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-.' SATURDAY'S RESULTS. ' ' ', SENIOR (SASH CUP). Hui Mai 17 v. Shannon 13. Weraroa won from Wanderers bydefault. JUNIOR (FINAL). Hui Mai 6 v. Miranui 3/ THIRD GRADE TRIAL. South 17 v. North 14. JUNIOR KNOCK-OUT (L.V.. CUP.) F,6xt"on 8 v. Shannon 3. Weraroa won from Paraparaumu by i default.


Played. Won. Lost. Drawn. Pts. for. Pts. against Tl. Pts.


The above teams met at Manakau in the Nash Cup competition. There was no wind and the ground was in good order. Hui Mai were without the services of Gleeson and Tana. Shannon had some trouble in getting a team away owing to no juniors being available, and other causes, and had to find seveha substitutes, including W. Moynihan who retired 18 years ago, and others who have not played for -years. However, they put up a good game while condition lasted, and the contest was more interesting than the score indicates. Shannon ! ; kieked off, .and shortly after Hui "Mai started a passing movement which broke down, but M. Johnston picked up and dropped a fine goal from near the twenty-five Hue. . Hui Mai 4, Shannon Q. • ■ Upon kicking out, the greens started another passing rush, but Williams intercepted and scored at the corner. Moynihan failed with the kick. Hui Mai 4, Shannon 3. Hui Mai livened up after this and .after good passing, lost two scores through kicks-on. Bryant marked, when Shannon looked dangerous, and the greens from a passing movement Isaw Johnston beat his man, and al-though-tackled by McEwan he scored. He took the kick, failing to convert, Hui Mai 7, Shannon 3. The Reds' tried passing. Walls, Mc-. Kenaie and Williams gained much ground, but Wallace spoilt the Red's chance of-scoring. Gray marked for oreens, but. failed with tno kick. The green "forwards carried play to Shannon's line. McEwan saved by marking. Later MeKenzie .made a good opening and passed to K. Dalzell, to. Robbie, to "Marsh, who kicked when near the full back, the ball going out at the corner. From the -lino.-out W. Moynihan marked; but missed the kick. Moody and N. Dalzell Headed a good dribble down the field, but-Wallace saved, Takerei marked and kicked infield, where Marsh -and N. Dalzell dribbled to half way, but greens drove ; them back. Marsh gained ground with a big kiek iiud K. Dalzell carried on to greens' line, Bevan" clearing. Takerei marked, but failed with, the' kick. The halftime score was Hui Mai 7, Shannon 3. On resuming- greens gained 30 yards by g"ood forward work. R. George being prominent, but MeKenzie returned to half way. Fitzgerald and Johanson led a good'forward rush to greens'. 25, and Tooked like scoring, but' Wallace marked. From a Scrum Walls, by good play, let MeKenzie away, and, running strongly, beat several men until taken by Wallace; when he passed to Williams, who scored. McEwan failed •wifch the kick. Hui Mai 7, Shannon ■6. '

McKenzio started another good Movement, passing to K. Dalzell. The ball -went to Marsh, to Williams, who fail- „ *d to take it, losing a good chance to score. The greens started more passing. M. Johnston passed to Bevan to score. Wallace failed to add points. 1-lui Mai 10, Shannon *». A red forwards' movemojit, led by K. Dalzell-and Moody, was finished by • "Wall, who made a bid for the line, but Enoka saved. Bevan and Johnston by

good work, got to" the Red line, but Fitzgerald and Robbie returned to the "Veens' 25; Robbie made a good solo nin, Wallace saving a certain score. The last score came to Green just before time was called. A Hut ."Mai player

kicked the ball well up the field. Two Red backs left each other to take the leather, and a Green player kicked the ball over th-e'VinOj-M.. Johnston beating MeEwan in the race for the ball, and scoring. • -.Wallace, added the,., extra ..point*,:; liui Mai I~>, Shannon 6. '''"'■'' Mr MeLeavey had'-control' of thv ■ijafne',' and gave every satisfaction to ii'tfth'-teams.--- i'""■:..'•. ■'.?.-"- - : • : ■■ -barks -if or Hui Mi i. .-/were 'Wall-ace,>M: JuhnsLon and; Bevan, and • 'the b'esfc^foi-wardsr Rv George,. and -••REtnsfr'eld. ■■■'•■>--■ -..-.••

