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"TE TUBE WHAKATAU BAHUI O TE TAI HAUAURU, 1892." Kupu whakaatu ki nga Tangata Maobi no ratou te Whenua, ratou ko te Kai-tango Rrrai, Ma mohio ai ratou tera ka tv he huihuinga kite Whabe-whakawa i Haweba, a te Wenebei, te 4 o nga ra o Hubae, 1894, a te 11 o nga haora i te ata, hei whakarite i te utu reti mo tetahi Riihi hou ki a Samuel Woods, o te Parapara Poraka, tetahi wahi o te Whenua Rahui Maori i Whabeboa c 23 nga eka c 2 nga ruuri c 4 nga paati, i roto (nui ake, iti iho ranei), ara ko te whenua c mau na te whakaaturanga i roto i te Riihi kua whakatuturutia, ko Nama 56 te nama. XI a Tamaohungia, Puiwaitaha, Tangiora, Tuaiwa, Rahirl, Kunako, Te Ratoia, Wairaka, Te Ngaruru, Te Hau te ki, te Kau, Karoro, Rangitupoki, Rangimatakite, Taiteariki, Takirau, Marokopa, Kerei Whaipakanga, Maraea Tamaki (Te Piki Tamaohungia, te kai-tiaki), Te Oiroa (Te Piki Tamaohungia, te kai-tiaki), Te Waka Taparuru, Tikapa, Te Hokio, Kawarau, Papaka, Ngahauporoaki, Ratoia, Te Awarua, Tamaka, Weurangi, Tamawhero, Tamatauwhare, Ruarangi, Te Ipuwai, Te Kokiri, Peata te Hirata, Hiromona te Uamairangi, Haipene Iharaira, Pita Heremaia, Puketehe Heremaia, Te Rangitoitu, Erana Bingarau, Te Rangiwhetuki, Te Hikaka, Rongo te Rawhiti (Te Ngaruru, te kai-tiaki), Huatuhi, Te Uruotonga, Tutu, Te Puamoeawa, Te Roti Moeraugi, Rotimoerangi, Paenga.Poki, Mininiki (Mere Miuiniki me Mahuri, nga kai-tiaki), Hemi, Mere Ngapaku, Rangiumu, Wi Poki, Haweturi, Maraea Haweturi (Haweturi, te kai-tiaki), Pokere Haweturi (Haweturi, to kai-tiaki), Taihuribia Haweturi (Haweturi, te kai-tiafei), Pokai Whenua, Totara, Te Motunui, Tamahiri, Turiakina, Moutoko, Haipene, Te Piki, Taringa, Huritinipue, Te Fokaiatua, Te Waka, Whanauapunga, Eruera Rotoia, Te Mutu, Te Oro, Rangihina, Rangiwananga, Koheta (To Ngaruru, te kai-tiaki), Tauwhitu, Terawha, TiJiirangi, Te Rawaho, Te Kowhai, Te Pirihi, Te Rangiirunga, Tuarea, Wharemate, Iwiaohia, Nihera, Eaukura, Ngatura, Te Rangihiramai, Tukohu, Ngataura, Ruka Mininihi, Te Muroa, Hemi Watene, Hema Watene, Ngarangi, Mauriri, Ngatau, Onetu, Rangitaniwha, Tekenui, Pureraukawa, Komaka, Kaio, Wairaka, Pua Raukatio, Puamoeawa. Puaraurenga, Tapahi, Pareraukawa, Komako, Puanui, Te Weu, Mahara, Koheta (Te Ngaruru, te kaitiaki), Panenui (Te Ngaruru, te kai-tiaki), Tawhiti Tamaka, Te Urutahi, Uruotonga, Kimiirongo, Awarua, Te Ao Awarua, Te Rahurumai, Urutahi, Heta, Tupotohaka, Taumaihiroa, Te Onetu, Mihi, Pinga, Ngapeita, Tipirangi, Te Pnrei, Te Kurarere, Bangiamohia, Rangiahuia, Rangipaki, Kurataumai, Kuraroa, Mahuri, Te Pirihi Tukawainga, Ngaiwihau. Hmekete, Tb Matehaere, Te Kiri, Miriarua, Hinekorangi, Korie, Ngarewarewa, Tukohu, Piki, Pua Mahiuangi i'ahuru, Hineao, Tukupoto, Rahirikau, Kumengn, Mereana Hawaiki, Waikatere, Waiawa, Tutopurangi me era atu tangata Maori no ratou tera piihi whenua katoa i te Kaute o Patea, koia nei te Parapara Poraka, tetahi wahi o to Wheuua