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LADIES' SMOCKS 7/11; La«e Trim* raed Vests 2/11; Fugiene StoQiaer* 2/11; Fugi Bloomers 3/11; Lawn Ndghts 5/11. Select yours now at THE ECONOMIC. BfUESE HUiRTON (Begistered) 38 ' Street, Petone. 'WANTEGP ;TO. BUY Jersey Heifer or ' second Calver, coining into profit Deeemiber or January. Particulars from ' John Oadman, Waiwetu1 Boad. big Xmas Pair doing record business. Delighted Customers v crowding, in for Handkerchiefs 6d; Smart Ties 1/11; Fancy Sox 9d. ,IX>B SALE—Nice four«r6omed Bungalow witb every convenience; a.lso I sleeping porch j all in excellent order. , Apply W. L. ife&ce, 25^9aiap Boad. FATHEiR XMAS- arrives at UHZSIM'S ". at 2 p.m on WE2DNBSi>AY, . 17t&. ',: ~ ■,'-. \ *'. .■ -. .r \,-:'\ : •/ . . DAVISON'S Big J^mas Fair the talk ,i of the -'Lovely Fugi Silk •Shirts, Tennis, Canoe or Negldege 8/6. WANTED TO SEMi—Filling eindcra, ! suitable for paths, drives, etc. Ring tfl7&\';:^-'^'!:;*-:'\- ;.'■ ■ ''■ ■'"'. : """' ' ~,. WANTED TO SELL—<Hen and 11 WjL ';;' r' "^ DAVISON'S Big Xmas Fair drawing happy Customers from everywhere. Everything so good and so Cheap. Twist Shirts 4/6; Denims 4/11. FOB SALE—lndian Police Scout Cycle as new, £50. Terms arranged. Writ* £19 Hutt News. TO LEfr-^Qurage: Apply 4, <*+&W Street. . THERE'S a murmur in the air, You can hear it everywhere Dkvison's the Store for Xmaa wear. UOSfE—iPtax Pinz-nez Glasses, corner of Central Terrace and Cuba Street, in case. OBeward. Apply 8 Central Tterrace. . ' , .;_'■ .. .'.. •. , ...: ,",-.■ FOB SAliß—^Tiwo acres of land, Malone Boad, TlSraiwetu. Suitable for .anarke^ garden-: Write 416 Hutt News. PAVISONfS Big Xmas Fair provides amazing values. I#6vely Shirts for small toys 3/6; Strong Shorts 3/11; '* Bathusg Togs 1/9. POTJNI>—- A silver "Watch, in box, Kings Boad n Monday. Owner can havesame on application, 12 Bristol St. WANTED TO SELL—Motor Cases, Oregon pine; best proposition. De» Hvered suburbs and vicinity I^= x 6 sC 6, 25/-; 10 x 5 i 5 £1 or 45/- and 37/6 for two, respectively. 'Write 413 e/o Hutt Wews. WA3STTED TO SELL—-Manuka Breakrwin'd, pea sticks, chrysanthemum and; tomato stakes. Delivered stiiburbs 1/per bundle/Bundle breakwind fences' 4ft packed tight and trims 6ft 6in high. Bundles ; not half bundles. , Write 412 Hutt News. .. l\ WAmTED TO BUY—-Gent's Bicycle; must be in first-class order. Write particulars to 411, Hntt News. WANTESD—CapabIe Girl domestic dur ties; temporary. Apply Mrs B. Y. Collins, 20 Sherwood St. NOW is the time to do thoee repair*. Carpentering work of alldeacriptions Contract or labour.—W. H, WUlou«li« by, if "Bbdiey Street, or WxiU 4109 • H-dtt Newßi •'.•:•■•;■ ■•■/■•■:• . TE^NTS! TIJNT6---froia 35/ v opwordi.' ' T««xt;' azid Fly complete;' food ' > calico at BIBB'S, Sports Qood l>eFATHER XMAB arriv«e at LTTTLE'B • atS on WEDNBSBAT, D«e«mber 17t&. /.;,■ . ■■: / : ;. ;. • -.:'■ '' . iBVEBYBODY *S STOKE for Grain and Produce. Best- Wheat per sack; 26/8, i *>611a*a,ipet 18/6^ Fowl 6*ifcpie{fr | •bag 7/-. ■ ■ J