: v'-£#br- Shannon the backs who-:were v nicsst' promiivent were McKenzio,': Rob4>ie-, -Marsh; the', forwards:' best men swei-e l%7.gorak\ and 2n v Dalzell.

JUNIOR FINAL RE-PLAYED. Owing to a draw resulting'in the match that was to have been the final of the junior championship, a week ■previously,' the game was re-played by the Hui Mai and Miraiiui teams on Saturday. The weather was excellent, and there- was a good crowd of spectators. Strangely enough, another tie eventuated, 'the" game ending three all.. W. Swainson scored a try for Hui Mai, jind Vertongen a try for Miranui. An extra spell of ten minutes wa,s played, .and this decided fhe championsliip in favour of -Hui Mai, the winning try being obtained by Swainson. The game was-controlled by Mr R> Sands. JUNIOR KNOCK-OUT COMPETITION The above competition, for the Licensed .Victuallers'; Cup, was commenced on Saturday. The ganie that l .wa's to have-been played at Parapa™umti : regult6d'iin\.a- defaitilt to. the .:Wera : r6k. : .<^b^ ; '.'the other match was bs>TO?eHj J ' sh&n-MPj- played;'&t W Iriie1 r iie ?

! visitors by. 8 3. .Thompson, scored two tries for Foxton, and Shannon's score was a penalty goal by Mason, THIRD-GRADE REPS. The following third-grade players have been selected to represent Horowhenua against Bush at- Pahiatua on Wednesday next: — Full back H. Edwards (H.M.) Three-quarters Jones (Wer.). Wallace (O.), Matthews (0.) Five-eighths: Holden (H.M.), Merwood (O.) Half: Woollett (Wer.) Wing Forward: Walton (Wer.) Forwards: Whyman (Wand.), Rolph (H.M.) Wilkinson (Wand.) Smith (Fox.), J. Feilding (H.M.) Tippler (Shannon), Butler (Wer.) Emergencies—F. Merwood (0.), R. P. Wilson (O.) LEVIN SCHOOL WINS NOAD SHIELD. ANNUAL SEVEN-A-SIDE TOURNA- / MENT.

The second contest for the handsome silver shield presented last year by Mr W. Noad, then a resident of Levin, for competition at an annual seven-a-side tournament by Rugby representatives of the primary schools of the district, was held on the Levin Park Domain, onj Saturday afternoon. Last year the trophy was won by Foxton, who defeated Shannon in the final by eight points to nil. The tourney on Saturday resulted in the Shield passing into the. possession of the Levin District High School, whose A team defeated Foxton by eight points to nil in the final. The tournament was held in delightful weather, on a fast ground, and in the presence of a large number of spectators.. Six teams were entered—three from Levin D.H.S, two from Foxton D.H.S., and one from the Levin Convent School. The preliminary games were played to eliminate the teams, leaving four to play in the semi-finals. Each game was played in two spells of seven minutes aeh, but in one case an extension was necessary owing to a tie. in the" first round Levin B met Convent, and the latter won by 11 points to nil. J. McMinn scored a try, and T. Wilson was responsible for two tries, one of which he converted. Superiority in attack marked the play of the Convent lads, but their opponents would have made a better showing if they had been quicker in getting in their kicks. Mr Adam ■ McDonald was referee.

The next, game was between Levin C and Foxton B, and when time was sounded the score was three all. K. Eves having obtained a try for the home team and East on a try for the visitors. An extra spell was played till the first force-down, which was by Levin, and the Foxton boys were declared the winners. Mr Rori Kingi refereed.

