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It was the expressed opinion of those best competent to judge, that last •week's Flower Show was the best t&wut the Hutt has yet known. The utilisation of the two thalls proved a distinct Advantage, for there was more space in the main hall fox the display of the The National Daffodil Society's exhibits were set out in the smaller hall, and wonderfully choice they were. Sir Heaton Rhodes, M.L.O, ■who was introduced by Mr D S Patrick, (president of the Hutt Valley Horticultural Society), was most congratulatory in hit* remarks, and one felt that those congratulations were well earned. The • official party was as follows:—Mrs D. S. .Patrick, ,w«hose French costume wasof blue kasha; Mrs Simni,. wearing a d«Tk blue costume with maroon hat; Mrs. E. Riddiford, in black costume and hat; Mrs M-cShane, tweed costume, maroon felt hat; Mrs Barclay, sister of Sir. Heaton Rhode*, bla>ck crepe-de--• frock, moire coat and fitting black hat; Mrs Whitton, chocolate col- • ouTed frock with fawn hat and brawn ffur.i-ont, and Mrs Barber, black coat with - squirrel fur trimiming and black that/ The gentlemen of the official party were Sir Heaton Rhodes, Sir. .Alexander Roberts. Mr. )D Patrick, Dr Whitton, 3lr. E.. Ridtiiford, Mr. Nickolls (secretary),5 and Mr. H Poole

The tea rooms this year was oimdei the gallery and was enclosed with green, lattice work interwoven with ly©opodium and every here and there, vivid marigold blooms, whilst set at intervals on top of the lattice*-weue baskets of wat.tle, spring flowers, Iceland poppies and red birch. This very effective

decoration Avas the work of Mrs. P. Gh

Reid Outside the effect was enhan«-

Ed by great tubs of Japanese cyiprua. ".The UEiique "Okie' Emglish' J sign at ;lthe entrance of the tea room was the \work of Mr. Eeid and involved muciii

labour, whilst aibove the entrance was

. suspended a lamp, suggestive of the same period. The decorations of . the . official table were of tangerine Iceland ; poppies, red birch and violets, whilst the other talbles wyre gay with spring flowers. It was the opinion of many who viewed -the decoraited tables that they were particularly choice this year. The .rich colouring"otf cyclamen and anemone, tie daintiness of Iceland •PVl'Py* freesia and. maidenhair fern and the- loveliness of the polyanthus, redolent of spring, all contributed their ■quota of charm.. A unique and most interesting exhibit was that of Australian wild flowers by Mr. F. G. Waters of Wangamui, and amongst them was some vivid red flora from South Africa. Mr. Vivian Bdddiford exhibited for the first time, and his display of multi-hued cinnearia stellata and the finest primulas ever staged at the Bfctt . and crowned with a beautiful palm, was most colburfoil and artistic, whilst just near was Mr. Oibbons's wonderful display of cinnerias and rich and delicate fcued primukis. The Lower Hutt Bor--ou'gih Council's display of gorgeous calendiuia, polyanthiuSj palms and red birch alsp deserves mention. Mrs Wilson was the convener of the tea-room committee, and assisting her -were Mrs Q-. H. Savage, Mrs. 'A,'. -O. Eaxle and Mrs Or. Gaudin and the Misses Jamieson, Northe, Schneider,

iSavage, A. King and Anstice, while Mrs "W-ocSd an<d Mrs Hendry presided over "the cut flower and seedling' stall, and : Mrs. Alexander and Mrs Whitcher weTe ,in charge of the sweet stall. . At the conclusion of the SStow on 'Thursday night the president of t3ae •Society (Mr. D. S. Patrick) presented 4 the trophies to the winners of the various competitions The following special awards were •anade: — Best Trumpet. — Robert Gibson, "Dawson City." Non-Trumpet—A Crystal "Fortune. r' Chanirpion of Champions '' Huitt News" Trophy—Eoibert Gibson "D^uw- . son City." R.H.S Silver Gilt Medal.—Vivian Hiddif or* primulas and «innerarias; Sir Heaton Rhodes N.Z. Seedling Daffodils. Silver Medals.; —Erie Riddiford, polyanthus and cyclamen j H. Poole, collection o£ plants; Mrp. D. S. Patrick, rhododendrons; 3". F. (Wangunui), Australian and South African flowering natives. . Bronze Medials-;-Seenic Reserves Committee Lower Hrutt Borough Council,