THE HOUSED ' OF VALUE J ► Children's Voile Frocks L : 2/11, 4/6, 5/11, to 9/11 ea. » Floral Frocks 3/ 13l» 3/* i e9u^x , Dainty Taiblc Centres 1/6, 2/6, 2/11 ea » Supper C10th5...... 3/11,' 4/«6, to 6/11 ea » Traced Centres, Shams, Cloths— . From 1/11 each. X*ace CaHar" and Cufis 2/11, 3/11 Set t Rayon Collar and Guffs .. 3/6, 3/11 sot t Art Silk^ Hose .. 2/11, S/11, 4/11 pr, Morley's Pure Silk Hose 6/11, 8/6 pair Men's Shirts 4/11, 5/11, 6^ 7/6 8/6 ea f* Fancy Tie 3 ...... 1/11, 2/11 to 5/6 ea 1 Art Silk Curtain Net, ;; 4oin:;..■.. %/$ jd • Dainty Handkenehiefa for Christmaß. 1 WE ISSUE UNIVEBSAI* CESRI3JFIi CATBS~«AVB THEM. _■' , A. D.JOHNSTON* Co. l ) } r t _.^ ,; imiTEP '■~;■:,.:■:■;>■■■;. i ennuk vnttr :•. jlzjovmwb r--: Wfe>y-;:!--: :■■■ ;■. ■;: ~; J ,-.' -v .^■■■■^v■ ; ■ - We do all elanes of a Contracting M iJpld ftnvktaii Cement Concrete. ' Estimates Free. Consult Ui. Phone 28-7?3. 1 | N.Z..LAYKOLDLTD - P.O. Box 1234 :: W«Ui«fUa. s ._ ■ .. .• •.■-.• ■ -.: ". J. A. PARKER (Late J. MORE). t CTATtt.TVKRStRv.Ti. and TOBAOOoenaa; a HIGH STREET ;: LOWEE HCTT 1 (Opposite Bank of New South Wales) 5 Engenfe) Pennanemt Waving Staining and Tinting Shingling and Bobbing , g\ Shampooing and Manirariiig AiLL WORK DONE BY KXPBBTS 5 AH Brands of Tobacco and Ci«arett«c. Ssnafoencß' Be^idßites, Etc., Stocked. THE : ARTCRAPT PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 1 ' ■;■ •••■. ■' '£ _, ' HIGH STREET, LOWJ3R HUTT AMATEUR DEVELOPING and Printing. PICTURE FRAMING. (^ ißajar Films ARCADIA J. J. DOWNIE it Proprietor. FRUIT, VEGETABLES and -.. .-,.._■ _;.■.-^OC|Bi^JsO9H[oKß3BWr.^':':"'": " ''' .: . ICE CBBAM and SODA TOXFKTXOf ~ I^G aEOE^ETaEAiPBE BIJ^ Preo Z>oliv©ry to any part <rf tho ! ; :;,... ~:- ■" ■ JMefaiet. ■ ' 7\>,. . TBBSB. FBUTT and VEGETABLES ' ■■;■ "•■' , :'---3WU«iSf, -'--: ■■■-:-■■ Place yotir 0Td«» fot Ooowbeiihm, Bing Phon« €13. WANTE© /TO SBLL—Bicycles, Tri^ eydea, Ladies, Oent's from £8/7/6.* Genuine bargains.—6 Bodner ptneet,l .;■-" -'■-••v-v..; ,/ ~u ; TVTAirrra? TO eßa^^PW. Dockß an* I I*owls. -Order ybnr Xmaa poultry Pdnitn Street. '

TO . SELL—l4ft Canvas Canoo and Paddles, in good order.^— Apply Flower, 48 Rancbwick Crescent. FOB SALE—Thousands of Aster Plants (• Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, and Lettuce Plants. Cabbage, Lettuce Rhubarb, Cucumbers, Peas/ Potatoes, • and Cut Flowers. Flower Seedlings half price to clear.