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ihe meeting ol' the women oi L.'vin - and district, to bo hold tnis altcrnou'i. doubtless will give a iillip to the endeavour to raise Hindis sullicieiit ior Lho giving ol' a (jhrislma.s present t-i uvwy soldier in Samoa and Ualhpoli. Jα tlicfco two places iwaolically all tiu. Australasian forces are and the Amateur Sports Bodies whe have promoted the prcsvnunion ,iuove- ! Jiieiit iiitoud; to make gilts to the soiI diem ol other countries wlio arc m the >.'ew J'j.l proposal is an admirable one, shows ljr ;is> it does an appieciative ol tiie Bticrifices made lor the common goou hi' tho men o>l Austialasia and elsewhere who are lighting lor the lM)ipire ol' 'which avo torni a part. They axe in parlous pliglit in hostile countries with no link to bind them to their homes except loud memories an 1 Llie kindly remembrances that roaJi them from overseas. At the Ohri ;t----imi6 season the custom ol x>res\)'itgiving is univorsal. but in the ClhmmJmas eeason now imminent there will h'* special signification uttaulun<r to tho custom, and assuredly the men 'it the front should come first in our demonstrations of remembrance.

Tlio "collecting of the money for the Levin Methodist Oliurch cot for tlio second hospital ship was carried out by the members of the Ladies' Guild not the Y.M.O.A. Auxiliary as reported yesterday. A 6udd;cn, though slight, shock <n" earthquake was felt locally at 9.20 last night. Tho Taurangti liorough Ouiiucil is installing electric light in place <>i gas and has 22 cast iron gas lamps ior side at cut prices. A letter offering j tlmm to. the Levin Jjorough Conn-!I was received by the council at itrs meeting last nighfc. The letter w:>s received;, the council not needing any h'lnp posts at present. The poundkeeper's residence and t-l'.o residence of the captain of the iiro IJrigade is to lie connected with the telephone bureau by means of a party wire. The Borough Council will pay i. the cost, and it will ask the Horowlionua County Council to pay "half of the cost of the wire to the poundkeeper's resdonce. A letter was received by the Levh Borough Council at its meeting las;ni«lit from .Mr W. U. Wilson, ->/ Victoria-street. 'J'lie writer staff! therein tlnit lie understood that the council Nome years ago had promised a refund of any nio!i->y spent by resident (in asphalting the footpaths in front of their properties. The (pie- _ tion was referred to the si reels committee for report. "That in luLure, all questions concerning the i enumeration i,t council employees be first considered by tne committee of the council concerned, whose report shall be furnished to the council/' was a motion moved by councillor Robertson, jut the Borough Council meeting last night. (Joiiikjuiur JJlenkhorn isecondied t/he| /notion which Has carried, A lino illustration 01 red L.pei i'ii J iui6 been brought under our notice, ■ays the Otago Daily Times. A yoing man employed on u tar in in a district a few miles out of the city, having been logistered and passed as medically Jit, leceivod uotiiicabion hint Tuo.v iay that he was required to pr■.< c»:d ( i.o on tbe following Monday, lie immediately gave ip l-i.-. ; {)"' j t :t'ii . as iiriyiigfd with hi-; e/p' , iyi,-, iiii-i came to Dune'lm Lo 'i' ,: .:i tin. remaining few days "with his pa renin, ■wii the Wednesday lie received an ullicial paper authorising him to soca e iiis railway pa;»s to Oaiiniru, to pick up liiii company theiv. This, it may be remarked, was to be made out I rum the town nearest to the farm oa which ho had been employed. The young man, however, not desiring to lose half a day from home in travelling lo an from this railway .station, and incidentally have the privilege Oi having to pay his own fare, took the authorisation to the Dunedin railway .station. He was there informed that he would have to present his authority ' to the stationitiaster at the country township. He then went to the locul Defence office to ascertain if the pass could not be issued to him from Dune- '■ din. He. however, was again informed (hat he must travel out of the country " town to secure his pass. Meanwhile 0 Oh go is anxiously wafflng I'm- reerviN i_ t.j '•■•i;ible it to n.nke i;p its required " quotas. ii ( umc ...en wno-love Lo oi'eaii away ~ ii'uni u:c pie.-5i.-ni aikl icu.iit. iLo .seen:,; e in LU-.-r joiith, borough councillor. , -. j iiitA night lull tile ordinary prosau: bu.sini.-5S u'i llju council lor a lew niin- . aiui wandered oft deliglitedly into ~ a disciifision on tile old question ol . eons grazing on the streets. All the , old haunts weie revisited, and all the j arguniuuto were dragged forth: the ! damage to In-due.-,-, " g;u-.ieiis. fences, _ iootpatlu». roads, etc., find, by those who are in ijivoiir of closing tho . streets to the cows, a new one adduc- | ed in the laet that the chairman oi , tht) lidn.ulicnua County Council Jiad t on Saturday got his council to close . against grazing, road -the road along which he lives, but the cows' supporters did. not seem much impressed thereby. .Ur Goldsmith. who still kivp« .-! p.itcrnal eye on the council', stated that the railway nfc» 1 tion had rmg up t'ie municipal offices , several times during tm- oY:y. culling attcirticn to Hie fact that the cows were e-Mrying out cxj)lcr:;t : ohts in the station yard. The j'.-nT, , . ;.-.■ .>:>i;ils ' -were e;iiiip-.>ll. d by lav; L:- k;v;i the gates eji.-n, and if a cow get oil tin- ■ railway line it would be bad for th> - cow--and 'the council. it was stated that soin<o stock from the vicinity of the station had boon impounded in the i course of the day, and councillors got i back to tho point they had started . from, a discussion on telephones oj- > something. Jii i\ Y\ . VjiukUlUiLJl toOA UIU Opp'JilluiiLy Uilv-1 LUC l>uCo(igu -OUliilw.l 1 concliuioJ us iiigiu, lo say ' guuit-ijyc 10 LilO MMlilUOlii ul tilts COJllcd unh which he has soveiud lus uiii- ' cial I'otiiK'cLioii. iie said 1 uuiing liie ten yeara tiiat lie hac ueeu 1 iii Uio council's service Jie never nau ij;ul iiu uniiiiiti lrojii a oouneiilor. Ll« served Jiis connection with very niixjdfeeling. He was bettering himself, but hti had regrets all the same. iie thanked them fyr their Kindness and consideration they had shown him. lie hoped to take an interesi in the progress of Levin as long as ne lived, lie again thanked them for their niaay acts of kindness, and was proud Oi having been connected with the council, in conclusion he congratulated Mr Gardener on being appointed to tiu> position of Town Clerk. Tt was not. exactly the saino sort of position as mayor, but it was one in which a great deal of useful work could be done (applause). Tea and cott-ee and light refreshments provided; by Mrs and .vliss Goldsmith, then wore handed around , and greatly enjoyed by the councillors and .they passed , a vote of thanks and appreciation to Mm and Miss Goldsmith. DYSENTERY. Dysentery or inflammation ol the bowel or intestine is of more frequent occurrence during tlie summer months., It can be checked ff Chamberlain's Oolic and Diarrhoea Remedy is taken according to the printed directions on each bottle. Chamberlain's Oolic and Diarrhoea Remedy is invaluable in J! medicine chests. Get a. bottle to-day- ■ i. will save muck suffering.' < 1 *f £ **"