Rahui Maori i Wharevoa, c 23 nga ely», o 2 n^ ruuri, c 4 nga paati i roto (nui ako, iti ranoi) i runga i te ruuritauga, arako te whouua o mau na te whakaaturangn i roto i to riihi kua whakatuturutia, ko Nama 56 te nama, a ki a Samuel Woods, o Hawera ano hoki, Kai-hoko witi, te kaitango riihi. Notemea kua tuhi pukapuka whakaatu mai a Samuel Woods kua whakahuatia nei tona ingoa i runga ake nei, i raro i nga tikauga o te tuawaru o nga tekiona o " Te Ture Whakatau Rahui o te Tai Hauauru, 1892," whakaatu i tona Biahia Ma riro i a ia,he riihi hou i.raro inga tikanga o taua tekiona, mo te whenua kua whakaaturia i runga ake nei; a c whakaaro ana au c tika ana Ma whakamana tana tono. Na, tenei ka whakaritea nei c au kia tv he huihuinga i waenganui o taua Samuel Woods mo .ugn tangata Maori katoa no ratou te w hernia ki.a whakaaturia i runga ake nei, hei whakarite i te utu reti kia utua mo taua whenua mo nga tau tuatahi c rua-tekau-ma-tahi o te riilii hou; a tenei kua whakaritea nei c au ko te Whave-wha-kawa i Hawera te kainga c tv ai, a ko te Wenoroi, te 4 o nga ra o Hurae, 1894, i te 11 o nga haora i te ata, te wa c tv ai taua huihuinga. He mea tuhi i tenei te 1 o nga ra o Hune, 1894. Na TE WAPUTANA, J. K. WARBURTON, Nama 127.] Kai-tiaki mo te Katoa. "THE WEST COAST SETTLEMENT RESERVES ACT, 1892." Notice to Native Ownebs and Lessee of a Meeting to be held at the Couujl'hoii&k, Haweba, at 11 o'clock a.m. on Wednesday, the 4th July, 1894, to fix the Reut for a New Lease to Samuel Woods of Pahapaba Block, part of the Whareroa Native Reserve, containing 23 acres 2 roods 4 perches (more or lesB), being Land comprised in Confirmed Lease No. 58. rpO Tamaohungia Puiwaitaha, Tangiora, Tuai_l_ wa, Rahiri, Kunako, Te Ratoia, Wairaka, To Ngaruru, Te Hau te ki, Te Kau, Karoro, Rangitupoki, Rangimatakite, Taiteariki, Takirau, Marokopa, Kerei, Whaipakanea, Maraea Tamaki (trustee, Te PiM Tamaohungia), Te Oiroa (trustee, Te PiM Tamaohungia), Te Waka Taparuru, Tikapa, Te Hokio, Kawarau, Papaka, Ngahauporoaki, Ratoia, Te Awarua, Tamaka, VVeuraugi, Tamawhero, Tamatauwhare, Ruaraugi, Te Ipuwai, Te KoMri, Peata te Hirata, HLromona te Uamairangi, Haipene Iharaira, Pita Heremaia, Puketehe Heremaia, Te Raugitoitu. Erana Bingarau, Te Rangiwhetuki, Te Hikaka, Rongo te Rawhiti (trustee, Te Ngaruru), Huatuhi, Te Uruotonga, Tutu, Te Puamoeawa, To Roti Jloerangi, Rotimoerangi Paenga, Fold Mininiki (trustees, Mere Mininiki and Mahuri), Hemi, Mere Ngapaku, Rangiumu, Wi Polti, Haweturi, Maraea Haweturi (trustee, Haweturi), Pokere Haweturi (trustee, Haweturi), Taihurihia Haweturi (trustee, Haweturi), Pokai Whenua, Totara, Te Motunui, Tamabiri, Turiakina, Moutoko, Haipene, Te Piki, .Taringa, Huritinipue, Te Pokaiatua, Te Waka, Whanauapunga,, Eruera Rotoia, Te Mutu,. Te Oro, Rangihinn, Rangiwananga, Koheta (trustee, Te Ngaruru), Tauwhitu, Terawha, Tihirangi, Te Rawaho, Te Kowhai, Te Pirihi, Te Rangiirunga, Tuarea, Wharemate, Iwiaohia Nihera