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ANNUAL CHRISTMAS FAIR, COMMENCING THIS WEEK- * * *■ >■ - ■ • " •'-——- p — .— ■ i. .—. — — ■ i- ■ . ■ . ■■ Clothing Department. j Stirring Times in Every Department. Economic Gent's Cashmere and Natural Wool Shirts and Pants, prices ECONOMIC Boys' Norfolk Suit*, perfect fitting, evety size Economic for Straw Hats, Straw Hats, Straw Hats The very latest ECONOMIC for Curtains, Towels, Shoetina fJi-PfomiA* m llni , fl , u u an r 8/9,8/11 \ ECONOMIC louthfc' (B garments) Suits, sizeß 12 to 17, perfect fitting shapes Trimmed and untrimmed Quilts, and Bed Spreads weconnes, flannelettes, Calicoes, Economic Gent's Merino Drab and Natural Colour Shirts and Pants, 2/8, 2/6 E CON OMIC Men's Tweed Suits, reaay to wear, large number lo select from Economic for French Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Feathers Veilings, Lace EC ON OMIC for Mercerised Sateens Prinft in Tnvpb i.-«w. a ntn t ECONOMIC ior Hats, Ssarfa, Umbrellas, Portmanteaux, Travelling Rug?, Collars - Latest Patterns ' **»wy i^nects, and all of fche Economic Cashmere Books, black and navy, all sizee, 1/, 1/8, 1/6, 1/9 Rain Coats, etc. Economic for Erect-form Corsets, tne Famous Fitu Corset, and P D ECONOMIC for Pretty and Effective Printorl Mn'U,, ft t>i,«i, An\ j ECONOMIC for Men's Covert Coats, drab and fawn Economic for Ladies' Eton Jackets, Three-quarter Jackets Mackintoshes, I Dresses JWICCT »° JS3u*lm« f l^lack and Colored Economic Regatta, White, Drees Shirts, out, fit, and finish perfect, 4/11, ECONOMIC for Boys* ana "Souths* Knicker Trousers, every size and Children's Summer Dresses 8/6, 7/G , • Economic for Kid Gloves (4 button, tan and brown). 2/11, 3/11, 4/11, 5/9; DRESSMAKING OX THE PREMISES ' Economic I'tnnis Shirts, cut and finish perfeot I \\J QTDTT 1 IVTIT^TT White Thf ead Gloves 6ci pair up, White and Black Lace Gloves 1/ :._ •™&jhiol, > .. Economic Pyjama Suits 6/6, Sweaters 7/9 I >V • OJL Jlil> Xjlli^ HAWERA. # >V. SF^JESNOE. HAWEEA. '

HOLIDAY OUTFITS. Gents' and Youths' Suits Gents' Cycling Knickers The Latest Shapes in Boaters, Panamas, Brazilian and Tuscan Straws Cycling Sweaters — all colors Swimming Costumes and Drawers Running Costumes — all colors Portmanteaux, Brief, and Gladstone Bags Latest Novelties in Caps and Ties Etc, Etc., Ere. Buy tho Smartest Footwear for LADIES AND GENTS from tho N.Z. CLOTHING FACTORY, (HAWERA BRANCH), I. M. HILL, Manager. NOVELTIES. AT BEDROCK PBIOES. New blou&ing silks in plain and fancy,. 2/6 to 8/6 New dress goods in lustres, oasbmeros, voiles, brocades, etc., 1/ to 4/6 60 paokagod new prints (fast colours), 6d to 9|d 75 paokages new muslins and sateens at bed rock prices New shapes in sunburnt and white straws, Brazilian straws Ladies' sailors, eto , 2/11 to 9/6 THE VERY LATEST in fanoy ruffles, laoe oollarettea, gilt and silver belts, sunshades, silk blouses, fanoy vests, ribbons, laoea, eto. Ladies' dress skirts in Holland, blaok and figured lustre, etc., from 12/6 to 27/6 Ladies' undorskirts in white o-nd ooloured washing fabrics, lustres, Morie's, etc., from 3/11 to 15/6 d Ladies' kid gloves in black, tan, brown, and grey 2/11 to 6/ per pair Children's tan kid gloves, all sizes Ladies' fabrio gloves in the new superfine sufdo, 1/ pair BPEOIAL 160 pairs men's tweed trousers in saddle*, worsteds, etc., from 6/9 to 18/6 aUST TO HAND. An extensive shipment of passage-cloths, floor-clothe, linoleums, carpets, oarpet-nquarps, slip-mats, door-mats, hearth-rugs, etc, at prices that defy competition. OUB STOCK In boots and shoes, oroakery, glassware, ironmongery, grocery, stationery, lanoy good?, furnishings, travelling requisites, eto., etc., is now ooxrplete, and we invite inspection and comparison. W. GRUAR & CO., Dbapebs, Clothiers, &■ General Merchants, KAPOKGA. k. ' ' ' > By Spdoial Appointmont to By Speoial Appointment to tho tfounTess ot Glasgow. tho Countess of Banfarly. TAILOE MADE GOWNS. ATS JVOTJIVCE ME IN T WE are now making Dresses at our old price?. Coats and Itkibts, and Presses ... from £5 sb. Ek(bt from £1 10s. FOR CASH ONLY. Patterns and self-measurement forms sent on application. NODINE AND CO., SO, Wellington Terrace, Wellington. THESIS SOMGB ARE WORTH ; — , H ™* XTi>l»elcll>vthe O Dry Those Tears Davy Joneß' Looker (by the com- Women poser of "Asleep in the Deep") „ M.. , My Heart's To-night in Texas y n .f ot fche strongest evidences Tho Girt I Loved in bunny Ten- 2? »« <*«M"I?ob » f Suratura negsee A c& , ls " c f ou &d m the fact that Absenoe Makes the Heart Grow jj is u P held b y the women. jTonde,. -No one doubts that women are The Honeysuckle and the Eec * jlBj 18 beß . li ) ud ß e ß o* tea and when Play in Your Own Back Yard tlie y Wlth °neaccord acclaim — When the Harvest Days are Over huratttra n^v a Chlorine, Violets » ukatuba TggA j Who is there that will dispute YOU OAN EASILY GET THEM, its supremacy ? Suratura is a and all the popular Songs and perfect tea — Nature made it so. Solos, from It will stand every test. It is HUBERT WHITE, high-grade Ceylon tea with a Music Feller, delicious aroma acd delioate High Street, Hawera. flavor. It is honest tea. It is "* NOTICE 'k° standard of purity. Sura- ' tura is guaranteed not blended AT the Bequest of Many Friends, w ' th In ? ia f a '. C] ?™> oc any Mr Murtogb, the well-known obeap or inferior teas. Veterinary tiurgeon, haa returned to nc-ri-AiT x>ainva Hawera, where he intends to pursue RnJftni. a , a X? ?S ' v the praotice of his profession, and buraturaA-quahty l/Bper b hopes to be as successful in the " £ " l i l / * per }J future as ho has been in the past. » £ » i'm Per ? - No euro, no pay, except) the actual » A » cost of Modioine used. g o j d by .v sfcorGkoanflrH P. J. MURTAGH, y otoroKeepers. Vet. Surgeon, —^— — — i^— — — — Vogel St., Hawera. DLMfib IT KAX V "WELLINGTON TONTINE WW HH m T? * • Wb J. t V B ? } he S Mt FUND T 7 Meat in the Market then __ ' go to tho Meat Bazaar. MEMBERS of the above fund L S BARRAOLOUGH (which is just dosing) who MONEY TO LEND are persuaded by A gents of rival institutions to allow their policies to OEVEBAL Sumß Money for lapse arc requested to communicate vj* investment at low rates, direofc with the Secretary of the H. HALLIWELL, National Mutual Life Association, B»rrieter A Soliotot, Ou3fcom House Quay, Wellington. Boj?ent-afc.. liawero. who will Bupply every information : , require^ _ " , J|jg^ c. THOS. LLOYD PuBLIC T ru^ office OILCOATMAKER ANDGENEBiIi V , LJI „ E , t — „, „,„„, °° "hoS'BI ' °« ER "REE MILLIONS STEBUM. ALL Coats made from the vory Capital and Interest guaranteed best materials, and workman- by the Btato. ahip guaranteed. lMge Mdttotl<mß now mado it Agencies, etO. : — CO»ta of administration. Seoretary and Treasurer Normanby The vnbiio Trust omo» seeks to be m.r.ij Horticultural Sooiety, Hawera and ■•lf-awpporting. Normanby Btar (advertisements, 00 J";j£ YtfwrtTnd °hef "fSrbenSfloiS" o/aers, etc., Jfeoeived and promptly „, oMaite a witfc an iat«a B i° r a t en hi*h.«i attended to), united Insurance Com- r»t», o»pn»u«ea yoany, ana »r« fre» of pany (fire and marine), Hurley's »v »iaoc charge. Universal Milk Tables (every milk m ...««1U« n |,..,ij !._„_ __\, -.# il a .. f«« Pnitio TaoiTM can be appointed Bxeoutoi Supplier SllOUld have One Of these . o <th«WiH«CocHoilofanyper!ios; Advictat USeful books, price reduced to 6S per *° *>• making of Wills i* gi»en free of charge. copy), Hardley and Sons, plumber*, f 32WJ£&^ tin, Stoel Workers, etc. '{Oans, Coolers, pl»oeofpenoniwhowiihtob«MlieTadofth«li etiainers, etc, in stock at Hawera rM rU p^ ll ilOi 10 T M . TM can be appointed Tm.u. prioe). tor Marriage Settlements Money Trutta. SinkDavUß' celebrated ointment 2s ea £ttt£Z'2£*m*»u»«* per tin. AgenOieSOr Oanvasemg Under- nnt of Property v Attorney or Agent. taken, rents and debts collected, etc '*££?& SBSSS Oorreapondenoe invited. | Landt. "~ wnn -nbcvrttiLii-v ' f" 1 3P"»tw Tsusms has Trait Funds for inreatMX» kStitLijabi 1 , mtnt on Mortgage of Flnt-olau Freehold Beon. nttMatlowMtcamutraU of interest. Liberal term* for repayment. I.ADI ES' NURSE. .I m nil. rimvwouxt inn to 1 ' THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE, Wellington, Erin street, Hawera. **«* *«» *$*%&£ rMU Tr * tUt **

