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■ANNUAL .MEETING. Tho 22nd annual meeting of the Hutt District Cricket Club was held in the club pavilion on 3rd inst. T>he president, Mr. E. P. Bunny presided and \ before taking the business of the meeti»g made reference to the untimely death of two of the club members. Mr 3S*y Wall h;id been a prominent member of tho club and Mr/'R. C. Brown, avxpunger member had met nis death through an accident. A motion of sym ' jathy to the .relatives was passed, all present standing. iJ ;•. W. Elsoiu, in spcakiiig to the report, eonyratulated the c6nimi*>tee and; tfce secretary on the year's efforts. He ■ceasidexed t-liat the club had been very well run. He was of the opinion that ■certain of the club's assets were valued too liijrlt in the balance sheet and suggested that the small cash surplus shouH !n? earning interest. It was poiut<' ! <>vit by other speakers that nso^t i.ii: this money was derived from tfce tea nn.iins and it was advisable to keep a small amount of cash in hand to meet >-urrent expenses. Mr. W. Doig referred to the possiljility of the club -having to pay an in--creased ground rent. He maintained tiiat tl;e club was not in a jjosition to pay the increase as the actual year's W:erk)ii{£ unly showed a profit of £10, -aad if it was insisted upon he feared tfcat it would put the club out of exist--em«e and this would not be a good I*l3^; for -fhc .district. They were provicling good clean sport for tnc 3 roung men. , •. . ■ Tho President moved the adoption of tiKi report and balance sheet and congratulated those responsible for tie manner in which the elu'b had been, conducted. .He referred, to the outstanding performance of the Third A and especially to the batting and bowling performances of T. Langford. Se did not consider the finances of the ■dtmb warranted any increase in ground «ea£ and hoped that a favourable reply wosld be received from the council.

Mr. E. S. Innes, who seconded the report, considered that the Hutt Club *wbb one of the nicest clubs he had ever been associated witn. He cdngratulat■ed the eluib not only on <being runners<op for tihe chjunpionship but on the ■very fine team of young men eomin'g on, Also ion the promising junior team. Tii*: report and balance sheet were «4opted.

The President welcomed Mr. Daa. MoKenzie who had'eome to reside in *fl|tC! district. Mi. MeKenie said that Jke would. !be delighted to take an inter<eHt in the club and to assist in any Tray possible. He agreed to the preflident's request to give a lecture on -flke rules of cricket.

The president presented the caps to iboee members of the club who had ■distinguished thcmeselves during tlie <M>OOOP.

The question of preferential treatment to Wellington College who is not ♦bliged to field a team during the vaeafioa, was froely discussed, and on the Motion of Mt. Innea the following mo•fium was approved: "That the delegates be instructed to -bring the matter «p at the Wellington Cricket Association annual meeting wit-h. a view to liaviag the matter dealt with by a system of rotation. '

Mr. Doig and several others spoke Tory highly of the excellent work done by Mr. B. T. Peglar -vrho was relinquish ing the position of secretary; also to •frs. Pegler's valued assistance at the Afternoon teas. In his reply Mr. Pegler made an appeal for more ladies •to assist and expressed his thanks to. tfcose who had helped the club last season. ' Mr. McGirr said that he had never nfpn. associated with a elufb where the tice-presidents and the ladies had -taken so much interest in the club. He ■flid not think another club in New Zealand received the same amount of support. It was pleasing to see so many «f them on the ground following the game, and threw out the suggestion tket a social evening be held in their fcononr. , Complaints were made of the trouble «aused by balls being lost in the hedge mX the south end of the ground. A vote of appreciation was passed to retiring members of the management wmmittee, and' special mention was made to the work of Mr, M. C. W. Jfaaon who had hot been re-elected.

