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The council met on Friday. Present — Councillors Forsyth, Parsons, Godsal, Malone, Godkin, Heslop, Lysaght, and I. Bayly (chairman).

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

Correspondence was read, including inter alia letter from the borough re metalling of Main South and formation of side roads, &c.

Also letters re deferred payment moneys from the Waimate Road Board, in which particulars of the debits charged by the Road Board against the county roads were detailed, and approximate credits accruing to sucb roads were stated, the debits amounting to _2470, the credits to about £200.

It was suggested that the motion of which Councillor Parsons had given notice should be held over.

After some discussion the Chairman stated the he had called at the Land Office at New Plymouth asking for schedules showing what moneys had accrued to county roads. He was informed that the Land Bill as passed by Parliament left it to the Minister of Lands to decide how deferred payment money should be allocated as between county or district roads. He moved that the engineer prepare schedules for most important works to be paid for out of deferred payment and perpetual lease moneys payable to the county. Councillor Parsons thought that this resolution should not come on until after his notice of motion had been dealt with. He thought that if works were to be scheduled without any one knowing how much there was to spend, the schedules would be referred back from the land board to the County Council for reductions.

The Chairman said he had seen the Crown Lands Ranger, and that officer denied that he had accepted the figures as given by the Waimate Road Board as correct or as satisfactory; he had only accepted them in order to close muddled accounts and to start fair for the future.

Councillor Heslop thought that Councillor Parson's motion should be dealt with at once, but he was opposed to the stoppage of all county works simply becouse there was a dispute as to certain deferred payment moneys between the Road Board and the County Council. The Chairman said all he desired was to have the most urgent works scheduled and approved without any more delay, irrespective of what sums might be available for works from defe:red payment funds.

Councillor Malone thought it impossible to go on with the preparation of schedules until they knew what money was available. The foreman could put down works for hundreds of pounds for which no money was available, and a lot of money would be wasted by such a conrse of action.

The Chairman understood that the most important works would be the ones which the Minister of Lands would approve of the allocation of deferred payment money to. Whether the Road Board or the County Council had charge of such roads would not be considered under the Land Act as amended. The question of what road any particular deferred payment money occurred from would not be considered by the Minister for Lands.

Councillor Malone foresaw great difficulties if any attempt were made to take deferred payment money from a whole district and spend it in an adjoining one. The road board would naturally object to money being taken from district roads.

Councillor Parsons thought it would be very unwise to attempt to schedule works on Waimate riding in the manner suggested by the Chairman, it might do in Hawera riding.

Councillors Forsyth and Godsal agreed that the resolution would suit for Hawera and perhapa for Ngaire ridings but not for Waimate riding. The Chairman would accept such an amendment to his resolution. Of course councillors representing Waimate riding would be responsible for any delay which might arise from the rejection of his proposals.

Councillor Malone moved as an amendment, " That the Minister for Lands be asked to direct the Land Board officials at New Plymouth to furnish this council with particnlars of what moneys are due to county roads within this county from deferred payment thirds and perpetual lease sections abutting on such county roads. That on receipt of this, the foreman of works prepare a schedule of works iv accordance therewith, and another schedule for works that he may deem necessary on county roads without reference to the sums due to the roads'from deferred payment thirds.

The Chairman said that the Minister of Lands would be guided by the importance of the several works asked for, subject of course to the conditions of the Land Act. He did not wish to take any money from bye roads to which they were justly entitled, but he wished to see the county roads receive a fair share, neither more nor less.

Councillor Parsons thought it was absolutely impossible to take deferred payment money from one ward to another, even if one work were the more important than another, in the manner suggested by the chairman.

Councillor Godkin wished to know whether the chairman advocated taking deferred payment money that belonged to district roads to spend on county roads? The Chairman said he had no desire to urge that any money should be taken from district roads to which they were justly entitled. He took exception to tbe way in which improper motives were attributed to him, not justified hy his words or actions.

Councillor Malone contended that it would hang the matter up for an indefinite period to attempt to take any deferred payment money from district roads to spend on county roads.

Councillor Heslop contended that the amendment moved by Councillor Malone was not an amendment on the chairman's resolution, which, in its latest form, only affected Hawera riding. Councillor Malone urged that the matter should be dealt witli from a county, and not from a riding point of view. The Chairman agreed that Councillor Malone's amendment could be passed as a separate motion, whether his resolution were carried or lost.

The chairman's resolution was then passed, to take effect in Hawera riding only.


A letter was read from Hawera Road asking that the Normanby Town District be allowed to take charge of the above roads, the road board to pay half cost of maintenance.

Mr. Gane appeared and explained how these roads affected Normanby Town District. The latter applied at the last meeting for the council to deoide which body should have control of the above roads. The road board's request was acceeded to, and the control was vested in the Normanby Town District.


