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"T© TUBE WHAKATAU BaHUI O Tv^TAI ; HAUAURU, 1895." JZxrPXt whakaatu ki ngi Tanoata '■' onr »i ratqu to VThenua, ratou ko te Kai - I^'. H^lai, kia mohio ai ratou tors, ka tv ho lrjili_i»4E* ki to WSARK-WHAKAVrA i MANAIA, !■ to Taitt, t8 8 O ngft-irft o Hune, 1893, a te 10 o nga haori i tc &.i, hei .-vrhakarite i to utu reti mo tet&hi ftirai hou ki B,"Wi__iam Thomas Wells o tot Mii whenua 0 mphiotia ana ko _g» Tekiona la mo 71 o Pora_a 111., V/aimate, 196 nga oka, i. ruuri. c S nga £aati i roto (nui ake, iti iho r«woi), ara ko te whenua c mau na te whakaaturgmga i roto i to Birai kua. rehitatia ki te Nam* SK. XI a Titokowaru, Komeno, Tajfatua, Pane, Tak-tua Kaumatua, Te Kepi, Te Manu, Ngaone, Poro, Ohia, Te Puhi, Tqftina, Pahau, i Kangi, Te Kahu Pokoro, Mvi (RaiAinuia) Here, Whwepnka, Pokere, Tarutaru, JTaupaki, Te Bawhiti, Eahirunga, Takatua, Huj», Toha, Tutahiono, Mangfih*u, Tiori, Te Ui&ihi, Topahi, Amiria, (Ngapuatea), To Hau (PaiAaiwaho), Ngatrairongoa, Tango, Ngaraina, Ngaxfiihina, Whareawhea, Te Noti (Tanginui), Busy Umaiti, Pan, Makftwe, K«,w_kawa, Hinemanu * Monuku, Ngawhango, Whariki, Kuahoat*, Hirteawhlng*., Tito ta Hoe, Ngarewa, Hira, NRapakl Titiu, Kawin Hurewfti, ' me era. atu tangata glaori no ratou era piihi whenua kiUoa i roto i U> Takiwa Buuri 0 Waimate o mohiotia ana ko nsk Tekiona 70 me 71 o Porftk_Jll., 190 nga eka, 1 ru£ri, c 3 nga panti 1 roto (nui Ige, iti iho ra.nei) i rttnga i to ruuritanga, &r_ ko » wbemi- o mau ne, te whakaturanca i roto i to rffbi kua rohitatia kite Nama 32<,), a ki a, William T«nas Wells q Manftia, ano hoki,kaitnahi paamu,ife,i-tangQjaibi whftltawhiti. Notemoft k_%tuWfpu_»puka »h»kaatu mai a William Thoyks/Wells^*u& #hakahun.tia noi tona ingon i runfcft ake neiA ratio i nga tikauga o to tua-waru o uctijKekiona 07 T*Turo Whakatau Rahui o te Tc*s inuauru, 18S2,"Cwhakaatu 1 tona Uidhia kia rira i n^fcJiod'' 1 ' '^ lou ' rar<> * " X * tikangn. o ttiua/tekionaTflWto wKlpiiuia kun whok.iaturia i runga R ako noi; a o wUjik'inro ana, ;iu c tika *na kia vfhakamana tana, touo N.i, tonei ka whakaritoa'- nei c au Ma m lie huihuinga i waenganni o ta\ia William Thoi^as Wells niongi tanqata Maori !^atoa no ratoitito whoiun. kua whakaaturiai sunga ako noi, hdi wlniknnto i te utu reti kiautfta mo taua whonua mo l'gi ttiu tuatahi c rua-t^knn-ma-tahi o je riihi hon ; a tonei kua whakaritoa uci o au ko te Wharc-wlin.-kawa i Manaia tfp kainga q tv ai, a ko to Taite to 8 o nga ra o Hijne, 1893, i te 10 d nga haora i to ata, ta wa 0 tv al tau.i huihuinga.He mea tuhi te 23 o nga fa o Mci, 1893. NA TE WAPUTAVA, ,' J. K. WAKBUKTON, Nama 25] ' Kai-tiakr 1110 te Kato.a. "THE WEST COAST SETTLEMENT KESEBVES ACT, 1802." 