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MANUEES. The Fbeezing Company, Attckianb, Eversley, Walton, 26th July, ISB7. Deab Sihs,— Enclosed is my order for Corn Manure, but I shall probably require more by the end of August, and 1 s!l;1 'l need about eight tons of Manure for Turnips in December next. lam much plc;i:-.-d with the ln«t !< ( I got from you. T lir- <• a very good < i-op of Swede Turnips this j-ear. It is c-firrj-ing 40 steers per acre per week, which, I think, is a very good result, ■eeing that the manure I used only cost me 12s per acre. Yours very truly, John Hunt. Thb Fbeezixg Company, Auckmxd, Wartle. August 19, 1887. Gentlemen.— During my lous; experience as a farmrr Time um>cl main hundred* of ton* oi Superphosphates, supplied by various makers, and I cau con&cieutiously say that 1 never u*ed auy -.mUi better n->u!ts than from that supplied by the Rwezing Company. I aui - : om>5 > respectfully, ° r Jos. J. Barugh. 9ms*ouih- Meat and Stobage Company, Auckland. Cambridge. 01 h August, 1887. D*Aft SIHB,— I have made .several malt, of v«ur Manincs .iml u«ed them exMi-iveh f.>r root crops, and all the results hare been most satisfactory. I& fact, I think it madness to buy the imported article when »<.- can &ct a> &>•> a tu-ic lor inut-lt le>< money. Yours faithfully. Uichard Reynolds. fofi Freezing Company, Auckland, Tnm-llsm, Onelningn. 17th August, 1887. Deab. Sib, In answer to your inquiry about the Gra^ M.aiure, I cau viy that it answered the purpose so well that 1 intend to repeat the application on the same laud. 1 lour* truly. L'JI VKI.KS SUTTIE. CHEMICAL WORKS, w7^i : n"T!.r« x -? I - v< *' AUCKLAND. 2

HIGH-STREET BAKERY & CASH GROCERY STORE. JUST TO HAND, JUST TO HAND ex schooner Alert, at ihe New Plymouth Breakwater — 6 TONS SILVER DUST FLOUR, IN Sacks 1001b Bags 501b Bags Also, 1 ton prime, fresh OATMEAL. The wbole will be sold at Lowest Cash Pbices, to make room for a large shipment of Assorted Grocery Goods to arrive in a few days. TO ARRIVE, TO ARRIVE— TEAS, in l-chests and Boxes SUGARS, A A and Company's Currants, Raisins Pickles, Sauces, and V.H. Cocoa Jams and assorted Tinned Fruits Soaps, Candles, Kerosene (150) Also — 1 case prime Canterbury roll BACON — quality as before. A. J. KIRK. ra n c i Ts ~ McCarthy, GENERAL BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, Main Stbeet, Manaia. LARGE SUPPLIES OF BOOTS AND SHOES Always on hand. Boots and Shoes Made to Oedee. Repairs Neatly Executed. TpiPIRE HOTEL, HAWERA. MRS. E. FABER (Late of Wairarapa). This centrally-situated Hotel is replete with every accommodation for the convenience of travellers and the public generally, arid every possible attention will be given to patrons. Hot and Cold Baths. One of Alcock's best Billiard Tables. Cobb and Co.'s Coaches for Opunake now leave this hotel. In connection with the above are the EMPIRE LIVERY AND BAIT STABLES. Sadddle horses, single and double buggies, wagonettes, &c, on hire. First-class paddocking. HAWERA HOT^L High-street. MRb. GALLAGHKK having -reopened the above Hotel, solicits a continuance of the kind support of her friends and the public generally. The premises have been thoroughly renovated, extensive alterations and improvements being made. The central position occupied by this hotel should make it the most conrenient for the travelling public, and the proprietress will spare no pains to maintain a high reputation. Al«'6, Wines, and Spirits of the best brands. Hot and cold water Baths. First-clans Alcock's Billiard Table. Dinner on aale days at 12 o'clock. Btabling free to all farmers and travellers. Saddle Horses and Buggies on hire. EGMONT HOTEL, Haws-ua. WILLIAM CLOGGIE Has much pleasure in intimating to his friends and the public generally that he baa taken the above oldestablished and most centrally situated Hotel. Extensive alterations and improvements have recently been made, and it will be the endeavor of the proprietor to give every satisfaction to travellers and all those wb< favor V\m with a call. Choicest brands of Ales, Winer Bpirits, Ac. Plunge and Shower Baths. Commodious Sample TTnni Dinner at 12 on sale dspa.

