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Annual Meeting

HUTT BOWLING, TENNIS AND CHOyi'KT CLl'Ji The 39th Annual Meeting of the Hutt Bowling, Tennis and .Croquet. Club was held in the club Pavilion last Thursday evening. Mr. P. (J. Taylor presided over an attendance of over 7 0 members. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Patron: Mr. W. Hendry. President: Mr. E. F. Hollands, who on taking the chair received the hearty congratulations of the Past President, Mr. P. (J. Taylor. Mr Hollands stated that, be feels there is a big duty to perform as President and he much regretted that he would be unable to give the j attention to the position he would like to do owing to various war work. The finances of the Club were in a good condition and he| trusted this will always be so. He hoped the coming season will be a good one and speaking of the war lie did hope that it would not be long before a lasting peace was made. Vice-President.: Mr. 'P.' N. Player. Hon Secretary: Mr. Alt'. Williams Hon. Treasurer: Mr. J. Davidson. Management Committee: Messrs. L. ~v. Ferguson, J. Fletcher, W. F. Had win E. P. Hay. F. S. Hewer, J. C. Orr, A. Scott and R. Wilson Match Committee: Rev. J. E. Lopdell and Messrs. F. S. Hewer and A. Scott. Delegate to centre: Mr. W. F. Hadwin. Hon. Solicitor: Mr. E. P. Hay. Hon. Auditor: 'Mr. B. S. Knox. Jt was decided to place on record the work done by the following members in top-dressing the various Greens: Messrs. F. Murphy. R. Ball. A. F. de Tourettes, W. F. Hadwin, W. B. Hardy, D. Lee, and Rev. J. E. Lopdell. To Mr. I. G. Frandi for donations of material: F. Lockett, supervising billiard equipment. H. A. Mason, seeing that tools were kept in good working order. A. C. Mclntyre for valuable service with green levels, also for the soil shed. W. J. Urwin, cutting and rolling of greens, etc. B. Whiteller, donation of timber for ditch boards , also making cultivating tools. J. Keir, various workshops worn. The following members who have given their service at all times: -Messrs. A. F. Anderson, A. Scott, (J. H. Gate, »C. E. Crawford, K. Culley, E. W. Ferguson, 11. C. FisU, T. Mather, J. C. Orr and T. L. Oswin. Mr. J Keir was elected a Life Member of the Club in recognition of his valued service? over many yearsj. Mr. L. T. Watkins stated thai Mr Keir had the respect of all members and if was a pleasure to have him with us. He was always doing some work on behalf of the Club and after years of .service well merited being made a Life Member. The presentation of a Silver Cup by Mr. E. E. Lacey for a Club competition was referred to the incoming committee. The annual report states that the finances are in a very sound state. This is accounted for partly owing to the increased membership in all j Sections and through the saving of part of the wages of the Greenkeeper who is now in the National Military Reserve. In addition, before any item of expenditure was made it received the careful consideration of the Committee before permission to purchase was agreed to. Club Championships: The following winners are congratulated upon their success in Club Championships. Senior Singles (Minehan Cup) Mr. G. G. Littlejohn. Club Pairs (Dawson Shield) Messrs. F. Muter and W. F. Hadwin (s.) Club Fours (Moult Shield) Messrs. M. Jett'ersou, P. G. Taylor. W. J. Urwin and B. Whitcher (s.) Junior Singles (Wilson Cup) Mr. C. H. Kayes. The competitions were most successful, the entries being as follows: Senior Singles, 54; Club Pairs, 41; Club Fours, 26; and Junior Singles, 7. The Senior Singles final was played between Messrs. G. G. Littlejohn, and A. J. Webster and was a close-j ly contested game. The Pairs was won by Messrs. S. Muter and W. F. Hadwin who did not lose a game and they went on to w r in the Pairs Championship of the Wellington Bowling Centre. They are heartily congratulated upon their splendid success.

The Club Fours was played off in four sections, the section winners being Fours skipped by Messrs. J. Roper, P. S. Hewer, B. Whitclier and W. Henry. The final was played off between the following Fours: Messrs. W. J. Urwin, P. G. Taylor, M. Jefferson, and B. Whitclier and Messrs. C. E. Lamont, J. Smith, A. Millar and W. Henry and after an interesting game, spoilt, however; by rain, the Four Skipped by Mr. B. Whitclier became the winners of the competition. In addition to having their names engraved upon the trophies associated with their wins, each winner j receives a silver button and a certificate. Centre Champion Competitions: In addition to the Pairs competition the Club was represented in all other competitions held by the Centre without any further success being obtained. Pennants: Sixteen Fours wore entered for the Senior Pennants, hel'd by the Wellington Howling Centre but for the second successive year the competition had to be abandoned owing to the weather conditions and petrol restrictions. lllit I Valley Banner: Three rounds were played against the Club:i situated in the Hutt Val-. ley, twelve Fours being entered front your Club. Out of a total of games played your Club was sue-

