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| Wellington Rugby Union's senior j championship games, last Saturday, | resulted as follows; Athletic Petone Oriental .12, Melrose 0: Wellington L'L Victoria College 5). About !•)() employers carrying on business in Wellington and suburbs. Levin. Otaki. Palmerston North, I'Vilding, Rongotea, Ashhurst and Masteiton have been cited by the Wellington Drivers' Union in connection with its claim for a now award. The dispute will be considered by a conciliation council which is to sit in Wellington on August 14th. -New Zealand Times. At a meeting of the Fox ton Borough Council on Friday. Mr G. H. Stiles, formally tendered his resignation as Mayor, on the ground that owing to the recent fire he had boon placed in a position which did not warrant him in continuing his duties as Mayor. His business had been disorganised, and it would mean months of hard work to reorganise it.

The cricket match, Austra'ia v. Derbyshire, wa.s drawn. Australia made 123 and 137; Derbyshire 74 and 82 for five wickets. Lancashire defeated South Africa by 293 runs. The Czar spends more on his clothes than any other European monarch. The bill of his civil tailor is £'2000 a year, and that of his military tailor .£3OOO. His top hats cost him Co, and every year he gives £500 for a fur coat. He never gives less than L'l2 for a suit, and never wears it more than three times. Compared with him, the Kaiser is quite shabby. His prices for a suit is at most C 7 10s. and he will \Vear it thirty times. King Haakon spends no moiy on a suit than the average .Norwegian grocer. ■Weak-house, JJroadstairs, famous as the residence of Charles Dickens, who wrote "David Copporfield"' and other novels there, was sold recently. There was very keen bidding, and eventually the property was Keen red for C3(K) by a Surrey doctor, who intends to occupy the place. has been in the market tor many years, and unsuccessful «f----torts have been made to dispose of it during the past tyo years. Wilj kie Collins resided there for some time, and Gladstone was one of the I anions visitors. The house, which is very picturesque, stands in a prominent position on the cliff overlooking tho i.mvn and harbour. It hat- charming gardens, and is well known to visitors at li road-stain?. file party system was discussed at the Xew Zealand Farmers' I"nion eonloroncf at Wellington on Saturday, when foil behalf of the Auckland I'nion) .Major Lusk moved: • "'I hat this conference considers that the lime has come when tho present 'party system' should bo superseded by some form of government by elective executive, as being a form of government calculated to moiv truly carry into effect the views of the electors, and tending to eliminate from the politics ol this dominion tho many evils which have grown up around the party system. ' Incidental to tin* discussion Mr Richards fl.evin) said that he did not think the conference had had time to consider tho matter. Me suggested that- it .should be referred to the provincial conferences. The motion was carried by 13 votes to 0. the suggestion that the matter should bo referred to the Provincial Conferences being lost by 12 votes to 10. . 1 he alarm ot the French economists and sociologists at tho continued decrease in Ihe French birth-rate is still giving to suggestions for legsilatiou which are odd Is - reminiscent o) the Iloinan Empire. The latest would-be reformer is the famous economist. Paul I.eroy-Heaulieii. writing in L'Economist Francais. Mis reasoning is simple. Parents who bring two children into (lie world are merely doing their dufv. and no more, as (hey but leave two citizens to lake the place of two. Hut with three children (he claim ol 1 he parents- to a State recompense grows perfectly clear. For them, however. M. I .el'ov-Hea ill l<Mi rejects the generally adopted scheme (if a t"ity of C-.'ii. lie would make the parentage of three children an a isolulelv essential condition to State employment of any kind. (),l '. v "Ira 1h • (M „( candidates Ul 'h this iM'iI■ 'i "it■ >n js exhausted should civil , .in piny men I in tho Gov-

eminent s"i'vii-,> I". 11n ipeu. Tile pl'opos: I is :«it >st exact revival ill 'Hl*' , I !he Allgaslail laws. Tt, Would probably n>eef trill, exactly tile same measure o| MU'cess.

Ilic leathered pests are laying a ■"•eriiiii- 101 lon ihe young plants tbat are bur-ting through the ground 'says Hie T.ytielton Times'). Oii(i larmer stated recently that (he serio",- dep: cd en the part of the birds v.Mr,< :":<i]ilv fJi;,-1 | () prolonged >■ 1 and eobl weather, and to the o\t reini' ,-f>ll ness <,j" the ground. v. hie!) enabled the plants be p i!!< !up with ease. Another farmer, in reply to ,7 question as to the effect oi the continued wet weather on the country generally, said that while the conditions had seriously retarded the carrying out of farm worlc it would have n good oflect in largely contributing towards tile extermination of parasites in the soil. Mr Tin lit, of T/lgin, who is a practical farmer of over forty years' standing, said tbat he had noticed tbat the soil, being so full of moisture, had compelled the grass grubs, worms, and other caterpillars in the grub stage to come to tho surface of the ground in millions. Tie added that (he grubs were dead, or appeared to be. and dead or alive they fell a prey to seagulls, martins, and starlings, which were hovering over his field iri large numbers. "Tn my opinion," concluded Mr Html. tlie prolonged term of wet weather which we hav ( > been subjected to during the past four weeks will confer an inestimable boon on the country. and will more than compensate foi the ineonvenlence and expense fanners have had to bear."