Tho following officers were elected:— President, Mr. E. P. Bunny; Vice-presi-dents: Messrs E. S. Innes, H. Gk Loekett, M. Meßain, J. J. Gallagher, Dan Mclvenzie,' W. Perkins, V. Riddiford, S. R. Knight, A'. Holtham, G. H. Matthews, G. FTJudd, J. Judd, W. H. Ernahaw, L. if. Watkins, E. W. Hunty-E. Kitto, H. B. Wakelin, W. P. Page, H. G-. Teagle, D. S. Patrick, H. S. Dudding J. Brasoll, Dr. R. D. Barron, Sir Alex Roberts; Mesdanies McGirr and Matthews. Hon. AuditOT, Mr. A. Meßain; Captain, Mr. W. E. Elsoni^ hon. secretary, Mr. E. MeSherry; hon. treasurer, •Mr. B. T Pegler; Committee: .Messrs Doig, Neazor, Ball, Boss, Warries, Aldersley and Lockett. Delegates to Wellington 'Cricket- Association Messrs W. T. Doig, H. McGirr, W. A. Aldersley and M. C. W. Mason A number of new members were elected : ' ■ .. '■ ■ ■ ■*".,.■ ■•'■ ■ ' .. ■■ . ■ .• The following report was submitted to. the. annual meeting of the Huitt Cri-efcot Club:— The Club during the past season experienced a most successful year, both in regard to* the. general membership and to the standard of play maintained throughout the various grades. The numerical strength of the Club ; was greater than, in the previous season and no .'• difficulty w,as experienced in fielding six teams. The rapid ex-"~ pansion taking place in the Valley will mo doubt be reflee-ted in a further strengthening of the club this coming season. As 121 the past,years dEreeraem.liership was extended to two boys from, each of the primary schools in the district. . " ' , As shown in the Balance Sheet the financial position is satisfactory, while playing material has been maintained at a high standard. . Six teams were entered in Wellington Cricket Association's competitions and all justified their -nomination in the respective grades. The Third A team

■was the most successful, being runnersup for the Thixd B championship and in consequence have t>he, honour of winning the Fairbairn Memorial Shield. The Senior team composed almost entirely of colts, performed exceptionally well arid were defeated for championship honour^ only in the last match of the season, against the Wellington Club's team. This achievement is distinctly pleasing when it is lememibered i hat the previous season this team, finished at the bottom of the championship ladder. The Junior A Team fielded a strong side and' after an indifferent .start at ithe commencement of the season, performed well and secured a high position in the competition. : The Junior. B had a very successful: season' and put up some creditable performances. The Junior C Team while not gaining a high position acquitted themselves with credit. The Third B i;eam was comprised entirely of boys and was severely 'handicapped through the absence of an experienced player to lead them, many members of the team x showed . considerable promise.

, .Oil, the whole the Club is" fortunate in possessing throughout the various grades many promising colts, who "with further experience, will develop into useful players and provide the strength of the future. With the return to action of former members incapacitated last season, and the possible strengthening by new members, t>he prospects for the coming season are exceptionally bright. •"■"■'■■

.Committee Meetings—The Committee meetings-were well attended and keen interest was evinced in the management of the club. Members generally have met their obligations promptly and although several subscriptions are still outstanding it is anticipated that these will be paid in the next few ; weeks. It may not be out of place to mention that members can considerably lighten the duties of the secretary and treasurer by close attention to matters of this nature. The with the Wellington Cricket Association -have continued cordial and we again wish to express our appreciation of the prompt attention given by Mr. Varney on all matters submitted for consideration. ! The following matters concerning the Chub's activities are of interest to members:— Representative Honours.—H. M. Me* G-irr, N.Z. and Wellington; B. B. Boss, Wellington; W. !Lees and B. P. Warnes, ' Town v. Country.