The semi-final was between Levin A and. Convent, and the former had all the best of the game, which thev won by 16 points to nil. The first spell ended with five points, Williams having secured a try, which Kingsbeer converted. In the second half Williams again scored, and Kingsbeer's kick from a difficult angle just missed the goal. Curtis was the next to cross the line successfully and Williams added the goal. Just before the game ended Williams put on another try,. Mr Kingi had the whistle. The contest between the Foxton A and B teams was a walk-over for the former side, who scored :W points — 15 in each spell—while their opponents failed to obtain a score. Tries were gained bv J. Crvstall, K. Matthews, B. Coley (2), and"\Valls (2). Matthews converted three and Coley three. Mr A. McDonald was in charge.

The final, between Levin A and Foxton A, was a well-played game. The home team were obviously the better of the two, possessing both combination and speed; but the visiting players put up a plucky defence and maintained their spirit to the finish. The Levin boys were early on the attack, and for "the greater part of the first spell play was in Foxton's territory, the local'men showing them points in the handling of the ball. Following a combined rush, the ball was kicked over the Foxton line, and Williams fell on it. Kingsbeer converted in good style. Levin 5, Foxton 0. Half-time sounded shortly afterwards. Soon after the changeover, Levin got into a good position .by punting and following up. Crisp obtained possession near the scoring area an.d passed to ■ Procter, who scored. Wiliiarijs took the from -a .sharp angle, '".Levin S, Foxton 0.. The visiting boys, nil Hod. but. did not progress far; ;Coley' nutdc a couple of attujupts.t-0 reach the line, -but when he was ..tackled, support was lacking.- Mr. Kingi controlled the game;--PRESENTATION"OF THE; £11 1 ELD. The re-suit'was hailed with great, enthusiasm by local supporters, and both teams were loudly cheered when returning from the "field. The presentation of the Shield then took place, in front of the grandstand. Mr W. Hannan, president of the llof-owhenua Rugby District Council, apologised for the absence of Mr Noad, who vvas in town earlier in the day, but was unable to remain long enough to see the 'tournament. He had, however, expressed the hope, which he asker Mr Hannan to convey to the boys, that the best side would win. The President congratulated the winners, also the losers, on the game that both sides had played. He then asked the Mavor (Mr T. Hobson) to present the Shield.

In handing the trophy to Mr 11. L i'oss, headmaster of the Levin District High. School, His Worship complimented him and congratulated the boys on their meritorious win. He thought that nobody could, say (hat .the best team had not won. He felt, rather sorry for the losers;-seeing.that.they had played 'so nvelLin the'/past, .there : was a tinge Hiey had. to part with t rhe / felt with '%fceiV; ; sbciifeW knew/,tli^t.' they would ■"■Witr./.T-'V/.." '

.of -them by the donor of the Shield, His Worship expressed the hope that the winners would not hold the shield too long, because aueh trophies had to go round with the object of fostering the spirit of football in the district. Therefore, after every year or two the, shield should come into the possession of a different school in the district. The Mayor called for three hearty cheers for the winners, and there was a ready response. Mr Foss thanked the Mayor for the kindly sentiments he had expressed, and, in taking delivery of the Shield, J said that he did so with a very great deal of pride—pride in the interest shown in the national game in this district, and in the form which the boys had exhibited. It did not matter very much whether Levin, Foxton or any particular school was the holder of the Shield for the time being, provided that the holding of it did not carry with it anything that would mar the further progress of the game in the district. If there was out; thing that competition of this sort should foster, it was a manly game, conducted in a proper way, irrespective of who should win it. The acquisition of the Shield should be an incentive to the boys of the Levin school to continue, to the best, of their ability, to play the game as it should be played, Mr Noad, if he could have seen the contest, would have said that the senior players of the future in this district would be well forward in regard to efficiency and the proper conduct of the game. He would also have said that there were fine forwards and backs in the district, and that they had been very efficiently coached by the respective masters in charge of school sport.

