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GIGANTIC SiLLE of Present Suisnmer Season's Stock now going on at THE ECONOMIC, HAWERA. * «— -——■———— — — _ _____ _____ _________________________________________ ___________________ For ONE MONTH ONLY, Mr. SPBNCE will offer ASTOUNDING BARGAINS in aU classes of Drapery, Men's & Boys' Clothing, Mercery, Millinery, Ladies' Underclothing & Mantles, Also, LINOLEUMS a__a FLOOR CLOTHS. Everyone should come and have a walk through our greatly-enlarged and improved establishment. Our counters and shelves will be found loaded with wonderful Bargains, all marked in plain figures. We could fill a whole page with useless quotations. Our Variety and Prices are the irresistible magnet. TEEMS : NETT CASH. No Discounts. No Bribes. " , J W. SPENCE - - - ECONOMIC, HAWERA.

I TWIGG&CO. I Pbofbietobs of the (HAWERA SASH AND DOOR \ FACTORY TIMBER AND HARDWARE MERCHANTS Gxover Road ■» Haweba. OH the premises may be found : — j Building timber of every description, dressed timber, moulding and arohitraves, doors, , sashes and general joinery, fret and , band saw work, turnery, cooperage ( in all it branches, dairy factory , work a speciality, factory fittings,! . lubricating, machine and paint oils, , varnishes, red and white lead, .paint | \ brushes, galvanised iron, spouting, , ridging, lead, zinc, nails, lime, j cement, tilts, drain pipes (Auckland | , made), chimney pot-g, sinks, etc., ; , ingine fittings, belting, packing . isbeatos, cotton wasse, sight-feed ■ lubricators cioach builders' re- . quisites, blacksmiths' do., portable , torges, Australian hard woods, iaccy woods, builders' material , I including looks, hinges, sash weights . sash cord sash fasteners, axle pulleys, I door hangers, etc., timber jackq Ij bottle do., house blocks fencing and 3 gate posts, gates gate hinges 5 hurdles, glass, fancy and plain in j endless variety. Inspection invited. I EVERY HOUSE I QHOULD have a PIANO STOOL, " O and we have just opened up & . limited supply direct, also a large selection of Accordeons, Violins, and Fresh Strings. Call and inspect at ' DIXON* & BATES, 1 Hawera. _ W. _. BftOUiilJNl*. ' OTATUARY & MONUMENTAL O MASON, Brougham Stbeex NEW PLYMOUTH Marble and Granite Monument Orossos, Headstones, &c, and at Lowest Remunerative Prices. fc iron Tomb Railings in great variety. . "Objigns and Estimates furnished for work erected in any cemetery in c fcfco Provinoiftl Diafcrirt-. - "ALEX FATfiJßtiO*. i ? TVJOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE 1 ±S BUCCESS B AND r My TAILORING DEPARTMENT ' has proved a success 1 BEIOND MY EXPECTATIONS c I FACTS SPEAK LOUDER THAN a f WOBDS, | And I have a solid fact before me > of a substantial increase in thip il '• DEPARTMENT. >> At the present time I hold an * unrivalled stook of — s ft Vicunas Bannookburn 8 Tweeds ' Venetians West of England £ Tweeds . Coating* Harris^ Tweeds ! Serges Colonial Twe?ds 0 Worsteds Saddle Tweeds Beavers eto. FIT, STYLE AND FINISH GUARANTEED. a ALEX. PATERSON. I- EGMONT STEAM SAW, PLAN ING & MOULDING ILLS >- Q ASH AND DOOR FACTORY Established, 1883. ir Bush Mills at Midhirst and Ngaire. Yards at Midhirst, Stratford, and >r Ngaire. tlead Office and Factory, Princeeh street, HAWERA. 1. GEO. SYME ... Pbopbeetob. A large stook of all sizes of rougb d and dressed timber in rirau, matai ; n totara kauri, and white pine. J, Rusticated boarding, tongued and is Grooved Flooring, T. G. B. and V. lining; All trade requisites kept in stook. JOINERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION _ inoluding sashes, doors, sash frames, Qoor frames, shop fronts, roller shutters, bay and Venetian windows E skylights, vinery and garden lights, staircases, mantelpieoes, gates, posts ornamental fencing, handrailing. MOULDINGS OF ALL PATTERNS.