1, Notice to Natlye Owscns and' Lessee of a Meeting to to hold at the. Courthouse, ! Manaia, at 10 '.o'clock a.m. on TiiunsDAT, the Bth June, 1893, to fix the Eent fofta Nrcw Lease to William Thomas Wells, of Sections No«. 70 and 71, Block 111., Waimate, containing in all 196 acres 1 rood 3 perehea (more or less), being Land comprised in Memorandum of Leaso registered No. 529. -, rpO Titokowaru, Komouo, Tamatea, Pene, TaX katua Kaumatua, Te Kepa, Tb Manu, Ngaone, Toro, Ohia, Te Puhi Tuhina, Pahau, B_ngi, To Kahu Pokore,Muhi(Eanginuia),Here, Wharepuka, Pokere, Torutoru, Taupaki, Te Bawbiti, Rahirungft, Takatua, Hura, Tohaj Tutahione, Mangahau, Tiori, Te Unaihi, Topahi, Amiria (Ngapuatea), To Hau (Paimaiwaho), N.awairongoa.Taugq, Ncaraina, Nga waihina,Whareawhe», Te Noti (Tanginui), Kua tamaiti, Ptiri, Maltawe, Kawakawa, Hinemanu, Uenuku, Ngawhango, Whariki, Buahoata, Hinoawhinga,'Titi to Hoo, Ngarowa, Hira, Ngapaki, Titiu, Rahiri Hurowai, and the other Native owners of all, those pieces of land situato in tho Waimate Survey District, being Sections Nos. 70 and 71, Blbck 111., and containing by admeasurement in- all 19G acres 1 rood 3 perches (more or loss), bding tho land comprised in Memorandum of Leaso registered No. 529, to William Thomas WellS, of Manaia, farmer, as transferee. , Wheroai the above-named William Thomas Wells has given notieo to me, under tho provisions of section 8 of " Tho West Coafct Settlement Eeserves Act, 1892," that he desires to obtain under that section a new lea«o of tho land above described; and I considor his application ought to bo given offect to. Now, therefore, Ido hereby appoint a meeting to take place between the said William Thoinaß Wells Mid _11 tho Native owners of the above-described latifi, for the purpose of flxihg the ront to bo paid tot the said land for the first twenty-one years of Jtho new lease, and I fix tho Courthouso, Mana^i, as the place where, and Thursday, the Bth Jtmo, 1893, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, as the tftne when, such meeting shall take placo. "* Dated this 3rd day of May, 1893t J. K. WARBXJRTON, No. 25.] jgUblic Trustee. "TE TUBE WHAKATAU KaIiUI O TE TAI . HAUAURU, 189^" Kupu -whak&atu ki nga Ta^gax! Maori no ratou to WHENUJt, ratou ko Kai-|*ngo Kiihi, kia mohio »i ratou l»ft ka tv hi huihuinga ki te Whare-weUkav/MjOpunlksk a te Wenerei, te 31 o nga ra a Mci, H®, a to 10 o nga haora i tp ata, hei whakarito TK±e utu reti mo totalj Eiihi hou ki a Joh*^ Michael Hickey o tetahi whenua o mohioSjt «,a_ ko nga tokiona i, 21, 22 me 28 o Poraka Xistosunake, hni katoa 189 nga eka L^pto (nui ake,mp£_o ranei), ara ko te whenua jpJoßMna te whjjkfiaturanga i roto i to Brim kujferohisfttia ki ngtsfcKania 50G, 718, 499 XI a Ihaiar J^fciriS^i, AJkinife Himionn, Piketo Ei^inHifowfckaOTa, wniana Eruini Kawakawa (Eruiui SUtMa, KaVtiaki), Matiu Wharomatangf RangimTSrai, Pareto Wahenga, Pohutu (Mata Hineotingq ijafcjiujfr Ngakau. nga Kai-tiaki mo Rangimoekai JflKoTe Wahenga, me Pohutu), Tuwbakararo, \^ro<bu Hohaia, Kuini Hohaia, Oriur_ Hohaia, Pajfete^Teira, Pipi Teira, Mero Teira, Hamta Tuwmkarftjco, Anihera Kuakau, NgamirakE^lawea, Marar* Aiteo, Marare, Ngamiraka, Te%w%i Pafei, M<fhi Parai, Tuna Warihi, Tare Wa!