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Tleasant Gathering Held

Close Finishes in

CUP GOES TO LAST YEAR’S WINNER, TAUSKER. MCDONALD MEMORIAL WON BY VERONESE. After more than a week of dry weather, during which rain never seemed to be far away, the prospects of a fine day for the Levin Racing Club’s annual fixture seemed somewhat problematical, but any pessimism was dispelled on Saturday morning, for, although the sky was overcast, the conditions were stable, aand as a result a highly successful meeting took place. People commenced to arrive early, by trains and cars, and an hour before the first race there was a large throng on the ground, the numbers steadily increasing as .the afternoon approached. The local public was well represented, and visitors w r ere in attendance from many places, both in this district and further afield. By its generally agreeable character, the Levin club’s gathering makes an appeal to all classes, and it is quite the usual thing to sec several of the country’s legislators taking a little relaxation there. The Mayor of Levin (Mr C. Blenkhorn) was present on Saturday, as also were the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Sir Charles Statham, and three members of Parliament —Messrs J. Linklater (Manawatu) and W. H, Field (,Otalu), who are the patrons of the club, and Mr J. A. Nash (Manawatu). The racing was of an interesting nature. Close finishes were witnessed in most of the events, and nearly all the favourites ifc&ere well placed, the exception being in the Wcraroa Hack Handicap, in which the lucky investors drew double figures both for the first and second horses, Goldlike and Dainty Ways, respectively. xhe programme was kept well up to time, and proceeded without mishap until the last race, the Hokio Hack Handicap, in which Le Champ fell when entering the turn and brought down Golden Shadow and Pompadour. The ambulance was quickly on the spot, and N. Voitre was taken away, suffering from a leg injury. Of the two other jockeys concerned, T. Green sustained a broken collarbone, and W. Broughton was severely shaken, and suffered from slight concussion.

A notable achievement was the winning of the Levin Cup Open Handicap, for the second year in succession, by Mrs E. Elgar's bay gelding Talisker, ridden by B. Morris and trained by W. D. Moroney, of Fcathorston. This year the lirst-pri/.o money was accompanied by a trophy, valued at £2O, donated by Mr Fred Davies, of Levin, and consisting of a handsome si l ver tra and coffee set, with silver tray. 'I i.o presentation took place in the birdcage, where the President (Mr T. Bevan) expressed the club’s heartfelt thanks to Mr Davies and called for three cheers for him, which were lustily given. The President then asked Mr Linklater, M.P., to present the trophy. In handing this to Colonel Hammond for Mrs Elgar, Mr Linklater said that he had very great pleasure indeed in being privileged to discharge such a. duty, and he appreciated the generous action of Mr Davies in having provided the opportunity. He congratulated the club on the large attendance and excellent weather experienced at this meeting. The success of t’ gathering was largely duo to the personality of°tlie President and support of the, .ui of v,iui;.e combined in affording a warm welcome to visitors. It was with the happiest feelings that the speaker and his friends were present, and he desired to thank the President for many kindnesses. Mr Linklator gave the trophy into the possession of Colonel Hammond, to convoy to Mrs Elgar with the best wishes of the club and the speaker. He concluded by calling for three cheers for Mr .and Mrs Elgar, three for the club, and three for the President, and there was a very hearty response. Colonel Hammond, in a short but appropriate speech, expressed the deep gratitude with which the presentation was received.

A pleasing coincidence was that another of the winners at the 1928 meeting was successful in a big event, this being the other open race, the McDonald Memorial Handicap, Avon by Mr J. R. Nicrd’s brown mare Veronese, ridden by C. Davis and trained by T. Pritchard, of Opaki, Last year Veronese won the Hokio Had- Handicap.