— Special designs to order. Turnery and band saw cutting Is all their branches; Carved trusses, y verandah, mantel and cave brackets >r Tallow casks, butter kegs, tubs, 3, buckets, cheese vats, barre and ; square ohums with stand and pulleys complete. Large factory churns made to ?, order with all the latest improve>r ments. I, All material usti for joinery and y manufactured" goods pick 3d and l- thoroughly seasoned. , T7ILTHAM AND MANGATOKI ? » Hi STORES. A. W. BLENNERHASSETT (formerly of Otakeho), Has pleasure in announcing to the _ public of Elthum and Mangatoki that he has purchased the above Stores, and to notify that he holds a g full stook in every department. Groceries, Drapery, Ironmongery, Boots & Shoes ta , Stationery, Farm Produce i. ; Carts wait on customers. d All goods of the very best quality at lowest prices. r A trial solioited; satisfaction [, guaranteed. 1 A. W. BLENNERHASSETT Eltham and Mangatr. ROWAN ROAD SAWMILLS. - W. C. CLEMENT, Pbopribiok. WOULD call attention to his large stook of Building Timber; also Second-class Timber r suitable for sheds, stabJos, etc. Timber delivered to any jpart ofjthe district. Postal address, — W. C. OLE_<ENT,g K&ponga.

iv.z. cj-uothtjnc* factory. \-* Z ■-- nnO ALL INTENDING TRAVELLERS. Q JL If you want a 7^, ' rfi GLADSTONE BAG or PORTMANTEAU, Etc., select from , j jour up-to date stock of <\ TRAVEL TRAPPINGS. r_^ FVI O'ir Prices are the Lowest. f^ i rf\ THE HB BRAND CT' —LEADS— i In Men's, Youths', and Boys' Suits. Prices to satisfy all pH . pockets. H.B. Straw Hats in Panama and Tuscans, eto. Felt flats (hard or soft) in all Jatest styles. _^\ P^ TIES in every latest fancy. £j |_^ Special lines in Tennis, Regatta and Fashion Shirts, eto. -] Ladies' and Gents' Boots and Shoes of every description. hn HH We fit you up from head to foot. £\ lJj N.Z. CLOTHING FACTORY M P (Hawera Brauch), [. M. HILL, Managov. • SELLING OFF! I I anvr nßmn , 1

landers, and the' mute eloquence of those graves would enable them to realise what the British Army [ had done in bringing peace where ; there used to be discord, in bring- , ing unity where there used to be ' complexity. There was only one j thing which the British soldier wanted to make him perfect, aad [ that he was not likely to attainthat was to have a little more ret spect for bis enemy, and a greater j regard for his own life. It was a • proverb in South Africa that the ' man they saw upon the sky-line j was always a Britisher. The warj fare of the future must, he feared, 3 cause them to shed some of that f mediaeval chivalry; it must be ] abandoned, because it was as impor- ■ tant that they should themselves r escape damage as that they ' should inflict damage upon their j adversary. He strongly felt that 8 instead of eulogising their regular 1 soldiers, and writing them up in the 3 papers, a movement might be set oc t fiot to show some solid appreciation 9 of their servioes by increasing theit ] pay. He thought it was a very h&rcl t bargain for the State to drive, thai f they should engage a man in peace t time at a very low rate of pay, keej c him on eucn a campaign for twe a years, and when he had become 8 highly- trained veteran, especially the ? mounted infantry man, keep him oc I his Is 2d or Is 8d a day, when the t new Yeomanry — however good thej i might be, they were only recruits— a should be getting their 5s a day. B |^ MM _-_____■ _«__ ■_■ _■—■ b MONSTEE SUMMER SALE s a WELLINGTON CASH DRAPER? (s( s COMPANY'S y Clearing Summer c Sale c NO W ON. t FROM 25 TO 60 PER CENT - REDUCTION. „ QAORIFIOING Prices. Value Inr k_) comparable. Goods boughl c well are half sold, and the Welling 0 ton Drapery Company oan do it. ■ s We beg to announce that all oui s Summer Goods will be cleared re a gardless of values, and afc suet .. startling prices