*— WHEATI/BY, j Porltu Street, Phone 388. , x ■ ' ONE-TON MOTOiR TKUCK, body with I cab, in first-class condition. A great ' (bargain'''at £20.' Everyjbocly's Store. WANTED Eifdwif<---- IPhat coupons,- ---| point* and certificates will itot feed I htm-gry children; Fruit and vegetables will. Then come along and • patronise the man who gives you plenty for your money.—-VV^UEWE- ■' LEY, Pbruiu; Street-; Phone 388. PBOVIIDENT LIFE ASBUBANCE j (COMPANY,The x>aly Nw fceaUma j I>ife Assurance Company. New, Zca- j land Finances are aouad, and cejjtiio, ; ahd oivr Annuities are the best in the . •outhern Hemisphere, providing an 1 ■ income better and more certain, than House Property. Ask our local Super • i*t6*ddnt, Mr. Booker, £or p_acticu-, •TO SELl>—liarge Seagrass Boll's Pram j ' Also gora^y Engine.and ?»415.-.^j,t^i ■; 42 Hutt News. V , " '" ■ ' ' ••] TO LET—'Cottage 2 rooms, bathroom; jjover Stove, E.L., handy Wtfburh a»d bus stop. Suit couple; no ehil--1 dren. Write 422 Hutt News. YOT*N;& LADY would like position as companion help or any light work.; •Write 421 Hutt Ncirs. TO I/ET—-Two empty rooms, Burxißide. near-Waterloo; all conveniences 15/----weekly^ Write ,420 Hutt News. WAU^TED TO SELXr—7O feet patent wire fencing (appro?); height 2ft 6in Also gate 3ft wide. Cost £7. Will take £5 or near offer. Write 426 Duirt News. I DBE^BtfAKESrGr for Ladies^ I>Teeee<? and all'classes of sowing.—Mrs Hall, 44 Awamutu Street. Loyal Bose of the VaHey lodge M.uxaoj!. ; DANCT. DANCE. Last of the Season. ODDFEIiLOWS HAIiL, : : ~ KnigMe Road. Thursday, 11th December at 8 p.m liadies 1/-; Gents 1/6. BOLL UP. HEEETAUNGA BOATING CLUB. SPECIAL JAZZ JOY NIGHT Saturday, December 6th. Special Monte Carlo Prizes: , Tea Set and Shaving Combination ' USUAL NOVELTIES, Ladies 2/-; Gents 2/6; Double 4/L. L. MONEY, Hon. See. WASHEE HOUSE HK3H ST&EiET. BmStti.'e the sorvicea of Simart SAX3BB< ,MA^ r .-.Qalyiatie^■o/ Tx tried i ,a^:approv> A Wonderful Opportunity for Besidcnts in the Hutt Valtey. Commencing at 8 plm in ik& 3tffiTHObl^?CHi^toC3EL Lr. Hulf V ;: '■:A"iteatii& t£ rn -■■ ■•■■■ ; "THE MESSIAH. *' By tlie oh6ir {augmented) md an Orchestra of tw^ty^se: Condjictpr^Mr. ißrnest Dawson Organi3t--r-ilr v R. JBtbrniaiii. ,•* IV^isa Christirja Oriiiistdn; ppntfdltQ, JffiS. 't Wilfred Andrwsy Mr; Aus- 1 tin^Blafckie- Bass, Mr. Oj|*r. f

WANTEDS THE HUTT NEWS , Feist's Bidgts :: Woburn fioadTelephone 525 Lower H«6t. WANTED SBOTXOH. . One or two Bhillin^B invested ia. m, ttmaU Advertisement will qwfeklj? •wore you a favoombte •ale. J^bng the thousand* of people who read the «'HUTT NEWS?' there is » powible cuatofcer Hot you! , , . Births, Marrktges, Deaths: ?/6 p«T, insertion. 