HAWERA COUNTY GUN CLUB, HAWERA. President ; Joseph Quin, Esq. Vice-President : F. J. Wrigley, Esq. freaurer: Mr J. S. Mcßobbie. Hand'capppr : C R. Bpyley, Feq Referre; C. A. Budgo, Ktq Committee , Mes rs FT. Kdgar, W. Be^ohy, W. Hawking E. Blackburn, W. B. Twigg " he above Club will hold Ibe following PIGi ON MATCHES ON BOXIMG DAY, DECEMBKR 26th, 1902. 1. (Starting at 11 a.m.) Handicap Clay Pigpon Match ; 10 bird 3. First Prize, Gold Medal. Nomination, 5s 2. (Starting at 1 p.aO Handicap Live Pigecn Match of £15; 7 [ birds. First Prizo, £12; Second Prizo, £8. Nomination, 10s; Acceptarcp, 10a. Btar on first bird only, 7s Bd. 1 8. Handicap Clay Pigeon Sweepstake; 10 birds. Nomination, 10s. First I'rize, two-thirds ; Second Priza, one-third. 4. Handicap Live Pigeon Match, of £5 ; 5 birds. Fir c t Prize, £3 ; Second Prize, £2. Nomination, 10s. CONDITIONS. No. 2 Match ia open to all members of /fh'liated Cubs, and two nominaallowed allowed ; No. 3is open to Allcoaerg ; No°. 1 and 4 are open to Members of the liawira. County Gun Club only. Nominations close with Hie Secretary oh the 20th Dtcombor, 1902. Acceptances close with the Hcctct»ryon the 24th Derembf-r, 1902. No competitor will be allowed to sboot unless his Nomination, Acceptance and Pird Money be paid before going to the mark. JiTJLtfS. This meeting will be hold undir the New Zealand Gun Club Assccin- ' tion'a Ruins. Prize money paid in full. Inanimate Matches will be' t-hot under tho Club rulea for working three trnps. W. R. TWIGG, Hon Secretary Hawera Ccunty Gun (ilub. rpHE WbLLINGTUN MKAT 1 FXPORT CO , Ltd. MANURE MANUFACTURERSOffices: Waterloo-Quivy, Wellington. Manure Workp, NgahauraKg.!. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. CHEAP MANURES ! Nett Cash, on Trucks at Ngaiiaubanga, in 20wt. s/.oks. For lewt. bags ?s 6d per ton extra is chsrped. IV! IVlaniiro— £i 10s pur ton Guaranteed Ana : yms : — I Trirnilcifj Phospbata ... 26 pr cent. Ammonia 8 per oenr. Bone Diist — £5 5s par ton. Guaranteed Analy=i« : — Tricalcio Phosphite ..." 48 per crnt. Ammonn ... ... 4 per cenf. 2 mported Snperphosphare. £5 5s per ton. Guaranteed Analysis : — SB to 87 per cent soluble Phosphate. IN'o. 1 Mixture — £5 5s per ton. Guaranteed £ nalysis : — One-balf imported fcuPERPHOFPHATE, 35 to 37 per oent solublo Phosphate Ooe-balf Bone Dust, ns ebovo. No. 3 IVlixt/ujre— £4 17s 6d per ton. One ha'f Impojj. t ed fcuPEBPHOsraAVi s as above. One-half " M" Manure, as above. Special Jh»otmo I*l ali lire— £s t)er ton. (Copied from the report of the. New York Agricultural Experiment Station, at Geneva, N V.) Guaranteed Analysis : — Five twenty-fchSras DRIED BLOOD 15 per cent. Ammonia. Ten twenty-thi'ds BONE DUST as above. Eigbt twenty- thirds KA IN IT, 13 por cent Potash. KAJUVIXI The addition of h. small proportion of Kainit io any of the Mixtures is an advantage, and will be made without extra charge it specified bj the purchaser when giving the or3er. The Manures are not mixed unti orders are cent out, and purchasers a! their option can have the originat Manures pent to them in the makftfdl bags and maks the mixtures thorn I sdves i SPECIAL MIXTURES can be made at any time to tuit farmers. The Company fteeeivea STOCK FOR FREEZING, uron owner's account at the following rates : — To Include Slaughtering, Freezing, Shipping, Wrapper, and Freight. Fcr Shipments in the Months of December to May, inclusive — Mutton, 1.1-10dper lb (one penny md one- tenth) Lamb, 1 l-5d per lb (one penny and one fifth) Beef, 1 l-10d per lb (one penny end tenth) THE WELLINGTON MEAT EX- | PORT CO., Ltd. DILNOT BLADDER, Secretary. I Wellington, October 31st. 1902. c LAND FOR BALE. NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE . AGENOY COMPANY, Ltd., Are instructed to announce that that portion of the Woodlands Estate? * COMPRISING The Block near the Township of Taupi: i, Containing ABOUT 4000 ACRES, Is now surveyed and sub-divided into conveniently-siz :d DAIRY AND GRAZING FARMS, And will be Open fob Puivaie Kaj/s on and after WEDNESDAY, 6th NOVEMBER, 1902. Terms of Payment — 20 per cent cash, 5 per cent end of two years, 5 per cent annually for following five years. Interest 4jf per cent. . Applicatirns to be addressed to THE NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGFNCY CO., LIMJTEP, j HAMILTON, Or any of the Company's Oflhea throughout the coiony. from whom Copies of Plans and any farther information maybe obtaiued.