Tours.—A chub team toured at Christmas, playing matches at Levin, Woodville, Alfredton and Feilding, winning all games played. The usual Labour Day match with Wairarapa at Master.ton had to be abandoned on account, of rain. A match was, howeverplayed at the Hutt on Anniversary Day and won by Hutt by a comfortable margain. ' ' Honours Caps.—For registering meritorious performances during the season, Honour Caps were won by the following players:—H. M. McGirr (106), B. R. Ross (197 not out), H. MoTah (102), T. Langford • (107), R. Aldersley (127 not out); J. McMahon (7 wickets in one innings), D. Matthews (109). Obituary.—lt is with regret t>hat we record the deaths of two active, club memibers—R. Wall and R. C. Brown. I Mr. Wall had been a member of the ! Cluib since his school days and was a most enthusiastic * player. Mr. Brown was a new member but during Ms association with the club had displayed great keenness. * ... ■ . Officers of the Club.—The Management Committee desires to record its thanks and appreciation'of the service* and support given by the President and Vice-Presidents of the Clubl It is gratifying to have such keen interest evinced in the Club's activities. Honorary, Members.—The honorary membership did not Teach expectations and it is felt that a lilrtle effort bj" memibers would result in the cMb gaining many new supporters. ' i Afternoon Teas. —Tt is a pleasing duty once agaiii to record the club's indebtedness to those ladies who so kindly gave so much assistance in attending -to , the club's afternoon tea arrangements. We have no doubt that the members fully appreciate that the ladies sacrifice many Saturday afternoons in the interests of the chvb. Without, this assistance tier club would not enjoy its present high reputation for hospitality extended to visiting players. There have been many personal expressions of thanks by visitors, not only to the ladies, but also to the officers of the Club. Umpires.—The Committee desires to pay tribute to those gentlemen who devote so nmeli time in tie interests of the game. The work of the Umpires ' Association is of vital importance and we trust that their efforts to increase ttheir membership will meet with the success they deserve. . Coaching.—The services of Messrs W. A. Aldersley and B. G. McLeod were again secured as honorary coaches but it is regretted that those selected for coaching did not avail themselves fully of the opportunity offered. To the coaches who gave so much of their time to this work we are deeply grateful. ~ The match. wickets prepared by the groundsman (Mr. H. Vagg), gave every ' satisfaction and his efforts in this direction are commended. Suitable expressions of appreciation have been conveyed to the Town Clerk. .". Practice. —The Committee was again greatly disappointed in the poor attendances at practices, members as a whole gave insufficient attention to this important branch of the game. Notwithstanding that a considerable sum