The .National Reserve throughout the dominion now has a membership of 30,000. .. It is understood (says the Otaki Mail) that the Levin Building Society t will bo shortly terminated, on account of unforseen circumstances arising. The books have been "called in. M.ns W. 11. Field has consented to open tho Church ol England bazaar, to be held in Levin on Wednesday and Thursday, 21th andi 2uth instant. Mr 11. Walker,, who iolt Levin ui •May last on a trip round tho world returned home yesterday. An Oleo sparking-plug for a motor cycle has been left at The Chronicle oiiice to be claimed by the loser. From three Koscommon rams imported from England as lambs a little over a year ago, Mr .John Davios, oi Ivoputaroa, has cut three remarkaoiy (ine fleeces. The rams aro now only eighteen months old, yet their fleec «.s, shorn this month, weighed- Sllbs, li'ilbs and L'UJlbs respectively. 'J. he latest machine do vised lor making pies io, i-t.vs tiio'"'- »ioiM's \Vork, .iperated i»y a loreiiiau and six asssistiiits, am.! it id turn out 181)0 pies au Hour. Ih' machine is provided witn iS lvvolvi.'ij, pie noldei-s, which inovo around an oblong table or platform, , iwo crust rollers, one lor the lower and the other for the upper crust; a sot oi .our automatic moistening brushes, and a pie-trimming wheel. Hie six. operators of the machine place the crusts, lid the pics, and remove them from trie .able when the operation of moisteniag and trimming has been automatically completed. .Successful anniversary services were conducted at the Levin l'resbyterian Church on Sunday last in connection with the Sunday school. The ltev. jiowden Harris, ot I'aliiatua, occupied liie pulpit for the three gatherings, his . i.ddresses being appropriate to the octasion. The Church was nicely decorated and the singing oi special "banner" hymns which had been in couno o!' preparation under the.baton of Mr if. 1. , ;. Keys, addedi the necessary '.•lightness befitting functions of thrs nature. The scholars will assemble at '.30 p.m. to-morrow (Wednesday) tor the annual soiree, and at 7.30 p.m. ihe meeting will be tlTrown open <o parents and friends. A program ot music, songs and recitations- has been .-•rranged in which the children will take part, and not the least interesting item will he the presentation of lie rewardi books for the past year's work'. Parents and friends are exlondod a hearty invitation to attend. A bv-vcro LnundeiisLurni craslied ovi-. , . , i'oiiuiuurii \ alley and i'almei"sti;u .-.ortli snuiLiy alter noon on Monday, .uid the rain iell in sheets. The ceii'i'e oi the diUiurJjanco was in iolioiiiuu \alfey, towards the hills., llio jwaiiip.i ruse iwpidiy, and near tdie iuiluay line about Liiree niiieti lr«)a ; ukomaru Jailway station the wafciir •as up to ihe top wires ol the itiucos .a the low-lying parts oi the awainp. ovcrilowed everyuhero, and many paddocks were submerged. Ttie liaxinill paddockii were in tho nuiiMw; at one mill the bleaching tias was and the waters laving tho Daee <ii a .-jcack of da-essed Jiemp that wits awaiting the carter on a. knoll. Aboit a quarter-of-a-inilo to the north ot ' railway station the floou washed away the ballasting of tho line, and when the Nuw riymoutli man train ran into Palmerston the railway ullicials anticipated that there woulu b ; a delay o[ an hour and a half as i-okomaru to await completion ot retail's. However, the tettlers put m splendid work, and when the express reached Tokomarii it wa.s found, that tho washaway had been repaired, and '.ne '•N'pri'.ss got thiough absolutely without delay.

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Horowhenua Chronicle, 16 November 1915, Page 2

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The Chronicle PUBLISHED DAILY LEVIN. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1915. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR SOLDIERS. Horowhenua Chronicle, 16 November 1915, Page 2

The Chronicle PUBLISHED DAILY LEVIN. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1915. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR SOLDIERS. Horowhenua Chronicle, 16 November 1915, Page 2