"With a large mini her of starters to attract investments, the totalizator turnover was high, reaching £18,341, or an increase of £2075 on the corresponding figures for last year. Tho totals invested at this and six previous mootings arc as under: — £ 102!) . . 18,341 1028 1(3,266 1027 10,112 1020 18,573 1025 10,578 1024 10,l 60 June, 1024 16,474 Tho respective amounts put through the totalisator on the eight races were as follows: — £ s. d. Maiden Race 1486 0 0 Manakau Hurdles ~ .. 1302 ,0 0 Weraroa Hack 2330 10 0 Mako Mako Hack .. ... 2131 10 0 Levin Cup • 2762 0 0 Lake Hack 2017 10 0 McDonald Memorial .. 2812 10 0 Hokio Hack 3400 0 0 £18,341 0 0 Arrangements for the comfort and convenience of tho public wore on the usual well-thought-out scale. The parking paddocks held a great many cars, a traffic control at the gates and on the roads outside was capably carried out. Tho dining-room and tho afternoon tea department were extensively

in Snmmer Weather.

Nearly All Events.

patronised, and the catering by Mr A, L. Williams, assisted by a large staff, was the last word in thoroughness. A programme of music by the Levin Band added greatly to the enjoyable quality of the outing. The officials of the club, one and all, worked together with a will, the result being that the meeting was altogether under model management. Mr Sevan, as president, was the approachaole, enthusiastic gentleman that he has always been; and the secretary, Mr F. Nicholson, controlled the details with unfailing skill, joined to an obliging and painstaking disposition that has made him peculiarly suited to the task. That the handicapping by Mr H. Coyle was the outcome of good judgment was shown when the numbers went up; and in the difficult role of starter, Mr A. Vincent was eminently successful. The judge was Mr W. P* Russell, whose work was done with precision. The stewards and honorary officers attended to a multitude of duties in a manner which reflected credit on the club as a whole. In all, the meeting was an extremely pleasant one, and should go down in the club’s annals as an example of finely developed team-work. An inquiry was held by the judicial committee into a certain amount of interference by Raineses in the Cup, but it was found that the interference was not deliberate or intentional, but was duo to Raineses tiring. It was of such an extent as to prejudice Duellona’s chance and therefore the placings of Duellona and Ramoses wore reversed, Duellona 'being placed third and Ramoses fourth. No action was taken against the jockey. RESULTS. • MAIDEN RACE, of TOO sovs; (8.7) {3 furlongs. 2—GLBNROSBIE; Trevor and McMillan’s b.g. (Acre— Sleeping Beaut v) 3yrs (R. Reed) .... 1 I—BEN HUE; B. Burgess’s br.g. 3yrs (P. Burgess) 2 B—PARE; F. Flipp’s e-h.c. lyrs (R. J. M'ackie) ?• Also started; 11 Caviety (A. Eratus), 15 Oa.ll.mmrt (W. Taylor), I Dancing Star (A. Eastwood), 0 Easterly (K. Robinson), 12 Evening Hero (C. Robinson), 8 General Gas (N. C. Irillo), 10 Good Acre (T. Metcalf), 7 Grecian (B. H. Morris). Jli Handsome (A. Jenkins), 13 Mi.-«s Gossip (V. Govern), 5 Streamer (H. W'iggin c), G T.hammland (T. Green), II Jlote-n-*' (J Parrv). Won by one length, thr-m lengths. Grecian was fourth. Time. 1.15. MANAKAU HURDLE;', of 12b t .'-vs.;