as cannot fail t( a effect a clearance at the MONSTEE d CLEARING SUMMER BALE. lfc We desire to quote a few lines at 3 indioatiug the many bargains pro |. ourable: — Nun's Veiling, formei c price 1/9, now lO^d ; dress lustres 16 lHd ; cashmeres, 1/3 ; serges, 1/ it special line of fancy goods 9d pc; a yard, worth 1/9 and 2/6 ; figure* fc t lustres, from 1/3 ; beautiful doubli y width all-wool dress goods, forme: f t prioe 8/6, now 1/11 ; double widtl check dress goods, lOd yard ; dresi It robes, from 4/11 ; silks ll|d, 1/2 ,n and 1/6 ; Sma silks 2/3 and 2/11 ?. all shades ; ladies' Bkifts, from 1/9 1(3 holiand overskirts, 7/11 ; beautifu * calico underclothing, half price ,B, B ladies' and children's hats 6d, 9d 3 ; 1/ ; boys' gafotea hats, 1/2 and 1/6 i. worth double; sun bonnets, hal if price; pinafores, 1/ and 1/3; aprom iv 9d, 1/, 1/6.; bleached and un bleach e< 3 - sheeting, B£d and 1/l^d; Finlay'i a> 72in F.T. sheeting 1/4, 80in 1/11 '° oaliooes 1/11, 2/11, and 3/6 ; nain 3 f sook 4£d, 6£d; white honeycoml i. bed quuta 8/ll ; towels, B|d, 6d, 9d it tablinga, from 1/ ; galateas, 4£d 3l and other lines too numerous ti <* mention. y H. MoLEOD. c, , Je IMPOUNDING NOTICE. je Tla POUNDED in the tfaweri n JL Public Pound, on Februar; ?• 18th by the Banger from Vogel 1B street s — 1 Red Heifer Calf, star on fore re head, white belly ie 1 Bed and White Heifer Calf ik 1 Black or Brindle Jereey Heife n. Calf jt 1 Black or Brindle Jersey Stee 8 n Calf . a The above are all marked witl s t notoh in right ear, no visible brand !iX- «-_•_____» st If not claimed and expenses pal V- will be sold at the Hawera Pound oi 16 Monday, 3rd day of March, 1902 at noon, according to the provision t of the Impounding Act. ae A. J. HOWARD, id Poundkeeper. EGMONT KACING CLUB. E TTIGMONT HACK PRODUOj JlLj stakes. al To be Bun at of HAWERA, FEBRUARY, 1903. ic i Of 110 soys ; for three-year-old j. (now two-year-olds). Derb 16 weights. One mile. Nominato i n of winner, 20 soys ; first hozsc do 60 boys; second horse,. 2o soys at third horse, 10 soys. in )0 Qualifications for this race: Colts id geldings, or fillies that have neve It won a race, and are not nominated Tj or have not been nominated, for an j- race (Haok and Hunter races e_ r . cepted). a _ Nominations, 1 soy; olose Fbidai a . 28fch February, 1902, at 9 p.m. Q Acceptances, 1 &ov ; close Feb. 3 h 1908. Ie J- W. HIRST, )n Secretary. [£ EGMONT RACING CLUB. m , TT'GMONT HACK PRODUCJ f t JO. STAKES. m . To be Run at a, HaWERA, FEBRUARY, 1904. re Of 110 soys; for three year-old al Derby weights r- One mile. Nominator of winner ie 20 soys; first horse, 60 soys In second horse, 20 soys ; thir< id horse, 10 soys. at Qualifications for this race : Colts a, geldings, or fillies that ' have neve fa won a race and are not nominated d, or have not been nominated, for air [n race (hack and hunter races ex ill cepted). iy Nominations, 10s ; Close Friday bo 28th February, 1902, at 9 p.m. as ' «f. W. HIRST, ig Secretary, iis aJ FOR SALE. Jd TROUBLE BUGGY, owne J n XS leaving dietriofc. Ie Apply sharp, :e, E. L. BR I AJS T, n, ELTHAM OOACH FACTOR!. h- ELTHAM,

LAND FOR SALE. PARTLY Improved Sections of 140, 260, 145, and 810 acres at rentals of 9d to Is 8d per acre. 135 ncres, 85 acres felled ; rent 9d " per aore ; a gift at price asked 162 aores, nice freehold open farm J bouse, yard, etc., near creamery a price £6 10s c 400 acres, beach land, lease with r purchasing clause t SEEDS. SEEDS. r On hand and to arrive : Grass end Clover Seed 3 for Autumn sowing ; : Perennial and Italian Ryo, Cocksfoot, Timothy, Chewings and Hard Feaoue, Foxtail (colonial grown), Dogstail. Poa Pjsetensis, Oowgrass,. lied, White, Alsiko, and Trepfoil Clovers, Rape, , Swede Turnips, Pollard, Lin seed, Bonedust, Superphospate, Garden Manure, Oilcake, eto. No