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BETTING ON THE ENGLISH DERBY. (per pbess association.) LONDON, June 4. The latest betting on the Derby is 85 t< 40 on Ladae, ICO to 15 against Matchbo: and Bnllingdon, 20 to 1 against Reminder 60 to 1 against the others. MELBOURNE CUP NOMINATIONS - MELBOURNE, Jane 4. . One hundred and sixty-three entries hate : been received for - the ■ Oaalfield Cap. - r \ / The following entrieo have been received for the— Melboubne Cup— Saracen, Seagirt, Vere, Maroon, Havoo, Oonfliot, Patrol, Gaillardia, Lord Randolph, Luoid, The Star, Tridentafe, Moorite, Anarchist, Swordbearer,' Malaohite, Tellue, Sternchaeer, Bessie McCarthy, Selim, Verix, Brain, Ascot Vale, Sainfoin, Malvolio, Brotherton, Foxtail, Sirathon, Taranaki, Battalion, Question, First Qaeen, Nada, Golden King, Goldsmith, Dryden, Alpine, Tim Swiveller, Gallant, SileDt, Jonathan, Sailor /Prince, Oarlahad, Light Artillery f Tollamore, Culloden, The Possible, Loyalmaster, Destiny, Graduate. Taurers, Grey Gown, Preston, Aqaarins, Devon, Dream* land, Pitchery, Shotbolt, Carnage, War. fare. Capstan, Portsea, Stars and Stripep, Elswiok, Isolator, Sionx^ Sbiusisber, Day of Grace,. Cobbitty, Hova, Eridsfordt, Forward, Calnmtley, Bonnie Scotland, Charon, Tareoola, Rath, Labor in VaiD, Straiehtflre, Oarlton, Moscow, Glenlothj The Trier, Jeweller, Pulvil, Ohesterman, Lady Trenton,. Albs, Ethelbert, Noble* man, Loyalty, Launceston, First Shot, Donation,, .Bqaefeldt, Manuo, Memah, The Captain, Newman, Ennistymon, Birinji, Patroneaa, Bonrbon, SuenaU, Mahee, Honor Bright, Ao'me'nia, Sarishine, Little Bernie, Glenallin, Gingham, Warminater, Ronda, Donizetti, Brookleigh, Solanntn, Pilot Boy, Blue Peter, lGlimar,> Nightie* gale, Isaac, Grenadier, Ohand Bee Bee, Pa.rie.Prenjorna, Tabba, Oxide, Delaware, St; Albans, ;JI, Seaman, r Qaality. Port Admiral, Principle, Mostyn. ' •[ > AUOKLANDi 1 Jane 4. , Booties, is soratched'ior ally engagements at the A.R.C,,Me,etinfi;. ,; jS „

" TIS NOT IN MOBTALSJP6 GOMMAKD SUCCESS" is as true toyby aa it was in, the, great' poet's years, ago. ,Bot there ' is J a broad/ sveniirfftoenpoess by nsing the purest article.r Tordb not fall to get- the bssfc reanlt?. . TheSStSN BAKING POWDEE contains co imparities. \ I The SWJQAXING VOWDETLetiipsia all others.' „ ■ ' ■

