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"TB TURB WHAKATAU RAHUI O TE TAI HAUAURU, 1892." Kupu whakaatu ki nga Tanqata Maori no ratou te Wiienua, ratou ko te Kai-taxgo Kiihi, kia rnohio ai ratou tera ka tv he huihuiiiga ki te Whaiie-whakawa i Waitaba, a te Taite, te 13 o ngn. ra o HtriUE, 18!)3, ate 4 o nga haora i te awatea, hoi whakarite i te utu reti mo tetahx BnHi hou hi a John White Foivfma>', o tetahi whenua c inohiotia ana ko Tekioua 101 o Poraka V., Wattaba, c 72 nga eka c 2 nga ruuri, c 20 nga paati i roto (nui ake, in mo ranei), ara ko te whenua c man na te whakaaturanKa i roto i te BUM kua rehitatia ki te Nama 740. XI a Paratene Nikorinia. Turei Nikorima, Teieti Hoera, Rairini "Watene, Hoera Para, Wi Kingi Kaponga, Te Rako Eruera Kingi, Meiha Paratene, Eruini Marau, Te One Mihi, Xgana tamaiti, Pitama Rawiri, Te Warepukahu, Poina Taiangaia, Peina Puta Ponga, Hapurona Taupata, Rainari Teieti, Rina Tutavo, Kanira Piti, Heni Hineahi, Ani Rawiri, Ani Piti Rawiri, Waretikijtai, Hinemftta Paratene, Wairerewha Para, Kuramabiao Arapata, Ngarongo Arapata, Ruihi Hakaraia, Ruruhira Poraua, Kuramahiao, Te Miri, Kawara, Miriama, Tapuhi, Hapurona, Netaia, Moari (Arapata Taiiri, te kai-tiaki mp Tapuhi, Moari me Hapurona), Ruruhira Piti, Metapere Paraono, Pereniki Paratene, Taukirangi Peue, Makere, Miriama Arapata, Makera I Nua, Moari Arapata, Kanara Arapata, Mina Kuriinabiao, Mere Tuhia, me era atu tangata Maori no ratou tera piihi whenua katoa l roto 1 te Takiwa Ruuri o Waitara c mohiotia ana ko Tekiona 101 o Poraka V., te ingoa c 72 nga eka, c 2 nga ruuri, c 20 nga paati i roto (nui ake, lti lho ranei) i runga i te ruuritanga, ara ko te whenua c mau na te whakaaturanga i roto rehitatia ki te Nama 740. a ki a John White Foreman, o Tikorangi, ano hoki, kai-mahi paamu, te Notemea°kua pukapuka whakaatu mai a John White Foreman kua whakahuatia nei tona ingoa i runga ake nei, i raro i nga tikanga o te tua-waru o nga tekiona o " Te Ture Whakatau Rahuio te Tai Hauauru, 1892," whakaatu i tona hiahia kia riro i a ia he riihi hou l raro i nga tikauga o taua tekiona, mo te whenua kua whakaaturiai runga ake nei ; a c whakaaro anaau c tika ana kia whakamana tana tono. Na.tenei ka Ttakaritea nei c au kia tv he huihuinga l wtenganui o taua John White Foreman mo nga tSncata Maori katoa no ratou te whenua kua Xakaaturia i runga ake nei, hei whakarite i te utureHkia utua mo taua whenua mo nga tau tuatahi c rua-tekau-ma-tahi o te riihi hou, , a tenei kua whakaritea nei c au ko te Wtore-wha-UflTOfl i Waitara te kainga c tv ai, o- ko te lawe, U^llongaraoHuraef 1893, ite4p nga haorai to awatoa, te wa c tv ai teua hmhmnga. He inea tuhi i tenei te 15 o nga ra o Hune, liftM. Na TB WAPUTANA, J. K. WARBURTON, Kai-tiaki mo te Eatoa. Kama 49.T . "THE WEST COAST SETTLEMENT RESERVES ACT, 1892." Notice to Native Ownebs ana Lebseb of a Meeting to be held at the Courthouse, Waitaba, at 4 o'clock p.m. on Thubbdat, the 13th July, 1893, to fix the Kent for a New Lease to John White Foreman of Section 101, Block V., Waitaba, containing 72 acres 2 roods and 20 perches (more or less), oeing Land comprised in Memorandum of Lease registered No. 740. TO Paratene Nikorima, Turei Nikorima, Teieti Hoera, Bairini Watene, Hoera Para, Wi Kingi Kaponga, Te Rako Eruera Kingi, Meiha Paratene, Eruini Marau, Te pne Mihi Ngana tamaiti, Pitama Rawiri, Te Warepukahu, Peina Taiangaia, Peina Puta Ponga, Hapurona Taupata, Ramare Teieti, Riria Tutare, Rahira Piti, Heni Hineahi, Ani Rawiri, Ani Piti Bawiri, Waretiki Rai, Hinemate