pains are spared to procure seeds of the best quality and highest germination. Ag9nt for N.Z. Insurance Company, Government Accident Insurance Pep&iv \ ment. A. H. MOORE, Land Commission Agent and' Seed i man, Opunakk, • FOIi IMM_IJDIAXJ3 SALE ; MRS CAPEL'S fine suburban Property, 13i aores land, 10-room two-storey nouse, dairy, trap sbed, stables, nice lawn tennis ground, beautiful gardens, shubbery, and plantations; one mile from centre of town of New Plymouth, situated near High School. Only £1450. Apply at once. OABTHjfi W, BRITTAIN & 00., c New Plymouth. j ' DAIRY L4ND, 9000 AORES. BAKER AND TABUTEAU Have received instructions from John Hunter Brown, Esq., to offer for sale privately in areas tb Ruifc the requirements of purchasers OAAA AOR] ? S of First-class t/UvJv' Land, inoluding drained swamp and low hills. This property- is within six or seven miles of Wairoa township, Hawke's ßßaty t where a Dairy Factory is about to be started. Them3 — The whole of the purohase money can remain on mortgage for 5 years at 5 p6r cent, at the expiration of five years one-half of the purohase money is to be paid, the balance can remain on the land for another five years. The purchaser, within one year from the date of his taking possession, shall expend in improvements, such as buildings, fences, etc., a sum ! amounting to not less than 15 per cent on x the total amount of the purchase money. The price of the land ranges from £6_to £10 per acre. Further particulars from BAKER & TABUTEAU, Land Agents, Napier, 1 PRELIMINARY~ADVERTISEMENT. LAND Foi SALE. THE WELL-KNOWfI EUREKA ESTATE, comprising 7000 ACRES of Rioh "Bwamp Land and Undulating Country, situated in the Waikato, seven miles north-east of the town of Hamilton on the main line of railway to Rotorua, is now being surveyed for sub- division into Dairy Farms, and will shortly be open for PRIVATE SALE On Liberal Terms. THE X ANSDOWNE ESTATE, of I_J 35500 AORES of Excellent Land, all ploughed and grassed, close to Walton Railway Station, on the same line of railway, will also be surveyed for a similar purpose. , When a sufficient number of i Farms have been sold Dairy Faotories and Creameries will be ; erected on both estates. The Land will be open for sale when the surveys are oompleted (about March, 1902), due notice of which will be give in future advertisement, , and full particulars will be obtainable from the 1 NEW ZEALAND LOAN | AND MERCANTILE AGENCY CO., Limited, HAMILTON, Or any of their branches throughout the colony. A UCKLAND LABOUR EXf i_L CHANGE.— Licensed Regis ; try Office for Servants — Every care taken that only thoroughly efficient and respectable servants are sent to country employers. Letters and telegrams promptly attended to Booking Agent, Rotorua Coaching Company. Telegrams, " Labour Exchange," Auckland. G. H. Reid, Shortland street, Auckland. 'fINDLE & CO. (Gxobos TiNDiiß) ( J. K. Stewabt) AUCTIONEERS, LAND, COMMISSION, ANC ESTATE AGENTS, OPUNAKE. LAND and stook owners will do well to communicate with the above. A list of very desirable properties ,■ for sale and lease. Sales held at regular intervals at Opunake and Awatuna Private sales held in any part of the district. Weekly sales of produoe, eto. every Saturday afternoon. Horse Fairs held at regular intervals. GRASS SEEDS, PRODUOE, AND FARM REQUISITES on sale or procured to order Rents and debt's collected. Loans Negotiated, Valuation Made, and Insurances Effected. Agencies : Imperial Fixe Offices; Masons Struthers and Co., Ohristohuroh N.Z. Aooident Insurance Co. ; Bismark Wire Strainers. . NUKbING HOME. MRS SISLEY is prepared to take in patients at her residneoe, "Kinoora," High-street, Eltham. x ♦..«. You have struck: it RIGHT; That is if yon are buying from the NIMBLE SIXPENCE STORE Otherwise, you are out of it.