(FSOM OCR OWN 0OBBB8P0»l)BNT.) \ Tenders were opened on Saturday night by the Rev Father MulyihiU far" the new \ .church here. <■ There were four received, * rB as follows ;— Barns &Hodder, £480 ; Me *■ Ineny, £ 881 ; Christie "and .Co, of Carroll & Artindale, The loweßt ; ig. was accepted. It ia expeoted that the | ay building will be ready for opening before • Christmas. t0 Foi the second time the householders tys- here- failed to elect a school committee. ■ ya, There is no interest whatever taken, in Ing school matters here ; bat we are not it singular. . "Last week the Kaniori was discharging Me oargo for two days, on the beach by the the surf boat ; and on Sunday the Waverley oal had a big day's work. The want of the. She i ett y is now felt more than ever.— June 4. be — =: t ; . CORRESPONDENCE. a PROPOSED DAIR^ SOHQOIii •j , r2b the^jEditor ofjha Stctr^u Sib, — In your issue of 28th met. you take exception to, the' motion, of Mr Maokay in the Taranaki Ednoatiori Board ;; O g for the establishment of a Dairy *Farm in in( j this district. Dairy experts have pronounced this one of "the finest, dairy districts in the world, but without [i aQ scientific help we --will? secure only aew secondary place, andfdr this help we are tba to be lef ' to hawk, over the world to pick. < ' up the oiumbs that (all from tbe tables of o f those you would allow to be our, masters, crumbs too most likely unsuitable for our. . habits and environments. >I ' think, sir, if we are'to hold our own in this 'industry* which has been our sheet anchor, we must keep up with other nations ; mi the ; scientific research which now pervades all branches of industry.' The dairyman' haa ' quite enough to do to attend to the manual **l part,., and must leave to'^those, whose' *~ B special position and training fit them for, ™* tbe investigations of food value", fermen°T tatiori, and baoteria, without a knowledge of which dairying ia now a game of chance. We all know bow difficult it is :. to get information which will fform a ing basis- of soiantifio research ; information , vas which may be got often at, considerable mi- risk, if not 'outlay, and without which we ing must content to play seoond fiddle to our ? ere more jenergetio t neighbours : and which ■* lew too often can..ouly bY, secured by such an for establishment as the Taranaki "'Board yas move for.. ( While, on the dairy Hsirain, ; , allow,me to refer to a letter by,B, A.0.,, for which,, appeared in y oar, columns some ben time since, with regard to* thdproperties of to* comphrey, which I have .found ,very valuable. He .there w quotss authorities to prove that the percentage of butter/fat is all unalterable, and -which convinced me op- against my will. I have just come aoross ito the expenenoe of an American dairyman the expressed ip ..Hoard's Dairyman, thus : — " Years iA a'priWte dairy with separator, , ( . Baboook teat, and Bcales, has made me [ n \\ Bure of one Qt three things,; 1. jSfdfr the Bed percentage of fat in milk is changgoyy tbe tee, character of; food: 2. or, the da% inles, dividual variation in very considerable ; 8. ing or, .there is. a very marked increase in tbe a j n percentage as'' the* period 'iri^ dotation advances. I churn a uniform quantity of cream, viz., 60 quarts. Daring the season \ • of pasture,. l get "from thia^Bffr4dlbß of ""* butter J and in winter f'.' f (when stabled , iea and fed^on hay, enflilage, .and grain produpis) /USrSOlbs.' Also, in Winter I get a larger quantity 'of cream from a given quantity of milk." He also quotes . . Mr, «r. S. Woodward, of tti e 'New )York - Dairy Association, thus : > ." I;got & lot of farrow cows together, the, milk of which took 291bs of milk to lib of butter,* but tell after heavy feeding took less than 191bf1. . bis I At tbe association's meeting scientific men 0. i inclined to the idea that butter fat cannoip^ ,n, j be fed into milk, , yet it seemed tomT^ he-; .they introduced ,* good— imahyr^'ifsiV; ?as' I. have "an imported Holstein that on ibe iDamaturegraßS gave milk of 8-2 per cent., DO. but now, having had soother, calf, gives be 4 6 per cent., which must be due. either to jht individual variation,. or .else we have fed ' fat into the milfc seem strange tbatj.butter^ fat,, ao changed in, fiftvoar, solidity, andisolour, by the food fed, should^be stable. when it comes to 1 ; changing the, percentage of fat in the milk." Hoping the'abotemay^be infer* esting to thbss engaged in tbe industry.— ■ ■ I am,'&e.,ri - .-.i«i -.:- r ::\ „;f. ,,!«. i JJ Kapuni, 80th May. at ' ' v 'H — : •' — Jvi»rof .* ToiKe'JEßitdrpftheSfar. Dg Sat;— l wish tovithank you c for; your as sympathetic reference in -yput issue of the or my proposals a model, dairy * ed and .dairy farm in the Taranaki district, to I should like aleoto* say that. I olaim no tie originality. Jor Jh^i'prpEosal ; lam not be rsoommendirig ah ' Vxperimeriti, but a. or Boheme to which practical effect has been given in England, on the Continent, and < m ; itt Ireland. This will be made. manifeßt to il you can find' room for the following c, catting from tbe Weekly Times (England j of of April r sl7th :—V Dairy, instruction in n. Ireland.— The Manchester Chamber of Commerce has written to the Chief Secretary for Ireland,.., saying ,:—• The opinion, already expressed to you, is held' with undiminished strength by butter merchants here that until technical instruction in the art of butter-making by tbe State,- in -sonjß Isnch way /■»> thatadopted by certain foreign eonntries and by the English connty oounoils, ia plaoed within the, reach of all Irish farmers a o large -number of them who make .batter . m then? own dairies cannot manufacture a ; commodity capable of competing slfeeegs.^ r « fully with thfr'rjroduoe of the skilled dairy # men of other : lands. ' Foreign and colonial agricultural communities praotically,;con' *• trol the English markets and are putting forward greater efforts every year to E*f IDtain and improve their .position,' ■ Ihe Chamber recommended that, in • addition to the good work which, is" being done at Glasndviri r and inthe?Miinster ' dauy^sobool V r Go&, : itfnerarii dairies should be organised and lectures given • eystematidaliy^ various, places. Such . methods are* alMdjP^adopted by the . ' Jinghsb county councils.' The boardJs of ' °P mi ° n » tooi|tbafc every encouragement should be given' to dairymen and dairy. > women to pass through the dairy eohool oonrse v df instruction.' ' The ' elemeatary . day eohools might aleo with advantage .b**i itilued. for the purpose of teaching the ' first ptincipfes of agriculture.; .Theletter also expresses the opinion that a Board of Apfriculture for Ireland would be a great " edvantage to every- >'l . branoh < of r the agricultural interests of that country."— la J?«*°" _ T .: < „J.Macxay. Midhirst, June 1. •, - -•'.•- • .-g SECQJSTD BBrriQN' - „ , (HSB PBESS ABSO>oiATION.)' ' . . LONDON, June i4. Wheat averages in the country markets 83a4d.-- ":• - --. ; /;-- Lord Francis Hope is bankrupt|:^is assets amount to £190,000, and liabilities to £400,000. '- ; .. ,y , , O^Donovan Bosea areceived ovatiotfs on visiting the Soath of Ireland.- 'o r - * ! Western Außtralia, f hasfesuida4percehr" ; = loan 1 of SNOfiOQ,. [«»§>' mihimuin^f 102. Tenaere wilt be opeaiecl,oin2th list. ' A x. '- • ™ ->'- June 4. Emperor .Franofstbak gone to Buda '- Pes»h.7in connectioatwith the crisis. -, . -V/'r ' '^ X ".- *■ '■*.**" s ' >* K ± '$& >iAiipiscp. June 4. A Hawaiian steftmerief^to.a.V for, the purpose of . an O eii n< Necker' island; Jying : to the northwest of Hawaii. The British - wa ! Bh . I|*ob1 |* 0bM ni«on left twohbors later 6n ,

