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Mf\ mf\ T> jTN AT? A CrTf \\T K lmo J" st opened up a Special Line of Men's Trousers, which Vj JL v/ Xi I -y XI- -*•**/■*• * wo wei '° luck y to eeoure at a very low figure, and we intend to i wu n laid '" V/l give our Customers tho benefit of this purchaso at QS. fH). PAIR. ► __ NEEDS ' Those aro an exceptional bargain, soino being at least 6s below SOLOMON 80LWNOW. < a PRACTJOAL MOTOR MECHANIC ia always on the Premises, and Usua i pr i ce , „ Tfrirrr ii mjitrii and Jultrt ifrrrt ' ■£*• we are in a position to cope with any claes of Motor ltepaire at tke action of intend iiitJiw, j the Shortest Notice. —— ■ * *ki thtre *" ncWf^ <> Benen©, Motor OMa aad Grease Stookod, in quantitioa to suit large * Solution e^"<f IM,<r j or amell bayore. ALSO a Grand Assortment of Ladies' Nary and Tweed Jackets, full " RUB IT AM ****** for eftmal °* **" lmi CallS ° n th ° Markot, . • 'ongtli, Newest Styles and Up-to-date. "UW i Wβ hare several second-hand Cars for immediate sale, ranging m Om . gpecia] p rice . g This & rar<s opport . unity to se . ► LONG AND STROMA. _ pri«o from £50 to £200. euro a good Coat for J.l/O Winter at a very Low Figure, ► It will relieve tb* inflanmithwi being about ono-third of usual Prices. Co mo and See these I quickly, and wil! positively em U AXTCTI/T? cuts, skin diaam, n4m GENERAL M. ENGINEER. m , , . ~ •ITI • * Blankets at Special Prices. scrap of h. All Classes of LATHE WORK and ENGINEERING undertaken and ► The old tlmo-t««t«f 337-t.o. ESTIMATES GIVEN. h L ► Remedy, nothing to fo4 r - SolOmOn SClytkW | OH, YES: \ The WALKLEY'S -ax «. SMART "" SK '™ Na EraK " "BAPER. LEVIN. ► Chemists,ec port fm femi UiTiniyi ► so..™, s**. Nri*r, JERSEY PICTURES. ~ ~~~ WIiUMTW. __ m A A A Ay SU ITS Direction - - ". E. Schlager. THE j -xk. ««*«»>»».». *Z X T *?*' •* EVERy s ™';,rr ESDAY ROYAL ARMS j TENCE " pi APS to match go with AND SATURDAY. ■■iwm—■ ,~, ~ „„.„,. „.„„„.. „■,.,. ■. ■■-■ ■■■ ■ - I \ ' vy these beautifully MATINEES- ! b tho name of the boot written by warm aud rfeofc 4tting Saturdays and Holidays at 2.30. ; Professor V,. T. Mill., for ishoee g uite# EVENING PRICES: 6d and Iβ. *& ; who want ui one volume * guide to f Fhe Colours: Reseda, Matinee Pricee: Children 3d, Adulte tho 60c1.11, economic and industrial Brov/Q> N and Creanij TEST t| T*-» #O? dPfe*! 7 JEK 11 59 problems which confront the whole are goodj wbilo iho prico JK»^JL «UPJL -JC3a.-B.JL eirilised world to-day. Written for for the wllolo outfii is ouly Complete Change each Evening. I fitudonte m plain language, careful- g 3 Completo Ohango each Evoniug. , ]y annotated, aud with test % ue* An inno7at ion this eeaeon is . , xr _- _. ~r^^ytions at the end of every chapter, it the Jersey Suit with a Music Supplied by " Joe" Kears- \A/ I 1 I IK H Y is an ideal volume for the purpose, Sailor Collar and .cut after ley's Orchestra each Evening. V y XXXk^/XVJ—J JL 1 and has been used Ba a text book by tho stylo o{ ' tho Tcmic g uii - toachei* of 26conomi«i throughout __ all W)IoUM from m M Gir . nn|^r/>| the English-speaking irorld. The per Suit OIIAIII^VX T ol- 6 t,;:TJ.r