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Egmont A. and P. Association.

The annual meeting of members of the association was held on Saturday. There were present — Messrs J. Mason (President, in the ohair),E; Hicks, Ward, Shearer, P. Wilson, Ealßton, Major, G. McLean, W. Wil6on, Livingston, Bowe, Davidson, Foreman, Stott, A. A. Fantham, jin., J. W. Kelly, MoFarland, Inkster, Quin, Eiddiford, Robertson, Duckworth, Blennerhassett, Parkinson, Nicholas, and J. T. Stone. k


Tbe annual report was read as follows : —

" The balance-shees for tbe year ended Slat Maroh, 1893, certified as being correct, is presented herewith, and shows a new departure in that it closes with a credit balance.

" The amount of £20 2s 3d lies to the society's credit at the Bank of New Zealand, and it is estimated that the amounts yet to be received will realize £20.

" Tbe reoeipts for tbe year just ended Bbow a slight increase as compared with the previous year, tbe total amount being £648 as against £612 for the year ending 31st March, 1892, but, doubtless, they would have been considerably swelled had not the BUCC6BB of the laßfc show been greatly marred by tbe weather, which, in marked contrast to that wbich has generally lavored the sooiety, was very wet. Of tbe total amount disbursed, viz, £620, the sum of £287 15s was paid away' in prizes. This amount is almost identical

with tbat distributed the previous year. A considerable snm has been expended on the show ground in fencing, planting, and erecting additional yards. Before retiring your general committee beg to make the following report and recommendations : — " Show Gjoundfl. — Agreeably with the instructions of the association, steps have; been, taken to effect tbe tranßferoTßßolßß>n:isß, Hawera, from tbe present "holders', to* the society, and tbe matter is now in tbe hands of Mr Barton for completion. At present tbe position of affairs is this : That tbe land will be conveyed to trustees on behalf of the association, and in the event of any vacancies occurring new trustees will be appointed by the society ; that the society can only Bell the land, oi any portion thereof, with the consent of a majority of two thirds of tbe members; that tbe transfer to tbe society will be subject to existing mortgage of iJ7OO to the Government Insurance Company ; tbat the sum of 10s, less amount of rent in' hand JEIO 17s— viz., £92 13a— is due to the present proprietors of tbe land. " Since writing the above, Mr Barton has advised tbat the transfer and declaration of trust have been executed by all parties concerned except Brown's exeoutors, who refuse to sign for reasons set out. " At a meeting held on January 14th, 1893, it was decided that available funds be paid to Mesers Dive and others in respect of amount due to them, and tbat they be guaranteed payment of the balance, with interest at 7 per cent, until paid. This proposal should therefore now be carried into effect, unless it be decided to make arrangements with the bank whereby the present holders should be paid off at once. " A considerable amount of planting hae been done on tbe western and southerly aides of the ground, the benefit of which, however, will cot be appreciable for some time. AH the trees have taken' well, but require ' attention by removing the grass and weeds surrounding them. "Your committee have deoided, by a resolution passed at a meeting held on March 4th last, tbat, in their opinion, the time has arrived when a two days' show should be held. The necessity of this has, we think, been fully illustrated by the last two shows, and many of those at one time strongly opposed to this proposal are now in favor of it.

"We wonld farther urge careful and favorable consideration .of having one judge for each class in lieu of two or thres as at present. It is believed that tbis change wonld not militate against the correctness of the awards, and wonld unquestionably reduce expenses. " Correspondence' has taken place with Mr Park, veterinary Burgeon, Hobart, with a view to obtaining his services in the district, bat nothing definite has been arrived at pending the settlement of a proposition, now being considered by the Government, of appointing a veterinary snrseon for each island

"Attempts were made to form a collection of exhibits for the opening of the Imperial Institute in London, bat unfortunately without result. This waa attributable a good deal to the fact that the suggestion was made to this society somewhat late in the season, and weather waß not favorable to a representative collection being made. The opportunity of sending Home exhibits will again occnr next year, and we would Btrongly urge the necessity of exhibiting grasses in stalk and anything else of a worthy nature. "The present grand stand is totally inadequate for requirements, and we would suggest the advisableneßS of considering its replacement by a more convenient and substantial structure.