. "VrOEMANBY ATHLETIC CLUB. ] SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING To BE HELD ON VICTORIA. PARK, NoiUIANBV, i on Boxing Day, j FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1902. OFFICB.IS. Patrons— Mepsrs F. McGuire, M.H.R., A. B. j Stewart, A. Alexander, and. W. Goodland. I Preeiaent— Mr John Heslop. Vice-presidents— j Messrs A, J. Jury, Jos. Wilson, J&3. Grant, George 11. Gibson, W. A. Quin, ■ F. S. Canning, T. Nicholas, and W: Greig. Handicapser— Mr R. H. Kivel). Starter— I Mr J Hayward Judges— Messrs J. Heslop, j J. Oxant, F. S. Canning. Clerks ol Conrse — , Messrs Jas. Hayward and J. Towers Protest Committee— Messrs A. B. Btewart, W. A. Quin, Jan. Hayward. General Committee— j Mescrß it. Prestland, W. Noonan, Jas. Uayward, 1 VV. Doherty, W. Griffiths, G. Hayward. C. Allen, H Rowe. T. Lloyd, G. V. Bate, John Hayward, J. I Towers, C. Paine, R.P. Clarkaon, R. Handley, Jas. 'Riddle, A. Vincent, E. S. Cole,, W. Worsley, L. Kitchen, F. Meredith. Executive Committee— G. i V. Bate, John Hayward, A. Vincent, J. Towers, L. Kitchen, Jas. Hayward, Chas. Allen, W. Griffiths, C. Paine, and Seoretary and officers ex officio. PROORAMMB. J TS i« en q M 8. S. S. 1 Maiden RaoG 150 yds Handicap. Entrance 2s 6d 40 — — 2 Boys' Race under 15 years, 220 yds Handicap ; entrance, Gel . . . . 10 2/6 — 3 Club Handicap, 100 yds. Nomination Is ; acceptance 2s 6d . . . . 60 15 5 • i High Jump Handicap ; nomination, Is6d 20 5 - 5 AVrestling, under list 71b, Camberland. Entrance 2s Cd 40 10 — 6 Club Handicap, 220 yds. Norn ls ; accept 2s 6d 60 15 5 7 Distriot Handicap, 220 yards (Hawera County) Nomination ls, accept ls 40 10 — 8 One Mile Handicap. Norn 2s accept 8s 100 SO 5 9 Hop, Step & Jump. Entrance Is 6d 20 5 — 10 Handicap Hurdles, 120 yds. Norn Is, accept ls . . 40 10 — 11 Wrestling, Cumberland, all corners Entrance 2s fid .. - 40 10 — 12 Ladies' Bracelet, 150 yds Handicap Norn le, accept ls 6d .. .'. Bracelet 13 Vaulting Handioap. Nomination ls 6d 20 5 - 11 .Half-mile Handicap. Norn ls, accept 2s 6d CO 15 5 15 Long Jump Handicap. Norn. Is (id 20 6 — 10 Club Handicap, 440 yds Norn ls, accept 28 Od CO 15 5 17 Members' Raoe, Isoyds. Norn Ib. acceptance ls .. .. - .. . . 80 10 — 1,8 Handioap Hurdles, 220 yds. Norn ls, accept 2s 40 10 — 10 Chopping Competition Handicap, about ISm logs. Norn 2s 6d, accept ls. First GO? and silver medal presented by Mr U. Mitchell ; 2nd 20s 20 Chopping Competition Underhand Handicap. Norn Is Od, accept ls, 18inlogs 40 10 — 21 Sawing Competition Handicap (double handed). 18in logs. Norn ls 6s, accept ls CO 10 — 22 Sawing Competition Handioap (ainslo handed), 18in logs Norn Is, accept Is DO 10 — 23 Novice Chop, 12in logs Norn ls, accept ls First 20s and silver medal presented by Mr C. Casey, 2nd 5s 24 Novice Sawing (double-handed), 18in logs. Norn 2s. First prize two silver medals 25 Consolation Kace 150 yd s' Handicap Entrance winners 2s Gd, losers ls . . 30 10 — A Points Prize of Three Guineas will be given for the most points gained in events Nob. S, 6, 6, 10, 12, 11, 16, 18, and 25, Points to count, lat B, 2nd 2, and lird 1. Nominations for Chopping & Sawing Competitions olose on SATURDAY, 6th December, and must be accompanied by the necessary fees and a statement of performances for the previous two years Acceptances for Chopping and Sawing close on SATURDAY, December 13t nominations for all other handicap events close on SATURDAY, 13th December, and must be accompanied by necessary fees and a statement of performances for the previous two years. If no performances during that time the last three to be given. The Committee reserve the right to alter or withdraw any event on the programme. Protests, accompanied by a deposit of 10s. to ba lodged with the f ecretary (in writing) immediately after the qveut, such deposit to bo forfeited il protest not sustained. The decision of