cessful in winning 22k games whilst 13i games were lost. Advice has been received that your Club is the winner of the Banner for the season President's Gup: This Cup is played for between the Hutt and Petone Clubs. Owing to no suitable date being available during the previous season, two games were played this year, both being won by the Petone Club who is cordially congratulated upon its success in again becoming the holder of the Cup. Hamilton Gup: Played for this year on the Hut.t Greens, a most enjoyable afternoon was spent by the eleven Fours which represented each of the Wellington and Hutt Clubs. On behalf of the Wellington Club, Mr. A. Jacobs, President, expressed liis appreciation of the treatment, accorded to the Wellington players and expressed his regret, that Mr. A. Hamilton, the donor of the Cup, was unable, through illness, to be present. Veterans' Gala Day: The usual afternoon's play was held on the Wellington Greens, the conditions of play being difterent: to that of previous years owing to the large number of players who desired to play. Eighteen players from your Club took part in the play and had a most enjoyable tijme. .On this occasion no Four ironi 'the Club was successful in again becoming the holders of the Shallcrass Trophy. Centre Easter I 1 ours: One Four comprising P. G. Taylor, B. L. Hammond, A. C Mclntyro and W. F. Hadwin (s. > entered tor the Centre Easter Fours and was successful in reaching the post secion play. Play was postponed on several occasions owing to wet weather conditions. Kaster Fours >lc/Vrthur and Henry Shield: Eight Fours from our Club enter ed for the Shield played for by Clubs in the Hutt Valley. Unfortunately no play could take place on any oi the three days allotted for play owing to very wet weather being experienced. Duthie Gup: The competition for the Trophy was held on the Hutt Green this season and resulted in the Club being again returned as the winners The players were: P. G. Taylor. 11. G. Brooks, H. Y. Shearer, H. G. Teagle (s. ). E. ,J. Guiness, T. ti.l Morris. J. Davidson, W. Hendry <s. i

The ])i avers of the Wol i i nul O! and Wanganui Fours were cordialh entertained by the players of the 111111 Club and thanks are extendi;* to the ladies of the Croquet section for carrying out so success! ally all of the arrangements for tlie after noon tea. I<Yiendly CJnim': The usual friendly name with the Victoria Club for the Wilson Cup look place on the Hut! Green with five Fours taking part, in the play Four Fours also played on the Victoria. Green. Hotb home and away Fours were suitably entertained by the two Clubs. (lireens: I A great deal of attention has been] given to the vurioufe Greeny all u

which have now been top-dressed. Towards the end ol' the season Mr. J. Fletcher, who has acted as Green Superintendent, resigned the position through ill health. Hi? is thanked for the attention given hy Mm to tin; various Greens during the time ho held office. Mr. J''. G. Taylor took over the work and has given many hours of attention to the requirements necessary tor tlio provision of good Greens. Ji is hoped that hia labour of love will not l>e wasted and that when the now season arrives it will be found that the Greens provided for play will bo equal to any of those belonging to Clubs alhliated with the Wellington Centre. Through the loss of our Green-keeper much work in the preparing of the Greens fell upon several other willing Members of the Club and they are most heartily thanked for the immense amount of work they have carried out at the completion of the season. Obituary: Two valued members of the Club passed away during the season, namely, Air. W. 10, Bock, Bowling Section, and Miss N Wilkins, Croquet Section. Mr. Bock joined the Club in 1 J)1 <1 and was a member of the Committee for several years, being the Club President in 1932, Miss Wilkins was a foundation member of the Croquet Section. Both will be much missed bv those who had the pleasure of their friendship.|>: The membership of the Club it; as follows: Bowling, 153 active, 3 life. 1 associate and S honorary: Croquet.. 2!) active, 1 associate and 7 honorary: Tennis, 91 active. Our President: The Club is indebted to our President. Mr. J'- C<. Taylor, for the large amount oi interest he has taken in 'In welfare- of the Club. His work as Green Superintendent has been stated but this is not the only work he has attended to. The Club is much pulebte-i him for his keen interest. Xi.iiiN Parly: Although t': • Xr,u.ts Tarty was not held owing to the serious position of the war. Mr. Upton provided the usual Xma? cake which was much enjoyed hy those who participated in its disposal. At the present time Mr. (••pioii is recovering from a very severe illness and it is the wish of all that iie will soon fully regain his iieai' h and enjoy many years on the Bowling Greens.

Si!voi* Cup: Tiie Club is indebted to Mr. E. E. Lacey for his presentation of a silver Cup for competition. It is suggested that members express an opinion as to how the Cup should be played for. Thanks: The many workers of the Club are again (hanked for the time and labour expended on the various Greens and surroundings. Thanks are ah'o due to Mr. B. S. Knox, Uon Auditor; to Mr. R. Y. Rh<-arer, Club coach; to the press for publication of items of interest, and lo all others who have in any way helped towards the forward progress of the Club.

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Hutt News, Volume 16, Issue 5, 1 July 1942, Page 7

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Annual Meeting Hutt News, Volume 16, Issue 5, 1 July 1942, Page 7

Annual Meeting Hutt News, Volume 16, Issue 5, 1 July 1942, Page 7