Mr. R. Dingle wrote asking for some consideration for three week's delay in connection with stone-crushing. The Foreman of Works' report was read and received dealing with this and other matters. It recommended certain works being gone on with in Ngaire riding, and the extension of the metalling of the Main South road to the top of the Wain* gongoro hill*

The Chairman reported on the steps he had taken to get the stone crusher under way. He had had trouble in procuring a suitable engine. This had caused the delay complained of by the contractor. There were difficulties in fixing the machine, and in learning how to work it to the best advantage. The machine and engine were now doing good work, and the men had learnt how to surmount some of the difficulties which arose from time to time.

Councillor Godkin approved of a surfaceman being sent as suggested to break stones near Mr. Hawke's on tbe Mountain Road. There ought to be action taken in re-gravelling the portions of the Mountain Road referred to in the engineer's report.

The report was received and adopted, including the lengthening of the metalling to the top of the hill, which the contractor asked for as compensation for delay. Councillor Malone moved that loose stones be collected and put together where possible on county roads ; on the side roads they were dangerous. Councillor Godsal moved that surfacemen be pnt on to the county roads for repairs. He thought the roads were breaking up for want of attention.

The Foreman thought it would take a dozen men to keep the loose stones picked up on county roads during the dry weather.

No resolutions on the Bubject were pressed.


On the motion of Councillor Malone, the clerk was instructed to apply to the Government for balance of grant of -8400 for Opunake-Stratford bridge. It was agreed for the foreman to examine and report on the approaches to the said bridge.

A letter from Mr. Marke was received on the snbjeot.


The Couuty Foreman thought the broken stone on the Main South Road could be laid down for 4s per cubic yard. The present metalling was taking about twelve cubic yards per chain, and was costing less than 4s per chain. The cost was held to be reasonable. GRAVEL.

It was resolved that application be made to the Government for gravel to be supplied for the Mountain Road by rail irom the Government pit.


Councillor Lysaght moved for certain repairs on the Main South Road.south of Hawera. The foreman made a note of what was required; the cost would be only trifling.


J. Thomas wrote and offered to under* scrub 60 chains of scrub for Is 6d per chain on the above road, and to burn the scrub after felling in order to get acoess by pack-horse to his land.

The council agreed to grant the request.


Councillor Parsons moved that settlers be paid for chopping and burning underscrub on couuty reads frontages, the cost not to exceed Is per chain, and that the council would allow for sowing such burnt frontages 7s per acre, not less than 151bs of cocksfoot and 21bs of white clover to be sown per acre. (Carried).


Councillor Malone referred to certain difficulties which had arisen in connection with the proposed loan in Ngaire riding. Some ratepayers refused to believe that heavy county rates must be levied if the loan fell through. He moved that failing the earring of the proposed loan for _EI3OO tor making the Mountain Road in the Ngaire riding, the council will have to annually strike and levy over that riding the lull $d rate, and such special rate as is necessary to raise sufficient funds to make good dangerous portions of the road. The Chairman agreed that unless loans were levied the council would have to levy id rate and hospital rate, an extra id, equal to Id instead ot only a halfpenny. That would apply not only to the Mountain Road, but aIBO to the Main South Road. It was worn ont in many parts and needed re-metalling all the way from the Waingongoro to Hawera. The council must look the position in the face. They had to keep the roads in a safe state or run the risk of heavy compensation for accident. If they were to keep them in good repair they must either levy heavy rates or raise loans.

Councillor Malone'a motion |was then carried.


The Chairman moved that tenders be called for two contracts, one for quarrying and putting stone through tbe machine, also for carting metal for Main South road from Waingongoro to Hunter's corner, Hawera, from end of Dingle's contract. Tenders to be called at per cubio yard. And from Hunter's corner to Princes street, if the borough would pay half the cost. The work was necessary and was also urgent, as they found that much of the road was worn through. This was the only work he would urge at present in Hawera riding. If it could not be undertaken out of loan, it must be paid for out of ordinary revenue, but a petition in favor of loan was meeting with plenty of support, and the road board would soon merge on the connty in the Hawera riding, so far as he could ascertain. He proposed that five inches should be put on throughout, except a few short lengths near Hawera.

Councillor Godsal asked if the Waihi hill, which had been laid with broken stone, would require to be laid afresh. The Chairman said he believed five inches bad been put on that six years ago with broken stone, it was still fairly good, and two or three inches of new stone might be enough for it though the traffic was concentrated on that hill.

Councillor Parsons asked if there would be enough money to meet the charge it the loan fell through.

The Chairman thought there would be if heavy county rates were levied.

The motion was then put and carried on the voices.


Councillor Parsons moved the motion of which he had given notice, viz., That moneys expended by the Waimate Road Board on county roads, but not scheduled, be the first charge against deferred payment moneys from sections abutting on county roads, and now due to the County Council, up to January, 1888, only. He would only ask tbe council to take over debts now due from deferred payment funds to settlers. These sums had not been scheduled, and had not been provided for by the road board. Some of them were charges which had escaped notice when schedules were being prepared ; he had no doubt they were justly chargeable to tbe county roads. The matter had been very fully discussed. He had not mentioned the amounts, as he wished to have tbe principle conceded irrespective of tbe amounts at stake. He desired to state that he did not agree with the wording of the letter from the road board engineer, neither, so far as he wai aware, did any other member of tbe road board quite take the view there set forth, that the deferred payment moneys so spent were borrowed, from by-roads at the back of county roads, to be repaid. These sums had accrued by oversight, from not being included in schedules. Councillor Godsal eeoonded.