Among the merchandise hold of tin; Titanic as she bottom <>f t]i c ocean are: ware, 25,000 pieces; glass, pieces; electroplate, 20,000 plates and dishes, 21,000; 5000 pieces. Numerous Human graves boon discovered on the site of tho extension ol Chester Infirmary. The place is believed to have been the IV .1 \ ova i d o| Mie 20th Legion during the Roman oceiipation. Sandals, pottoiv. and other remains have also been found. Green food is most essential to the well-being of the young chickens. Where poultry keepers have ' "o grass runs, they should sow let- | trice seed, or mustard and cress, | barley, oafs or wheal in .shallow | boxes. df well watered, and tho seed wnvii on successive days, a continual supply of green foods .should be obtained, which will help much to keep (lie young birds in health. A committee of experts have recently valued the ,Shah's cutlery and kitchen utensils at £.'5,000,000. It is probable that no other Court not even that of Spain, has such elaborate pots and pain- as tho Persian. I hey are all gilt on the side and the plainest that are in | use in the kitchen are of silver oiilv. the kitchen salt and sugar canisters are oi massive silver, hut the spoons and fork's. plates and dishes, are ot solid gold, while tho majority ol the knives have handles encrusted with precious stones.

I Ik- present high prices ruling for i abbii,skins have developed in this district, quite a number of trespassers who roam over the country with dugs ami guns shooting bunny for t he skin.s (says the Cromwell Argus). A much more despicable llieft was brought under our notice last week, in frepassers going over poisonous •-'round an<l skinning the dead rabbits where tlicy are most plentiful, thereby robbing the workmen, who are paid at so much per skin. The police department should send out a private detective to deal with this class ol theli , as a term of imprisonment would no doiihi. effectually stop flii' practice.

kittle by litll o the details of tilt; elect ion light in Japan are coming to h;iikl from iho provinces, and it must li,. allowed that: the crop of scandals is lar smaller than ever helore. At tin- same time there have lieeii regrettable incidents. At Wakamatsu an alfair of qnito an ex-'' iraordinary nature took place. Mr K.tisahn, a iSei-yu-kei calididate. loft tin stone unturned to obtain his linn I success. After the postal oilieialf- to hold up all correspondence intended lor his opponent. lie corrupted the police into arresting as many oi [he enemy's canvassers as possible on charges oi' illegal treating. On the day of the election lie armed his own canvassers with revolvers and held up the polling hootliN. his minions using HOI it le persuasions to see llial all electors voted straight. .Mr Kusaha was returned by ;i considerable majority. I lie curiosity ol the public ua.s amusingly relerre<| to in a letter received l iv the lu'initcra I'oad Hoard on .Monday night ii'oin the driver ol the Hoard r- steam roller, wliicll Is al present lent lor sonic work at Kin,island (says fh t . New Zealand Herald). Ife .suggested I hat us the Hoard intends to put a hood oil the engine, it .should put some inscriptions on (be side of it. Ho suggested that the name of the Hoard, the weight of the roller, what the machine coist, the charge for hiring il. and any other information the Hoard might think fit to give to the ratepayers n f Tvingslnud, should he legibly set out. This would .save him a great deal of time and trouble which was now absorbed in answering quest ions every day. The Hoard met the driver part way, not m order to answer questions hut for its own purposes, and deckled to give the name of the Hoard and the weight of the htoani roller pa in fxxl on the hood.

A remarkable scoue was witnessed at a moving picture entertainment in the Mackenzie Town Hall on Sattirday night, says (lie Cheviot News. J lie engine used for driving the electric <lynain<) was placed in the •supper room, adjoining the main ball, nnd the Anne.s from the petrol gradually permeated (lie whole building. All went well until after tin; interval, and tho first indication of anything being amiss was at tho close of flie "Unelc Tom's Cabin" series of pictures, and the death of Uncl G Tom. Then a lady fainted, nnd wa.s carried out. Thinking the pathetic scene had been too much for her nerves, liftle notice was taken of tho incident. Presently, howover, she was followed In- another, and vet another, until the earrvingont business developed into a regular procession. Rome recovered" on leaching the fresh air. while others collapsed and were taken into adjoining houses, where restoratives jivoro used to bring them round. Children wore affected differently. Overpowered by tho noxious «as they fell asleep and curled upon tbe floor. Strange to sav. only one side of tho ball was affected. Altogether, fully twenty persons either fainterd or were taken out of the building in a stale nf collapse. The News has authority for stating that snob a filing will not happen again, as itt future the engine will be plnecd outside tbo building.

•lust a little Hiit'ozing, •lust a little chill; •Just a lot of medicine. •fust a. nasty pill. Just a week of coughing, Still no chance of euro; But if you'd bought Woods' Peppermint, You'd now be well I'm sure.—Adt Jufit to hand, a big supply of Violet Oatmeal Soap, the dainty soap that everyone likes, and only 6d a tablet. At C. S. Keedwell'e Pharmacy.- - Advt, Two giineas for tour Hupp oF poetry! Read Tonki rig's l.insxsd Emulsion intimation every snturlay amongst news items.

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Horowhenua Chronicle, 5 August 1912, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Horowhenua Chronicle, 5 August 1912, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Horowhenua Chronicle, 5 August 1912, Page 2