collection spring flowers; Norman Gdib bons, cinnerarias* R.H.S. Certificates—Norman Gibbon* primulas in pots. The following awards w«re made:Points Prize, the Hutt Valley Borti cultural Society's Trophy, value li guineas.—H. Poole. Collection of 24 varieties, 3 blooms oeach.—H. Poole 1, F. Wesfcbury 2. Collection of 12 varieties narcissi, ', blooms of each.—A. H. Burgess am Son 1, H. Poole 2, F. Westltrary 3. 6 varieties '' Trumpet' * daffodils, i blooms of each.—H. Poole 1, F. West bury 2. 0 varieties '' Ineomparabilis,' r i blooms of each.—H. Poole 1, F. West bury 2. 6 varieties of "Leedsii," 3 blooms, a eaeh.—rH; Poole .1, Burgess and Son 2 6 varieties of.-"Barrii/' 3 bloom* o: each.-—H. Poole 3 varieties of "Poeticus," 3 ibloanu of each.—-H. Poole. .3 varieties of "Tazetta," or "T»« etta"—H. Poole 1, F. Wositibury 2. 3 varieties of "Doubles," 3 bloonu of each.—H. Poole 1, F. Westbury 2. 6 Trutnjpet Daffodils, 1 variety, yel low.—Burgess and Son 1, H. Poole 2 F. Wastibury. 3. 6 Trumpet Daffodils, 1 variety, bi colour—H. Poole 1, F. WeistobuTy 2. 6 Truimpet Daffodils, whiter one oi more varieties.- —H. Poole .1, F. West bury 2. ' •6 IncoTnp>ara.bilis, 1 variety, yelio-w perianth.—F. Westbury 1, H. Poole 2 6 InepTnparabilis, 1 variety, Trhit< perianth.—H. Poole 1, F. Westibuiy 2 6 Leedsii, 1 variety, Giant Cup,—^H Poole 1, F. Westbury 2. 6 Lecd'Sii, 1/variety, small cup. —H Poole l, F. Westtouxy 2. 6 Barrii, 1 variety, yellow perianth.— F. Westlblry 1, H. Poole 27 6 Barrii, 1 variety, white perianth.— H. Poole 1; F. Westbury 2. - ♦> Blooms Red Cups, one or mow varieties.—F. Westbury\ 1, H. Pbole 2. Mrs. J. Martin 3. . STNOLB BLOOM CLASSES. Point Prize, the EL J. Poole Trophy. —H. Poole. *. • 1 Yellow Trumpet Daffodil—R. G-iib-son 1, H. Poole 2, C. E. Buckingham 3, 1 White Trunnrpet Daffodil—H. Poole 1, Burgess and Son 2, A. Chrys-tal 3. .1 Bi-colour Trumpet Daffodil—-Bur-gess and Son 1, A. Crystal 2, R. Gifbson 3. .... ■ ; • 1 Inconvparabilis Yelloiw—A. Ohrystal 1, R. Gibson 2, A. Chrysfcal 3. .1 Incomparabilis, White.-—Burgess and Son 1, C. E. Buckin'glhiaiin. 2, •H. Poole 3. i J Barrii Yellow Perianth.—H. Ptoole. •JL Barrii White Perianth.—^H. Poole 1, R. Gibson. 2. 1 Leedsii, large cup.—C. E. Buckittgliam 1, R- Gibson 2, H. Poole 3. .1 Leedsii, small cup.—-Burgess and 6on 1^ JL Gilbson 2. 1 Doailble Daffodil; —Burgess" and Son 1, H. Poole 2, C. E» Buckinghano. 3. • 1 Polyanthus or Poetaz. —O. B. Bwcltingham 1, H. Pbole 2, R. Gilbson 3. ' 1 Bloom any ot&er variety.—^R. Gibson 1, H. Poole 2, C. E. Buckingham* 3. NEW ZEALAND SEEDLING CLASSES. The Madden Oup, value live guineas. ' —A. Gdibso?d. ' The Cook Trophy, value one guinea.— A. Gibson. ' New Zealand Seedling, Long Tnrm[pet, yellow. —Alan Gibson. 1, H. Poole 2, H. Poole 3. : New Zealand Seedling, Long Truim,pet, white.—H. Pobjte 1, A. Chrystal 2. /New Zealand Seedling, Long TrumI>et,' "Bi-icoloiuir. —A. H. Burgess and Son 1, Alan Gibson 2. New ■ Zealand Seedling, Incomipara*ilis.—Alan Gibson. New Zealand Seedling, Leedsii.— Alan Gilbson 1, H. Ooekrell'2. NPew Zealand Seedling, Barrii.—-Alan •Galbson 1. — . " N"eiw Zealand Seedling, Poetieus. — "B. Toole. A. E. Lowe Memorial.—Alan Gibson. AMiATEUR CLASSES. NAR<nSSI. Champion Bloom Trophy, — Qeo. Bramley. • • NoTth Island Championship Gold Medal.—J. O. Glover. 12 Varieties of Narcissi, 3 .'blooms of each, —H. Small 1, G. Bramley 2.' 6 varieties of Narcissi, 3 iblomaaa <tf each.—H. Small 1, R. F. Jenae«s 5L 12 varieties of Narcissi, 1 Jblooan of each.—B. H. Preathey 1, J. C. Otavei IL. '6 varieties of Narcissi, 1 bloom «ff each.—B. H. Freathey 1, H. Small 2.