|y3Kj?e Mira Wfcaropore, Haiuo I w}tai, Hakaraia TalMfika, Paki here Eruini, Eruini Kawakawa (Ran!?W||j|iai!l^;onionga Kona, Ruho Hakopa, HoJia KaaL "tj Kawau Rake, Ngeru Rake, Taiaifcaimi, |«hukaraiti, Te Ataao Kahukaraiti, Kgttinura> Sahukaraiti, Mero to Rangikawarara|ffiongo|M_|pa, Ihaka to Menu (Rangiuru), Ihaklte Kofe, Erpin tc Rauna, Hoeta to Whakaruru, WjfereiJlatan^ me era atu tangata Maori no ratou fltojjpiihi ■SLonua katoa i roto 1 te Takiwa Ruuri. (SjOptmaVSi, o mohiotia ana ko nga Tekiona 4,'_l,|fe uio 2p o Pornka X., hui katoa 189 nga eka r,r«<y^itoj^ake, iti iho rauei) i runga i te ruuiit_pgi, aia^ko tc whenua o miiu natowhakaaturangajfrotoingariihikuarohitntia ki nga Nama 500, 718, |39 me 194 aki a John Michael Hickay, o Onunnk<sftno hoki, kai-noho whenua, te kai-tango riihi wlfflkawhiti. Notemoa kua tnhl pukupuka whakaatu mai a John Michael Hick# kua whakahuatia noi tona ingoa i runga ake na, i rnro i nga tikanga o te tuawaru 0 nga tekionafp," To Ture Whakatau Rahui 0 to Tai Hatitturu, JJ692," whakaatu i tona hiahia kia riro i a ia he rihi hou i rnro 1 nga tikanga o taua tekiona, motto. whenua kua whakaaturia i runga ako nei ; as -svhnkanro nna an o tika ana kia whakamaua aqna touo Na, tenci ka whakaritea nei o aufkia^tii he huihuinga i waonganui o taua John flirhaol Hickey me nga tangata Maori katoa no rj^tou w w hcnua kua whakaaturia 1 runga ako neifhei whakarito i tc utu reti kia utua r_o taua wfemwino nga tau tuntahi c rua-tekau-ma-tahi ojto rnbl hcru ; a tenei kua whakaritoa noi c au Ito to Whare-whakawa i Opunako, te kftinga c tv *, a ko to Wonerei, to 31 o nga ra 0 Mci, 1893, i tofiO o ngs haora J to ata, to wa c tv ai taua huihuis^a. > He inoa tufii i tenei |e 3 o nga ra oMei, 1893. r NA TE WAPUTANA, I J. K. "WABBURTON, Nama 20] _S_ Kai-tiaki mo to Katoa. " THE WEST^COAST SETTLEMENT BfeSEKVES ACT, 1892." 1 Notice to IRative OwnSrs and Lessee of a Mi:etino Ito bo held kt tho Courthouse, OPUN-Aiu:,Eat 10 o'clock ji.m. on Wednesday, the 31st May, 1893 to fiXktho Kent for a New Lease toRJoHN Michauj Hickky of Sections Nos. 4, 2822, and 28, Block X., Opuxakk, containing ft all 189 acres fmoro or less), being Land cofthprisod in Memorandums of Leases register*! Nos 300, 718, 499,yind 494. TO Ihaa N^akirikiri, AkinShi Himiona, Pikete Enaiii Aawakawa, Wttwuia Eruini Kawakawa (Eriini Kawakawa, trustee), Matiu