoi Wellintrton, 16th October, 1902. tftt^in^co^iofa U yp_^.-JUM»»i_ _-, , • to _• making of Willa ia given frea.of dharg*. t>t -Tmmir a xt^ *■■ *»«■» o Teubtbb o%n be «ppoint#d Trtwte* ln TO RESIDENTS IN ELTHAM AND plao* of preriously appobtod Trtstert or in KAPONGA DISTRICT^. , 1& 00 * 0 * ? cl ~OlWwllo~ OlWwllo ? 1 P^ tober * liM ? doftk — * C~~!I^- -— .^--, f~» VvwLw Tmvtrxm orb be appointed TrtutM CLEMENT. f « Marrlag* B«tU«m«nta, Money Trnata. ft_k- . w_-~-_ -j--i-.} Ing I__U, andetner Truata.' " t miMBEE MERCHANT, Tn Pnwi liviiu midnttto _i v 4 », *.- > in'TTTAM ' -*-tolProp«rtj aa'lttowejror Agant. . _*.- „ . . lLa f- m > „-__■ Pvsuo Tuvm* adminiaUra InteatoW Notifies that lie has disposed Of _«Utm, LnnaUoa* BataU*. and Unclaimed ' the whole of his output of first claw t^ ue^ o§taalumrr^ raidßtotiMr^ RimU. He IS Still able to SUppi/ inant on Mort«*«cof riMfc-olwa Freehold Seon-eecond-class Rimu and White Pine Bfcir * Uol - tar ? fc both firsb and aecond-clasa in any _ — _ qnaitity. Delivery a speciality. • #©* nu. rumovumd Am* «o " t __ — ~ 77 7" THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE, Wenington,

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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 76412, 13 January 1903, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 76412, 13 January 1903, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 76412, 13 January 1903, Page 4