Points Prize: Narcissi 'Lady Superior' and1 'Miss Wihnott. '—H. Witehell. ~ 3 varieties of Trumpet Daffodils, g ibloams of each.—B. H. Freai&ey 1, B. F. Jenness 2. • - 3 'blooms Yellow Truiojpet&, one i variety.—R. F. Jenness 1, John Ball 2. 3 Blooms Bi-colour /Trumpets', one ! variety.—H. Witehell 1, J. C. Glover 2. 3 Blooms White Truuiifpets, one or t anore varieties. —'John Ball 1, J. O. [ -Glover 2. 3 Blooms Ineoinparabilis, one variety. I —J. C. Glover 1, H. Witehell 2. 3 Blooms Bjed Oups, one variety.— R. K. Burgess" 1, H. Witehell 2. I 3 Blooms Barrii, one variety.—*H. • Witehell 1 and 2. .^ 3 blooms Leedsii, one variety.—R. F. I Jehness 1, H. Witehell 2. 3. Doufble Daffodils, 3 blooms one or !^ tmore varieties-. —John Ball 1 and 2, S. T. Wakelin h.c. > SINGLE BLOOM CLASS. - The Daw Omp ; value tiwo" guineas.—H: Small. 1 Trumipet Daffodil, yellow.—H. i SmaHl, H. Witehell 2. -. .'. . 1 Trumpet Daffodil, otjier than yel* low.—H. Small 1, R. Lewis 2. , 1 Ineoinparabilis, yellow perianth.— H. Witehell 1, H. Small 2, R. B.Sissoi '3« - •■ ■' 1 Tneoniparabilis, white perianth..— IH. Witc&ell 1, H. Small 2, John Ball 3. 1 Barrii.—H. Witehell 1, H. Small 2. 1 Leedsii, large euip.—H. Small 1, B. F. Jenness 2, H. Witehell 3. 1 Leedsii, small cup.—H. Small 1, W. 'I. Wilson 2. 1 DoaiMe Daffodil, —H. Small 1, P. B. Sisson 2. • 1 Tazetta Hybrid.—P. R, Sisson 1, H. Witehell'2. - JUVENILE CLASS. 1 Tazetta Hytbrid.—P.^ B. Sisson 1, H. Wite-hell 2. 6 varieties Narcissi, one stem, of each.—'R. K. Burgess. 3 varieties Narcissi, one stem pi ea/ch.—B. K. Burgess. . 2 Truniipet Daodil.ff—R. K. Biurges*. 1 Leedsii —B. K. Burgess. 1 Barrii.—B. K. Burgess. DECORATIVE OLASS. : Decorated Table.—Mrs A. B. Gow«» J, Miss J. Fen wick 2. / The Kersley Rose Bowl.—-Mrs. Gda- ■• der«. / Bowl of Iceland Poppies^—Miss Edn» )&nith 1, Mrs A. J. Holjibs 2. • Bawl of Flowers arranged for effect. —Miss Edna. Smith 1, Mrs. A. B. {lower 2. . Decorated Basket.—Miss J. .Gifesen. 1, Miss Schneider 2. .tShoulder Spray.—Mrs. A. J. Holbfbs 1, Mrs Gow^er 2. Tall Vas6 of Flowers arranged for effect. —Mis. A. E. Gower 1. Mrs. W. B. Ginders 2. v Short Vase of Flowers arranged for effect—'Mrs W. B. Ginders 1, Miss J. Feniwick 2. Floral Box, arranged for " effects — Miss E. Schneider.;l, Jkfrs. Ginders 2. Posey p-f Flowers.—Miss Schneider 1, Miss Gillies 2. /'"'"'■ ■ Presenita-tion Boucpiet.—Mrs A. J. Hoibbs 1, Miss J. Gie&en 2. Bowl of Daffodils.—-Mrs Ginders 1, Mrs. Go.w*er 2. . JUVENILE DECORATTVE CLAiSS. . Points Priae Trophy.—'Miss Barnard. Uecoiwtive Horaeshee.—Miss J. Canningliam. 1, Miss ,-J. Gillies 2. Bowl of Flower».ri^li6B Iris Neilson J,>.Mi^s.P.-Bxix*eßS|i:^;:^". ,: . ■ % Gent^ B'Httonli'oles.-^-Alan B. Ckordon. - Floating Bowl.—Miss. Barnard. GENERAL OLASS^OPEN. Collection of Flowers grown in the open. —Mrs. Joihn Mitchell. 6 B<nn«lies of Polyanth-ue.-r-K. B. GiibTnons 1, Mts H. P. Mole 2. .6 Bwnches PrimTOse—^Mrs. John Mit«helL v 6 Vases Hyacinths.—Mrs B. E. Edwards. Collection■. «f f^rijl^iSeja.—Mt« J. Mitchell 2nd. 6 Cinerarias in .Potsi.—N. B. Gilbbooa 1, Mrs J. Mitchell 2. AMATEUR. Point Trophy.—Miss J- Baraa*d. Collection-of Flowers-^-Mrs <■ J. S. BarnaTd 1, Mrs H. P. Mole 2. 3 Vases Hyaicinths.—pMrs B. E. Edwards 1, Miss J. Powles 2. Oollectitm of Anenwmee.—-A. J«nniejson 1, Mrs H. P. Mpl« 2. ... • . Collection of Bansi|a or Viola.—Mm B. Walker 1, A. Jamfieson 2. 1 Cyelaanen in Pot^^Hj. Gieson Ist and 2nd. '■"" I