V. mi! :-. 1— HARD GOLD: J. R. Nm-(h-cott’s br.g. (Gold ’ Soult —’J ry Hard) ag d, 10 9 iA. Mapper) 1 2 RASH; E. Pmuiam br.g. G.vrs. 9.6 (A. jMikln-' 2 4 —CALL AGAIN; .1. B. Gaisford V b.g. 4yrs 9.0 (M. Nmol) .... 3 Also started: 3 Schorr 9.7 (L. Stan

way), 5 General Wai 9.0 (N. C. TriTlo;,. Won by eight lengths, u length. General Wai was fourth. Time. 2.15. WEBABOA HACK HANDICAP. of 110 sovs.; 7 furlongs. G —GOLDLIKE; O. A. Thompson 's br.g. (Gold Sou It—For molt ov} 4yrs, 8.0 (V, Carroll) 1 10—DAINTY WAYS; R. I’. Lee’br.m syrs, S.O (T. Metcalf) .. 2 9—PLANE; E. M. Watson’s b.g. 8.0 (K. Voitre) d Also started: 2 Make Up (B. Reed). 3 r 9.2 (R. S. Bagby), 5 Warzone oar 8.12 (A .McDonald), 1 Footpad 8.10 (B. H. Morris). 1 Dermod S.B (T. Green), 12 Red Bank 8 5 (.1. Be”'”). 11 Irish Lad 8.0 (H .Wiggins), 7 Le Champ 8,0 (K Robinson), 8 Pompadour

8.0 (W. Broughton), 13 Vendomc ear S.l (R. J. Mackie).

Won by a short neck, two lengths. Pompadour was fourth. Time, 1.28 2-5. MAKO MAKO HACK HANDICAP, of 110 sovs.; 0 furlongs.

3 —MARICA; F. Bhrhorn's br.m. (Arrowsmith —Gladlole) syrs. 7.7 (G. Davis) 1 2—EX DONO; J. A. Taylor’s br.g. 3yrs, 8.5 (R. Rood) 2 O—PATEAROA; C. E. Louisson’s b.g. oyrs 7.2 (K. Voitre) .. .. 3

Also started: 1 Clarendon 9.4 (W. Horne), 4 Acredity 7.12 (A. Eratus). 5 Wcrata car 7.3 (W. Broughton), 7 Grattan 7.5 (H. Wiggins), S Mandy car 7.4 (A. Ridgway), 9 Rational 11. 7.0 (J. Gunn).