T^GMONT ELECTION. TO THE ELECTORS. Gentlemen, — "We would like to call your attention to tbe fact that the undermentioned firm have bought a Choice Lot of Traveller's Samples, consisting of Hearth Rugs, Oil Mats, Carpets, Door Slips, &c, &c, and that they are Selling the same Ciieap fob Cash. Also, that they keep the Largest and Best Stock of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE to be seen in the distict. Cheapness combined with Quality is their motto. Note the Address — Messrs. O'NEILL & WILSON, CABINETMAKERS and UPHOLSTERERS, &c, HIGH-STEEET, HAWEEA. XUST ARRIVED. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT or SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS, Comprising the Newest Designs in Prints Zephyr Cloths Fancy Dress Stuffs Lace Stripes Sateens Also, a Fresh Assortment in BOOTS AND SHOES Ladies' Tennis Shoes. HAWERA HOUSE ! (Opposite the Post Office). NEW BOOT SHOP NOW OPENED. T. HALL begs to inform the public of Hawera and surrounding district that he has now opened with a choice assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, and, by selling at a reasonable price, trusts to receive a fair share of patronage. Ladies' and Children's department a speciality. Boots and Shoes made to order. Repairs neatly executed. A few first-class trunks for sale. Teems Strictly Cash. BROWN'S Cantharidine Horse Blister, Established 35 years. By using this powerful and effective ointment, the necessity for clipping the hair before applying th« blister is avoided. No horse will gnaw the blistered surface ; no cradle, therefore, required, and no blemish possible. Testimonial — Lord Anglesey begs to inform Mr. Brown that he has received a very favorable report from his stable servants of the blistering ointment with which he furnished them. They state that the blister acts powerfully without taking oil the hair. — Beaudesert, January 5, 1849. r. Retaii of all chomists in pots Is, 2s 6d, and t>(i °* -lirect from the Manufactory :>* • >■■ wel i.i;id London. ONE box of Clarke's B 41 Pills is warranted to cure all discharges frotn the urinary organs, in either sex (acquired or constitutional), gravel, and pains in the back. Guaranteed free from mercury. Sold in boxes, 4s 6d each, by all chemists and patent medicine vendors. .* Sole proprietors,- The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Co., Lincoln, England. Wholesale of all wholsesale booses.

i^i HARMING DESIGNS BIRTHDAY CARDS. WEDDING CARDS. CONDOLENCE CARDS. The undersigned beg to intimate that they have just received by direct steamer from Home a large selection of Birthday, Wedding, and Condo lence Cards, together with a quantity of SCRIPTURE TEXTS and ORNAMENTS of the latest designs, and most artistic finish. The whole ire marked at very low prices, to meet the times. INNES & CO., Stae Office. _L J_ W. A'COURT, SHOEING and GENERAL SMITH, HIGH-STEEET, HAWERA. "1 I"" f\ N SALE 1000 bushels Perennial Rye Grass Seed 2000 bushels Milling Wheat 1000 bags Chaff (Oaten Straw) Oats, Cape Barley Chick Wheat Crushed Oats Wheat and Barley Derwent Potatoes, Eating and Seed All to be sold cheap, in quantities to suit. WOODS BROS., Railway Station, Hawera. ON SALE— CoaI and Firewood, Charcoal, Lime, Ac. ; Post and Rails, Palings and House Blocks ; Oats, Chaff, Fowls' Feed, Ac. ; Tea, Sugar, Flour, Ac. A. HAUGHEY, Princes-street. A. H. having rented Furlong's Store, opposite Sash and Door Factory, has superior Storage Accommodation for Grain and other Produce. GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. 1880. 1885. Surplus Cash Profits £73,070 £245,315 Cash divided as Bonuses 56,000 150,000 Total Reversionary Bonuses added to Policies ... £443,943 Cash Reserve Profits in 1885 4*95,315 Annual Income, £260,000. Total Funds, £1,280,000. State Security. Law Premiums. Liberal Conditions. Economy. Lowest Premiums. — These are the lowest in the Colonies. LpERAL Conditions. — The conditions are in all respects most liberal. Prompt PAYMENTs.-Claims are promptly paid on proofs of death and identity, and valid dischage. Economy. — The ratio of expenses to income is far lower than that of any other office of similar ag9 doing business in tbe colonies. SEPARATE SECTION FOR TOTAL ABSTAINERS. Tbe only Life Office in New Zealand which offers to Total Abstainers tbe advantage of a Temperance Section. LOANS ON MORTGAGE. From time to titue a limited portion of tbe Funds is lent on first mortgage of freehold security, with option of repayment by instalments. Information can be obtained at tbe Head Office, and all Branches and Agencies. D. M. LUCKIE, Commissioner ; Or from J. F. MARTIN, Postmaster, Hawera. fk i A i per day to be made by JL? j TO fj-.l± persons of either sex, in ; Qyi iV ■ their own localities, at work it,, as. New business. All meet with wouderful success. Any one can do the work. Capital not required. ,Wewill start you. Outfit worth £1 mailed free. The employment is particularly adapted to the region in which this publication circulates. Boys and girls earn nearl? as much as men. Full particulars and instructions mailed free. Now is the teme —don't delay, but write to us at once. Address, Stindon ft Co., Portland. Maine, United States.

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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume IX, Issue 1752, 12 October 1887, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume IX, Issue 1752, 12 October 1887, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume IX, Issue 1752, 12 October 1887, Page 1