1 Cineraria in Pot. —N. B. Gibbons 1, Mts. J. Mitchell 2. ' 1 Foliage Plant, n.o.e.—Miss J. Powles. 1 Flowering Plant, n.o.e. —Miss J. Powles. NATIONAL- DAFFODIL SOOEETY The fourth annual show of the Nationul Daffodil Society of N.Z. was heW in conjunction with, tbe local show aad was very effectively staged in th# small hall. It is three years sine* tfcia exhilbition was held in the Hutt. The fixture is arranged at a different centre each year and will take place at Eltham in 1931. There were exhibit©!* dPnona. all parts of the country present including Tauxanga, Ta Aroha, Hew Plymouth^ Bltham and Otaki, Wair^i'ajra and Canterbury. The prize blooms in t2re Show were "Aiissie," a yellorr truwnpet, and ''Bee^shelba,'' a white trumpet, botk shown by Mr. H. Poole; "Edwinstone'» ibi-colonred, iand '*White Nile," a> I*eedsii and ' 'Sweet Sixteen, if a. Barrii, "shown by Mr. W. H. Booth; and Springibok, an Ineomparabilis, shown by Mr. W. W. Bradbury.

The following were- the awards of cups and trophies:—British Raisers' Challenge Cup, Mr. H. Poole, Mr. R, iGidbson second. -Australian Daffodil growers' , Challenge^ Trophy, Mr. Ru ■Gibson, Mr. H. Poole second. Gibson iChallenge Bowl, Mr. Alan Gibson, Mr W. W. BTadibuiry second Martin Challenge Cuip/MT. C. Goodson, Mr. C. B. Buckingham second. Rhodes Challengie Cup, Mr. B. Gibson, Mr. H. Poole, second. Marchland Cup, Mr. H. Poole, Mr. B. Gibson second. Auckland Society 'a Aanatnr Trophy, Mr. J. -C. <51over, Mr. B. Lewis second. J

' Ofher a-waxds were:—-Trumpet seedling daffodil, raised by exhibitor, Mr. H. Poole Ist, Mr, C. B*. BucTringhaon 2nd. Leedsii daffodil seedling, raised

toy exhibitor, Mr. H. Poole. Tiwelv** varieties daffodils, Mr. W. H. Boabh lsti Mr."J: C. Glover second. :Six varieties daffodils, Mr, W. H. .Booth 1-st, Mr. D>. 'Corrigan 2nd. •

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Hutt News, Volume 3, Issue 18, 25 September 1930, Page 11

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THE FLOWER SHOW. Hutt News, Volume 3, Issue 18, 25 September 1930, Page 11

THE FLOWER SHOW. Hutt News, Volume 3, Issue 18, 25 September 1930, Page 11