the Committee to be absolutely final. The Club has decided to coincide with the rules of the Wanganui Caledonian Society. Children's Races at intervals throughout the day. Sports start at 11. a.m. Band in attendance. BALL in the evening. Admission to Sports— Adults Is, children under 12 half price. F. MEREDITH, Seoretary T7-APONGA BAND SPORTS. To be held iD tbe Domain, Eaponga, on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1902. (Boxing Day). Handicappers : Messrs Frethey and McKay. For Chops : Messrs Brigga and Robertson. Starter : Mr G. Avery. Clerk of the Conrse : Mr W. Mellow. PROGRAMME. .1. Maiden Race. Ist $rize 20a. 2nd 10s. Nomination 2s 2. Boys' Handicap, under 16. Currin and Baigenl's Trophy 3. 100 Yards Kaponga Band Handicap. Ist prize 20s, 2nd 10s. Nomination 3s 4. Boot Race. Mr Hill's Trophy 5. Maiden Handioap Chop. Norn 2s, accept Ss. Messrs C. A. Wilkinson's and A. H. OuyS Trophies 6. 220 Yards Koponga Band Handicap Ist prize 80s, 2nd lOj. Norn Ks 7. Suppliers' Handicap, over 85 years Messrs Larrit and Jones' and W, MoKay'a Trophies 8. Bandsman's Handicap. Trophy 0. Sawing Competition, 18ia blacks, two outs. Ist prize 30s, 2nd 10s. Norn 8a 10. Girls' Race, under 14 Messrs Currin and Baigert's Trophies 11. Obstacle Race. Messrs C. Betta' and W. Afelvill's Trophies 12. Grand Handicap Chop. Ist prize 40s, 2nd 20s, 3rd 10s. Norn 2s, accept 2s 13. 440 Yards Kaponga Bar<l Handicap. Ist prize 30s, 2nd 10s. Norn 3s 14. Blind Bold Barrel Race, 20s 15. Half Mile Handioap. Ist prize 40s, 2nd 10s. Norn Ss 16. Suppliers' Handioap, under 35 years. Messrs F. W. Buckingham's and J. Mildenhall's Trophies 17. Forced Handioap. Messrs Qruar and Co.'s Trophy 18. Shot p Guessing Competition, G. Avery, sheep or market value 10. Sweepstake Bike Race, Handicap Nominations Nos. 5, 12, 9 close on SATURDAY t December. Handicaps published on Tuesday, 16th December" . Acceptances close on FRIDAY, lOlh December. Nominations for all other events close on TUGSDAY, 16th December. CONDITIONS. A Points Prize ol a valuable trophy will be given by Mr E. J. Wilkinson to the winner of the most points gained in events Nos. 3, 6, and 13. Points to count : Ist 3, 2nd 2, 3rd I. ' All nominations must be accompanied by the necessary fees and a statement of perfomamces for the previous two years or last two performances. The handicappers reserve the right to rehandicap the winner of the Maiden Chop. Protests, accompanied by a deposit of ss, to be lodged with the Seoretary in writing immediately after the event. Deposit to be forfeited if protest not sustained. The decision of the Committee to be absolutely final. Children's Races during the day. The Committee reserve the right to postpone Sports if necessary. Sports start at 11 a.m. Band in attendance. Admission to Sports— Adults Is, Children under 12 half price. • ' P. W.OLIVER. Secretary. _— — — _ TWO RUSTIC OAKTS (nearly new) Two Gipra (in very good ordur). One Double Buggy, £16. One Double Buggy, oheap. Two Spring Carts, cheap. Two Spring Drays, cheap. j One Bufccber'b Cart, cheap. E. L. BRIANT, lUthain Coach Factory WANTED KNOWN — Annual Xmas Fair now on at the Economic, Hawera. BLACK TKACKISK. Registered. EUCALYPTUS. THE people of New Zealand have at last found out the great cure for Coughs, Colds, etc. Tnis special Euoalyptus is u~td largely by athletes. 'See circulars. The great Australian Blond in'a testimonial. Obtainable from the following leading Chemists and Storekeepers, at ls per bottle:.— R. Tait (chemist), W. A. Quin (store), E. Fake (ohemist), F. A. Walker (chemist), Patea; JR. M. Sterling (store) Awatuna; P. 0. Clark (store), TeKiri; R.H.Donald (tobacconist), Manaia; W. Bilfcur (Btore), Waverley ; W. H. Southgate (store), Waverley ; C. Crane (totacconist), Opunako • Wag9tafi ft/.d Co., Pihama; A. W. Carry, V/aitotara; and wholesale from J. MASTERS & SON, Stratford.