Raukura, Ngatura, Te Rangihiramai, Tukohu, Ngataura Ruka Mininihi, To Muroa, Hemi Watene, Hema Watene, Ngarangi, Mauriri, Ngatau, Onetu,' Rangitaniwha, Tekenui, Pureraukawa, Komaka,, Kaio, Wairaka, Pua Raukatio, Puamoeawa, Puaraurenga, Tapahi, Parevaukawa, Komako, Puanui, Te Weu, Mahara, Koheta (trustee, Te Ngaruru), Panenui (trustee, 'Te Ngaruru), Tawhiti, Tamaka, Te Urutahi, Uruotonga, Kimirongo, Awarua, Te Ao Awarua, Te Rahurumai, Urutahi, Heta, Tupotohaka, Taumaihiroa, Te Onetu, Mihi, Pinga, Ngapeita, Tipirangi, Te .Purei, Ts.i£urarere, Eaugiamohia, Bangiahuta, Raugiapaki, Kurataumai, Kuraroa, Mahuri, Te Pirihi Tukawainga, Ngaiwihau, Hinekete, Te Matehaere, Te Kiri, Miriama, Hinekorangi, Korie, Ngavewarewa, Tukohu, Piki, Pua Mahurangi -Pahuru, Hineao, Tukupoto, Rahirikau, Kumenga, Mereaua Hawaiki, .Waikatere, Waiawa, Tutepurangi and the other Native owners of all that piece of land situate in tho County of Patea, being portion of tho Whaveroa Native Reserve, Parapara Block, and containing by admeasurement 23 acres 2 roods 4 perches (more or less), being the land comprised in confirmed lease No. 56, and to' Samuel Woods, of Hawera, grain merchant, lessee. Whereas the above-named Samuel Woods haß given notice to me, under the provisions of section 8 of " The West Coast Settlement Reserves Act, 1892," that he desires to obtain under that section a new lease of the land above described ; and I consider his application ought to be given eSect to : Now, therefißv^, Ido hereby appoint a meeting to take Ejp ce between the said Samuel Woods and all #hn N Aive owners of all the above-described laad, forme purpose of fixing the rent to be jraid foaftthe said land for the first twontyonayears withe new lease ; and I fix the Courtiouse, ■ Safer era, as the place where, and WodnSday, ttmfith day of July, 1894, at 11 o'clock il the foiKßpon, as tbe time when, such meeting sfco-ll takeirace. Dated this Ist day of June, IM4. tJL j. k. wa»burton£ No. 127.] J»blic Truilte-' "TE TUBE WHAKATAU BABM O Tel^l HAUAUBU, 1892." \ 9 Kupu whakaatn ki nga Tangata MAms norafja te Whenua, ratou ko te KAi-TANGoßgiiHi.flia mohio ai ratou tera ka tv he huihuHtoakjrte Whabe-whakawa i Manaia, a te TAiTnrte 5 o nga ra o Hubae, 1894, a te 2 o nga haora i te awatea, hei whakarite i to ntu reti mo tetahi Riihi hou M a Leonabd Maxwelii Taunton o tetahi whenua c mohiotia anako nga TeMona 35, 86, me 37<0 Poraka VII., Waimate, 199 nga eka i 1 roto (nui ake, iti iho ranei), arako te whenua c mau na te whakaaturanga i roto i te Biihi kua rehitatia ki te Nama 714. XI a Manaia Hukanui, me era atu tangata Maori no ratou tera piihi whenna katoa i roto i te TaMwa Buuri o WaimatQ, c mohiotia ano ko nga Tekiona 35, 36, me 37 o Poraka VIL, 199 nga eka, i roto (nui ake, iti iho ranei) i runga i te ruuritanga, aro ko te whenua c mau na -te whakaaturanga i roto i te riihi kua rehitatia ki te Nama 714, a M a Leonard Maxwell Taunton, o Stratford, ano hoM, kai-mahi