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The Olaki sub-committee repotted to the general hospital committee of the Hospital Hoard yesterday that XuiM , Lewis, who was appointed li.v the department for native work, took up lu'i- duties at Otaki on March Bth. S!io reported having made 111 visits in the Otaki district up to April 13th. and that she had been very well received fiy the natives and was -enjoying her work amongst them. New Zealand Times.

The German Emperor charmed the engaging young French actress, .Millie. I'ievost. who recited to him at the French Embassy in Berlin recently. lie told her that everything was delightful in France, particularly Paris and the South. ''Then why does your Majesty want to declare war on us, it your Majesty is so fond (»)' us? asked the actress.

"I want to light your . Nonsense; ask your Ambassador, and he will tell you in the dash of interests between our two peoples we have always most Miieerely sought only after peace."' The Emperor bestowed on Mdlle. Provost a bracelet of sapphires. rubies. and pearls, the three colours of France.

The ready wit of the late Efigene J , '. Ware, author of '"The. Washerwoman's (Sony", aml other poems, is shown in the following story: He was giving ji dinner at his home in Kansas City, the place to which ho had retired alter -he had resigned From the oliice ul' Pension Commissioner at Washington under I'resident Koosevolt. The gnosis Avcro e(|iially divided between Missour-i-ans. from tin, , twin city across the line, and Kansas. .Said a Missoiirian : "You Kausans liave always your brass hands going and your flags flying. We from Missouri don't like your assertivoness. Tell me, what have you decided about the lion, for instance; does she set or does she sit?" "We don't bother about things like that," flashed Ware. "What concerns us when she cackles is, has tilie laid or lias she lied."

! Drug-smuggling into prisons can be managed without bribing tho I warders. The Sing Sing (New York) authorities noticed lately that 'embossed pieiure postcards were suspiciously popular among prisoners I riends. It was noticed that some of them were suspiciously heavy, and the mutter was referred to the wardon. He slit one of the embossed cards with a penknife, and found that it contained a dozen "shots" of morphine. "Wo hare to watch for bulges in' postage stamps," the warden remarked. "A postage stamp, as many of the prisoners have learned, is large enough to shelter a "shot" of morphine." There is profit in the trade, for the market price of six "shots" of morphine is one dollar outside tho gaol and two dollars inside. Two guineas for four lines of poetry I Bead Tonking's Linseed Emulsion intimation every. Saturday amongst news items.—Advt.

At the Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening Rev. A. C. llander6on will preach on "The Drift from the Sabbath."

At the Christchurch competitions yesterday, Mr Byron Brown, of Otaki, was third in the men's recitation, and Master W. Brown was first in recitation for boys under 15.

The position at Wiailii remains unchanged. A labour agitator from Thames arrived at Waihi in the afternoon, and delivered the customary socialistic harangue.

Rev. A. C. Randerson will conduct .service at Koputaroa at -.30 o'clock on Sunday lafternoon, taking as his subjoct "The Bible—Lost Treasures.' ,

A private <at the Treiithaiu territorial camp complained to the Ser-ge-ant about the cheese that had been served to him. The sergeant demurred but the private persisted. "It's eating my bread, ,, he said.— Freelance. A movement is afoot in Shannon to have the .Shannon Land and Sawmilling Company put into liquidation. A special correspondent who sends us this information suggests (humorously, no doubt) that as a first step iti the proceed inns a search party to lind the assets should be organised.

Special services in connection with Young People's Day will be held at the Century Hall to-morrow. The Rev. T. F. Jones will conduct the morning service, and also will conduct a liriidit, brief service for the children in the afternoon. The evening service w ill lie conducted by M.r Snowball, late of Mjisterton.

A teacher was giving a lesson on Elijah's contest with the prophets of Baal. " And why," he asked, "did Elijah pour water over the altar and the bullockH" This was a poser, but a little boy at the back put up bis hand tentatively. "Well. Tommy, an<l what do you think ;; "Please sir," replied Tommy, "to make thegravy."