Grattan 7.5 (H. Wiggins), S Mandy car 7.4 (A. Ridgway), 9 Rational 11. 7.0 (J. Gunn). Won by half a length, two and a half lengths. Clarendon was fourth. Time 1.14. LEVIN CUP. of. 270 sovs; U miles. 3 TALISKER; Mrs E. Elgar’s b.g. (Lord Quex —Fair Rosa • mood) syrs 8.4 (B. H. Morris) 1 4 SIT. HEATH; VersehufFelt and Manning’s b.g. Oyrs, 7.4 (T. Metcalf) ’ 2 I—DUELLONA; Dr. H. A. Gilmer’s br.f. Byrs, 7.0 (A. Eastwood) 3 Abo started: 2 The. Hawk ear B.S (W. Broughton), 10 Royal Game car-7.2 (N. Voitre), 7 Moutoa Treasury 7.0 (H. '■ ggin.'). 0 Roi do Val 7.0 (J. Gunn), <) Discourse 7.0 (G. Lamb), 8 Imperial .Spark 7.0 (K. Voitre), 3 Raineses 7.0 (T. Green). Won by a nose, a heck. Duellona was fourth, but was placed third after an inquiry. LAKE HACK HANDICAP, of 110 sovs; 1 mile and a distance. 1— KIRIANA; Mrs L. Sleightholme’s br.g. (Kilbroney—Bayana) 4yrs, 7.5 (K. Voitre) .... 1 2 MASHER; E. Flipp’s br.g. syrs 8.11 (R. J. Mackio) • 2 7—FALLOW; VV. 11. Ballinger’s b.h. aged 7.0 (A. Eastwood) .. 3 Also started: 4 Disrank ear 8.1 (H. Rigney), 3 Fine Acre car 7.3 (J. Ferguson), (i Air Force 7.0 (W. Broughton), 5 Robbie’s Mistake 7.0 (N. Won by half a head, a neck. Dis-, rank was fourth. Time, 1.55 1-5. MCDONALD MEMORIAL HANDICAP of 180 sovs.; G furlongs. 1— VERONESE; J. R. Nicol’s br.m. (Luculiuts —Merrie Chimes) syrs 7.2 (C. Davies) 1 2 BANKET; C. E. Elgar’s br.m. 4yrs, 8.3 (B. H. Morris) .... 2 4 —(QUANTUM; J. W. Lowe’s b.g. syrs, 7.5 (K. Voitre) 3 Also started: 5 Peneus 7.12 (11. Wiggins),-, 3 Hunting Boy 7.12 (J. Barry), G Wanderlust 7.0 (G. Lamb). Won by a head, two lengths. Hunting Bov was fourth. Time, 1.13 3-5. iHOKIO HACK HANDICAP, of 110 sovs.; 5 furlongs. 0— JUST SO; I. Lupton’s *eh.m. (Chief Ruler —Rosie Desmond) 4yrs, 8.11 (R. Reed) 1 1— ACORA; A. T. Gatrell’s br.f. i 3vrs, car 8.1) (B. H. Morris) .. 2 3 TEA TASTER; J. H. McDonald’s b.g. 4yrs, 7.13 (J. Barry) 3 Also started: 6 Golden Shadow 9.1 (T. Green), 5 Tapestry car 8.3 (K. | Robinson), 8 Tire Budget car 7.13 (V. I Carroll), 9 Acre-line 7.7 (K. Voitre), 10 i Le Champ ear 7.2 (N. Voitre), 7 Paiko , car 7.9 (R. J. Anderson), 11 Pompadour car 7.2 (W. Broughton), 4 Rtisouli 7.7 (C. Davies), 12 Royal Queen 7.7 (A. j Ridgway). . Won by half a length, a length I Acreline was- fourth. Time, 1-1. Hipo Wins Te Kuiti Cup j AND PAYS BIG DIVIDEND. j STEWARDS TO TOWN BIRD. TE KUITI, Last Night. The first day of the Te Kuita Racing Club’s meeting was held under ideal weather conditions. There was a large crowd and a fast course. The tote

handled £13,78-1, against £.14,876 for tho fast day last year. Results:—

MAIDEN HANDICAP, of 100 sovs.; 7 furlongs. 4 JOY GIRL, 7.12 (E. Keosing) .. 1 3 NASSAU LADY, 7.13 (C. France) 2 2 COLL, 7.13 (H. Gray) 3 Also started: 5 Parfait Amour, 6 Marechal, 12 Day Lass, 10 Irish Comet, 1 Tuku, 11 Valrcina, 8 Whitiora, 9 Ding Dong, 7 Grand Arch.

Won by two lengths; one length, Parfait Amour was fourth. Time, Imin. 31 l-sscc.