Ho,ders o{ aI Warrants grows at the unirensal eaaonti of brot ground whieh it «ever. f uifl fee And one session only: MONDAY and CifiCe lß^7 dearaea. whiok «h. IAD iSr ninDPI WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS. lO^/. methods of the WMter in Itodling iVI I LLAR Ot» blUttbl, BRASS B \ND in attendance every —-—-■ M th 6 * OePMt THE GRE AT OUT- Wi aybvening. Ba ; :^stru gg ie f orE X i s^( .on FITT]2RS> Ha « Available for any Entertain ETCHINGS, HANRINS aild Co., Ltd. rpHOAipsox's Hu'jn arcade, pkimenrtoi*, North, ments Every Thursday. - 1 - LEVIN. 298.3. WBBAROA A ND LBVIN. mmm "'" *""" ■■—■J ___.. Telephone No. §. Telephone No. 7. I """ ji) on 't Wholesale Agents. DON'T GET WET. Oet : I _- iwet. TWO pOOD | INES. 1 I Swo uooD Lines. B There's no woHoMjr in the ohancee in this ciiulate to save a ■■■—MiMMMMwri mtmMt , MMJlim g am^^.JM^^ B little money. Fire mimiiee' exposure, without an : Overcoat, t-o a cold (W& I ttinUM ; ?°ut r ' T T and 'tho probability of Jggf) SSWOiCEO SAROfiHES. 3 11115 f 01* IS- ■ ruined henlth. Scm t got wet rattier than >vear- t«at shabby la&t I ,«rto.«Mi. HERRIW6S in TOMATO SAUCE, I 6ET A MEW OVERCOAT AT y#f nK „. .. ' I 11/ v^ 1 '!/' 11 ! Bd pep tin. I ULAnr\ 9 mlwpl ! haswell bros., 1. We have just opened a lot of new once in the latest materials as now Ml ■! 11 Oxford Stroet LEVIN. H worn, and inrit-e you to pay: ue a visit of inspoction. !\Ve are ehow- pm r ; • - • - ••■ ■- ■ ... ... S ing new makos never shown in Lovin. Hero we give o i'ew prjees:— IW'r '^■ ! >^W^^k wren's Waterproofs, 25a 6d, 355. 39s Gd. <tos, 555. ill \ j j. j'l Y:''M BUon'e Tweed Ororcoattfi, 21s, 3Us lid, 49s lid, 6d to 635, ; ;ji jI ) ,| t j U'S Men's Znniborino Overcoata, 6.15, 7.35, 90s. j '[ j 't I j i I .Men's Oilskin Overcoat*, 18s 6d, los, 17s Gel to 455. ii|4 IJ4 Men's Waterproof Oaavas Coate, 27s Gd, 29s 6d, 32s (3d, 35e, 42s 6d". ! j 1 j | j WM) X.8.-The rapid growth of the popularity of CLARK'S CLOTHING U\jMMBT »— —« —— —«™ —-™ —««• — —«^« —~-—w»ir—w —» n DM AKIMKM is due to sheer merit, sock your order on tho IUiH I «» -fl P^^^— RKAD If merit of our goods—the vr-orkmanship, qiiiility of lTioterinl, and the ciiro- f J<§i aI! O IjJ 2 V | p7/r~7S A\i JA\ n Htuow »j I fnl finish ami of our OVERCOATS. Wo ask you for "SLAM H Select VOUr Goods from this Book. trade only on condition that we give you better garments for your wS rJ n r* , I M „. p money tlian can be bought in Levin. Como and see the supeiior over- l! direct. I (|| * irst UOSt. { cats we' are showing and then you can judgo foir yourself. l] British made. L-™»,m.j™,|| Your Address on a j | 55 Years , Reputation, [1 PostCard wH! bring it. 1] 1] 1912 Ideal Home Decorations Catalogue. 144 pa^es _ at most intew.-stiiiy ni.-itt'.-r ix©J\. iUIJJX iijlfjrhlj£)OLl.l\l AJdOU X 1 Doii't. fcUKtTINS, lO a\Tmakcs," C AIIT S >AERICS, MUSLINS, Household LINEN, Ladies H f Ijl an j Citnts Underwear, Boots and Shoes, Costumes, Gents Clothing. i Sj I 77 U . Qui'vn s:iys ■ I'e:u'h'.s Curtains sire ('.iKtinctly chiirniiii},'." .Wu-Vi/r./: —"Wliole unicj|9 J in Hook l ; (inii." Girl* thru l\r!>cr :—" Qu.