Paratene, Wairerewha Para, Kuramahiao Arapata,Ngarongo Arapata, Ruihi Hai karaia, Ruruhira Poraua, Te Miri Kawara, Miriama, Tapuhi, Hapurona, Netaia, Moari (Arapata Taiiri, trustee for Tapuhi, Moari, and Hapurona), Ruruhira Piti, Metapere Paraone, Pereniki Paratene, TaukirangiPene, Makere, Miriama Arapata, Makera Nua, Moari Arapata, Kanara Arapata, Mina Kurimaniao, Mere Tuhia, and the other Native owners of all that piece of land situate in the Waitara Survey District, being Section 101, Block V., and containing by admeasurement 72 acres 2 roods and 20 perches (more or less), being the land comprised in memorandum of lease, registered No. 740, to John White Foreman, of Tikorangi, farmer, as lessee : Whereas the above-named John White Foreman has given notice to me under the provisions of section Bof "The WestCoastSettlementßeserves Act, 1892," that he desires to obtain under that section a new lease of the land above described ; and I consider his application ought to be given effect to : Now, therefore, Ido hereby appoint a meeting to take place between the said John White Foreman and all the Native owners of the above- described land, for the purpose of fixing the rent to be paid for the said land for the first twenty-one years of the new lease ; and I fix the Courthouse, Waitara, as the place where, and Thursday, the 13th day of July. 1893, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, as the time when, such meeting shall take place. Dated this 15th day of June, 1893. J. K. WARBURTON, } No. 49.] Public Trustee I

Nama 49.1

" TE TUBE WHAKATAU EAHUI O TE TAI HAUAUBU, 1892." Kupu whakaatu ki nga Tanoata Maobi no ratou ts- Whenua, ratou ko te Kai-tango RiijfliJua mohio ai ratou tera ka tv he huihuinaTkmte Whare-whakawa i Waitaba, a te PAUMREato 14 o vga ra o Hubae, 1)WB'; ; a to 10 o ni boon, i te ata, hei whakarjfb i taM±u reti rajb tetaßi BnHi hou ki, a TaSaiAsjIItKEKzTE attetaM whenua o mohiotiafana mt 'mkioua X* q PjH raka VI., Waitaba, #91 ngv ekw roto Bui afll iti iho ranei), ara ki te \vßenujA c inoftjna tt whakaaturanga^i row i tomiihjHcua. r 4n t& tw XI a Pita BaeuanaJtßawirTto Ake, Pgkniß] Pirika, To Hei, H&inia ihertMHori Taunt liana, George StockmanjfclorimflßeojKo, ArapMK Tairi, Te lvina 'l'umarwa, Wi^KuSft te Tupjn Hnpurona Horima, PekaWoriinaSihmrd Stocff man, George Stockman, tajoaUi. Frewrkk Janas Stockman, Kawiri Kuao, Pgipi Ngapw^fryxlni Arapata (Arapata, to kai-mki), HapusSß*7ural>ata (Arapata, te kai-tiakiJfcKero PonA, Hana Field, Maikara Parete TchmHataretJ Mabia, Horiana te Bangitakoi, To Wxa Arcfata, Te Huna te Moa, Karihi, Kahu (MusayFTairi, te kai-tiaki mo Karihi raua ko KanHffuane Stockman, Mepara Stockman, Wiari Teira, Heta Teira, Newhauga Teira, me era atu tangata Maori no ratou tera piihi whenua katoa i roto i tc Takiwa Buuri o Waitara, c mohiotia ana kg Tekiona 51 o Poraka VI., c 91 nga eka i roto (nui ake, iti iho ranei) i runga i te ruuritanga, ara ko te whenua c mau na te whakaaturanga i roto i to riihi kua rehitatia ki te Nama 777, aki a Thomas McKenzie, o Tikorangi, ano hoki, kai-mahi paamu, te kaitango riihi whakawhiti : N,otemea kua tuhi pukapuka whakaatu mai a Thomas McKenzio kua whakahuatia nei tona ingoa i runga ake nei, i raro i nga tikanga o te tuawaru o nga tekiona o " Te Ture Whakatau Bahui o te Tai Hauauru, 1892," whakaatu i tona hiahia kia riro i a ia he riihi hou i raro i nga tikanga o taua tekiona, mo te whenua kua whakaaturia i runga ako nei ; a o whakaaro ana au c tika ana kia whakamana tana tono. Na, tenei