j NOTICE. HAVING taken over the business recently carried on by F. Adamfon and Co , I trust by strict attention to business, and supplying inly the best quality of all kinds of neat, to merit a continuation of he patronage hitherto accorded to ny predecessor. Small goods a speciality. AJI accounts cash or monthly. GEORGE MOORE, Butcher, High street, Hawera. A WORD TO OAKEFTJL BUYERS. AJU. PARKINSON has an up- • to-date stook and up-to-date ' price list of New Goods just landed. Very fine Ceylon Tea, 61bs for 7/6 Two crates King's Own Tea Cannisters with beautiful enamel portraits of the King and Queen, Prince and Princess of Wales, contain 51bs Finest Ceylon Tea for 8/6 Daisy Salmon, New Season Finest Alaska lOd tin, 9/6 dozen Hansen's Esp. of Rennet Tablets and Liquid lOd Dottle s Keating Inject Powder 6d and 9a tin Finest Bioarbinate Soda 8d lb Finest Powdered Borax per lb 6i, 12lb 5/ New Season Japan Rice, Flour, Bran, Pollard, Oats, Chaff, and a small consignment of Canterbury Wheat New Dressed Raisins 121b 5/6, Currants 12 lbs 4/6 Now's your chanoe for bargains in Fancy Crockery, I have determined to clear every line regardless of cost. Tea Sets reduced from 60/ to 40/, 25/ to 15/. A beautiful assortment of Japanese Cup and Sauoors reduced from 2/6 to 1/8 Candlesticks, Vase 3, Glass Dishes, to be cleared a*; any price. White and Gold Breakfast Cups and Saucers 6/6 dozen Screw-top Jam Bottles 8/ dozen, Jelly Glasses 2/3 dozen A. H. PARKINSON, High-street ... HAWEKA. Telephone 37. RACJ-81 RAOEST~RACE& EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS. MRS PANDEMAN, of the Melbourne House, having received a large consignment of Silk Sateen and Flannelette Blouse?, is now selling them off at LESS than the oosii of making. Prices 4/6, 6/6, 6/6, and 7/6. A large assortment of Summer and Autumn Dress Materials at clearing prices. Inspection Invited. Dressmaking done on the premises. MRS SANDEMAN, Melbourne House, High Street Hawera i^ YOU FEEL * OUT OP Sorts Try MINERVA ■s-- TONIC AT ONCE. The wise GENERAL DOES NOT FORTIFY AFTER THE CITADEL is in RUINS. He Fortifies at the BEGINNING and wins. forget this, and act in time— NOW. On Saijb by A. H, PARKINSON, 'Haweba W. S. JONES, Kapuai. CHIEVERB, JONES, & CO., Okaiawa. Wholesale Agents : BURGfibS FRAZER & CD?, New Plymouth. JOHN ADAMS, | Licensed Native Interpreter, Mining j and General Commission Agent, j Regent St., Haweba. ! SHARES for sale in the Amalgamated Totara-Shellbaok Gold Dredging Co., Ltd. Early application for Bhares is necessary, as operations ara expeoted to commence in the near future. Also, a few Promoters' Shares in a large dredging property, which ia to be placed on the London market for flotation. I have opened a Night Sohool for the Teaching of the Maori Language. Terms moderate. H. HOLLAND, "ORICKLAYER, GONCRETER JD eto Factory Boilers Set, Covered, or Re-seated. Estimates given for every class of work. Address—Furlong Stree^ DAWBON'B FALLS MOUNTAIN HOUSE. fTIHE above HOUSE is NOW _L OPEN fob VISIIORS. PRICES—IS each per day. New lined oottage extra rates. Reduotion made for parties of ten or over and those stopping for a week or mo_fb DINNED GOODS, BISCUITS, etoHot tea and coffee at reasonable rates. GAMES— Ping-pong, Deck Quoits, & Skittles. __■_■»• ■% Paddook for horses, no responsibility. Horse feed Is. •—Piano, — 09 B. LLOm Caretaker. X, W. HORNBYiiChairman.