KOPAKI HUH DLLS, of I£o sovs.; 1|

miles. 1 THE LAMB, 10.8 (R. Olive) .. 1 2 SPALPIKO, 9.0 (R. Savage) .. 2 3 MASHOOR, 9.2 (H. Dulieu) .. 3 Also started: 5 Gold Rep, 4 Rod Day, 8 Luccss, 7 Clmnto, 6 Taha. Won by three lengths each way. Red Day was fourth. Time, 3min, 9 4-ssec. AWAKING HANDICAP, of 100 sovs.; 6 furlongs 1 VALUATION, 8.0 (A. 'Pinker) I 8 ABBESS, 7.9 (R. MeTaviah) .. 2 9 HAVILAND, 7.2 (W. Jones) .. 3 Also started: 0 Arehileen, 5 Valroe, 2 Cruachan, 3 Te Taonc, 4 Patere, 11 Day Guide, 14 Gay Caballero, 13 Valley King, 12 Temana, 7 Belle Star, 10 Ruby Dawn, 13 Snow Plane, Won by two and a-huif lengths; one length. Ruby Dawn was fourth. Time, Imin. 17soe. TE KUITi CUP, of 323 sovs.; miles. 8 HIPO, 7.0 (W. H. Jones) .... 1 1 THE SWELL, 8.3 (A. Tinker) .. 2 2 LADY’S BOY, 8.9 (F. Foster) .. 3 Also started: 4 Maori Boy, 3 Le" Choueas, 0 The Lover, 7 Flying Prince, 3 Black Mairc, 9 Hakanoa. Black Mai re, Lady’s Boy and Flying Prince*were the first out. Black Mairc ran out wide, leaviug the straight. Crossing the top, Plying Prince and Black Ala ire wore on terms. In the run home, Hipo came through to win by half a length from The Swell, ivho was a neck in front of Lady’s Boy. Lo Choueas was fourth, and then came Alaori Boy. Time, 2.11. TE KUAII HANDICAP,’of 100 sovs.; 1 mile. 5 GLEN A BAY, 8.5 (11. Goldfinch) 1 1 TUKU, 8.0 (R. McTavish) .... 2 2 MASTER ROLEY, 8.0 (A. Tinker) 3 Also started: 4 Unoco, 3 Mountain Guide, 6, Spring Abbey, 7 Always. Won by three lengths; two lengths. Mountain Guide was fourth. Time, Imin. 44 4-ssec. PUKETUTU HANDICAP, of 130 sovs.; 7 furlongs. ITI TREE, 8.12 (H. Goldfinch) .. 1 2 AIACROOiM, 8.4 (O. Mclnally) ~ 2 4 OHINEMURI, 8.13 (Spinks) ... 3 Also started: 3 Prince Lu, 5 Clams. Won by a neck; two lengths. Prince Lu was fourth. Time, Imin. 31 2-ssec. OTOROHANGA HANDICAP, of 100 sovs.; 6 furlongs. 4 OSCAR, 7.6 (Vincent) I 1 VALSTREET, 7.9 2 9 QUINSILLA, 7.1 3 Scr.: Archieval, Te Taone, Tho Jack Jumper, Appellant, Flapporctte, Abbey Queen, Tasty, Otranto, Tuku. Won by a length; a neck. Time, 1 min. 17 2-3 see. STEWARDS’ HANDICAP, of 200 sovs.; 8 furlongs. 3 TOWN BIRD, 7.2 (Chandler) .. 1 2 TAKU TAMA, 7.13 2 (3 THE BEGUM, 7.5 8 Scr.: Ridgcmount, Archeon, Macroom, Air King, Hakanoa, Tanoriri, Cyraon. Won by a head; a length, Tima, 1 min 15 2-ssee. To Kamonga 7.0. PAPATH WINS AT WARWICK FARM. v Received Sunday, 7 p.M. SYDNEY, Nov. 24. j At the Warwick Farm races, follow-

