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The ordinary monthly meeting was held on Friday; present— Councillors Forsyth (chairman), McLean, Scott, Shearer, McCarthy, Walter Wilson, and Glenn. CORRESPONDENCE. Patea West Road Board, forwarding resolutions and copies of records of 1879, from which it appeared that Hawera Road Board had agreed to maintain Ingahape road from main road to bridge, and that it had in conseqaence been handed over to the Hawera Road Beard. —It was pointed out that nothing, was said abont maintenance of bridge. — Cr. Scott thought it was a bad agreement that the Hawera Road Board had entered into, for the Patea .Road Board would have been compelled to open np roads. The Manutahi people, who paid no rates to Hawera County Council, cut np the road badly in carting firewood. It wag doubtful whether the conncil could legally ppand money outside of the county. — Resolved to call attention to fact that letter did not refer to bridge. Stratford County Council, with reference to balances of accounts between .the two counties, and necessity for applying /or additional 10 per cent, in respect >of Opunake-Stratford road loan.— Resolved to make application for 10 per cent, as requested. Department of Justice, forwarding rider of jury in O'Connor inquest, calling attention to dangerous crossings ot streams in locality.— Letter wbb ordered, to' he acknowledged. E. J. Ellerm, asking council to have BPotion promised for town hall site at KapoDga vested in County Council.— The request was acceded to. G. Watson, Chairman of Awatuna School Committee, asking connoil to put foot-bridge over Funehu stream. — The matter was disoussed at some length The council seemed willing to put a few, logs across, and put np a wire line aorosß, but it was thought that the banks would be too low for tbat, and anything further might be very expensive.— lt was resolved to ask the engineer to report. Gideon Inkster, expressing disappointment at refusal of council to repair few ohains of road on Normanby-Manaia road, and hoping tbat tenders would bo called, as the road was very dangerous. — Members agreed that the road was a little rough, but could not see their way to spend more money on the road yet, as the road is overdrawn and there is a scarcity of labor for suoh work. E. Derrett, asking tbat bridge over Otakeho stream be strengthened, as | otherwise he would not be able to get over it with machine during grain season, which would mean lobs to himself and inconvenience to farmers. — Cr. Glenn said if the crossing be proposed had been carried out the maohine need not go on the bridge. Town Clerk, Wellington, re Atkinson memorial. — Cr, McCarthy understood that the Borough Counoil had the matter in hand. He thought that if possible some one from this distriot should be present. — Latter to be acknowledged. W. L. Kennedy, asking for bridge on Con way road, for which JE2O was voted some time ago. This is between Mountain road and railway station, and the more necessary as the Railway Commissioners were trying to blaok-mail settlers by charging them for access to railway reserve. — The Engineer said the bridge would be started next week ; timber had been ordered some time.— Clerk to reply accordingly. „ W. and J. Blennerbassett, Yandlt, and 20 others, asking for cbe construction of a watering. plaoe at Motumate stream, on Main South road.—Counciilor McCarthy moved that the watering-place be made as requested ; Councillor Shearer seconded, and said he learned on enquiry tbat there waa a necessity for the work being done. Agreed to. M. Baker and three other settlers on Morea road, asking that additional 10 per cent, be applied for in respeot of portion of loan (£350) allooated to their road, and pledging themselves to pay any additional rate reqoired. — The ohairman pointed out that the rate must be over the whole area, and that settlers in other parts might objeot.— The clerk pointed out chat only £35 was required, and the interest would be only 85s a year; be thought that the increased valuation would be Buffioient without any extra rate. — Application aooeded to.

Stretton and Jobson, calling attention to bad state of Meremere road, and urging that something should be done before the winter set in. — In answer to a question, the engineer said it was on the Maori ground. The bush needed felling on each side.-— Engineer was authorised to spend a few pounds.

J. 0. Yorke, asking that thirds from his paid up money be spent opposite property in metalling with machine-broken stone. He spoke strongly in favor of the machinebroken metal.— -Councillor Shearer said Mr. Yorke saw that the council was about spending money on bis bill, and thought that owing to the state of funds they might use gravel ; but wished to suggest that as he had paid ofi the thirds might enable the oounoil to do the work with machine-brokeu stone.— -Tenders to be called for broken slone.