(Continued from page 2. ) season practically at an end, showing a decrease in two years of no less than 6,800 tons. The dry season does not wholly account for the decrease, for, though the drought was severe, it is stated that in many inland districts a finer growth of grass has seldom lasted through tha summer ; and in the principal dairying districts there has been comparatively little to complain about. " A more serious matter is the scarcity of labour procurable at a rate of wages such as dairy farmers can afford to pay. There is a consensus of opinion among employers of this class that labour legislation, with the -compulsory and wholly artificial rates of pay, iB going tc kill the dairy industry." In the same paper " A Farmer's Boy " complains oi the same artificial rates of wages ir New Zealand. He says : — " Our Government has inflicted anothei serious injury on the farming com munity by increasing the wages of road men from 7s to 8s per day, whilst nc farmer can afford more than ss. This increased rate of wages was ordered from Wellington •on account of the prosperous state of the colony,' and yei our wool was hardly worth the expense of shearing, and the price of mutt or is also much lower than it has been.' Coming to this district, a very intelligem man, who, whilst disclaiming the role o: labour agitator, in an interview las week, spoke strongly in favor of the men who milked the cows on a fara getting "the wages which are going.' And he took for a basis the 8s a daj which " A Farmer's Boy " says hai been fixed by the Government as the rate of pay of roadmen. His argumen is as follows : The man who can mill 25 cows a day is sufficiently able to eari 8s a day at other work, and therefore he should get it if he works for the dairj farmer. To the suggestion that the labor is not so intense, the reply ii that with some cows it is very hare work, that the dirt and unpleasantnesi more than counterbalance any discrep ancy in this respect, and that the long hours turn the scale entirely on th< other side, and make day labor elsewhen far preferable. To the assertion tha 25s per week and found seems a fai wage, the reply is that the food sup plied is not worth more than 10s pc week at the outside, and that th< lodging provided is uncomfortable, t< use a mild word. That on this basi the 35s of pay and keep for seven day a week compares poorly with the 8s ; day of the labourer who only work six. To the assertion that the indus try won't support a higher rate, am that if a penny or so per lb more coul< be got for the butter things would rigb themselves, it was replied that if th farmers got 4d a lb more, the milkers wage would not be increased ; not tha the farmer was blamed, but that th value of the land would rise with tb increased price of the produce, and tba farmers' rent would absorb the extn revenue which should, at least in part go to the milker. And the corollar was that if the industry would not pa; the rate of wage established, then h the industry go. In conclusion, th British workman said that men fe! humiliated to work for a less wage tha their fellows, given an equal abilitj It will oe observed that it was not argue that the farmers' rate of pay was not living wage, but that it was not as muc as others were getting, and " A Farmer' Boy " has pointed out how the rate c pay is established in other worl Perhaps family work and the system c milking on shares have saved the Ne^ Zealand dairy industry from the mit fortune which has fallen on Victorif How important the dairy industry is t the colony is emphasised by the pro nouncements of Ministers, Chambers c Commerce, and the Bank of New Zee land, all of which have lately said the the decline in exports and prices of woe and mutton have been counterbalance' by the increase in the exports of dair produce. It is argued that, therefore there is no cause for alarm. That i the verdict of those who tak a broad view of the situt tion, but the observation of thos who grow wool and mutton run o: narrower lines; they look at home And the fact that a neighbour who i dairying is doing well does not assif the grower of unprofitable wool an mutton, who is drawing on his stot laid by for old age or a rainy day ; th existence of which store to the ban appears a malter of great congratulatioi And so ib is, but to live upon it does nc mean prosperity. Just as it is no satii faction to the milker that the roadma gets 8s a day whilst he gets much les: bo it is no compensation to the pastoralii who is losing money that the dairyma is prosperous. But it is of the fin importance to the colony that the dairj man should be kept prosperous, and th practical question to be faced is ho