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, j rrtfiE undermentioned Sires will stand tbia I season af the Momohaki Experimental Farm, near Waverley;— The Imported Shire Horse DANGER SIGNAL (1891) (Brown Horse). '. PEDIGREE— ! S.H.S.B. 13983. Sire, Dunsmote, AI 9221, by Roynl Albert, 1885; dam Black Queen, Vo. VI M by Grown Prince, 3049Highly commended London Shire Horse Show, 1897. Fi£E (payable on demand) for mnres in the Waitotara and Patea Counties, 4£ guineas ; Tumnnki and South to Bangitikei, 4 guineas. All other districts, 3£ guineas. Groomage, 2s 6d. Paddocking will be provided at 2*3 6d per week. The Imported Koan Shorthorn Bull, TUGELA. PEDIGREE— Calved, April, 1899. Dam, Truth. Sire, Rufus. This Bull is from a noted milking Strain. FEE (payable on demand), 3 guinea. , For further particulars apply to tbe Overf eer, Momohaki Experimental Farm, Waveiley ; or to any Inspector of Stock. JOHN D. lUTCHIE, Secretary for Agriculture. Wellington, October, 1902. ELMHPRBT POUiiTRT Pi KM, LAKE ROAD, HAWERA. S~-P£CIAL BREEDS — Buff and Blnck Orpingtons, Browo Leghorns, add Plymouth Rocta. Eggs ffom ihe^e breeds for setting <* per doz^n, postage extra. j Ageufc for the Famous Reliable I Incubatoiy and Brooding Machines ; , may be asen working in 'ncubator c Jlar ot any time. Pr*\otic£l information given in artificial incubation, eto. FREEZING biIEEP. Tllri Wel'iDgton Meat Export Company, Ltd., in prepared to Purchase Fat bhetp by Weight at graduated prices for the following qualifc'es and glares : — FIRST QUALITY FREEZERS Erand W.&i.E.CO. 45 to 65ib ; 65 to 70.b; over 701b SECOND QUALIIY FREEZES. Brand r- .G.A., 45 to 70!b FREJiZING EVVES. Brand E.W.E , 40 to 702b REJECTS Will bo paid for at time value. CONDITIONS'. Fat and fekins to ba tbo property of the Vender, the Company paying for the former the currect value per Jb ot the day, and the latter may be either sold tc the Company or fellmosgered on owner's account at his option. Ail ehcep to ba prime of their c!a 8, and to be delivered at the Freezing Werks at ownei'd cost and expense. Priue and payment to be on the Froz-n VV eight. Or the Company is willing lo purchase at a straight-out price per h^acl ns horctoforo. Prices can be oLtained on Bpplication a*> tho Company's Oflicea, o? from any of tbe Buyor3 ia the country. The Company is also willing to Freeze on owner's aocouut at the bcist term? Gurrer.t iv tbe colony. DILNOT SLA.DDEN, Secretary. Wtliinaton, 16th October, 1902. USB SYKES' LiEJJ DUENCH. PARKIJNSON, AGENT. CAN I Become An Electriooral Othtr Engineer? By Cue System df Teaching by Mail You Can. ADVANTAGES : 1. You study at home. * 2. We teach everywhere. 8. No time lost from Work. 4. Prepares for examinafcioKS. • 5. No text books to buy. 6. Abundantly illustrated Instruction Papers. 7. Instruction Papers free frim all unneces&Ery mathematics and theoretical side issues. 8. Each In.-tiuofcion Paper prepared by technical experta. 9. Instruction private. 10. The work is made interesting. 11 . If student can r<ad and write, end studies as directed, success ia assured. 12 Fees oan ba paid by month'y instalment? 18. Backward students given ! special assistance. I 14. Open to all. No time limit. We also teach by mail; — Drawing I Shorthand, Book-keeping, and Accountancy, and coa3h for the Auditors* and Incorporated Aocorntants' Exams, Civil Servioo, Uoivorsity and Law, Languages, Pupil TbocherV and for "D " and •• E.5 1 Every oan didate prepared by us for the rcent Pupil Teachers' Examination succeeded in passing. Bookkeeping Simplified for Farm?ro. Recommended by His Honor Mr Judge Kettle, 2a 6d post free. Stamps accepted. The American School of Correspondence (Chartered by the State). Head Office for New Zealand, 192 Quec-n-atreet, Auckland. ' ' Write for free Illustrated Hand book, "8, eto., eto. '•'