Mr. Twigg reported on Fraeer, Turn, ana Austin roads, recommending draining, ploughing, and other work at a cose of about £60 in the whole.— Beport adopted. Mr, Stewart reported, recommending that a gap of 50 chains between Cleaver and Brooking'e and Wiley's contracts on Eitham road be offered to the latter at price of former tender, £4, 83 per chain. Agreed to (McCarthy— Shearer). Becommending that work estimated to coßt about jBISO be spent on Auroa road, wbiob he desoribed as the worst county road in the district.— Councillor Glenn spoke of the necessity of doing work on this road, especially some drainage in certain places. The chairman said there was no money available, and no snob expenditure as proposed by engineer could be undertaken. Councillor Glenn said be believed there would have to be a loan for the road. The chairman would not object to a little drainage being done. Engineer to be asked to report on' cost of drainage.

Reported on state of Otakeho bridge as being bad, bat thought after recent repairs a sudden collapse dangerous to life and property unlikely. This was the bridge Mr. Derrett had written about. It was agreed that engines and combines could not cross with safety, bat Coanoillor McCarthy suggested that Mr. Derrett could at very little expense himself add to the strength of the longitudinal work in the centre, so that he could get across, Councillor Wilson said it was clear a new bridge could not be built to be of any use this season. The chairman suggested the making of a crossing, and Councillor Glenn said that could bo done at a small expense. It was resolved that Mr. Der. rett be informed that the bridge is not safe. [The council adjourned for lunch.] Councillor McCarthy said that since the adjournment a good authority had offered to strengthen the bridge with rough timber, so as to make it perfectly safe for Derrett's and Cattenaoh's engines, for £5. A crossing would, he believed, cost £25. Besolved that engineer be instructed to expend £6 or. £7 if suoh expenditure will enable thrashing engines to crose. Reported work on Mauaia road, and asked] for authority to get breaking and spaldiog done without calling for tenders. Coanoillor MoCarthy suggested that this shonia be done and also on Eltbam road. Asked for permission to get stone