The Chairman, said he entirely reps* diated tbe idea that the road board proposed to repay the deferred- payment money spent from adjoining blocks on county roads. He would like to be satis* fied that the account was correct* and that the money had really been spent* He doubted if it would be doing justice to the county ratepayers to aoknowltdge

a debt against county roads avowedly based on figures which could not be relied on as the account books were muddled. Councillor Parsons asked the Council first to satisfy itself of the correctness of the claim, and not to acknowledge the debt until the committee appointed at the last meeting had met and gone into the subject. Councillor Malone thought the principle at stake might be conceded. Money spent on county roads by anticipation of deferred-payment funds to accrue on county roads was a fair debt by those roads, and should be paid by the Council. He urged the insertion of the words " by anticipation of deferred-payment revenue." Councillor Godsal argued that if further accuracy was required he would do what he could to satisfy the Council of the accuracy of the accounts. He thought the Council should not question the desire to deal fairly with the matter oi the road board committee appointed to go into it. There should be some give and take. He looked at it as a reasonable claim, and it would be most unjust to charge the whole J6470 against district roads. The road board had an overdraft to meet on account of this expenditure. Councillor Lysaght thought if the money was insufficient in the past to meet "harges of county roads then under road joard control, the board should then have asked more assistance from the Council. It was too late now to raise a question of of debit and credit accounts extending over so long a period of time, when the particulars could scarcely be substantiated. The Chairman reasserted that the figures could not be relied on. The account presented was an absurd one. The chrk admitted that the credits were only approximate; it was an insult to the intelligence of the council to present such an account. If he could be satisfied that the amount was really owing he should be the first to urge its payment ; but he wanted to see how the charges had been arrived at with such apparent exactness. Councillor Godsal offered to spend six months in checking these accounts. Perhaps it was only the odd sixpences which the Chairman objected to in the accounts. The road board had gone into the matter and had came to a satisfactory conclusion, and that should be accepted by the Council as the result of an honest impartial enquiry. The Chairman said he really believed that Councillor Godsal and others regarded the claim as a just one. But he was surprised to find that sensible men could agree to back up an account based on such untrustworthy data. Councillor Godsal thought . it was expedient to accept those figures, as the best that could be done under the circumstances. Councillor Heslop said those accounts extended back over five or six years, and some of the debts bad been incurred from time to time during tbat period. He was surprised at the claim now being pressed against the council for two halfyearly instalments of deferred payment money. A committee of the woad Board had enquired into the matter, but it would give no information as to how it got at tbe results now beforo the council. Only tho other day at tbe Road Board, Mr. Taylor mored that £15 from Rowan Road be spent on Eltham Road, but was refused because tho latter was a county road. Then a vote of deferred payment money from Palmer Road to be ■pent on Opunake Road was passscd, bub was rescinded for a like reason. That ■bowed that as a matter of fact county roads had under Road Board control been largely subsidised by deferred Eayment money derived from sections on y-roads, and rightly so. The committee of tbe Road Board bad agreed to wipe out all these old balances by 3 to 1, and had done so. Then tbe schedules had been prepared, and sent to New Plymouth on tbat basis, but bad been returned by the Land Board for amendment. The Road Board then knew tbat tbe County Council would take over tbe county roada, and tbe three gave way to tbe one and the old balances were made a charge against the county roads. He opposed the claim, because bo believed it would place tbe council in a difficult position — to maintain roads without funds, and that was against the true interests of the ratepayers. Councillor Godkin would have liked to have supported the motion, but could nob do so, for the accounts must have been muddled, and he could not now support tbe motion brought forward. He favored further enquiry into the subject. Councillor Parsons in replying urged that this was not an attempt as had been stated to relieve a Road Board overdraft, by increasing the County Council overdraft. It was true tbat three of tbe Road Bqard committee bad agreed to wipe out these old balances, but tbat was on tbe assumption tbat credits available from one half year's instalments should be set against those debits. He only asked that existing credits up to January should be set against the debitß shown, and if tbere were still unpaid debit balances he would abandon them. The motion was put and lost on the voices. It was agreed that the committee should meet immediately after the County Council closed and, if required. a special meeting of the council should be held to deal with question and tbe pushing on of county works in Wai mate riding. Councillor Malone moved, that tbe council refund to tbe Road Board all money spent by the board on roads which are now county roads in anticipation of moneys acoured and accuring to the council from deferred payment and perpetual lease land abutting on these roads. This would assert the principle. Councillor Godsal seconded. Negatived. (To he Continued.)

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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume X, Issue 1828, 14 January 1888, Page 2

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HAWERA COUNTY COUNCIL. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume X, Issue 1828, 14 January 1888, Page 2

HAWERA COUNTY COUNCIL. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume X, Issue 1828, 14 January 1888, Page 2