York 1 that* Necker Island belongs to the ' United States. NEW YOBK, June 4. News is received that tbe President of San Salvador has resigned after 600 dt bis trqops were killed in battle. l ; fiONO KONG, Jnne^. "" A formidable rising has broken out in ' Manouria. The rebels oaptured Sarsing arsenal and repeatedly inflicted defeat on the Imperial troops. CAPETOWN, June 4. The Chief Mangato, who announced bis intention of opposing Transvaal coercion, has defeated the Boer patrol. HOBA.RT, June 5. M. 1 Pardon, ex-Governor of Noumea, has been appointed ohairman of the ' French Commission in connection with the Hobart Exhibition. . • Two magnifioent collections of paintings and. Btatuary, valued at £80,000, and . wbioh are now being displayed in Antwerp »n4;liyons, will shortly be shipped here. MELBOURNE* Dune 6. Al an influential gathering under the, auspices of the Natives Association, it was debided to iorm a Federation League to woik with the kindred institutions in Bvdney» with a view to promoting Aastralaaian federation. BRISBANE, June 5. Mr Wragge reportß that a Btorm oentre exists between Tasmania and New Zealand, and vessels are certain to experience areas of roagh seas, and dirty weather between Hobart, Gabo Island, Cook .Straits, and Bluff.

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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 2738, 5 June 1894, Page 2

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SPORTING. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 2738, 5 June 1894, Page 2

SPORTING. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 2738, 5 June 1894, Page 2