carted to be tuna in concrete work »* Horphy's creek, .which he was eertairi | would not exceed eostroftotara*— Adopted., Besotted that the cboncrete culvert bad cost Tittle more than estimate owing to special diflSonlties, and 'there was loss owing to a dam of Mr. Fearee's having bnrsted. Councillor McCarthy said be had watched' the work very carefully, and knew that there were special difficulties bat he waß satisfied that the conorete work could be done for a great deaHees than what ii had been done for. A question arose aa to whether Mr. Fearce shonld be called npon to pay for damage done owing to his dam bursting, but it was unanimously resolved in the negative. ACCOUNTS. The usual acoounts were passed for payment. TENDERS. 658—30 obains 20 feet atnmpiDg, Kapuui :. Geoige Wix, 9s 6d per obain ; Soott and Co., (accepted) 89. All other tenders were declined, all being considerably above the estimate, and too high to allow of the proposed works on Eltbam road being done for tbe money available. CORNWALL ROAD LOAN AREA. The resolution striking rate wai formally confirmed. DOG TAX. The tender of Mr. Meuli for supply of dog colters at 8f d was aooepted. On tbe question of tbe fee being raised, Councillor McLean moved that tbe fee for collies be 2s 6d, and 6s for sporting dogs. He objected to farmers paying more for their sporting dog than a man in tbe town paid, where, tbe fee was 2s 6d and sb. Councillor Wilson seconded. Councillor Glenn thought people who owned sporting dogß could afford to pay for them, and moved as an amendment that the fee be as last year 2a 6d and 10a. Councillor Shearer seconded the amendment. Councillor McCarthy thought there should be no difference between town and county. Councillor Wilton suggested that the Mayors and County Chairman and ohairman of town boards should meet and deoide upon a fee all round. Councillor McLean and McCarthy approved the suggestion, and said they would like to see tbe fee £1. .- Amendment was negatived, and motion . agreed to. Councillor McCarthy advocated that ( 20 per cent extra or more should be charged to persons who did not pay by a . certain date, say, 31st March. I The Chairman thought that after 1 t certain date tbe police should be instructed ( to summon all ownerß of unregistered I dogs. Either that or., Councillor Mo ! Car thy 'a suggestion Would lead to mud ( better collection. 1 Councillor McLean moved that tbi chairman's suggestion be given effect tc , and that in the event of registerable dog t not being registered by 81st March th< j fee be doubled. 3 Agreed to. ;, Mr. Budge was appointed collector a 6d for cattle dogs and Is tor sportin, 1 dogs; and tbe Council office was mad j tbe place of registration. ure's contract. 0 The committee recommended that on . of sum of £76 owing to TJre, £45 be pai B on tbe judgment obtained by John Hayei j and that the balance be paid to Depot' b Official Assignee.— Adopted. 1 ARABATA STREAM. ? The Mayor of Hawera waited on tb oouncil by resolution of the Boroug j Council, to ask' the oouncil to urge tfa a Government to erect a bridge over th a Ararata stream ; and he pressed tb y matter on the counoil. c The Chairman said the council ha ; already written to the Government an 9 obtained no satisfaction. He agreed that ; „ was a necessary work. It was decided to co-operate with tb 3 Borongh Council and ask the support < r Messrs. McGuire and Hutchison, M.H.I a (Shearer— McCarthy.) J BOAD SURVEY. 1 Mr. R. Burgon waited on tbe connc t, and asked it to have deviation of Wiriban B road surveyed, through Lncena's estate t 9 efleot janction of Wiribana and Bargo t roads. Both went to Waingongoro' rivei t bat at different points, and if a new piec t were surveyed and taken it would be 9 gread convenience to Okaiawa people. H . bad paid up hiß money in order to gc Burgon road made, but nothing could b i done until there was a junction. f Councillor McCarthy understood tha 3 the crossing was a bad one and that tb ( money would be wasted. [ Councillors McLean and Winks wer 1 appointed to interview Lucena trustees ii I the event of a report by Mr. Twigg beta; favorable. i TAWHITI STREAM. r Councillor' McCarthy again pressei , forward his proposal to put a ooncret . culvert over the Tawhiti stream at th [ mill. Later enquiry had shown him tha ; the present bridge was very dangeroue ; and that a oonorete oulvert would be ver - economical. He wished it to be done bi i day labor under tbe foreman, and repeatei ; his arguments that tbe oost would be low Councillor McLean seconded, i Agreed to ; engineer to have power ti call for tenders for carting stone, &c. BYLAWS. The Chairman brought under the notici of the oounoil again tbe matter of regulat ' ing loads to be carried on newly formed 01 other roads during winter. Certain resold tions had been agreed to some months ag( and he proposed that tbe resolutions b< pat in the form of by. laws. Some of tb( existing regulations were not sufficient He thought the matter should be referred to a committee to report next meeting. Councillor GJenn objected to such interference with tbe liberty of the subjeot. Councillor Shearer thought that much carting was done in winter which oon.'d be done in the summer. Councillor MoLean said that the effeel of carrying heavy loads was to so cut ur tbe bush roads within a fortnight after the wet weather oame, that people who would be content with small loads could not get them out. Councillor Scott eaid that in the ease of Mokoia riding persons who paid no rates were carting out firewood to Manntabi people who were not ratepayers in tbe county. Councillors MoLean, McCarthy, Quin, and Soott were appointed a committee to revise the .by-lawß' and. report at next meeting; aspeoiil mejting.tod^held ct Wclusion'of next. oroTnary meetfng to deal with the subjeot. cemeterY resbbve, pihama. Tbe Chairman reported that a Pihama pnblio meeting desired a cemetery trust established for Pihama. He had been looking up the matter, and foapd that tbe first course was for the settler* to; name trustees and tbe oouocil wonld- forward them to the Government. •*"..'♦ The coancil concurred. •, n ; -. O <■ HOAD-KAK^N^ MACHJJW.'V The chairman brought .writy; notice,, report of a trial of a road*makfng. machine in, Australia, and said he thought it was worth while making .enquiry bbout. In Australia they seem to do a. great deal : with scoop, whereas we workedmore with piok and shovel, bo that the saving would be greater here than there. Councillor MoLean supported the auggestiqn; heartily*. He obtained drawings of the machines several years ago and submitted them to we,oonnty, .but, he was ; 805^^. say nothing was done. In some counties in America I thsr,a.wfl£e as many as seven employed.and they did excellent work, It was resolved that tbe olerk write for particular!.

Altering ib*My o f Uienn oompiiiiuijg that tmflitAl bolflav m Hawera maae I^gp^yery «££_- venient day; bat alter conversation^ it -. appeared impossible to got any other day which wonld be equally Buitable. The council adjourned.

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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XX, Issue 2326, 14 January 1893, Page 2

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HAWERA COUNTY COUNCIL Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XX, Issue 2326, 14 January 1893, Page 2

HAWERA COUNTY COUNCIL Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XX, Issue 2326, 14 January 1893, Page 2