of money was spent in the purchase of a .slip fielding machine very little use was made of it owing to there seldom being sufficient players in attendance to utilise both the nets and the machine. Tiho Committee strongly urges every member to make a do^nite effort next season, to attend praeetices regularly, so that a higher standard of play can be reached. Thanks.—We wish to thank the Borough Council, especially the Chairman of the Reserves Committee, ""fot the consideration of matters referred to them, during the season. Teams. Their Records. Leading Averages. Senior.—Captain, H. M. McGirr. Played 9, won 5, drawn 2. lost 2. Batting:—B. R. Ross 13 innings, 3 not out, 527 runs, average 52; H. M. Me&ftv, S innings^ 1 not out, 287 runs, average .41.; F. McKenzie, 11 innings, 4 not out/ 241 runs, average 34; H. "Watson, o innings, 1 not out, 123 runs, average 30; A. BiggaT 13 innings, 2 [ not oivt, 286 runs, average 26; G. Heap j 2 innings, 1 not out, .23 runs, average |S3; E. F. Warnes 8 innings, 2 not out, 1136 runs, average"" 22; W,. Lees 9, inn-, ' ings/1 not out, 169 runs, average 21; F. C. Birch 12 innings, 1 not out, 232 runs, average 21; W. A. Aidersley 9. innings, 1 not out, H62 runs, average 20. Bowling:—H. Watson 10 wickets/ 206 runs, average 20; E. F. Warnes 17 wickets, 338 runs, average 22; H. M. MeGirr, 17 wickets, 441 runs, average 25; GK Roberts 2 wickets, 54 nuns, average 27; W. A. Aldersley 8 runs, 296 runs, average 37; E. Judd 18 wickets, 689 runs, average 88. Junior A.—Captain D. J. Ifeazor. Played 9 y won 5, lost 4. Batting:— 11. McKay 7 innings, 1 not out, 204 runs, average 34; D. Neazor 12 innings, 2 not out, 293 Tuns, average 29; A. Haines 9 innings, 250 runs, average 27 j B. T. Peglei: 16 innings, 3 not out, 332 runs, average 25; P. Judd 8 inning*, 1 . »ot out, 168 runs, average 24; H. Webster 11 innings, 3 not out, 167 runs, average- 20. Bowling:—B. Pegler 8 wickets, 124 runs, average 15; R. McKay 13 wickets, 206 runs, average 16; A. Haines 22 wickets, 414 runs, average 19; .D. ISTeazor 28 wickets, 560 runs,, average 20j E. Loekett 16 wickets, 415 runs, average 26; P. Judd 6 wickets, 222 runs, average 36; H. Webster 7 wickets, 296 runs, average 42. Junior 8.-—Captain M. C. V. Mason. Played 8, won 3, lost»s. Batting:— D. Matthews 13 innings, 393 runs, average 30; D. Murray 13 innings, 1 not out, 329 runs, average 27; M. Mason, 12 innings, 1 not out, 275 runs, average 25; R. Aldersley 13 innings 3 not out, 246 runs, average 24; W. Doig 12 innings, 1 not otrt, 216 runs, average 19. Bowling:—R. Aldersley 22 wickets, 430 runs, average 19; D. MuTray 17 wickets, 388 runs, average 22; W. Doig 12 wickets, 313 runs, average 26; W. Elsom 8 wickets, 113 rams, average 14. Junior C. Captain L. Muir. Played 10, won 3, lost 7. Batting:—H. Mo ran 9 innings, 204 runs average 22; F. Suckling 10" innings, 203 runs, average 20; ! F. De Clifford 13 innings, 182 Tuns,""i l not out, average 15. Bowling:—BT.. Moi'an, 21 wickets, 267 runs, average 12; L. Muir 30 wickets, 370 runs, average 12; P. Stewart 30 wickets, 404 runs,

average 13; F. Buckley 12 wickets, 270 runs, .average 22.

Thin! A. Captain T. LangforcL Played IS, won 9, drawn 5, lost 4. Batting:—T. Langford 18 innings, 2 not out, (157 runs, average 41;. C. Muir .1.6 innings, 4 not out, 378 runs, average j 31; W. Little 19 innings, 4 not out. 421 runs, average 2S; B. Barnes, 20"innings, 3 not outy 391 runs, average 23; J. McMahon 20 innings, 3 not out, 362 runs, average 21. Bowling:—T. Langford 59 wickets, '455 ruiis, average 7; J. McMahon 25 wickets, 306 funs, average , 12; B. Barnes 39, wickets, 515 runs, ! average 13. Third B. Captain J. Adam. Played 18, won 5, lost 13. Batting:— Stoddart .12 innings, 2 not out, 202 runs, average 20; G-ray 19 innings, 3 not out, 229 runs average 14; Goffin 6 -innings. 82 runs, average 13; Plc^t lft innings, 262 runs, average 13. Bowling:—Edlin. 15 wickets, 156 runs, average 10; Wilkinson 11 wickets, 124 runs, average 11; Stoddart 23 wickets, 287 runs, average 12; May 12 innings, 165 -runs, average 13; Gardner 11 wickets, 164 runs, average 14; Gray 20 wickets, 360 runs, average^ 18; Adam 12 . innings, 220 mm, average 18. For the Management Committee. B. T, PBGLEE, Hemorary Secretary.

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Hutt News, Volume 3, Issue 16, 11 September 1930, Page 11

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HUTT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB. Hutt News, Volume 3, Issue 16, 11 September 1930, Page 11

HUTT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB. Hutt News, Volume 3, Issue 16, 11 September 1930, Page 11