are they to compete against the countrii where there is cheap labour? "Whi has the dairy farmer to say about tl argument that more goes to land an leas to labour than it is entitled to ? AN APPRECIATION OF TIL BRITISH ARMY. . » Replying to "The Imperil Forces," at the annual dinner < the Edinburgh High Constable Dr. Conan Doyle oaid he had ha the honour to wear the Queen's un fown for a few motths; and tl privilege of serving the atmy i South Africa. It was a privilege I serve that Army, for it was the moi magnificent army that Great Britai ever sent forth, an army of 250, 0 C men, drawn from five continents, an not a single alien in the ranks. '. was an army of unsurpassed valou as every foreign critic who saw the performances agreed, and of unsu passed discipline, as every unpreji diced observer admitted. Why Bui dla's Division, the Eighth Divisioi for months on end were in sue a state of destitution that tl men on sentry-go had to lean upo their musket 3 from exhaustioi although they lived in a lac of plenty, with sheep and oxe and corn all round them. Bi beoause the order had n< gone forth, not one of these me helped himself to anything. Then were the men they now hes traduced by those who wei entirely ignorant of their rei characteristics and their real pc: formances. He had Been tt British soldier in peace and war, i oamp and in hospital, and he ha come back deeply imbued with profound respect of that magnificei man. He had seen him, too offcei alas, dying — he spoke of those da] when the pest struck Bloemfonteii when they could smell Bloemfontei five miles down the wind, that sme of corruption, v whea 50 men a da had to be buried, when they had i bury them like dogs, as there wi no time to make coffins or to di deep graves, each wrapped in h own brown blanket. The da would come, after the war was don when the citizens of a prosperoi aud peaceful South African Con monwealth would, as they walke among shrubs and looked c these regimental graves, where tt . soldiers lay as they stood in lif side by side, a line of Guardsmei a line of Riflemen, a line of Higl

DO YOU DRINK TEA? i- _____________________ P Three or four timas a day, perhaps. If so, i6_'t it your a duty to see that yon drink good ie tea. There's tea and tea, but ir there no tea like 10 Suratnra Tea. io "■ ■ ■ = It's pure that's sure. It is ' c grown and packed in Ueylon, md is guaranteed not blended 13 with Indian, China, or any 16 cheap or inferior teas. 7 ss Retail Prices : Suratura'A Quality, 1/8 per lb „ B „ 1/11 „ „ D i, 2/2 „ E m 3_ „ 2/6 „ In Packets. In 51b Boxes. a In 101b Boxes. iO SOLD EVERYWHERE. >g J < 10 ' lU _HL * T_i_j_i -**^^ mmm» _______^^^j__T __w* ? nm^^s^.~^ _^*k-' ie VK_>mfeAf^feCT_fTEAoP l\ by. using I» CATTLE AIVU MOA TEA _NC iiy Celebrated GOLDEN NUGGET The public secure only the very finest qualities grown on the Heights of Ceylon. Golden Nugget Farmings 1/6 Moa Blue 1/8, Castle A 2/ Moa Black 1/10, Moa Red 2/2 of JOHN SMITH, Agent. • TRUCKER, BRAND. Registered. . EUCALYPTUS in- __ Bfe nnHE people of N6W Zealand have JL at last found out the great cure y for Coughs, Goldß, eto. This special >L Eucalyptus is used largely by athletes. of Bee circulars. The great Australian } P Jilondin's testimonial. Obtainable y» j from the following leading Chemists i and Storekeepers, at Is per bottle : — " R. Tait (chemist), W. A. Quin t (store), E. Fake (chemist), f. A. \ Walkor (chemiot), Patea ; R. M. ;g j Sterling (store), Awatuna; P. 0. f Clark (store), Te Eiri; R. H. Donald , (tobacconist), Manaia ; W. Balfcur , (store), Waverley ; W. H. Bouthgate I (store), Waverley ; C. Crane ■»t. (tobacconist), Opunako ; Wagataff m and Co., Pihama; A. W. Curry, ps Waitotara; and wholesale from sh J. MAfiTEBB & SON, Btratford. -j NEW GOODS. JUST RECEIVED. f B 11 A BHIPMENT of -Firat-cla s MILLINEIiY AND DRAPERY. i tn. All the Latest Styles and Fashions — Our Customers oan rely on getting the BEST FIT and FINISH. FOR ONE MONTH ONLY. k \ We are Reducing the whole of our New and Well-assorted Stock to COST PRIOE. EGMONT DRAPERY COY., KAPONGA ies tro )0 k KAPONGA OOACH FACTORY efs AND GENERAL SMITHY. of TJI W. BUCKINGHAM ces -1- • Has pleasure in notifying that he )ld is now prepared to fulfil orders for vehicles of every description, also that repairing, painting, and trimming in all its branches will be done on the premises. Having secured the servioes of a first-class coaoh painter, — those desirous of having their roaicles repainted and lined will find their orders finished in up-to-date les tyle. er, General .smithing La all its branches, ler Agricultural Implements made and repaired. ces ] Horse-shoeing and all fanner's ' work by skilled workmen.