"Many of the hardies are now in a dilapidated condition, and we would recommend that they be sold ana new ones obtained in their, place. This would make the sheep yards more uniform in appearance, as at present tbe hurdles are of all sorts and conditions. In the event of a new supply being obtained, we would advise the use of battens only, and dispense with the system of morticing heretofore adopted.

11 The ground whereon the sheep yards, machinery, &0., are placed would be greatly improved by being levelled, as also would tbe new entrance to tbe ground.

11 A reoommendation that all donors of special prizes of 10s and upwards to the Society's funds be accorded a complimentary tioket of admission to the ground has been confirmed by the general committee. "A matter which we commend with great nrgenoy is the necessity of having the programme for our coming show drawn oat and distributed much earlier than has been the case hitherto. By so doing and arranging a liberal programme, we believe that stock will oome forward in greater numbers and in far better condition.

" The oatcle yards are do t strong enough for their purpose, and have in fact about served their time. When it is neoessary to re-erect them the grounds' should be well levelled, as at present the irregularities cause, to many minds, an appearance of want of uniformity in the stock which does not really exist. "The sheds are not by any meanß suitable for tbe exhibition of produoe and local industries, and were last year occupied by the poultry, tbe produce, &c, being set out in the large marquee obtained from Palmerston. In time tbe question of erecting a substantial shed will have to be considered. It is suggested th at per* haps the grand-Btand and prodnoe sheds could be combined.

14 We do not anticipate that the many matters to which we have drawn attention oan all be entertained at the present time, but undoubtedly the time will Shortly arrive when they must receive consideration, and therefore we mention them aow in order tbat they may be steadily borne in mind.

11 In conclusion we would state that the publio again oame forward liberally in respect to special prizes, and many thanks are dne to Mr. Livingston, not only for, his ; invaluable services as canvasser, but for anpplying a beast for the weight, guessing competition and allowing the proceeds of the oaroase to go to the Society's funds.

the need of fostering the iniwests of the combined acton alone can tfce success of J the objeote of the aesociation, for doubtfesi! there are many thinga which should have attention apart torn the yearly show of stock, &o. Of cou»e, daring the yeu many matters of importance, apart from the show, have been dealt with, notably the Stock Bill, bufcwe think the society might be made more OBefril by the introduction of-Jectares sod diwoflpionc on BUbjeots of interest to the settlers. With reference to the Stock Bill we may itate that it was considered at length 'by the committee appointed, and many sawef. turns of change were submitted to the . Government. The bill was presented and withdrawn last year, bat it £ intended to re-introduce the measure ,«aily next session. Any farther mg^onl^l herefore be sent in ptoisp% TObSS tbe association continued fmnrfrta J M ml oN|^, n b9Wf rf Genial OonStoeT" The Chairman gave explanation, with reference to the finance in cormaotion with I i?i he a8aoo "»tion to say what should/to 1 done, but tbeoommittee thought 1 would b. better to pay off themorteSe if possible, and it was beliaved fliat the money could be easily raised on- deben" tareß. As to tbe report generally it «<u pretty exhaustive. *The \mSS£ wm certain y in a prosperous way, and whether it should remain so entirely^ departed on the members. Farmers were^d to be the most apathetio of men, and he was wonld take greater interest in this association. An important dnty was the election of a President, ard he hoped they* would get a good man for the position. He formally moved the adoptionTaf the Mr. Major Beeonaed, remarMDff tbat it was ft very good report, Motion agreed to. HEW MTCTfffH^ Mr. John Finlay was elected a member. COBBESPOHTJKmXi was received in reference to a charge for nee of the borough room, and it wm bruThfo^sc -*»* of tba From AgrioaUural Itapartmenf asking for copies of report and Vlaws, to bf I Concluded onpage 4.)

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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XX, Issue 2397, 10 April 1893, Page 2

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Egmont A. and P. Association. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XX, Issue 2397, 10 April 1893, Page 2

Egmont A. and P. Association. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XX, Issue 2397, 10 April 1893, Page 2