GATENBY'S RprgipffipQ ulSlul3iUd 5 SURE A. SAFE GATENBY'S Quinine & Iron V/ine Is & GOOD SENSIBLE TONIC that will sharpen joar appetite and pat new go into your nerves nnd muscles. Price 2/8 per bottle. Gatenby's Sarsaparilla, The best Blood Purifying Medicine. Renews . the Blood, cleanses the Stomach, regulates the Bowels and Impart* a tone of health and Trigo* to the whole system. Price / i/- per bottle. I GATENBY'S Aromatic Castor Oil Pleasant to taste and Bineil Possesses all the virtues and coat of the drawbacks of ordinary Castor Oil. Children like it and take it readily. Price 1/- and 2/- per bottle. GATENBY'S athletes' Embrocation Best External Rcsi.'ily tV: 110.-i matism, S|)rnuiß. !'•• :\->*- , «•:■•. '• valuable fcr, V*-i x :/•• Fed-j an=i ml A b ; », - 3 . • 2/6 per bottio. Manufactured on;y hy R. M. GATKVMV * PHARMACIST. "' \ : to ♦ For sale h\ n'! S - v •': r^oy*. \ aaTERBVS ."' t-. 1 -r ■ • J. W. H Ji."J LICENSED LAND BROKER, FINANCIAL INSURANCE & GENERAL COMMISSION AGEKT. Council Chambers ... Hawkb* — AaENOIKS — Colonial Mutual L;fe Offir;o, Pha>nix Assuranuo Company, Ocean Accident Insurance Coy, Shaw, Bavill and Coy., LtJ., Towa <jnd Country Properties of every description for sale and lease. Eents and debts collected. Loans negotiated. In-nranceagainct firuand accidtni .effected r<t minimum ratei, Tranpfars, leases, mortgage?, eto. pr?pw d &I, er.ftle rates LAND I LAND ! I "PARTICULARS of all classes of XT Farms in the prosperous district of ltougitikei and also other district? can be hal on application to undersigned ; also Businessep, etc. ~- A largo list to select from. H. E. MORSIIEAD & COY., stools ar,d Oeneral Auctioneers, Land -.gents, Etc., FEILPING. bT^RTLING VALUK ! GIGANTIC BM-tGAIKS! TO SUIT THH) TIMES. WELLINGTON CAfH DRAIERT COMPANY, High Steert, Hawura, cAVING secured a large lot of . Ne>v iSenson's Goods at Great Di£C3UEfc* off usual price 3, we are t;ow f homing such value and are givisig such bargain:! ir» fill departmtntfts cannot fail to Ktrika and astonish r 11, Values md I J »icep incomparable. Benutiful figured muslin?, eatc-eos, .• nd musiia dslainer, white muslios, etc. fiom 5d yd, priuta from 4£d, z.ef b.7rs, ginghams, bn&ke4 cloth, etc , R3tin cretonnes, srt muslins, tickings, hoi aods, fotfarp, etc., cretonnes 3fd, treci»l value in bleached and unl -leached takings from 1/6 yd 72i0 Findlay pbe ting 1/B*, 80in FT «heeting l/ 11, larga lot lnce curtains from 1/9 pair, 84 floorolofh 2/3, door mats, hearth ruga, bad quilti ai d caver?, foible and to la!; cover", towels :rom 6d each, flanaekttcs from Bfd, flannels from 10^d, exceptional bargains in straw hata (trimmed and untrinamed), trimm-d millinery, ch ; l- ! dcen's galatea, silk, and sun hats oud bonnet?, ladies' aprons, children's | pinafores, Jadis,?.' underclothing, 'adies' I ikirts, in whiJ-e, co'ored, end silk. Piqua, holland, lustre, and fano> Justro overskirts at under wba'esale pricep. Umbrellas from 2/11, hose 1/ lo 1/6, gloves 6d pair, luces Id, 2 i yd, chiffons 2|d, riboons Id to 2d yard, lace ties Od and 9d, collarettes half price, silks 1/, 1/3, J/6. Excellent ! Value in Men's, Youtbb', and Boys' ; Huits. Call and inspect this department. H. MoLEOD AH CHANGE Pkinoes-strkkt ... HAWfcRA. Just opened up, a hhipment of Chinese Matting ; a nica assortment to chooso from. Also Chinese Dress {Silks, figured acd -assorted colour.-. Insp. otion invited. Cash Prices. NEW FRUITS FOR XMAS. Best Rais : ns, 12lb for 6/3 Good Raisins, 121b for 5/ Seeded Raisins, lib packet, full weight, 7/ doz Seedless Valencia Raisins, 121b for 6/9 Sult&nas, 121b for 6/ Currants, 121b for 4/ Muscatels 1/ per lb Prunes 8d per lb, 51b tins dessert 3/6 Dessert Figs 8d lb, 7/6 per doz boxea Jordan Almonds 2/8 lb, Dates '6dlb, 5/ doz Val Almonds 2/ lb, Peel 5/ doz bs Pie Fruits— Apricots 1/10, 20/ doz' tins; Peaches. 71b tins, 1/10, 20/ doz tins; Plums 1/9, 19/ doz tins Dessert Fruits - Pino Apples 1$ lb tins 7d, per doz 6/6 ; 2 lb tins 8d p6r doz 7/6 ; 2^Ab tins 9d, per doz 8/6 : 3 lb tins lOd, per doz 9/6 ; Pears. 2lb tins, 9/ doz ; Peaches. 21b tins, 9/clcz; Apricots, 21b tins, 9/ doz. AH CIIANU, Prinoeq - stieet ... Haweba. CONFECTIONERS' AND FRUITERERS' B.:G3. TKYTHE RECORD, Efcocked at Star Office. Thfs is a firsb class Bag, just come on to the market, and for price and finish is w,ell named. It cannot be beaten. t