ka whaI karitoa nei c au kia tv he huihuinga i waenganui o taua Thomas McKenzie me vga tangata it Maori katoa uo ratou te whenua kua whakaaturia SLi runga ake nei, hei whakarite i te utu reti kia nttua mo taua whenua mo nga tau tuatahi o ruaI ote riihi hou ; a tenei kua whaka- | 9|a nei c au kg te Whare-whakawa i Waitara I teabiinga o tv ai, a ko to Paraire, te 14 o nga ra I o JBkrae, 1893, i te 10 o nga haora i te ata, te wa c t&i taua huihuinga. ~ Hr> moa tubi i tenei te 15 o nga ra o Hune. 1893. ' *4- Tl Na TE WAPUTANA,f J. K. WABBUBTON, Kai-tiaki mo te Katoa. •■HE WEST COAST SETTLEMENT M BESEBVES ACT, 1892." %JtQgCB to Native Ownees and Lessee of a 'MWKeting to be held at tho Coubthouse, waitaba, at 10 o'clock a.m. on Fbiday, the 14th July, 1893, to fix the Bent for a New Lease to Thomas MoKenzee of Section No. 51, Block VL, Waitaba, containing 91 acres (more or less), being Land comprised in Memorandum of Lease registered No. 777. TO Pita Baeuana, Bawiri te Peke, Pitama Pirika, Te Hei, Horima Hoera, Hori Takunana, George Stockman, Horima Peopeo, Arapata Tairi, Te Kini Tumarewa, Wi Buka te Tnpe, Hapurona Horima, Peka Horima, Edward Stockman, George Stockman, jun., Frederick James Stockman, Bawiri Kuao, Piripi Ngapika, Tapuhi Arapata (Arapata, trustee), Hapurona Arapata (Arapata, trustee), Kere Ponga, Hana Field, Maikara Parete Teira, Hatarete Mania, Horiana te Baneitakei, Te Mira Arapata, Te Huna to Moa, Karihi, Kahu (Arapata Tairi, trustee for Karihi and Kahu), Jane Stockman, Mepara Stockman, Wiari Teira, Heta Teira, Newhanga Teira, and the other Native owners of all that piece of land situate in the Waitara Survey District, being Section 51, Block VL, containing by admeasurement 91 acres (more or less), being the land comprised in memorandum of lease, registered No. 777, to Thomas McKenzio, of Tikorangi, farmer, as transferee: Whereas the above-named Thomas McKenzie has given notice to me, under the provisions of section 8 of " The West Coast Settlement Beserves Act, 1892," that ho desires to obtain under that section a new lease of the land above described ; and I consider his application ought to be given effect to : Now, therefore, Ido hereby appoint a meeting to take place between the said Thomas McKenzie and all the Native owners of the above-described land, for the purpose of fixing the rent to be paid for the said land for the first twenty-one years of the new lease; and I fix tbe Courthouse, Waitara, as the place where, and Friday, the 14th day of July, 1893, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, as the time when, such meeting shall take place. Dated this 15th day of June, 1693. J. K. WABBUBTON, No. 50.] Public Trustee. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO SETTLERS. RGMITH, having decided to • O give up the Nursery Business, is now offering the/ whole I of Ms Nursery STOCK at Seduced | Pbioes for CASH. _£' As this will be his L/VSJPSE ASON in the Nursery Trade, sejflers would do well to bu^ at CLBAapa Prices. Ins paction invited, 'm The whole mmy tM\ pies are grafted on blight-prdpr st<ras, and are well grown. t Jf U.S. is prepared to contract for tree-planting, at per 100 or 1000. BICHABD SMITH, Pioneer Nursery - - Manaia

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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XX, Issue 2468, 29 June 1893, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XX, Issue 2468, 29 June 1893, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XX, Issue 2468, 29 June 1893, Page 4