paamu, kai-tango kua tuhi pukapuka whakaatn mai a LWnarel Maxwell Taunton kua whakahuatia nei tonasngoa i runga ake nei, i raro i nga tikanga o te tul&waru o nga tekiona o " Te Ture Whakatau Bahulttte Tai Hauauru, 1892," whakaatu i tona hiahiawiariro i a ia he .riihi hou i raro i nga tikanga o qfeua teMona, mo te whenua kua whakaaturia i aunga ake nei ; a c whakaaro anaau c tika ana kiawhakamana tana tono. Na, tone} ka whakarifc nei o au kia tv c huihuinga i waenganui o teußLeonard Maxwell Taunton me nga tangata Maori katoa no raton te whenua kua whakaaturiaffiuqga ake nei.hei whakaritei te u.tu reti Ma utuajlno taua whenua -mo nga tau tuatahi c rua-tekJtt-ma-tahi ote riihi hou ; a tenei kua whakarilejwiei c au ko te Whare-whakawa, i Manaia te isS&ga c tv ai, a ko te Taite, te 5 o nga ra o £&Pn&riß94,-i te.2 o nga haora i te awatea, te %*ae tv ai taua huihuinga. „ He mea tuhi' i' tenei te 1 o nga ra 0 Hune, 1894. Na TE WAPUTANA, J. K. WARBURTON, *< . Nama 128.] Kai-tiaki mo te Katoa. " THE WEST COAST SETTLEMENT RESERVES ACT, 1892." Notice to Native Ownebs and Lessee of a Meeting to be held at ,the Coubthouse, Manaia, at 2 o'clock p.m. on Thubsday, the 6th July, 1894, to ,flx tbe Bent for a New Lease to Leonabd Maxwell Taunton of Sections 35, 3C, and 37, Block VIL, Waimate, containing 199 acres (more or less), being the Land comprised in Memorandum of Lease registered No. 714. TO Manaia Hukunui and the other Natiye owners of all that piece of land situate in the Waimate Survey District, being Sections 35, 36, and 3", Block VIL, and containing by admeasurement 199 acres (more or less), being the land comprised in memorandum of lease, registered No. 714, to Leonard Maxwell Taunton, of Stratford, farmer. Whereas the above-named Leonard Maxwell Taunton has given notice to me, under the provisions of section 8 of " The West Coast Settlement Roseryes Act, 1j892," that -be desires to obtain under that section a now lease of the land above described; and I consider his application ought to be given effect to : Now, therefore, Ido hereby appoint a meeting to take place between the said LoOnard Maxwell Taunton and all the Native owners of the above-described land, for. the purpose of fixing tho runt to be paid for thesaid land for the first tweuty-ouo years' of the new lease ; , and I fix ,the Courthouse, .Manaia, as the place where, and Thursday, the sth day of Jttly, 1894; at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, as the time when, such meeting shall take place. Dated this Ist day of June, 18!)4. J. K. WARBURTON, No. 128.] „r . Public Trustee,, ESSAY ON OOE&B.— They say that Coffee comes from anfelanScaUedOeylo^

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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 2748, 15 June 1894, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 2748, 15 June 1894, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 2748, 15 June 1894, Page 4