-iiity offfonds iiidis|iiitsil>!ii." Wclilaim' j ■ A 'fl ■ X J / '-rf ift _. . ijniinini.— "Kxi'cUrnt valiif. wiocs deciik-lUy low." Thousnlidsof"tf-st from ' #' 9 H /* m—P 1/ WfteJ si a4/>T al Ciistoiiirrs in ;ill jinrts of 111'.- world, μ-iuucd lliiciu.uli sheer lutril iiiid uondcrfit! viiliic. i 1 / Hi Ml Ift,, a\. 1 Wtl I O«/tf5 OVEnSEAS TABLE DAMASK PARCEL, OtfS/fi V_y XI. JL*)) hJj S tiJ -^ ,O / ,&, DELIVERED FREE DUTY PAID. J lli 2 White Tjihle Cloi'hs. G4ins. by 84ins. 2 White Damask Table Cloths, 63 ins. by « «ax !Jl 58ins. rich ScrcJl and Floral Dcsißns, lieinmed. 2 Hal( Bleached Table Clotlis. hard weaiiiiß. i m TTITI Am TTT"n r» y> ri T-»Tmii/MT.rriiT-r H W. OT i 2 Irish Cambric Tea Cloths. 2 Hjrutson.e Tray Covers. Trish embroidered and drawn H H (;1 j(# I H iF; RSh I\ t? r r i V\ CL. I'J Value «>•« Offered. £100 worth of Goods 1-rei- to Overseas Cuslohilm-s, .' J - XXXJ X JJ.AJJJXVO V/X , Xi-l X J 'jUrXiX JL I • ; ! third year of Gilts, r.dl imrticuliirs with Catiiloßuc. M A Jiny rpom Actual Mnkeis. C".ie;it Saving. Halislactiou Ciiaraiitttd. ■BUBDBiaaBBBHBBBi t«KTEBKffIE!XB9BSn mßmmMSSlMiMßßmto\mMmmagmm® SAJVU, PEACH A SONS. Ho> 638 Tlie Looms, NOTTINGHAM. England. j laomT—l *f» >»■" ran. , .^-tww —-•»•« ■■■ ■"■ i«" ■»■» ■■■■ «™» "■*■ 1 NOTICE. JOSS 1 '" ril ° Horowlicmia Chronick-" . I*\JU* I i\ BY% I J, may bo obtained daily krom— '"■'"■ ,riJ • "" " ' ■ - Mr l< , . W. J ones - ■- Lovin. Mr J. "W. Thompson - -Lovin. Have JOCV WOrk doDe WELL Mr Ken Aitkon - - Levin. and KBASO7JABLI al . .] .' .'SZ i Messrs SheargoUl & Thomas Ohau. tail •■■■«" Mr J. H. M. Andrew - Miinakau. The Chronicle. ~~~~~~~~IIZIIZ —: ' % ~- _ ' '& ■i\ U & " GOOD THING" WILL OUT e NEW STOCK AND NEW IDEAS. Pi ( ESPECIALLY 1 o. Tf LADIES' TWEED JACKETS. Wholesale «nd Retail Porttere* ; iir . bSSbsm 1S no a on S story. ■ t> %$ A H W OTO BU IiT *° 7 We were fortunate in securing a specialy good offer of 7d per lb at Wellington Station. o. a SLm. W 2 5 Smart Tweed Jackets. 10 Moleeworth Street, " 2^L r * efflmton. _ eaU gtylißh e j, apee an( ] co lours—thoreughly serviceable, X ie P r i c « i s rom 2os to 455. bJirfJjJjJLJNIx UilJc . We were offered tlieso Ooate at such a heavy concession in price that we oan clear them to you at GREAT REDUCTION, IHE A Pears, Quineosv - Peaches, Plums, Plums (Jap* j |oc^\afifi^af^n an), Aprkote, Nectarines. | Ifai^wUwOlj'lle Clean and Well Grown Trees Of the ahoYO lines, in all the leading COME AND HAVE FIRST PICK. Varieties, Small Fruits, -etc. ALSO, Rhododendrons arid Came- REMEMBER: There are only 25; they'll s<*m be gone, llias, largo plants, from 4to Sfeet Tiigh at great reductions. ... ■.i-TUS^I Ornamental, Hedge anß, Bielter rr*t_ir^r»/iIVT rHPONICLE Tree*, and other lines too nuiHerous STILES &MA I McbUfN VI ilVvrl 11 *-«■-< to mention. j ■ FWIM At Kawiu B NuPsery ? THE WHITE HOUSE „JZ_jl-~~j 533-qr. ' H< NEWPORT.; t \ " lIIIW ■

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Horowhenua Chronicle, 18 May 1912, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Horowhenua Chronicle, 18 May 1912, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Horowhenua Chronicle, 18 May 1912, Page 2