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Women's News

By "EVE."

Miss iiua cnapiuan is at present visiting JMttpier. , Mrs*. Js/U»aeu has recently returned to the ixuxx. arter a three months' holiday in Australia. Miss V. uenniston is-visiting Miss Hester W nue, iw.arton. Mr*. U. Jones anu ivxisses V. and P, J. Jones are vasiting Dannevirke. Mr. W. k'. ±>ona, of Yv&nganui, has been .transterrrea to the Jttaiwvay De- | partment &£ the Mutt, alter some years' absence iroin tois town. Mrs Bond ami iamiiy wui iouow ifcu^sttortlyy.. ._.. "Mrs. X, P. Hay, of jbdoomneld Terxace, is spending a holiday in Christchurch. /-•■■ Miss Mona^ Thompson, Feilding, is the guest of '-|£r*,-Bjii?i Hollands ''iFfeias; holme," Jytatai Street. satyr or WOlik AT WAIWHBTU. 'Xhe saie of work .held in the Wai* whatu tocn.ool to augment the schooi funds, provett most satisiactory, for at the ciose oi tne iunction a ciean sweep <*f the stalls had been made. There were niany weu stocked staiis, thosein I ■diiarge. being: iVain and Fancy Stall, Mrs. fcicoon and Mrs WeiDb; Uafce Stall, Mrs. Wiison, Mrs. Pegier and. helpers; Produce .{Stall, Mrs Ashton and Mrs Willoughby; Tea Kooms, Mrs Willough-. iby and Mrs fc>tunn.el j Ice-cream and jgpfit Drinks, Mrs Fergusson and Mrs. {Gardner. Many guessing competitions added to the fun during the evening. AN "AT HOME." The very pleasant and suecess-f ul 4'At Home" which took .place on Friday afternoon at "Casa Loma" the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell, was held under the auspices of the local branch of the Residential Nursery, and t&e annual meeting of that society took place during the afternoon. Mrs. MitcfceU, in a few words, warmly welcomed the large nunnber who attended, after which, with Mrs Porter presiding, the business of electing officers was proceeded with, which resulted in the re-eWtion of all those who were in office, namely: Mrs McArthux, president; Mrs. H- Mitchell, secretary; and Lady Roberts, Mrs. J. Mitchell, Mrs. Harold Johnson and Mrs. Sanitk vicepresidents. The committee is as f ollows:—Mesdames Btargess, Downer, D. MeArthur, B. I>. MeArthur, Jollands, Andrews, D. S. Patrick and W. Smith. Deep appreciation was expressed of those who were re-elected, and it was felt that excellent work should be accomplished with such a splendid president at the head,of affairs. The annual report and balance sheet,. &b presented by ike secretary, Mrs. H. Mitchell, registered a very satisfactory state of affairs, for £60 had been re* alised daring the year, and Mesdames Andrews, Mitchell, MeArthur and Downer were thanked for holding parties for the furtherance of the cause, and gratitude was expressed to Mrs. W. Smith for so kindly putting herioom at the disposal of the committee. Mrs

Porter than thanked those who were

present for their interest and support, after'which Mrs. Mitchell made sympathetic mention of three very active members who had passed away during the year, namely, Mrs. Strand, MrsDuncan and Mrs. Tilley. At the close of the meeting, Misa Wiltshire, who is secretary of the Welfare Branch of the Women's National Reserve, told of a visit to Porirna Mental Hospital, when a party was given the patients by a nivrse who was leaving the institution. Very evidentr ly no pains had been spared to make t&e afternoon a very joyous one for the guests, and Mi 99 Wiltshire cannot speak too warmly of the wonderful care and attention the inmates of the hospital receive*. Mrs Porter, in thanking the speaker, said she knew how

glad everyone was to receive first-hand knowledge of the work at Porirua, and , she felt that those who are not sick in mind should give all they- could as a ■bianksoffering. t A charnung basket of roses and sweetpeas wai then^^resented by afire- Bnrgess to Mrs »MitcheH, and d«Hghtful bouquets to Mrs Porter,