NEW VIEWS OF DISEASE. ■ : « SIR FREDERICK TREVES ON MODERN METHODS. Sir Frederick Treves visited Liverpool the other day ior the purpose of opening the new operat'ng theatres at the Royal Infirmary. Before doing so, he delivered an address to the medical students of Liverpool University College on the creed of the modern doctor. The old idea that disease was a malignant entity, and that every symptom was wholly noxious, and had to be stamped out by unconsidered violence could not, he said, be included in the articles of faith of the modern physician. Many so-called symptoms of disease were expressions ol a natural effort towards cure. For instance, the socalled symptoms of tuberculosis were the expressions of a beneficent process which had for its end the cure and not the destruction of the patient. The ancient surgeon, who endeavoured to exorcise inflammation as though it were the vilest of vile spirits, was directing his wrath against the most beneficent of angels who was ever entertained unawares. This principle could be followed more in detail in regard to the disease which was familiar by the uncouth name of appendicitis. The manifestations were distressing and urgent. .They were all benevolent in intent, and were the outcome of nature's vigorous effort to minimise the calamity and save the patient's life. In actual truth, peritonitis was the operating surgeon's best friend. Therefore many of the symptoms of disease, instead of being pounded out of the patient's body by violence df being wholly pernicious, should rather be regarded as means for guiding the physician in his treatment. Speaking in the operating theatre, Sir Frederick said patients ought not to know where the operating theatres in hospitals were, and should not be told when they were going to be operated upon.

ITOHINESS OF THE SKIN. Ever had any irritation of the skin? There are many forma of it, any of them bad enough to tax your patience. Hemmorhoid, a plague of the nteht ; no rest for the sufferer from this complaint. Eczema, too ; hives don't sound dangerous, but they cause much misery to those unfortunate enough to be troubled with them. Doan's Ointment is a " wonder" for any such trouble. No troublesome irritation of the skin, can resist its soothing, healing influence. Lots of Hawera people know this now. Mrs H. Baker, Victoria-street, of this town, states :— Doan's Ointment is a very splendid preparation for any skin irritation. I have used it for such troubles, and have found that it is beautifully soothing when applied, and that it never fails to relieve any itchiness of the skin. I can strongly recommend it to anybody who has such a trouble. I got this valuable preparation from Mr R. Tait, the chemist in High Street." Doan's Ointment is splendid in all skin die- i eases, eczema, piles, hives, sores, in- ! sect bites, chilblains, etc. It is per- i fectly safe and very effective. Very often two or three pots have cured cases after other remedies have failed for years. Doan's Ointment is for salo at Tait' s Pharmacy, and by all chemists and storekeepers, at 3s per pot, or will bo posted on receipt of price, by Foster, McClellan Company, Sydney, N.S.W. But be sure it is Doan's Q

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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLII, Issue 7628, 15 December 1902, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLII, Issue 7628, 15 December 1902, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLII, Issue 7628, 15 December 1902, Page 4