Whare. matangi|Rangimoekai, Pan tft V> ahonca, Pohutu (Mata Hgleotinga and Kua N^akan, t'rustoos for RangiiiKjekai, Paii te Wfthengft, nnd Pohutuj Tuwhakarifeq, Wiromu Hohaia, J^iini Hohaia, Oriwia Hol»ia, Pareto Telm, Pipi Teira, Mero Teira, Harata fiPuwhakaroro, AmlioriC'liitakau, Ngamiraka Rg,wea, Maroro Aitu, Maroro, Ngamiraka, Te Aw-lie Parai, Mohi Parai, Tiifia Warihi, Tare WarihifcTo Mira Wharopore, Havbo Iwitai, Hakaraia TSngaika, Pakihoro Eruiui. Eruini Kawakawn. (Slangitcanau), Konjonga l^na", Kuho Hakop\ Hona ßnko, To Kawau Raba, Ngoru Rak-e Tantllhinu, KahuUaraairi«te4tni*o Kahukaraiti Ngam«ftKahukataittf Mcv«TKl^»igikawarara, RongfJM^am, njakft & Manu O&fc&giuru), Ihajca to Koo, Erlni^to Eatriia, Hoota X Whakarmu, Whai#matangl^mdth\othcr NAfae ownerß ol SUS U t^^? I.°1 .°V %08 ° n *WJßiliaSF' ¥>o Opunako n u ul^iK ,Pj. stnct ' being _ItJMH_ Nos.H, 21, 22, and 28, l>l*ck X., and containlngw. admeaturement in all 1® acres (more or less), Tfcug thfe land comprisen in memorandums of reascsAroeistorod 5'5 ' 18 ' 4<J9 ' ? ud mm < t0 John Srfeft^ickey, of Oj unake, settler, as transferee * Wi ereas tho above-named John" Michael Hicl*y has given notieo to ma, undei?the _rovisicfcs of section 8 of "Tho West Coa^t Settlemen Reserves Act, W Qxtf he dSitoß to obta n under that aection a new leas" of the lanAbpTedoßciibod; and I consider his Application ought to be giyen effect to : Now, thoyofore, 1 df horeby appoint a mooting to taW place bet^en tho said John MlchaorHickey afid alt thofJative owners of tho above-describedland f £ r fcj'TC i ? of S* 111 * tbe rent bepafdfor tha^said land for the first twenty-one yeavs of thmiow lease ; and I fix the Courthou Se ;Opun_ko, aa*he place where, aud Wednesday the 31st May 103. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, as tho ffi when, boo- .meeting shall take place. Dated this 3rd day of May, 1893. Kn on 1 Jl K> WAIiBURTON, _£l __l Public Trustee^ WEST COAST LAND AGENCY PaoDf cc & Commission Agency LAND for Sale— 3so acies, splendid farm, first-class land, sheep proof fences, ljouae, etc. 650 acreß, grazing farm, 110 acres in grass; splendid, investment. 100 acres, dairy farm/ house, shed, yard ; on main rdm, near school, .etc. Several other ijoporties from 35 aefes upwards. Tfron and Suburban Sections. W PBODUCE— (JIoniaI reprdlatative of Wallia, sdis & Co., P&rißion Merchants, Londfh. Jr TIMBER— Ag&t for Ej&lmer & Co. Orders takernk at^r SEEDb — Por sar«r*hew season's Cowgrasa, White and Alsyke Clovers, Timothy, etc. Canterbury Eye Grass, Oats, etc. 4.. H. MOOBE, Opunake.

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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XX, Issue 2434, 23 May 1893, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XX, Issue 2434, 23 May 1893, Page 4