The Uev. 1). C. Halt's wires:--I' indications eire for strong westerly winds with .southerly tendency, lint probably backing again, and increasing for extensive westerly storm area, due in tin , .south .Sunday evening. Expect unsettled and cloudy weather, with rain generally. Barometer rising temporarily in the south, but Falling again soon. Once at .Sandown I , ark race lnoetinjr King Edward was wearing a bniwn Ilombiirg bat, and to the extreme embarrassment of in the enclosure, where his .Majesty was standing, a nigger minstrel not far off struck up that popular ditty: "I See You've Got Your Old Mrown Hat On." The King turned to his friends with a .«inile. "Oh, come!" he protested. "it'.> comparatively new! -. Levin Y.M.C.A. Debating Society i.s liopeful of having a .successful session this year, and a good syllabus i.s in preparation. Arrangements are being made by the Y.M.C.A. executive for a vi.sit to Levin by Mr Peacock, the Australian organiser, Mr l'<'iio<jek will deliver an address in the Century Hall on Tlnii>diay evening next, ;md if time permits, the occasion may b; , made one for a general debate.

An enthusiastic supporter of "Tin , Competitions'' has sent in the following paragraph :■•■ " Wlint is Friday. June 7? A Sainf.s Day or a public holiday? It might lie either: but its chief interest for Levin lies in the fact that on that day entries close for the grand iniisic;il and elocutionary competitions to lie held in the Century Hull early in July. Heavy entries ;ire promi.sin'j; from outside, and Levin (simply cannot submit to be surpassed. Competitors, gel busy and send along your entries In the .secretary. Mr J). P. I'olteous. I'nst Office, l^'vill."

A shooting •outrage occurred nwir the village ol Orannmi^ , . in County (Jahvay. A party of six men. who had attended a ■hurling inatrli, left (Jort for (Jalway at 9 oYlork. When within liia 11' a mile of Oraiimore they were fired at from both sides of the road, and all the persons on the car. with the exception of the driver, were wounded. Two of the men art! stated to have been seriously injured. The driver whipped up his horse and galloped into Oranniore, where the matter was reported to the police. So far no arrests have been made.

The following fixtures says the MaiWMV.'itu Time*, have been <lra\vn uj) in coiinection the Manawatu Hunt:-Wednesday, M«y 29, Levin; Thursday, March W, Otaki, Friday, May 21, Waikauae; Monday and Wednesdrty, May 27 and 29, "Wellington: Saturday, June 1, Moutua; Monday. June 'J, Raiigitikei Line, Palmetston Xorth : Wednesday June •"). Kiwitea ; Saturday. June 8, Hiniilanffj; Wednesd<iy, June 12. Fit/.herbert East: Thursday, June 13, "Waikanae or Otaki; Saturday, June Lj, Levin; "W<'dne.sday, "June 19, Kiwitea : Saturdciy, June 22, Jnckeytoini or To Matai; Friday, June 28, Kairanga.

Shortly after tho wreck of the P. and O. liner Delhi, which had such

disastrous consequences for the Koyal household, an inventor, who has been almost worsted in the struggle with AVhiteball, wrote to Queen Alexardra, pointing out that if the uufortunato vessel had had on board a recording instrument of his, it was likely that shallow water would have boon discovered in time to prevent the stranding. Queen Alexandra despatched a messenger to the south-east district of London, where the inventor resides, and caused inquiries to be made after his welfare, and as to tho pro.s|)ects of the patent. Next day a £.") note followed. Since then an investigation has been made by a representative of the Admiralty, and there is reason to believe that the matter will be taken up.

Twice as powerful as Carbolic Acid, yot convenient and safe to handle: "Universal Liquid Disinfectant" answers all the requirements of the dairy farmer, poultry keeper or householder. _0t)o twicupfill to throe gallons of water produces apleasant and effective disinfecting fluid. From 0. S. Kocdwcll, Dispensing Chemfct.—Advt.

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Horowhenua Chronicle, 18 May 1912, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Horowhenua Chronicle, 18 May 1912, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Horowhenua Chronicle, 18 May 1912, Page 2