. Mr added that ho would like to pay his tribut to the hard wqrk put in, not only by Mr (.'. Proctor, of the Foxton school staff, wlio was tin: coach for the runners-up, but also l.»y Mr 11. McDonald, to whom might be wholly attributed the success that had come to the Levin school on this occasion. It was only those who knew (lie out-of - school tiinie that a coach surrendered in the interests of the sport and of his lads that could appreciate the hard work done by Mr Procter and Mr McDonald and the others jesponsible for the development of primary swhool football in this district. Me had to thank the Mayor for honouring the boys' games by his presence, and the Jlugby Council 'for their conduct of the competition. He trusted that Hie result of the Shield being in the Levin school's charge for a year would be that it would continue to make for the progress of the national game. If the sport was fostered in the various districts of New Zealand to-day, then in the years to come the representatives of the Dominion as a whole would continue to advance the status of Kugby football in this countrv.

After formally thanking the ('resident and the -Mayor for the delivery of the shield, the 'Headmaster called on the Levin boys to stand and give three jolly good cheers fur the team to whom success did not come, and three more for their coach.

A rousing volley of cheers came from the boys, bringing an interesting function to a close.

Manawatu Primary School Reps. Lose to Wairarapa WELLINGTON, Last Night. Primary schools representative tennis from Wairarapa, Manawatu and Wellington met in their annua] tournament at Lyall Bay yesterday afternoon. Manawatu v. Wairarapa. The game was inclined to be rather one-sided; but Manawatu put up • a clean display and should do better when they meet Wellington. "For Wairarapa (the winners) Sigglekow, playing on the wing, scored three unconverted tries ami Williams scored one, the game ending: Wairarapa 12, Manawatu 0. Wellington v. Wanganui. Wanganui were always too good for Wellington, "whom they defeated by four tries to a converted trv.

For Wanganui Hoclson, Fromont (2) and Gordon scored. For AVellington i.idyai'd gained the best score of the match after a splendid run with the ball at his toes, -Symon's "converting. The game ended: Wanganui 12, Wellington 5. Manawhenua Juniors -* To Play Wangan-ii The following team will represent the Manawhemia junior roprosennttives in the match with the Wanganui representatives on Wednesday, 2nd August, at. 2.45 p.m.:— Full-back: i'O'j (Tlorowhcnun)• Throequarters: l'age (Manawatu),. 'Atkins (IlorowhenuaL. Seymour, (Mana.watu'i. Five-eighths: Henge (Manawatu), Hose ("Manawatu). Half: Hepburn (Manawatu). "' McKenzie (11.), Argyie (M.:). - ■Supports: *' Tavlor (H.), Vortongen ('H.V. • Lock: .Johnson CM.). Hookers: Flowers (M.)/Farrell (IT.). Kniergoneies: Backs, Smith (M.), Thompson (IT.). Forwards, Trortrr (II.), Cope (M.). The Manawhenua team will leave the Cafe de Paris not later than 12..'if) p.m.

VARSITY FOOTBALLERS BEATEN AT SUVA l'2-3 Received Sundav. r>.s p.m. SUVA Aug. IS. The Fiji Rugby Fifteen defeated Auckland University at Albert; Park by 12 points to 3. The local players were superior in all departments. The match was played in drizzling rain before 'MO 1 ) spectators, including the Governor, Sir Eyre Hutson. The teams were entertained at dinner ,iu the '.Town Hall to-night and tomorrow there |» a picnic; at Hukulau. T-ke local-team, averaged P2ibs lighter.

Shannon . 4 3 1 0 69 32 6 Hui Mai 4 3 1 0 33 30 6 4 3 1 0 37 30 6 Foxton 4 1 3 0 30 47 2 Wanderers 4 0 4 0 17 47 0

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Horowhenua Chronicle, 20 August 1928, Page 7

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DISTRICT COMPETITIONS. Horowhenua Chronicle, 20 August 1928, Page 7

DISTRICT COMPETITIONS. Horowhenua Chronicle, 20 August 1928, Page 7