ing was the result of the HOME B C«SH HANDICAP, li miles:— PAPATU, 5.5 (Matthews) .... I NANKOUBGAN, 6.9 .. .. •• * EDGARDO, 6.9 3 Ten started. Won by a neck. Time, 2.G. Flat Racing Season In England Concludes LEADING OWNERS, TRAINERS AND JOCKEYS. Received Sunday 1.1.40 p.m. LONDON, Nov. 24. The flat racing season ended on Saturday. The Aga Khan headed, the list of winning owners, 20 of his horses winning £39,886. , Lord Derby was second, with £34,496, won by 21 horses. K. C. Dawson headed the trainers’ list,, his 34 horses winning £74,754. F. Darling was second, with. 24 horses whining £45,093. S. Wootton trained the most winners, totalling 40. Gordon Richards headed the jockeys’ list for the fourth year in succession, with 135 wins and 10.1 seconds. Fred Fox was second with 1.16 wins and 85 seconds. TAKAPUNA J.C. ACCEPTANCES. AUCKLAND, Last Night. The following are the acceptances for the first day of the Takapuni J.C. meeting:— MELROSE STAKES (all Sst.), 7 furlongs. Clopton Mon Star Taurua Land Measure Tukunoa (arlaris Noil Alloy Greenfield Coll . Kota hi Loving Clip Dark Prince Biddy Comet Fairy Belle Nassau Lady Measurer Cupola Tuku Sweet Whisper See Song .lov Girl TaGv TIRI HIGH-WEIGHT HANDICAP, , 9 furlongs. Sir Archie 10 9 Mast. Rolcy 9 4 Golden Bizzaro 9 1 Wedding 10 5 Glena Bav 9 3 Wemlay 10 1 Mfn. Guide 9 1 Quincoma 10 0 Waitaumahu 9 0 Red Comet 913 Garb. View 9 0 Patutahi 9 8 Kairuri 9 0 Motcrc 9 5 Rod Day 9 0 BOROUGH HANDICAP, 1 furlongs. Maori Boy 810 Hipo 7 0 The Sweli 8 0 Mithra 7 0 | Roy. Doulton 713 Cynthia N. 7 0 Prince Val 712 Respirator 7 0 Flyg. Prince 7 9 Gem light 7 0 1 Eager Rose 7 8 Refresher 7 0 Thursby 7 4 Glenstar 7 0 , Macroom 7 1 Tanagra 7 0 ; Liaison 7 0 ALISON CUP, 1 mile, 3 furlongs. In the Shade 811 Transformer 7 2 , Prodice S 6 Flyg. Juliet 7 ,1 ( Corinax S G Golden True Blood 8 1 Wedding 7 1 : Hyde Park 7 9 The Lover 7 0 ' Lo Choucas 7 3 ( CAMBRIA HANDICAP, 5 furlongs. ( Orapai 8 4 Thespis 7 6 f Oil King S 4 . Caviere ,7 5 ‘ Sight Draft 7 13 Grt. Emblem 7 4 King Ford 712 Bells of ( F Measure 7 10 Shandon 7 1/ Biddy’s Boy 710 Wild Time 7 0 J Arabesque 710 Trickle 7 O' Tremetus 7 8 TAKAPUNA PLATE, 7 furlongs. > Some Lady 8 0 Awamutu 8 0 0 Storm Fiend 8 0 CTimestor 8 0 J! Good Boy 8 0 Ex Donu S 0 I Micrometer 8 0 Tetradiate S 0 S Arlhana S 0 Vali S 0 ‘ Arikitoa 8 0 I'.ncky Alice 8 0 j. Leitrim 8 0 Nassau Lady 7 7 Briar Root 8 H Tuku 7 7, Cvanchan 8 0 De le Star 7 7 ‘ Indolent 8 .0 Dm Ilona 7 7 Mauriana 8 0 No/val Tea 7 7 ' Prince of Te Moti g. 7 7 Orange 8 0 Tasty 7 7 t Voiimoud 8 0 -Tawina 7 7 ‘ PONUI HANDICAP, 9 furlongs. v Gay Cockade 9 0 Mtn. Guido 7 9 £ Red Lion 8 G Spring Abbey 7 9 fj Taurua 8 0 Cybole 7 7 | Brampton 711 Orchus . II r Diam. Queen 7JO Sports King / / . Torrapeen 710 Curmint 7 7 CHELTENHAM HANDICAP, 0 i] furlongs. . Nancy Leo 0 0 Tokntamu 7 2 Valla? 8 7 Tea Time 7 0 Ridgemount 8 5 The Begum 7 0 Lady Quex 8 5 Macroom 7 0 Lucy Rose 7 8 Town Bird 7 0

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Horowhenua Chronicle, 25 November 1929, Page 2

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LEVIN ANNUAL RACE MEETING. Horowhenua Chronicle, 25 November 1929, Page 2

LEVIN ANNUAL RACE MEETING. Horowhenua Chronicle, 25 November 1929, Page 2