7 iaPBOIAL BATES FJOB CASH. Wanted Adevertisements: For Sale,'T« Lftt, Situations Vacant, Etc—l 6 w-ofdfl/1/i 20 worde, 1/6; 85 word, t/-; 30 words 2/07 one inch V- I«» insertion. It booked, 6d. extnu AI^OTHEK delivery Ladiea Silk Soi»,i , ■■'H^i »t WE&B« 9A#^ D^PiBBiY. A»k your |ri*ad»r wi^ tail 7 1* .botwthey we^r. \ ; ; nOo£B to meet the times. Bee B»r- - WEBB'S CASH DBAPBB.Y. f^«h««e of ' kanaSaetoauren'. *■• j^ r Don't miss. them. , ' ODROMAS is now taking ot&oxb JfoL JhBMB Suite, Why pay £8/8/,}f^> where. Well e»t Suits in Wo^jte4# from £6/6/- and they fit too. *.■»s,& TOUB money wsl go farther «.t WEBB'S CASH DEAPESY. Sample Oartains, Cretonnes, Table Giotto, Tea Towels. See windows. rOjg SALE-—Manuka for Trellis Workß, ' Tomato and Flower Stakes. Manuka. Firewood in long lengths. Wirite ♦'Manuka." Hutt Netni. THOMAS for Shirts. Now stocks of the famous "Lichfield" bTand just, opened, Every shirt is guaranteed and the prices are right. A CHIMNEY SWEEP with a repwtation—G. NAYLOB, Practical Chimney Sweep, 6 Hector Street, off Hutt Soad, Petone. BOONOMXSE by purchasing at WEBB '8 CASH DBAPEEY. Lasge pvrchase of Ladies' and hildren's Underclothing. Samples and Hosiery Bayon Silk 1/6. THE ECONOMIC for Baby Wea*/-» V«ata 1/-; ETannel Barxai 8/11; Gowns 2/11; Booties 1/4; Naps 9/11 dozen; Bubber Pilchers 1/3; Shawlfl 7/6. TO I/ET—lO rooma, all conveniences, 60/-; 8 rooms, garage > 50/-; 5 rooms and kitchenette, Taita,- 32/6; 6 room* large shed, 35/-.— Ferguson and C 0.,:. 57 High' Street, Lower Hutt. ■■'. FOR SALE—Modern i rooms and kitchenette, garage. G-ovt. Mortgage £1135. . Price £1275.—Ferguson and Co., 57 High Street, Lower Hutt. THOMAS for Hats. Why pay more when you can buy an excellent quality Hat for 6/11 at THOMAS'S. THOMAS for Sports Coats. New designs in Thornproof Tweeds from 19/6 each. These are exceptional value so'hurry along. TO liET—Partly furnished Book.—Ajt-_-, ply Peck, Nai Nai Lane. •'•■■•■ fc. ■ WANTED TO BENT by married co«c pie with no children, for 6 months or more, compact well furnished house with garage in Central Hutt. "Would take good care of garden if not top large. Possession. required early ik January. Phone partieulara to 445----.,3&4,." . V ::' ''. ■■ ■.:.,.'■- ... .... liAf>li}B!*^Se)!ect you* Xniw Hoeiety at THiT BOCttfOMIC. Art Silk «/»;• £/11. Bonds >?/*!, Vll; X>e*ai 5/11. Ffcre «ilk F«U JBfliiotie4 9/11. ' ji^rkEß XMAS^rrivea at LtTTLB'S / |O:|K|iia on W ji>>KrESSI>AY, Beeenaibor .. "M& ■..■....■■:.'■„', : .'.'.. : ■,-.- Tfiffi'm^jOiMffl for Children's Wear ttM«as l^S^^ottbn Crocks a/11; Bomp4rs 2/3; Fngione Bloomers 1/4; Petti ooat»^/«i Art Silk Sox l/2j^Oym . Hose 1/9.

J R <*x*> 4astl£ EiEMANbS f*N-TEA

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Hutt News, Volume 3, Issue 28, 4 December 1930, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Hutt News, Volume 3, Issue 28, 4 December 1930, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Hutt News, Volume 3, Issue 28, 4 December 1930, Page 8