I who is the Wellington president of the society, Mrs. J. Smith, Khahdallah president; also to Mrs Hamilton from Khandallah, and Mrs. MeArthur. jAfternoon tea was then dispensed,' during which Mrs. Andrews played, Mrs "Jollands and Mrs Downer sang, and Mrs Lorare recited- Then, as tHe daywas sinch a perfect one, the guests were able to enjoy the garden and delight- ■ fti vistas of valley and harbour to fee ( seen from every vantage point. WEDDING. ADAMSON— Mx&UCttMf. The wedding was solemnised at the Congregational Chufoh on Saturday, Noveiokber 29th of Hannah Kerr, daughter of Mr and -^i^7 Rob"brtl v Smith> son of Mr-aata Mr^\^P. Mcoa<jha;n« r - Th« brides I who entered: the church on tie arm of her father, wore' a dainty -white 'er'epe char maine gown ankle length, the bodice and neck being rucked, and the skirt made witli three picotted flares. Her embroidered tulle veil was arranged rnab cap fashion, with orange blossom I ftt the sides: The bouquet was of white roses, sweet peaa, maiden-hair fern and asparagus. Her toilette was ■completed with white satin dtmrt shoes and silk stockings-. Miss Jean 3£err,, of Wellington, attended her wearing coral pink erepe-de-chene with pleated skirt and bolero, while her drooping hat was of pink crinoline. Her shoes were of fawn and pink erepe-de-chene worn with fawn silk stockings. She carried an effective bouquet of pink roses and sweet peas to tone with her frock. T&e Rev. E. T. H. Wearne performed the ceremony and l&iss Stowers was at the organ. Mr. Hugh Johnson, Wellington, a cousin of the bridegroom, attended as best man. After the ceremony. «.t which there were 50 guests, a reception was held at the Orange Hall, Petone, which was tastefully decorated for the occasion hy a friend of the bride. Mrs Adamson received &er guests in a frock of chocolate tricoline trimmed fwith fawn erepe-de-ehene, and Bangkok hat ' to tone. Mrs. McGuchau traveUed in. a navy flecked costume'"'wKli'' Bang&ok hat to tone, and black sivede shoes with gTey silk stockings. W.C.T.U. , Ta« annual meeting of the Lower Hutt W.C.T.U. was held on Wednesday .last, but owing to the very wet day there was a very small attendance. Several apologies were sent by those unable to attend. • Ten meetings have been held during tfce year, and two special meetings, with an average attendance of 16 mem- , bers. Three notable days were kept— Maori Day, Mothers* Day, and White Ribbon Day. There are 53 financial , members. Delegates have.been sent to ; executive meetings at Brooklyn and Carterton. Mrs. Spencer had been appointed Dominion Superintend ?nt for philanthropic work, and a delegate b<id , also been appointed to the Mothers' ,•; Union. i The treasurer's report was very ©n- , tJo*raging and after all ea^enses baa been paid there was a balance in hand of about £4. t Evangelistic work had been carried ;on during the year by Mrs Spencor aud Mrs. Lopdell Mrs. Heyes, the Cradle Jtoll Supir'n- , tendent, gave » very good report <«f work done. There aTe 177 on *vi.9 cradle roll, not including 25 who tavs reached 8 years of age. . • —-.■--.-••._• Mrs. Schneider t>ie White Bibbon \ agent, reported that about 50 take the Ipaper and there are seven new auib- > , scribers. X i The Million Shilling Campaign re- ' alised £12, including donations to head- ..■' 'quarters. , , . Votes of thanks were passed to those "who had been in office during the year. ■ 'The following officers were elected for the new yeart—President (held over . till January meeting Vice-President;: L Mesdames Garlick, Ebutley, Heyes, Lop- , dell, Ballahtyne and Crawford; Secre- 7 : tary, Mrs Tait; Treasurer, MTS.\AJ[derß--ley; JBvangcilistic Snperinteiident, -Mrs. , Spencer; Tea; Convenor, Mrs. Bailie;: , White Bibbon Agent, Mrs Taylor; Cm-;

