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fin S * l.s I i'.RN A IIONAL > . I JJIJLi INTERNATIONAL i. Two Point Sell-he.uuig SAD IRON j 1 The latest invention in benzine ap- ] pliaitecs. Easily adjusted and always to be trusted. Il robs ironing-day el ail its nerveracking. mii.sclc-slraiuiiig disagreeable- | ness. The International Iron is absolutely J .safe. If a iter ten days' trial from I date ol' delivery you are not satisfied your money refnmlc ■- The operating expose of the International Iron is the cheapest known method, to the civilised world: four hours for 2d. lam now booking orders for the first shipment arriving shortly. Send in your order by mail and 1 will give you a demonstration at .your home or send you lull particulars b> post. A demonsi ration will also be given at Mr Broome s store. Weraroa. , every Saturday afternoon, fro in 2 p.m. j; till -1 p.m. [ ,T. M 'MILNE. i Weraroa. LEViN. [ Representative N.%. 1. 1 armors' I)i.>lrib nting Co.. Wellington. 268-1 m \VANT r *Q KNOWN. ISofort! ritiiiUrtij* ouushJl' tow il t'.vcrv woman requiring a first,-class riding ■skirt should first visit \Y. -M. Clark's Oxford-street, Levin. When you see the style, make and quality o tClark's now riding skirts, at a lowev price than out sine stores, you will give Clark's your bus'uosa. — Advt. BBwaMgwi-fiagaaa HUH r JitwaaW Public spunivL-." singers should never he w iLiioiit pioieetiou for the throat against chills. Spec li est relief for hoarsenttss and soreness. Is fid bovtlo contains 6C doses. Advt -7 AND GOUTY AFFECTIONS. ,2y " Origin.") diiuatural retention of uric acid an.l :tiler urinary and biliary poisona in u e blood produces a grouy of com pmints uliich mtliet upon humanity ; u ;i; continued suffering and inteiiße oaie. 'i fie most cummoii of these amipluiiiu are rheuniutiein, gout, luiu icij;.., tciatiea., and neuialgia. The kidi,.'..- and are tile oigaiih upon v. i'.ic.i uatuie lias imposed tfie task oI c.\tiacting liom the blood coitaill lliutici which is being continuously liianu iactired in the body, owing to the •A.-stiiij; of the tissues. It is as ne cc.'saiy to life that the wasting of the lusacs must pioceed uuniteii us iL it that the substance of tinbody must be lugularly lenewed by iht l'ood we eat, the water we drink, and th'j an v, e tu eathe. It is equally lie cessary to health that the waste mattei should be e\pellt.'d fioiu the body coutinuuusly, for its presence in the blood entails disease or death. The tieamunt of riiouinatic aud fcouty affections by the outward ap plication of liniments, ointments, anil embiucations is seldom pioductive o) ! much lasting benefit. They may ttf ford temporary lelief in some cases, but they do nut reach the seat of the i disorder.c The only way m whicli health can be permanently restoted and pain permanently removed is lo cake measures to ensure the icgulai action of the kidneys and the liver. When these organs are performing their allotted task naturally and freely, the unc acid and other urinary and biliary poisons pass fioin the systo'i) through the ordinary channels, and any suffeiing caused by the presence oi such poiions in the blood is at hd end Owing to its specific action, War uer's Safe Cure every moment during the past thirty years has been demon strating its remarkable power of restor ing ths kidneys and liver to health and activity. Complaints diagnosed as Brighl's Disease frequently have been cured by Warner's Safe Cure, whilst rheumatism, gout, gravel, stone, bladdei troubles, indigestion, biliousness, anae tnia, impure blood, and all dieordere caused by the retention in the system uf urinary and biliary poisons, speedily yield to the influence of the medicine, simply because of its healing and stimulating influence upon the kidneys and the liver. Curee thus effected are permanent, simply because they aie natural The action of Warner's Safe Cure is described in detail in a treatise which will be sent, post freo, to any one on application to H. H. YVarnei and Co., fid., Australasian Branch, Melbourne. Warner's Safe Cure is sold bye chemisti and storekeepers every where, both in the original (ss) bottles and in the cheaper (2s 6d) " Concentrated," alcoholic form ; each con uining the nme number of doses - aang-—iwtßgKDM'' jlou may liavts an attack of diarihoaa, dysentery or puius in the stomach one ot these days and it will be well to remember the name of a medicine that wili relievo you. Say it slowly— Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. What will ho still betterbuy a bottle to-ilay; it will ba Is 3d. well invested. Sold everywhere. Advt 1 am a tiootmukei. ' vvtitos VI r Frederick -Miller, Groat cviug Street. North Dunedin, N. Z. "and ioi ::;any years buffered irom terrible )iea*itM&<!£ a.nil irregularity of t-iio uowels due vo my .sedentary life. After taking jnu box of Chamberlain's Tableta 1 <vugreatly benefited and they soon otk-uv.-d my cure. Upon the slightest evmpto i's of coi'jstipatioii 1 take two or ',br-'e tubiete which sot me;)■ * "ily lieart 16 stutl'ed with r joldl'' The hou.sowile who wishe.s to make ■ j success of pickling onions, caulillowoi i beetroot and' other vegetables, should | use Sharland's Halt .Vinegar. ! This excellent and popular vinegar | is brewed from malt and sugar and j conforms to the requirements of the j Food and Drugs Act. It is undoubtI -odly the most wholesome and most ? palatable vinegar in New Zealand. | Sold in bulk and bottles. Aak youi i grocer for Sharland's Advt j .V'liy don't you get ".\azol"H A | lev whiffs os this honesr spee:he i "through a. Nazol Inhaler will effect i i speedy relief. Is t>d buys 60 doses— j .Advt-7 j GET VERF WEAK. ! "My boy Jack was very bad wit!- ■' diarrheoa," writes Mrs. M. Lee, Forbes [ N. S. W. "for quite a fortnight he 'ss [. ill and got very weak. My husbtnd/ I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's I Remedy and to our buprise one lose , completely cured him. Bold everywhere. Ad«rt,

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Horowhenua Chronicle, 30 March 1915, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Horowhenua Chronicle, 30 March 1915, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Horowhenua Chronicle, 30 March 1915, Page 4