SELLING OFF WE ARE ABSOLUTELY RE TIRING FROM THE -pwRAPERY AND T>ooTi Department ef oui Business, and i consequence will hand ovei thes lines to the public at practically thei own figures FOR CASH ONLY. Now, therefora, is the time t SUIT yourselves, and save money t BOOT. No reasonable' offer refused whi] these good are being distributed. This Sale is Truly Genuine, a we are determined to dispose of tb whole of our fine stock of Diaper and Clothing, and Boots jand ShoE by January. Remember the place of Sale. — HAWERA GENERAL STORE, High-street, Hawera. G~~ OVEBNMENT LIF] INSURANCE. Cash Surplus Divided amon Poiioy-holders in 1900 ... £126,00 Total Caph Surplus divided omon Poiioy-holders £838,40 fc£ Total Reversionary Bonuses adde to Policies £1,629,70 Total Assets of the Depari menfc £8,216,10 Insure before the close of the yea: and thus secure priority of Bonus i the next Division of Profits at tb end of 1902. J. H. RICHARDSON, Govt. Insurance Commissioner. • %X? O IHBI LICENSED LAND BROKEB, FINANOIA INSURANCE & GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT Council Chambers ... H\w»r — Agencies — Colonial Mutual Lifo Office. Phoenix Assurance Company, United Insurance Company, Ocean Accident Insurance Coy, Shaw, Savill and Coy., Ltd., Town land Country Properties < every description for sale and lease. Rents and debts collected. Loans negotiated. Insurance against fire and accidei effected at minimum rates. Transfers, leases, mortgages, etc prepared at eoale rates. J. JUDSON, /^OACHBUILDER & WHEEI yj WRIGHT. McGregor's Buildings, Opunake. Vehicles of overy desoriptio manufactured and repaired o shortest notice. None but bei materials used. Shoeing t orpe and Genoral Blacl smithing next Mr T. Knowles' Hote To meet the requirements i settlers at Pihama, my branch she will be open there every Monda; Wednesday, and Friday SILVER GRID. "OEFRESHMENT and BUPPE Jtl ROOMS, (Next Economic, High street). Meals at all hours up to midnigl Fißh suppers a speciality. Ha and eggs, grilled steak and cho at a few minutes' notice. Fre and smoked fish for sale. H. K. HARTY, Proprietor. rriHE PEOPLE say THEY MUST SMOKE SALMON & GLUCKSTEIN GOLD FLAK! CIGARETTES. Beoause they are pure and good. ABk your Tobacconist for thei J. MYERS & C 0.,, Agents, Wellington, ■XEE LEE & CO., GENERAL STOREKEEPERS, FRUITERERS & CONFECTIONERS FANCY GOODS AND TOBACCONISTS' DEPOT (Next Economic, High-st., Haweb, BEST quality of Flour and Bug sold at cheapest rates. No. 1 Sugar .01b bag 8/3 ; No: 8/ Flour, 100's 9/6, 50's 6s Best Currants 4£d lb Best Raisins Our complete stock of Grocer will be found the cheapest in toi for cash. A trial solicited. First-class *tc of Fireworks, Silk Handkerchi and other Ohinese Fancy Goods. We import a large variety splendid blends of Teas, at prii which defy competition. Cash bujers of Fungus and C Lead at highest prices. Yi&E LEE, & CO., Merchants, HAWERA. A CRATES CHINA WARE , Just to hand for the Xmas I'rae White and Gold Cups and Sauc 7s dozen A variety of New Pattern Dim Services to select from Tea sets, glass dishes at all prii at Bobbins

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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLII, Issue 7392, 19 February 1902, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLII, Issue 7392, 19 February 1902, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLII, Issue 7392, 19 February 1902, Page 4