die Boss Superintendent Mrs. Heyes;, Reporter, Mts. Crawford; Librarian, Mrs. Green; Pianiste, Mrs. Spencer; , Campaign Fund, Mrs. Crawford. Regret Was expressed that Mrs. Anderson found it impossible to continue as president, and many present voiced their, appreciation of heT services during the three years she has held that office. A Visiting Committee, has been formed, of the following:—-Mesdames Boutley, Aldersley, Heyes, Schneider, Crawford and Miss Page. ♦ Afternoon tea was served and the meeting closed with the Benediction. CANCEB CAMPAIGN. ' Lady Roberts presiderd at the meet*ing* iV *^o Council Chambers of those interested in the Cancer Campaign, on .Thursday afternoon, and Mrs. A. G. Earle was elected secretary and trea- , surer, with. Miss N. Dudley as assist,, ant 'secretary. The later read the I minutes of toe meeting held the previous week. , *Tt was, avoided to allocate districts ito those^^reaent * toho- wer* willing to canvass, and coupons were distributed to them: ' "* Many of those present signified their willingness to % give garden, bridge or tennis parties to help on the cause, N and apologies were received from others who were also willing to assist in this way. , The collecting does not commence till after the holidays. ....... _y * ■ BECSEPESLFBOM CANADA., There were kisses and jellies and cream Things that give us, in truth, ugly dreams. • X.EMON MIST. Three lemons, juice and rind, 1£ cups | sugar, 5 to 8 cups edrnfLouT, 3 eggs (yolks and whites separate), 3 cups boiling water. Pare lemon rind... Add boiling water. 'Cover closely. I*et stand 15 minutes. Mix cornflouir with, sugar and add boiling water from rind. Star constantly. Cook until it boils two minutes. Mis yolks of eggs and lemon juice. iPour cooked anisturje over it; Oook a minute or so longer, stirring constantly. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites and pour in moulds to serve. CtOITFEE SOtTPPLE. li cups coffee, f cup milk, 2 to 3 cops sugaT, i teaspoonful salt, 1 or 2 i eggs, 1* teaspoon vanilla, 1 large tableI spoon gelatine. Mix coffee, milk, sugar and gelatine and heat. Add yolks of'eggs amL ciSok fell itffhiekens slig^ ly. Add vanilla and beaten whites of eggs. Add whipped cream if desired. This is sufficient to serve 6 or 7 persons. BABTANA PLUBT. Place 1 egg white> i cup of sugar and one mashed banana in a shallow dish and beat for 20 minutes, or until light | and fluffy. Serve with custard. SOME TJSEFUIi HINTS. If heavy furniture cannot be moved, soap the floor well and pwsh the article \ It will slide along on tke slippery anx- * face and will need only to be steadied. i The soap can be removed with a wet clotih. , Heat the oven 'before putting in a roast. Add i cup boiling water to the dripping. The heat seals the juices and « makes the meat tender, and the steam ( from the water not only prevents the meat from hardening, but dispenses with much, basting. Ink marks on children 7s school blouses may be removed if the articles are soaked oveTnight in salt and milk. To remove stains from floor felt, sprinkle soap powder on a dry^cloth and rub t>he surface well. The loose powder may easily be swept up with a brush. To remove the '' shine '} from seats of trousers or frocks, boil some ivy leaves in aii old strain the~ liquor and wash the shiny parts with it. Binse with water and pressi . Immediately after using furniture lacquer immerse the brushes in methylated spirits. Tke lacquer will dissolve and the brushes become quite soft and clean. •' . .

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Hutt News, Volume 3, Issue 28, 4 December 1930, Page 2

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Women's News Hutt News, Volume 3, Issue 28, 4 December 1930, Page 2

Women's News Hutt News, Volume 3, Issue 28, 4 December 1930, Page 2